Atwood Bee, 25 Oct 1907, p. 8

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Friday, October 25th, 1907, A wae thing to-do to take a oe remedy the motijent wt a Cough begins. A reliable tried and testbd remedy i a COMPOUND SYRUP OF WHITE PINE WITH TAR A remedy that really does ot cure Coughs: nd Colds assy Sin effectually. Doa't neglect the cig cough, s but ond Sure Henan rare a Services will he hela in St. Alban's ms only of Church on Sunday next as follows: -- Morning Prayer 11 a.m.; Holy Com- munion 7 p.m. On Saturdry last. the balance: of the 'season's make in most of the cheese factories in the Listowel dis-. trict was sold out at 124c. In one or, two cases where 'the sale was made on Monday, 128c. was paid. Inyitations are out announcing the marriage of Miss Eleanor H. Ballantyne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S.. Ballnntyne, 8th con., y led Dr. St: hat succe and Restorative. With- highly vital principle, uo ents were ever to be had. bloating, biliousness, bud lexion, Oop's uid--an See for your. will do. We sell and cheer aS You'll Be Tickled with values in DRY GOODS when you look tit ean Dr. Shoop's 25 cents per bottle. Restorative .C. H. McFARLANE. MEDICAL C. McMane,- 4M. B. Torontv. L.R.C.P. Lon. M. RK. C. 8. England Diseases of Kar, Eye, Nose, and Throat bere ] Oftice in the Bee Bloc 4 Residence at Mra. W. > Mitchella, AUCTION HERS - Alex. Morriscn t Parirnigt ig AUCTIONEER f for the Coun- 'erth and Huro Charges ' § moderate orders by matt or otherwise promptly attended to. Atwood post-office. Wm. Holman I; ICENSED AUCTIONEER for ~ Countiezof Perth and Huron New P@., Ont. Rater modorate and satlataction : guaranteed, All ordersby mail orothor, wise 1 prompt'y attended to. . Morphy & Carthew ; BARRISTERS. Solicitors, Conveyancers, : s. Solicitors for the Bank of Ham fiton. Méneytoioan. Office above Robt. Thompson's store, Listowe Ontario. a1. R. Morpny - - J. M. CarTHew Blewett & Bray BARRISTERS and Solicitors, Listowel. Ont. Money to loan. Solicitors forSentt's Ranking House and Ontario Perm fog mes: and Loan Association. Cee orate r Scott's Bank, Wallace Street, Lis R. Brewerr Gero. Bray, B.Aé. nq 'J. Cecil Hamilton, BA. RARRISTER, aur anand Money to Loan at 4) per Office-- Main atreet. Listowel, ibe to Dr. atreet, Atwood, over ) Will visit Atwood ev ery Wednesday afternoon. G. T. R. Time Table Trains lenve Atwood Station, North and South. as follows ; Going South Expreas Express xpress Going North 10.25 a.m. m, hxpreas p. 1.21 30a. 11.53 a.m. 3.30 p.m Express Meat : Business Vivewvedderercdn ver aphehe PII. "y * ' FRESH MEATS OF ALL KINOS ; BOLOGNA, HOME- MADE CURED MEATS Sh? Seis. vos Phat ata BEAN - PRICES ALWAYS AS LOW AS } MARKET WILL PERMIT. ¥ ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED AND DELIVERED. a. RJ. Walker '| the-close season. to Mr. Geo. H. Porter, of 6th con., on Wednesday, Oct. 30th. In future, the Departmental: Ex- amination Boards for Ontario will be entirely separate from the University Boards, and will bé made upof men sélected from the staffs of Normal und Model Schools; the. faculties of education, and inspectors of High and Public Schools. Season Witt CrosE.---Local sports will do well to remember that they cannot shoot black squirre! on Thanksgiving Day and-escape the $5 penalty for each squirrel shot during Thanksgiving Day is the last day of the close season. The 'Ontario Education Depart- ment has decided to grant-$30 to the teacher of any rural or village school qualifying asa teacher in element- ary agriculture and horticulture and teaching any of these subjects at his or her school. The department an- nounces that seedlings and other forestry equipment will be supplied such rural school boards as desire them. Newry Miss Dorothy Frier visited friends in Monkton last week. Mrs. Cameron, of Listowel, spent a few days at Wm. Humphrey's this week. Miss Mary F. ('oulter was the guest of Miss Ethel Smith, 14th con., last Sunday. Mrs. and Miss Gibbs, of Listowel, visited the Misses Morrison on aad of this week. Mr. T. B. McEwan, of Newry, spent Sunday at Silver Corners, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Adams, -- Mrs. Walter Bell, 12th con, returned home last week after a pleasant visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Waruock, of Tilbury. Mrs. J. A. Smith and Mr. Herb. Smith left for their home at Reston. Man. last Monday after spending a few months with friends and relatives in this vicinity. An Autumn Song. The song birds are flying, And Southward are hieing, No more their glad carols we hear. . The gardenrare lonely,-- Chrysanthemums onty Dare not let their beauty appear, The insects are hiding, The farmer providing The lambkins a shelter from cold, And after October --~ = The woods will look sober Without all their crimson and gold. The loud winds are calling, 'Lhe ripe nuts are falling, The squirrel now gathers his store. The bears homeward creeping, Will secon all be sleeping So anngly, till winter is o'er. Jack Frost will soun cover The little brooks over; 'The enow clouds are up in the sky All ready for snowing; Dear. Autumn is going, We bid her a loving guod-by. Shake in a Bottle. Now is the time when the doctor gets busy, and the petent medicine mannfact- urers reap the harvest unless great care is taten to dress warmly and keep the feetdry. 'ihis is the advice of ' old eminent authority, who says that Rheum- atism and Kidney trouble weather is here, and also tells what,to doin case of anattaok Get fromany good reseription phar- macy one-Kaif ounce Fluid Extract Dan- delion, one ounce Compound Kargon, C. H. so socal Chemist and ; Stationer. On Saturday as Mr.D.G. Anderson was leaving for St. Marys he was: met by several of 'the young people of the Presbyterian Church and resented with a beautiful Gold Watch and the following address: To Mr. D. G. ANDERSON: DEAR SiR,--It is with feelings of deepest regret from all concerned in the departure of one who has en- deavored himself, and is held in such esteem that the subscribers to these articles would not allow you to leave our midst without recognizing your services so unselfishly given in all departments of good work. As Sup- erintendent of the Sunday School, as President of the Christian- En- deavor Socicty, as Elder of the Presbyterian Church and as a citizen your untiring efforts have been appreciated and looked upon as one trying to elevate society and main- tain the standard laid down by Him, the great Organizer of the cause for which we all try to work in harmony, love and good fellowship. It is the earnest prayer of each and all of us, that material prosperity may accom- pany you all along the pathway of life; that your efforts may be crown- ed with success and the example which you have shown to those around you here will be felt and leave its influence in any community in which you may reside. We would tender, our prayer for your help-mate qpdafamily. and hope you may be spared to oné another to en- joy the comforts and pleasures of life so richly bestowed by the Giver of all good, and we hope you will be able to look back with kindliest rezollections of the years spent among us. Accept this small token as a mark of friendship not as an article of value nor compensation for services, but just as a memorial of friendship well invited. Signed on behalf of the Christian Endeavor Society, Sunday School and Friends. FARM FOR SALE. That y very , desirable farm property being, Lot 30, in the Tenth concession of Elma ; on the premises are erected a splendid modern brick house and commodious hank barn with straw and driving shed. | The property is ssid to be well fenced | and drained and ina high state of culti- | vation; convenient to church, school, store, and cheese factory and is one of the choicest farm properties in the county of Perth. ' For further particularsapply to Joun Knox, Atwood. & SENDERS 'WANTED. Sealed Tenders will be received by the Elina Cheese and Butter (0., up to Thursday night, October 24th, 1907, for the renting of the grounds, formerly us- ed for the hog yard at the factory for a terin of three years 'Lhe 'building and rond way to be reserved for storage. rther particulars apply to 'HOS. DICKSON, Presipent. | Services Appreciated. . Invitations are out announcing the Taarriage of Miss Milne, of Ethel, to Wesley Boyd, of the Blind Line, on Wednesday, Oct.. 30th. The wireless station at Glace Bay recently picked up, accidentally, a lespateh frqui Manila, ten thousand miles away. The best previous rec- ord for wireless telegrayly was four thousand miles. From June 21 to September 21 of this year 41 persons were killed and 313 injured as the result of automo- bile acidents in Masachusetts. This covered 211 collisions-an average of two and half daily. Fain anywhere. pain in the head, pain- ss periods Neuralyia. toothache, all pains an be promptly stopped by a thoroughly por little Pink Candv Tablet, known by { iste everywhere as Shoop's Headache Tablets. Pain simply means congestion --undue blood pressure at the pojnt where pain exists. Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets quickly equalize this unnatural blood pressure, gg pain im- mediately" departs. Write Dr. Shoop, pacttins Wis and get a free. trial package. zarge box 25 cts. Sold by C. H. Me- Fariane druggist. Midst Floes And Bergs. (By a Banker.) Until comparatively recent years travelling in some parts of Northern Europe was managed in a very primitive manner, a journey in the more unfrequ- ented parts of even an advancing country like Holland having been, in the depth of winter, anythiug but a pleasing ex- perience Rising early on a cold, dark "Worning, a start is made on the box seat of totter- ing unsteady old diligence, slowly towed along by three venerable steeds. Hour after hour, at the same leisurely pace never quicker, never slower, the patri- archal old equipage lambers on;!necasion- ally halting at-a wayside inn while the rubicund, portly driver refreshes himself with a glaes of schnaps, and discusses in} gutteral tones the burning questions of local politics. Mile after mile, mile after mile, the same monotonous flatness; the placed. s'uggish canal at one side of the road; the lombardy poplars, all the game size the same height, the same distance apart. right and left; the church épire, iniiatinctly perceptible at the start, many niles away at the end of the long straight road, hour by hour becoming more and more visible; until at length a small vill- age is reached; and without the slight- 'est pang of regret. a decent from dilig- ence is made as rapidly as cold, numbed limbs will permit. But how is the broad river to be cross- ed? As far as the eye can reach, up and down, it is but a turmoil of tossing and gyrating blocks ef fleeting ice; some like miniature icebergs; eome grotesquely shaped and rolling over and over; some like an Artic ice-floe on asmall scale. However, all the .»essengers together with a few county folk in qnaint old- time costume and wooden sabots enter a large strongly built boat and push ont into the sea of broken ice. And now the Dutchmen appareitly all go mad. - For suddenly they appear to be straining every nerve in an effort to sink the barge; rocking it from side to side with as much vigor as their phlegmatic. torpid temper- ment will permit. However, the wonder. not to say alarm. excited by the strange proceeding soon subsides for it is seen that the rocking motion greatly facilitates the progress of the boat through the floating ice. And then, after a time the over the lot wenow offer We guarantee-to make you smile with satisfac- tion that you didn't buy your DRY GOODS any where else. 'Thus doth a dollar saved tickle all of us ! Why not ? Won't dollarsaved here and there help you to buy Christmas presents in June and Ice Cream in blizzard weather ? We guess yes ! For best DKY GOODS and CLOTHING for the least money, buy here. New Silks for Ladies' Waists Tamaline plaid silk, special per yd. ...75¢ Moire tartan silk, spee- ial per yd...90c, 1.00 A nice line of silks in Plaids and Polkus, a bargain, per yd....50¢ Ladies' Raincoats up-to-date in Style and Color, ranging in price from $7.80 te $12.00. Special For Friday and Saturday 3,49 MEN'S and BOYS' WINTER CAPS, REGULAR 50c, special price each 40c LADIES GLOVESIN BLACK BROWN AND WHITE 1 9 reg. 25c, going at.. LADIES JET BELTS regular 25c to clear..... only Men's /elear 'only.. tore eeweee 20c Highest price paid for Produce Cash or Trade. L. J. SINCLAIR Atwood's Cash Bargain Store The steamer Wahcondah struck a wall in the Welland Canal and stove in some plates in her bow. Up at Goderich, where people with social aspirations tumble over themselves trying to be up-to- date, and where the proudest and LD Rived ie - three ounces Compound Syrup par- illa. Mix by skaking in a bottle 2 and take a teaspoonful after meals and at bedtime. Just try this simple home made mixture at the first sign of Rueumatisu, ox if your tional Harvester Company's warehovee | kidneys are not acting just rigbt. T! i: is * ghortiv after 6 o'clock on "Monday even- \ pei sid to be a splendi idrey -rezulator, fing. Doyle and Patrick, in company peel evo certain rece for - ferms | "t j si . o neumatisny, which is cxnsed Dy. uric TEA man named. Tarsile. "wer de- |e id in ihe blucd, Wed tus xidneva| sending in the elevator The.cahle con fal io filter out. Ary one can soit tinued to unwind. 'turville efepned off' p-epare this at home and at & ah reves ts agcertain the canse of the stop and at! Dirregiets im this town and: t-esame instant the hoarfi. broke and the : Sen shore is reached, another dreary diligence journey performed, and the weary travel- ler arrives at his destination. happiest woman is the one who has evolved a new scheme, a shocking thing happened recently. Ove of the And in the journey to that bourne from popular society women announced whence no traveller returns there is aj}g white "elophant party." Every a cold dark piredu lo be croséed. But| guest was to bring something she those who baye served their Lord ped could not find anv use for, still to Master, Who fur iLem wus. coulent- to} goou to- throw away. he - party Poultry & sufier aud cic that they might live, wilj wou'd have heen # ereat success hut feel the firm grasp vi Hiy ioving band;for the unlooked for development and wii be salely conveyed: over that which hroke it up. Eleven of the leaden rresaahe Abe Leancis Va Brie Ge ee A fe brought their Ditige.- Loudon. Ont., Oct. 21--Charles Doyle was killed and William Patrick is dying gsar-sult of an accident, in the Interna- shown the prescription iit bisa tLey coud cither supjay bticese ingredi- sel -vator droppad. na Poth mcr ente, or, if our seu) bP sige dG s pe for; 25 2 Bown twenty feph gupeund the misture for

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