cee . He Pace. $ ; ri ' we vt e : "pry. Gray, Rernic: & Co. "Listowel's low 'price: makers '> for'all lines of- Dry! Goods. Try Gray, Bernie & Co, Listowel's low price makers for your clothing, : Vol. + id. ATWOOD, ONT., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1907. i yA ICN EN RE AEIIR IESI RIR ST R ET ---------------- == New Fall ond Winter CLOTHING een TCT TEI ES . We have-received a large quantity of New Clothing ir-- --MEN'S, BOYS' AND YOUTHS' SUITS --REEFERS {MEN'S '_UNDERWEAR IN MEN'S, CHILDRENS' OF EVERY SIZE 'MEN' 6, BOYS' AND YOUTHS' OVERCOA'S AND BOYS' ODD PANTS, OVERiLLS --MEN'S CRAVENETTE AND RAIN PROOf COATS WOMENS AND AND QUALITY A call and a Share of your patronage solidted. Highest cash values paii for produce. ' ~ : tI Main STRELT ATWOOD Ti ws Child-ens' & Misses Felt Uats--just the kind you are looking for--on sale now for $1.25 SPECIAL extr carefully selected. and at the closest price. Men's and Boys' clothing ready-to-wear. you to our Store and see our Men's and Boys' better style and fit than the ordered clothing. For the next two weeks we will offer Special J..M. Schinbein, Ladies' Patent Colt Shoes, & Misses a quality-- going at $3,50 Bargains in every Department for the next two weeks you can gét more for your money here as our GOODS are Bought from the best Manufacturers We invite Suits and Overcoats--you will fine them better cloth, better lined, in Discount. --TRY US. Listowel, Ontario Clothing Clothing _ Three Big ° Bargain Days Friday, Saturday and Gray, Bernie & Co. -Listowel's Low Pridh Monday Makers. ray R- the Three days- every garment: in our Clothing - . "department will be reduced i in _prices-- Ovesitete, Biiits, Pants and Overalls. -.Bpecial, value i in Progress Band Clothing, this. is. the finest class of *"yeady- to-wear 'cléthing on the Canadian Market. =, + 100 we 'Men'é Overall, the heavy. weight for Pe ae bargains days | 79c : 17 Be 'with us on above days it is a chance.to. "3 secure your winter clomhing » at reduced price. Ethel, Mrs. A. W. Beacom, of Haullett, was the guest of her parents during past week. Mrs: Will Hall have been on the sick list but we are pleased to hear that she is improving now. The Women's Institute meeting will he held at the house of Mrs. C. Eckmire on Néveurber 21st. Jno. and Mrs. Bateman and Laura of Brusse!s, spent Thanksgiving at Mrs. Bateman's father's. Mrs. ©. Raynard and Miss Olive were visiting relutives and old friends in Blanchard avd St. macys last wee Geotge and Mis Magee, of Blue- vale, and Wm. and Mrs. King, of Wingham, spent their Thanksgiving at Wm. King's A meeting will be held in the Gib- son Hali on Saturday, 16th inst., at 8 p. m., to organize'a debating club for the winter. A case in which people in this locallty are interested, over a ques- tion of wares, was Beard on Thurs- day of last week. at the Division Court at Brussels. Hallowe'en tricks were on the program on Thursday evening, Oct. 81st, but not much damage was done. Our citizeps are cute in tak- ing in their small gates and other movable pronerth --_-- High Court at Stratford. The non-jury sittings of the high court opened on Moniay afternoon of last week in the Court House, Stratford, before the Hon. Chief Justice, Sir W. RB. Meredith. T. H. McLeag, y. Stratford Hotel Se was adjourne} pri apttlod pas of for damages forinjury to land flodd- ed by a mill dan was referred toa the eounty judge fe trial. Ellen"Ballanyne v. William Pat- terson, an actin to set aside the sale ot a farmp Elma, as fradulent undér the Instvency Act, was dis- missed with ests. H. B. Morphy, K. C., for platiff; Geo. Bray for defendant. Western Ertland Cement Co. v. M. M. Hiles,n action brought by the companyo secure the refund of some proceed from the defendant, who was formrly manager of the company's plat at Atwood, was ad- journed. 4.3. Morphy, K.C., for plaintiff; J..C.fakins for defendant. The action { F Davis v Thos. G. Ballatyne, too cancel the atock of two othe directora of the Western Portnd Cement Co., at Atwood and taet aside an agree- ment entered to by the defendant jJand one M. MHiles, has been with- drawn, a selement being reached between the pies. 'Asks U to Print It. Wo relieve thworst f wo of Rheumat isin, take a teaconful of the following mixture after eh aa and at bed time: Fluid no m, one-half , one ounce; d Kargon up Sarsaparilia, three ounces, These harms ingrediants can be ob- tained from ovhome d and are easily mixed t them well in a bo! Relies generally felt from the firet ry doset Thia: prescrtion states a well-known eolistaily ina Cleveland morning . forces @ clogged-up inactive kid neys to filter d strain from the -- os a apace Se matter and urle acid eumatian. and bu to lifelhis eimple Teepe will no oubt be grey veees by many ---- ; this ret a person who would take 2 dose or two rege ae would and Kidney or Uninary A it. Good a gene Teally it badly. Qur as ant oo preg apply pt ~ itspnuke the 'mixture y to Te TS Henry fot Bala; & guid n Grey. Migs Jennie Arinsldie was home from Olinton Model School for Thanksgiving holiday. The auction sale of farm stock, im- plements, etc. at Hugh Porter's 10th con., on Thursday of last week was well attended, again after visting with Mrs. David Grant, St Maryse. Miss Maggie Rozell was home for the Thanksgiving holiday from Paris. The town is ageeing well with her judging by apparance. Mrs. O. Hartis and Reta have re- turned home dter visiting with her brother, and Mrs. A. Douglas and Misses Doughs, of Stratford. Miss Isabdl Cusic, from Preston, is home at pwsent at her father's, James Cusic, It is reported she may change her position for a permanent one. Service wa: held in Union Meth- odist church in the evening instead of the afterncon on Sabbath last ow- ing to an Orange sermon held at Ethel in the afternoon Mrs, A. Stewart and Mrs. L. Steiss and daughter, Lydia, spent Thanks- giving week with old friends in the stone town. They went by C. P. R. and found the ane and road all it is reported to be Kugh and Mrs. Porter aud Russell and Miss Maggie Porter were guests at the wedding of Geo. H. Porter to Miss Eleanor H. Ballantyne, both of Elma, on October 30th. The death of Mrs, Thomas Code, of T. [rowbridge, penaltes from a stroke of off on Tuesday snovntig following. By her family and a large ¢ircle of-fmends, who loved her for her kindly and gen- erous cheracter, her death ia most." gin- cerely mourned. Maxwellton, Scotland, on the 15th of year. Shecame to America in 1855 and lived for four yeare at Troy, N. ¥., com- ing after that to her brother, the late Robert Young, on the l\'th concession of Elma, Perth County. She was married Code, who predeceased her ago, Of their family of one som: end --sim) Phoebe ie teacher at the public school -at Trowbridge, and one Ells,-in the office of} the Morris Piano Co at Listowel: She waea woman of more than or- dinary intelligence and noted for her kindness of heart, her hospitality and generous liberality. For many years she was a devoted and valued inember of the Methodist Church. At the funeral on Thursday Sist ult, conducted by her pastor, Rev. 8. Salton, and at which a former pastor, the Rey. A. C, Tifflin, of Lambeth, and the Rey. F. Osten, of Milverton, also took part, a warm tribute was paid to her Christian graces and lovable womanly character. The re- mains were interred at the Elma Centre Cemetry. November Weather. Irl. R. Hicks in his weather for- casts says thet disturbed, cloudy and disagreeable weather may be. expect- ed for the first week of the month, when it will turn to sleet and snow, generally, to the northward and changing to colder and very stiff to dangerous gales from the northwest, northero lakes. T Mrs. Matthew, J. Stewart and Miss F. Huston have returned home! Ww The deceased, Jean Young, was born-at | yi December, 1833, and was thug in her 74th} i in Trowbridge, in nent 1864, to Thos. {kind than thres years} Kindly especially in the regions of the great]: nth armer |Jing ceses of adulteration? -------. | Boyd--Milne. Wednesday ideale October, 30th, Rev, Jobn Henderson tied the mat- rimonial knot between J. Wealey Boyd, a well-to-do and prosperous young farmer of Atwood. and Miss E., daughter of Dayid and Mrs. Milne, old residants of Grey Me- Kee, brother-in-law ofthe bride; At 5 o'clock, as the straine of the Wed- ding March were placed by the deft fingers of Miss Reid, of Wingham, the principals took their places be- fore a bank of beautiful flowera, the bride entering the parlor om the arm of her father, neatky costumed in Jp taffetta. The mystic words being spoken, hearty congratulations wera offered after which the company sat down to an excellently prepared aup- . Toasts were proposed to the bride and groom from the officiating clergymen and Mr. Patterson in a very happy manner to which tha groom replied very' appropriately. The wedding gifts were indicative of the high esteem in which Mrs. Boy was held by her many friends. A pleasing and well rendered program was presented, with N. A. Milne as chairman, in which solos were given by Misses Reid and Freeman; duct by Mr. and Mrs. Dane; recitations bv Mrs. Patterson and readings by Miss McKee and Mr. Ballantyas. Among the guests were noticed Mr. and Mrs Patterson and Miss Reid, of Winz- ham; Mr. and Mra. Dane, of Gorrio; Mr. and Mrs. MeKee and Mivs Royj, of Molesworth; Mr. and Mrs. Bovd aud Mr. seit-Mre. Ballantyne, of At- wood; Mies Ballantyne, of St. Thom- ag,and Mrs. Martin, of Winning. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd have taken up their residence on Mr. Boyd's fine farm op the Blind Line followed by the good wishes of many. The bride's going aay aoa Was 'green chi _ ave Dairymen's Association. The Dairymen's Association ot daughters, Mary and Rachelare at home; }and let gram will be adhered to, bet the fol- lowing questions are probably of in- terest at the present time, and we would be glad to have.all. come pre- pared to discuss any or all of them. The instruction work of 1907. The difficuities of keeping whey tanks clean. whey in tanks as a means of getting rid of bitter flavor, and os an easy means of keeping tanks clean. Wonld a cheese-acoring contest be of interest ar value to the cheoeas- makers for 19087 Should cheese and butter makers hold certificates? he advantages of curing choesein an up-to-date cool curing room. What farther means gan be taken to further improve the milk eupply? Have the makers lived up to the resolntion not to take in milk raject- ed ate for. any Are 'the methods adepted for hand- Would paying by set 'be a satisfactory Donat s Hall, 662 wseok p. m. | teh ag li tone a littia