Pstcagtiliocicn. makers oe -- Vol. 18. No. 32. Da ge ee ABER 15, 1007. OUR MOTTO Buy for Cash and you will save money New Summer and Seasonable Goods ' f Men's and Boy's Suits, Pants, Overalls, Smocks, Boys' iw Clothing it Nickers, and. Sweaters. ti Ladies' and Misses Oxfords in Tan, Black and* White Child- shoes i} ren's .buttoned, : Bals, and Slippers, all new and up-to-date : Shoes, New Dress Goode Muslins,. Prints, White Waists, Hose, Gloves, Men's and Boys Braces, ete. 4 3 The Above is a!l new choice selected stock. Hl A call and a.share of your patronage solicited. Highest cash values paid for produce. iW. R. Erskine, MAIN ee STREET if ATWOOD es: , . oe oe eS eee ee eee eee --<---~------ 5 hah sebisdincemenoal omy kesseb bese eae abana Lac atanb enema ae ee To ae ET ee r 8 MR etme hn ee Cal Re tO ai A oO A IO Ne TET atl ae nt mee Hel ne Sagres! sneer eee ee ne et a SRP OME SET PTA SEN Pe S a + TERMINUS RE SSE <oE7 i : i. SOCHINGEILN : 4 Senn +: ocean | VE OPENED UP THIS WEEK 8 ge consi:mment of Full Goods, many'lines imported k E '@rect. New dress goods of all kinds at low prices and all the : ; ' : new makes and shades. 2 W ff LADIES' and MISSES JACKETS--LADIES' FUR LINED & § ee : ; COATS--FURSA-RIDERS ..1 ALLO ? ee We are showing great value in all kinds of small and large ruffs ; 1 Silks -- velvets -- dress trimmings -- shirt waists -- towling S¢ flaanelette---blankets--faney goods prints--hosiery--corsets og belts-ties--collars. - ' Ladies' underwear---we have cleared out a lot of extra values t at half pricee--next week we will offer you a 50 or 75c garment shirts or drawers at 25¢e while they last. One table full of dress goods at half price, extra value. Clothing Ready-to-Wear We want you to see our new Fall suits and Overcoats before you-huy, as we have the best goods at the lowest price--try us. e b @ Listowel, § J. M. Schinbein, "onare district last Mr. Charles of here, was. out six miles west and a valuable on the barn r James and a ud Neil, who is p in the stable r was unharness- 'she was struck d unconscious for working for iin beneath. 'The d ing the mare" and he was ¢ some tinre. He bad quite. ness in the af ined conscious- n and was able to escaped instant death is a mifacle; Fire started in the hay bik gwas extinguished through the t action of the Kerr boys, who ere unhurt. The damage to the. was slight, only a couple of posts Eeneath the stand- ard on which thé winJmill rested being splintered Crooks Swing. A-very pretty: hopse wedding trans- pired at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ge orge Crooks; =Main. Street, on Saturday moregiigy September 7th., 1907, when mf IF a.m. their only daughter, WBifieggwas united in marriage with Jax t Herbert Swing, Ediior of the Atwi 1 Bee. Promptly atthe four of eleven the groom took hissplage in the parlor in front of a finé bank of ferns and white asters, surmigunted by a wed- ding bell of thé sane, encircled by ¢ ring of myrtle, The bride pated the room to thé stfains of the Wed- ding March played by Miss Teresa Crooks, of Holmagville, and was given away dat ceremony Was"per Mr. Bond, pastor of the Methodist Yhurch, in the presence of a small company o relatives and a few intimate frends. The young bride looked charning in a becoming dress of White Organdie trimmed with Valencienne ace and carried a shower | bon: quet.of white asters. After the ceremony and congrat- ulations the ompany sat down to a very sumptwus wedding dinner to which all dd ample. justice. 'The young coup took the 1.20 p.m. train for Clitton and were given a royal send of at the station by a number of thar fiends and acquaint- ances The brile's travelling suit was exceptiomlly becoming, consist- ing of gray Pmana Cloth, with hat to match. The-presens vere numerous and costly, testifing to the esteem in which the bidels held by numerous friends. Thigift of the groom was a very handsms Crescent Brooch. Gray, Bernie & Go. Price Makers. New Dress Goods shipment of New Fall Dress Goods have arrived Listowel's Low mport them direct from Scotland, which insures, our customers goods at lowést possible prices. ' All Summer Goods clearing at big reductions. Bernie. El. '€o.- i Listowel and Owen Sound. Gray, Mr. and* Mi. Swing will tuke up housekeeping on. theif return from theirs honeyoon trip, and their numerous fynds will join 'with us in wishing the! long life and prosperity, good healthtid-every other adjunct that goes { make life worth living. [We are \ceedingly glad to extend our persol 'congratulations and best wisheifo 'the new editor and proprietor the occasion of his warriage. e trust that all the good things of limay come his way, and that healthid happiness may ever be the lot diimself and wife. We trust the wlers of THE BEE will continue t@ loyal to the paper, and give its nepropri¢tor évery reason for gratificbn, We know he will do his par,' THE | EX-Epfror.} , | _ Abouthe Newavi spapers. The Wham Advance has just 'entepad itpth year. The Advance impr age and is now one of the "ver s in Western Ontario. } Mr. D: Anderson, who. for the past fivears has controlled the Atwood | ; has sold his business to 'Mr. Swil Atwood has always had every success. Times also' entered ite (35th ice is one of our best g It. is well supported. by "tein peopf Exeter. The publisher "has 01 Rene --Advance, nipaper and we wish the], NOTICE OF MOVE TO AMEND CONSTITUTION RESPECTING SALE AFTER CALL. At the Listowel Cheese Fair held on Friday last, 9 factories boarded 1,494 boxes of cheese, as follows :--- White-- Wyandotte, 235 boxes, Aug. 15-31; Marion B., 140 boxés, Aug, 18-31 ; Rothsay, 250 boxes, Aug, 15- B1; Molesworth, 140 boxes, Aug. 23- 31; Elmbank, 116 boxes, Aug. 15-31; Silver Corner' 8, 230 boxes, Aug. 10- 31; Maitland, 116 boxes, Aug. 15-31; Avondale, 100 boxes, Ang, 21-31; Fordwich, 145 boxes, Aug, 14-8f i Cable, colored, 57s 6d. ; white, 56s Before the call, Mr. Fraser, Moles- worth, said that he found the plan of selling at thecall was a failure because buyers paid more for cheese next morning than was bid at the call, .and moved, seconded by Mr. Cleland, that_rule 10 requiring selling on call only be suspended for the day and also gave notice thut at the next meeting of the board he would move to amend the constitution by repeal- ing clause 4 of rule 10, thereby allowing cheese to be sold on fair day after the call. Mr. Rothwell said he was satisfied buyers did not bid on the call as much as they would next morning and supported._the motion to repeal rule. Mr. Ballan- tyne said there was no doubt the spirit" of the rule was being and favored repeal. Motion earried. No sales were made on the call, he best bid being 12 38-16e for Avondale. _--_ Postmasters' 'Salastes: ec NEW SCHEDULES ISSUED FOR THOSE EMPLOYED IN COUNTRY OFFICES. poStniasterd nas' nen" tindhy*pasied upon by the*Péstiitster cg hetat anh eer his department. In © future the minimom salary of a country post- master will be $35, while at present the minimum salary is $25. On the |< first S800 revenue the postmaster now gets 40 per cent. Hereafter he will get 50 per cent. On the fir t $1,000 or all over $800 and up to > 10,000 he now gets 25 per cent. In future he will get 30 per cert. on all over $1,000 and up to.$10,000. At present he is allowed 15 per cent. on all over $10,000, and in the future he will get 20 per cent, An allowance for night duty is now paid when a postmaster has to be on duty after 10 p.m. or before 6 a.m., the minimunr pay for this being $6 and the maximum $60, according to the time employed and the work done. It has now been decided to change the hours to 9 p.m. and 7 a.m., and to make the minimum allowance $10 and the maximum The present scale is 10 per cent. on the revenue of the offices for which forward duty is performed when the forwarding' is done direet, and 5 per cént. when indirect or through. another' forward 'postoffice. The new scale is 12 per cent. for direct and the same for indirect for- ward uty. Raising the Grade of the G. T. R. A construction train and a gang of men are busy this week in raising the grade of the Grand Trunk line of the Stratford branch, commencing from a point near-the Mill Street crossing and running down over the river to Main Street. The level of the bridge over the Maitland will be raised about four feet, thus filling up a hollow spot and overcoming part of a bad grade at each end of the work. By the laying of heavier steel and easing up the most serious grades the company are getting into shape to handle the heavy and growing freight nie on the line. CASTORIA Fcr Infants and Childzen fhe Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the '| period of six mouths as per Seana of the Read Tur Bee for all the of home ; Harvest has been completed, at farmers rejoice in fairly good crops. The Bee for 25 cents from th week until January Ist., 1908. Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Alexander ha gone for a trip to Manitoba and Saskatchewan. Born.--At Britton, on Monday, September 2nd, 1997, to Mr. and Mrs. A. Karges, a son. Misses Jennie and Rebéeca Lowry of New York, and Miss Richa of Ottawa, are visitors at R. Lowry's. Alexander Bros. haye secured plenty of water for Mr. N. Coghlia ~ and are now detifinng at Myr, Alexi: Maybury's. Council Minuica. 'The Municipal Council ot the Township of Elma met pursuant to the call of Reeve -- at the Agricultural Hall, ig on? Tuesday, September 3rd, 190 Members present: the Trails: Reeve Mr. Corry and Counciilors Buchanan, Cleland and Scott, the Reeve being absent on County Moyei by Wm. Scott--Wm. Cleland-- ~ that in the aiennie of the Reeve, Deputy- . Reeve Corry be appointed Reeve pro ten. --( arried. : The minutes of last meeting were reads approved and signed by the Reeve pro tem and Clerk Moved hy -- suchanan--- Wins Cleland--that the report of the Engineer on the proposed Me out Drain be now read --Carried. Moved by sm. Scott--Wm. Cleland-= that the report of the Engineer dated tha Yth day of August, 1:47, on the proposed = McCourt Drain be adopted --Curried, Moved by Robert Buchanan--Wim. Cle- tand--that the tine of the: Enginéer to > report upon the proposed improvement e: of the Hanna-'Drain be extentled a farther £ Dgsnesr. WB arried, 0. LS. et giver ae the © Rite Drain. eran Hina. --Uy nied 1 ig "Moved by Robert Buchanan--Wan € land--that the Reeve be ™istructed~ to " co-operate with the ratepayers in the -- Greig Municipal Drain with a view to -- having the same put in a proper state of repair.--Carried Moved by Wm Scott--Wm Clelatia-- that By-Law number #4 of the Township of Elma authorizing the Reeve and | reas urer of Elina to borrow from the Bank of Hamilton on the - 9 es ot the Corporation to the extent of d to meet the 'cut pon expenditure ' - wat the rate of six - ent. per annum, as now read. ® third thos be finally passed.-----Carrie Moved by Robert Bue hanan--W m., Cleland--that By-Law number 44 of the iownsbip of Etma_ for levying County, lownship, railway and other necessary -- rates for the year 1907 A.D., ag now read -- 2 third time be finally passed. Moved by Robert Buchanan--Wm, Scott--that By-Law number 536 of the Township of Eine Known as the McUourt Drain By- be provitionally adopted and that the clerk be instructec to havea copy of the said By- of the parties asseseaed Court of Revision on said By- Law be,held in the Agricultural Hall, Atwood, on Saturday the 28th day of September, }9U7, at lu o'clock a.m.,»for determining the appeals (if any) to the said Court Revision.--t arried. + Moved by Wm. Scott--Wm. C' clandas : that By-Law number 437 for levying the rates on the different School Sections and Union School Sections in the Township of -- Elina for the yeur 1907 as new reada third time be finally passed. -- Carried. Moved by Wm. Scott--Robert Kuchan- an-that Jobn © gpman be paid the sum of $200 part pas -nt on the Posliff Drain « ontract--as per Engineer's Certificate. Moved by Robert [suchanan--Wm, ~cott--that "essere. Curtis and McGrath be paid the sum of #4 0, part payment of Mth Concession Drain Contract as per Engineer's Certificate --Carried. Moved by Robert Bue a RE Cle- land--that Geo L. Griflith, C.E., be paid the sum of 36, as part. Pe ay inent on Boyle Drain report.--Carrie Moved by Robert Buc nanan Scott -that® Messrs. Petrie und Henry be paid the sum of #4 0 as part payment of contract.on the 4iilkinson Drain iss: Engineer s Certificate --Carried: Moved) by William Scott--Robert Buchanan--that Messrs. Morphy an Carthew be paid the sum of $179.97, being theamount of Vlaintifi's Coste paid b them: to "Makins aud Hanley, Mr. Clory's svliviturs, und that the same | charged to the -Logan-Maitland drain ¢ per Referee's order. --Carried. The Actounts- will be iesued next week, Holland has ~10,200- windmi which exercise: an aggregate po lequal to that of 52,200 horses. 7 area drained by each mill is on Signature ws average 310 acres.