. McFARLANE. MBDICAL D. C. Murray, M.A.,M.D., L.0.C. P ® P. & Ss. raduate in. Medicine ig sey "Univers y ot T dwate at ana Gold ig ci o omer sician at eames Howpital, Toronto. a the Bee Block . ; Reside nce at Mra. W. D. Mitchells, , | without ry of the aegre «lf Member of. the College. ef Physteiane nna "su ns art Late resider | moderate promptly uttended to. AUCTIONEERS Alex. Morrisen LICENSED AUCTIONEER for the Coun- ties of Perth-and Huron. Charges orders by mail or otherwise Atwood post-office. Wm. 'Holman ; L'¢ CENSED AUCTIONEER for the q Cgunties of Porth and Huron Nowry lation is ems | 'The. popu than capital and soon men will be Dr. Shoop's Restorative looking for work. When the harvest is over and the farm workers crowd back into the towns and cities there will propably be more men than positions and wages will tend to fall. Nor will this be an unmixed evil. Wages have been advancing so fast, and the hours of labor shortening so radically, 'that the workingman has become somewhat careless and over- confident. He has forgotten that there are two sides to every question, that wages cannot rise indefinitely increasing- tlfe. price of articles which labor produces. An era of low interest and an era of rising wages might continue together for a long period as they have done in Great Britain for the past half century. In America they run fairly well together in the more settled portions of the continent for some time. They have now parted and industrial expansion is likely to be limited for a year or two because -of the scarcity of capital. An-era of stationary or lower wages would mean cheaper manufactured articles, including lower prices for bread, milk, meat and other necessaries of life. This is the compensation which would come to the wage earner. If he has less money to spend, Lis money It begins to look as if there <ul goon be an era of declining wages.| increasing faster Let us help you.to do your Pickling We have a nice fresh stock of pele and mixed Spices of all kinds rke, Bungs, Bottles grat rings for Sealers Sealing wax in tin and stick Cc. H. McFarlane. Chemist and Stationer. Manitoba Harvest in Full Swing. OUTLOOK NOW FAVORABLE FOR SPLENDID. CROP. Reports from all parts of the pro- vince, reseived by the Government officials, show that harvesting is in full swing, and the outlook is very favorable for a splendid crop. In many districts of Southern Manitoba cutting is practically over, while in many other sections the harvest will be over by the end of the week. The wheat is ripening rapidly in Saskatchewan, and with a continua- the northern part of Manitoba and) ev A Venerable Stronghold. (By a Banker.) On an isolated hill in the centre of that garden of England, tie Isle of Wight, stand uproared in bold relief the frowning battlements, the massive round towers and ancient baations, and the medireval buitressed ram- parts of that stately Norman fortress --Carisbrooke Cusile. But long before the time of those yaliant Normans, td whom we Briiish owe so so much, Carisbrsoke was a notable fortification. Tere may still be seen the scarped entrenchments of the stin-clad British islanders, whom en the legions of Caesar found to he no mean foes. Here; with greater skill in the construction of fosses and 5 od 13 . se! } to pay the same price for inferiér goods that we ask for the high- grade, because it means a considerable Joss to you at the end of every year. Better look about you when you want Dry Goods, Shoes and Clothing, and eonvineé 'yourself that you're in the right place for yalue. We offera full stock, expertly se- lected, at reasonable prices. We might raise the prices, but we can't afford to lose public ap- proval and your trade. Our new Fall Goods are arriv- ing and in order to make room will buy more. 4 P.O., Ont. R n AH orders by mail or other wise sicnceasinmsceelll tion of the present fine weather, and of the grain in Manitoba has been lure of the Romans to defend theirt # : Sry sand a this the " probs " man has promised, } bastions, and parisaded ramparts we must sacrafice on some of = hala The Kind You in hivays Bourn grain will be ready for the bivders | | those conquering Romans could the lines we have in stock. 4 acces HU TY 0 AY i . ° : 3 hy & Cart! ine , * fearlier than will be expected. | defe nd themselves sgainst all attack. Take notice of a few of the Be or arthew ! iguature is i ixty per cent. 1 sre aft » t- : ; =: : pny 7 LA It is estimated that sixty per cent. | And here, later on, after the depart | | many specials for the coming eit Solicitors, Conveyance lepncicepenonssiaEamuelolceslIGG | : ' 'onic = Solicitor for the Bank of Ham: cut. T he principal ditt iculty now isi¢ uniry against the overwhelming | SEM ton, Mone oma, "Otis eve HOM} BOO Gallons a Day. -- [to encuie sdficent mon, particularly onslanahts of Goths and Huos.! | Dress Tweets at half- ' , in Manitoba. The h aurvesters have | great th onde of S axons BW apt over the | ere 94, B,Monrsy - J. M. Cantamw 'ELPH'S GOOD LUCK IN DISCOVERY ull wanted to go through to Saskateh- | land, driving ail before therm, anid prise 5 OF NEARBY SPRINGS, ewan and Alberta, with the-result| capturing even this aimost tmpre;-| Reg. $1.00 a ya. to clear at 50 Bizwett & Bray = that those provinces at present ha ve | nable fortregs. oe 75e gard to clear at 38 ~~ ' T Ss 4 bd Ld 3} >] > i And "1 3 } sO on 31 o nee : i ' " ae fog hor le ni es jeeo Important -diseoveries made by Sata oe needed and Mab- his walt Seacipticied hesté, can . Reg. 0c yard to clear at 25 i 1azing to the ground the crude de- | a), oo fences of the Anglo-Saxons, erects | Children's Cotton this stately and imposing castellated | . ~ Hosiery fortresa, which, alldown the centuries, | ; ; ™ me has withstood both the devastating! Hiethe Megt. Seeiee.& fn.ter Se ravages of time, and the repeated onslaughts <af: Bitter foes in the | i cofistantinternecine warfare which | Engineer Davis, of Guelph, make it alinost Certain that the city will have' an inexhaustible supply. of water in the future.. The Water Commissioners have started a-eampaign to the east of the 'city along the Speed yaltey, where 'there are numerous springs. Expert Engineer Davis' wag -engaged to take the matter m hand, and the 4 Banking" --e and Ontario Pe = Buikting Mand Loan Association. Offic . oyer Scott's Bank, Wallnce street, Listow }R. Buewerr Gro. 'Bray, B.A. A. Beautiful ~. Gontplexion SRE Se 'J. Cecil. Hamilton, BA. . BARRISTER, CONSBY ANCER Money to Loan at 47 pér-cent. « Officer Vain stroeh Listowel, rrext to Dr. i J Reg. 24¢ pr. to cldarat ......, . ~ a Grocery Department Now Revealed P Foster, dentis : : f Brapch Ofice--Main street, Atwood, over a' from time "to time decimated the! if ' ; : f the Bee Office Will visit Atwood every {| other day he commenced the wéeiring lati f the E 1 | All prepared foods at less than -- in t» Wednesday afternoon. of tl mauel mr | . | hs popu ation of thea Soglanc of those ; 4 of the springs, with the result: that ' m + we | cost. : cre te wow uch tise Waesk doubk tbat dark days of discontent and strife, | E there is ne » least doub . sta ; ' s a Dr W. A. NcDowell ity | es aa y when brother fought to death with| } Life Chips 7 cents a package "4 the city has at ws command an] jw hat beauty is more desirable than anj pyott a father wit! i . ween benitecd 7 Feuncly of t brother, and fathet with son. |. Vio T eanie a weclue Bs : unlimited source of supply of the} ax, and elegant jewels. Bink worhans ti + anh f ' HS & package ae ' G RADUATE of Ror al College of Dental wk water Only tw ca 7 ' perhaps the mosh pa refic , oO a . Be f Surgeons of Ontar purest water. miy two springs | An opportunity for every women! .j) the scenes which these hoary old Franose Biscuits 10¢ package ; Honor oasteets at Toronto U Hebel s As were weired, and these give promise! tg obt both, fora limited time only. is S itive over Thompson Bros. store, fat least 800.000" gall aw ae ain both, imi ly. Mwalls and casemated donjons have Canned tomatces 100 a-can "a weiter eh? nari Main atrest, Atwood, over t|). a leet Saat Eeeeny Haney * The directions and recive for obtain- | witnessed was the eruel incarceration -- ne FE the bee Oitice. W ill vis it jvc pect hours. There are dozens of these] jing a faultless complexion is the secret} of the fair and devout young daught- Rio Coffee, rég. 20c a Ib, only "tie: 3 springs, and further weirs are being made. The result of the work now, however, can easily be foreseen, an the preliminary surveys will doubt ee ae long guarded by the master minds of the ORIENTALS and GREEKS. This we obtained after years of work and at great expense. It is the method er of King Charles the first, brought 1ere to occupy practically the same apartments, or cells, from which her loved father had but a short time 12¢ a pound. oe . G. T. R. Time Table Traink leave Atwood Station, North and price paid roweee ret) = deed CdeL. Veevidedcedildvededdaeviedtee/72 Parenter Te ' te duedandes Meat Business FRESH MEATS OF ALL KINOS BCLOGNA, HOME- MADE CURED MEATS va " PRICES ALWAYS AS LOW AS MARKET WILL PERMIT. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED AND. DELIVERER, R. J. 2W alker Trial Catarrh treatments are being mail- ed out free, on request, by Dr. Shoop Racine, Wis _ These tests are proving to the people-- --without a penny's cost--the great value -of this scientific pecan pon known to druggists everywhere as Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. Sold by C. H. McFarlane. Cutting Wheat in West. In Southern Maritoba considerable cutting has been done and a fair idea of the yield can now be secured. During the past two weeks there was' a marked improvement, and_ the farmers expect to -harvest about twelye bushels toward the statue of Liberty, the 37, the reports from the north and west continue to be | pessimistic, owing to the extreme lateness of the season and the damage from frost. A despatch from Prince Albert, says: Thirty binders were so'd here last year and twenty-four this season, $2,000. pounds of twine last year, and about 30,000 pounds so far this year ; 140,000 hels of wheat were shipped last yedr,-and although tke aversge will be 5 bushels less this ly. ar the incréased acreage will maks this year's output equal to last year's. are eke a yond ey Ly age we din blete wall S Prevenie, cy far they r bi ity only ap sy at decidey cert ua ae laxative, pad eng Nerd nt | seg eecne: Taken at the 'en ad and satisfaction, This-secret is easily understood and simple to follow and it will save 'you the expense of creams, cosmetics, bleaches and forever give you a beautiful _com- plexion and free your skin from pimples, bad color blackheads, etc. .It alone is 'worth to you many times the prie we ask you to send for the genuine diamond ring of latest design. We sell you this ring as one small profit above manufacturing cost. The price is less than one half what others charge. The recipe isfree with every ring. It is a"gennine rose cut diamond ring of sparkling brilliancy absolutely guaranteed very dainty, shaped like a Belcher with Tiffany setting of 12kt. gold shell, at your local jeweler it would cost considerable more than $2.10. , We mail you this beautiful complex- ion recipe free When your order is received for ring and $2.00 in money order, stampe or bills. Get your 'order in before our supply is exhausted... - This offer is made fora limited time only as a mean? of adv ertising | and intro: ducing our goods, Send to-day before' this opportunity is forgotten. ~~ T. C. MOSELEY, $2 East 28rd)Street, New York City. re } and selling ou? novelties, we feo big Premiums rend iav for our riew plan of FREE women for co ecting namee big Brows ee mone Write D he vey' Highes a South, as follows : less be commenced in the near} used by the fairest and most beautiful] before gone forth to his doom. Al- Megs 3 .: Going South Going North one br oe ty the. about | women of Europe. though ill, she was dragged from a for Produce : Sepre 7.308. By 5 ,000, allons a day, the spring , i : : : ; , : are en |ies Senet. le vil b cae a A af mat 6 Hundreds of American women who} distant place, a seven days' tedious Cash or Trade. Express 830p.m. | Express 1.21 p.m. } | SUPP!y Will be more than sullicient. | now use it have expressed their delight|/ journey, and after lingering a few q days in prison, one morning the fair young girl, left, unattended, to die, was found to have breathed her last ; her Bible, which she loved so well, open upon the bed beside her. And 'there, in that very gqhamber--still pointed out to the visitor--the angel- guarded spirit -of the gentle young princess, reloased from¢ts éarth-trar- mels, took its flight from the troublous scenes of this life to those shining realms wé#@re sorrow ané sighing are no more. And having placed her trust for eternal life in the Atonement made for her once for all, upon the bitter cross by the Saviour of the world, and having, according to her ability, obeyed His behests by feeding the hungrv and clothing the naked, the noble young girl, through the merits of her Redeemer, obtains a glorious inheritance in the Paradise of God. being a sharp man may really~be a sharper. Stomach troubles, Heart and Kidney ailments, can be quickly corrected with a resc.iption kiowxn 'to d B every- where as Dr. Shoop's | Restorttee. The copipoliing nerves ot the Stomach, etc The fellow who prides himself upon . prompt and. surprising relief which this rem immediately pee is; entirely y diie to its Resforai Bie ion soa the how At a number of the public meetings bet es se ae more attentio L. J. SINCLAIR Atwood's Cash Bargain Store : Horse-Breeding i in Ontario. REPORT OF INSPECTORS WHO MADE A. SPECIAL INVESTIGATION The report of the »pectors appoint- ed by the Government to make a special investigation into horse-breed- ing in Ontario has been published by the Department of Agriculture and is now ready for distribution. It is largely statistical and gives at consic- erable length details of the work of the commissioners in every county in the Province. Opinions gathered n interviews with private individuals and at public meetings as to what should be done to improve the breed - of horses are included. In all the counties the concensus of opinion 'was in: favor of stallions being licensed ahd registered, and the inspectors in their. reports favor the passing of an act to that effect. In many counties the horses were not of class, and one causé of t deterioration of the Breeds was held Tito be the - syndicating -system.-o buying and dealing in so-called first- class animals for breeding ri vs Bay oyh Cae $