Atwood Bee, 27 Sep 1907, p. 3

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' Department--Medical Profes- . --"Conventionalism is the. main cause cf our national des 'Yyentionalism is merely for-organized stupidity by the repres- sion of originality. It/is a sort of red- which pervades every depart- aE te ment.of national life." Such was the pronouncement made to the Daily Mirror by one. of London's le @ amedical men. "Great Britain been beaten," he said, "at football, tennis, golf, rowing ami shooting by other countries, and in her manners, morality, religion, law, niedicine, and dress she is fast drop- Eing behind all other nations. "Take shooling, ~for instance. The military authorities have just discovered that a right-handed man is usually left- eyed. Conventionalism says 'shoot from the right shoulder; common sense says the opposite. "Took at the telephone companies. They put the receivers on the left-hand side, when most people are right-eared. Conventionality again. It is done to-day because it is always been done that way. "Take handwriting. Everybody who writes a free, quick and useful hand hclds his pen or pencil quile differently from the conventional style taught in "Bul there is no department of nation- al life where conventionalism is so rampant as in the medical profession. "I say in all seriousness that the enormous death-rate among children and the unhygienic condition of our people is due to tnis. Doctors meet to- gether and read learned papers to one another, and these are afterwards pub- lished in papers' which no layman sees. ALL BECAUSE OF CONVENTION. "The traditions of the old mystery- mongering doctor have been kept up too long. And yet a man who displays a little originality is condemned and os- irccised because he despises convention. "Our teachers are incompetent. man who lectures on physical degencra- tion is not strong enough to swing a cat, "The muscular development expert is a puny four-foot man, with a flat chest and broomstick legs, and the diet spe- cialist looks as though a good square meal would be the salvation of him. "And all because of convention. America, Germany, and our colonies throw over conventions and beat us all along the line. When are we going to get rid of antiquated ideas ?" --_k-- ---- BABY'S DANGER. More little lives are lost during: the ho! weather months than at any other time of the year. In the summer menths lillle ones are the victims of diarrhoea, cholera infantum, dysentry and stomach troubles. These come sud- denly and without warning, and when f medicine is not at hand tw give plomptly the short delay may mean death. "During the hot weather months Beby's Own Tablets should be kept in every home where fhere is a young child. An occasional use of the Tab- lets will prevent stomach and bowel troubles. Or if the troubles come un- awares. a prompt use of this medicine wili bring the child through safely. Mrs. J. Renard, New Glasgow, Que., says: "I cannot speak too highly ef Baby's Own Tablets. One of my chil- dren had a severe attack of diarrhoea which the Tablets promptly cured." Sold by medicine dealérs or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. --_--_----_F§__----_ ™~ INSANITY IN BRITAIN. The Lunacy Commissioncrs' Report Shows Increase. The annual report of the British Lun- acy Commissioners, published recently, shows a disquieling increase in the pop- ulation of Great Britain's asylums. At the beginning of this year one out ef every 282 persons in England and Wales was reported to be insane. Ten years ago the ratio of insane persons was only one to 314. From 1869 to~1906 ths population of England and Wales increased 5534 per cent.., while the in- sane increased 133 per cent. A significant fact brought to light by the report is the, spread of senile de- mentia, which alone accounted for over 38 per cent. of last years fresh lunacy cases. Discussing this phase of the situation, one medical authority ex- pressed the belief that we-tive too long for the kind of work most of us do. "The advanced medical knowledge of to-day," said the authority referred to, "keeps a multitu@e of persons alive whose minds are practically worn out. The present age demands more brain work and nerve strain from every one a4ten was demanded only a few years ago. There is less and less demand for people who can only use their hands. Tne physical wear and tear has de- , while tie brain work: and the strain on the nervous system have in- 4 creased. a : "The result is that the mind dies first and the body is kept alive by medical gcience. which thus adds to the grow- ing list of senile dementia cases in our asylums." - Are No Original Ideas in Any | M®: C. B. FIZER, Mt. Sterling, Ky., |. writes: "I have suffered with kidney and other trouble for ten years past. "Last March I commenced © using Peruna and continued for three months. have not used it Since, nor have | felt a pain. "I believe that I am well and I there- fore give my highest commendation. to the curalive qualities of Peruna. Pe-ru-na For Kidney Trouble. Mrs. Geo. H. Simser, Grant, Ontario, Can., writes: "I had not been well for about four years. I had kidney trouble, and, in fact, felt badly nearly all the time. "This summer 1 very bad | thought I would try Peruna, so I_wrole to you and began at once to take Peruna and Manalin, "I took only two boltles of Peruna and one of Manalin, and now I feel betler than I. have for some time. "} feel that Peruna and Manalin cured m@ and made a different woman of me allogether. I bless the day | picked up the littl book and read of your Peruna," It is the business of the kidneys to remove from the blood all poisonous materinis. They must be active all the lime, else the system suffers. There are times when they need a liltle assistance. Peruna {s exactly this sort of a rem- edy. It has saved many people from disaster by rendering the kidneys ser- vice at a time when they were not able to bear their own burdens. ------ IN MERRY OLD ENGLAND NEWS BY MAIL ABOUT JOHN BULL AND UIS PEOPLE. > Occurrences is the Land 'That Reign: Supreme In the Comm rcial Warld. Through treading on a rusty nail scme weeks ago, Mrs. E. Fawcas, of Sunderland; has just died from lock- jaw. = . Lord Aberdeen was at Bow Street Pclice Court, fined £2 for exceeding ti ten mile an hour limit on his motor car in St. James' Park. The Isle of Man did not become a part of the United Kingdom until] 1829, when the sovereign rights of the Deroy family were purchased for £400,000. The Brilish~Government has decided t donate $730,000 for the rebuilding of Kingston, Jamaica, and the people of a have further subscribed $243,- Mr. Thomas Lister, postman, of Mal- ton, who has retired after forty years' service, was the first postman {6 wear uniform, as 'when he joined no uni- forms were provided. ~ _Mr. Carnegie's gift of £100,000 to Kung Edward's Hospital Fund is not- able as the first recorded recognition by Mr. Carnegie of the work that :s being done by hospitals. "Keep ee the. Marylebone, L<ndon, Police urt jailer to an old Scetch woman, accused of begging. "Ah, yes," replied the lady, "it's a still tongue mak's a wise head." . The decision which the British Board of Trade is said to have reached to stop the duplicdtion of names by the owrers of ships is a wise one and aims to les- sen a growing evil. : The Rev. Thomas Eord, who is in his 100th year, and is the oldest Con- gregational minister in England, con- trues to take preaching engagements iu different parts of the country. A remarkable aecident occurred al Harlesden, a woman - being down and trampled on, and her leg bicken, in a rush to be the first at a big draper's sale, ~ Lord Roseberry inaugurated and_-pre- sented to the village of Cheddington, Breks, a complele water system, which has cost £2,000, as a memorial to the late Lady Roseberry. The report of the Government inspec- ler appointed {o inquire into the Isle cl Wight bee discase recommends that the bees should be wintered upon stores containing an edmixture of beef ex- track, * Known as the Cardiff working man's banker, George Matthews, who ha ecnducted the East Splott Financial Association, was at Cardiff Quarter Ses- &ons found guilty of extensive frauds. In the sayings bank established by knocked' DRUCCISTS, i 10e. per packet, or 8 packets for 250. ham collided with a wagonelte confain- ing ten old women, who were being driven from the Linch's Trust alms- houses. All were thrown out, and two, each aged seventy-four, were seriously injured. An inquest was held recently at Is- lington on Manning John. Lumbers, a policeman, who [ell from his bicycle. The pipe which he was smoking was forced through his. palate, pierced the base of the skull, and lodged in the brain. A verdict of "accidental death" was returned, Five people had a remarkable es- cape from death in a motor smash on the Brighton road. The car dashed through a hedge and dropped into a slone quarry. Since January ist the Royal Nation- al Lifeboat Institution has voted re- wards for saving 844 lives, and the life- beats have been launched to the aid of vessels in distres son no less than 200 occasions, ----4yr-- ---- Ii is a Liver Pill.--Many of the ail- ments that man has to contend ' with have their origin in a disordered liver, which is a delicate organ, peculiarly susceptible to the disturbances that 'ome from irregular habils or lack cf care in eating and drinking. This ac- counts for the great many liver regu) ators now pressed on the attention < sufferers. Of these there is pone su- perior to Parmelee'h Vegetable Pills. Their operation though gentle is effec- tive,and the most deficate can use them. She (sternly}--"What was that noise 1 heard in the hall early this morning when you come in?" He (hastily}--"It must have been the day breaking, my darling." ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch in human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol- {crd's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by all druggists. "You say she married for love; but 1 happen to know that the nran she married is worth a million!" "Of course; the million is what she loves!". Nearly all infants are more or less subject to diarrhoea and such com- piaints while teething and as this peri- od of their lives is the most critical, mothers should not be without a bot- lle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's -Dysentery Cordial. This medicine is a specific for such complaints and is highly spoken of by those who have used it. The proprietors claim it will cure any case cf cholera or summer complaint. "Well, old man, I haven't seen you for an age," said a man to a friend who had become a Beredick. "How do you find matrimony suit you?" "Ils an 2x- pensive. thing," was the reply. "If J had only known what I had to pay in milliners' billsk----"* "You would have remained single, eh?" "No--I would heve married a milliner!" I Paia m Physica and mentalanguish affilot the victises of skin diseases. Get rid of both by rub bing Werver's Cerate on the tching, dis- re face. The relief given is among the onders of ' medicine. Doctor (to patient}--"Your heart is rather irregular. Have you anything that is worrying you?" Patient--"Oh, not particularly! Only that just now when you pul your hand in your pock- et | thought you were going to give me yeur bill." "TRY ONE OF MY BETELS." In Siam they don't offer you a cigar ov a-cigarette, but a betel-nut. There everyone carries a supply of them in a neat lille ivory box, not unlike the snuff-boxes of our ancestors. The betel- nut is a narcotic, in its effects not unlike tobacco, but it is much more harmful. These who-chew it suffer from inflamed gums, and they generally lose their teeth. The betel is a species of climb- inz plant, with a leaf not unlike ivy. It yields a crop of nuts, which are ground to a powder; this is mixed with a simi- la' powder derived from the areca-nut, and made into a paste, which is wrap- ped in pieces of -betel-leaf. 5 Fs) "the hour urb ! you believe what you, know is not true," i le who boast they never did any- a The man who can't afford'a 'motor-car cen console himself with the thought that a bomb doesn't cost so much and is almost as dangerous, SELF-HELP ESSENTIAL. thing | comfort, wal service and veal edecion = the comfort is OR The duffer and the simpleton have no chance now, and their place enters the shrewd, wellenannered, | well-in- formed business man, in the first case, and the agreeable, polished friend and companion in the latter... These quali- lice can be cultivated jn one's spare time, and il is the man who puts his leisure to the best use who gets on in this world. ; Pleasant as syrup; nothing equals it as a worm medicine; the name is Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. The greatest worm destroyer of the age. Small Boy (in awed tones}--"Pa, do you know, I looked into the parlor just now, and what do you think I saw?" Father--"Can't guess, my boy." Small Bcy--"Why, sister Polly was sitting on the piano-stool, and her young man was kneeling in front of her, holding her hands like glue.* Father--"Ah! sensible young fellow that, He was holding her hands to prevént her play- ing the piano." Give Holloway's Corn Cure a trial. It removed ten corns from one pair cf feet without any pain, What it has done once it will do again, Husband--""Darling, I believe that 1 am failing." Wife (in alarm)--"Gracious! How often I have warned you, George, against. your foolish speculations!" Husband--""I don't mean in business, cear; | mean I'm falling in health." L~ Wife (relieved}--"Oh, is that all?" In Fields Far Off.--Dr. Thomas' Ec- lectric Oil is known in Australia, South and Central America as well as' in Cunada and the United States, anid its ccnsumption increases each year. ~It has made ils own 'way, and al) that needs to be done is to keep its. name before the public . Everyone knows that it is to be had at any store, for all merchants keep il. Mrs. Jenkins--"My little boy's got the measles." Mrs. Tompkins--'So has mine; he got it from the grocer's child- ren." Mrs, Jenkins (disdainfully}--"Oh, my little boy got it from the clergy- man's children. ff you are out of sorts get'a bottle of 'F 'mm' the best tonic, and you . surp Ow quickly that 'tired feeling will wear off. $1.00 Al dealers in medicine. "I am thirly-five years old," announc- ed a woman of fifty-six at a Yea last week, "And I am twenty-six," said the weman of forty-five. Then, turning to a girl of seventeen who stood near by, she asked: "How old are you, Ethel?" "Oh," replied Ethel, "according to pre- sent reckoning, I'm not born' yet" . - Tested by Time.--Iin his justly-cele- brated Pills Dr. Parmelee has given to the world one of the most unique medi- cines offered to the public in late years. Prepared to meet the want for a pill which could be taken without nausea, anu that would purge wilhout pain, it Las met all requirements in that diree- lion, and it is in gencral use not only because of these two qualilies but be- cause it is known to possess allerative and curative powers which place it in the front rank of medicines. Bry friend," said the solemn man, "have you ever done aught fo make the commugily in which you reside the bet- fer for your living in i" "I have done much," replied the other, humht- "i¢ purify the homes of my fellow-be- ings." "Ab," continued the solemn man; with a pkased look, "you distri- tule tracts?' "No; I clean carpets." A boy never so thoroughly realizes {hal quarreling is sinful as when he is gelling. licked in a fight. ; 'Vy poOndDs singing will dist lights, electric bells and all modern comf SAILS FROM MONTREAL ON MONDAYS as ~ Few men know their own min those who do, wish they didn't. The shortest life is sufficiently long to fee! regret in. . King Edward now wears braid on 'his oe whicch nobedy can upbraid : for Modern Homes Sm acne < wensen ty od he pe oe PEDLAR @hik SitLs Cot, ile tog Sectetile. oe ee. The PEDLAR People 5 Oshawa Montres] Ottawa Toronto Lenéen Winnipeg MACHINERY FOR SALE. DYNAMO 300 lights, first-class order. Will be sold cheap and must be gotten out of the way owing to 600-light machine taking its place. -S. Frank' Wilson, 73 Adelaide Street West, Toronto. _ FAN BLOWER Buffalo make, number four, 9-inch ver- tical discharge, 24 inches high ;_ perfect condition. Superintendent, Truth Build- ing, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto, CLEANIN wranscimg Cheba @ cine Me can't get away bearess Ha _NEWHOUSB TRAP. He Summer Cruises in Coo) Latitudes Twin Screw Iron SS. Campana," with Sosa p.m., 2rd hay: Pompom 7th and fist October, id fortnightly thereafter for Pictou, N.5S., . ng at pope Gaspe, Mal Perce, Grand ver, 'ummerside, P.E.1., and Charlot etown, BERMUDA Excursicns,, $35, by the ne "Bermudian," 5,500" tons. , Summer Screw 8S. vember. 'Temperature cool Idom rises"above 8) degreas. of the season for health and ARTHUR- AHERN, Secretary, Quebec. A. ES pee & CO:, Agents. QUEBECSTEAMSHIPCOMPANY River and Gulf of St, Lawrence

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