Atwood Bee, 29 Nov 1907, p. 5

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Senatiat Bank of 'Ganada. Parp up CapiTan . RESERVE "SAVING ; eer attention te to this department. ; Interest allowed from date of deposit and added to Principle 4 TIMES a year. Farmers' Business a Specialty. Qut of town business solicited. $4,850,000.00 $4,850,000.00: ; LISTOWEL BRANCH H. ¢. SECORD, Manager. Icorsthantneetnenenenenetitietineetriemedapestestiemetnetantnenhidiememntenanted FAS AS AS AS AS AS TS AS AS IS AS ISIS TS AS TS TS TIS TS TS IS SS OS pobbeneteeerenessents rete '3 The Leading : : School #| CENTRAL ~ STRATFORD,. ONT. By giving a better course of train- ing 'than "that given by any other similar institution in Ontario, we have become one of the leading business training schools in Canad. Our graduates are in demand as office assistante'and business college teachers. Our courses being the best, our graduates succeed. If in- térested in your own welfare write now for our catalogue ; it is free. We have three departments; Com- mercial, Shorthand and Telegraphic Winter term opens January 6. Elliott & McLachlan, t eae 8 SESE EEE EEE ETT EEE PE tbh et Peete emean Feiscnteliertebloressencees Fruit Cakes Fresh Oysters For Saturday-- Made from puff paste Tarts Turnovers Bostc n Chips Chicago Squares Mince-Pies J.T. WELCH, MAIN STREET, ATWOOD. AE SAA FANS SAINY PANS TINY SAIN AIS AAS FI TIS AS TID TIN 2 7 é 3 ~ . 7 * = 2 « - + . = 4 « : ? a 5 . P 7 s r 7 f - : 3 : 7 > * = = iG = E> a > "A SJ DAY AY ALY ALS Ae Al Al it TS TiS FP PS ia. INTENDING PLANTERS 43 of Nursery Stock and Seed Potatoes should either write direct to us, or see our nearest agent, before placing their order. Satisfaction guaranteed; prices right; fifty years reputation. Jixtra heavy stock cf the best apples. Agents wanted, whole or part time; salary or liberal commission; send for terms. CANADA'S OLDEST NURSERIES, THE THOS. W. BOWMAN AND SON COMPANY LIMITED, Ridgeville, Ontarlo. Town Market. | stoves that Middtings Flour, per 100 Ibs ........ 2 Low Grade Flour Flax Seed Meal, per ewt. Oat Chop, per cw Corn Harley Chop, perewt .... ( 'love >| chitis Potatoes (bag)........... Oniens, per bushel Apples (bag) ............ LEARN GRESS-MAKING BY MAIL iy your epers tine at home, or Take a Personal Course at School. To enable all to learn we teach on, cash or instalmeg@g plan. We abo teacha personal class at school once a month. Class commencing last Tuesday of each month, These lessons teaches how to cut, fit and put together any garment from the sg shirt waist suit, to the most elabor- ate dress. The whole family can learn from one course. We have taught over seven thousand dress-making, and guarantee to give five hundred dollars to any one that cannot leurn between the age 'of 14 and 40. "You cannot learn dress-making as tborouch us this course teaches if you or school, Thisis the only experienced Dress for particulars, as we have cut our rate one- SAS ute Ont., Canada, amare young lad our eourse teacher for the six 'e--age 2 's- likes drawing yaar wh not apply. whole tne aes Sold by C. 5 . LOCAL. * Mrs. Hugh Porter is St. Marys. Even Dee. 2, is.time to enter the Listowel Business College. visiting in Council meets for general business at 10 a. m. on December. 10th. The House of Commons of Canada opened on Thursday of this week. Miss Ella Wilson, of Listowel, was the guest of Miss Lizzie May on Wednesday. Try us for robes, blankets, whips, ete. We have a full line and yi at right Prices. The Newry cheese factory closes down this (Friday) after a very suc- ceesful geason. Lawyer Morphy, of Listowel, was in. Atwood on Monday attending the cement meeting. For Quality and Quantity ask your dealer for the new big plugs of ' 'Bobs' 'Stag' and *'Currency" Chewing Tobaccoes. Messrs. Geo..Lindsay and - Robt. Morrison, of Woodstock, attended the cement meeting on Monday. For SALeE.--Some year-old, white leghorn bens. (Good layers. Apply to W. Price, Hardware. Mrs. F. C. Leirseh, of Ethel is at present visiting-friends in Stratford, Baden and London. Miss Edythe Hammond - spent Sunday with the. Misses Morrison on the 10th con.,. Elma. A large crowd was in Atwood on Monday, there being many strangers bere attending the cement meeting. Mr. Thos. Hunter returned to his home on the 6th con., last Friday after spending the summer in Man- itoba. 7 This will'be the last week-for. the. Elma cheese factory to make cheese. On Monday they will start the butter making. A new ling of fountain pens suit- able for Xmas presents for sale at the Drug Stora. Prices from $1 to $5; every pen guranteed. The pulpit of the Methodist church on Sunday will be occupied by the Rev. Samuel Salton, of Trowbridge. Don't forget Bible Society meeting to this (Friday) evening ab 7 the daptist Church. We still have a few second hand we are sellingwat away pg prices. Call and see them at . Price's Hardware. the held 30 in be To check a cold quickly get from your druggist some little Candy Cold rablets called Preventics. Druggists every where are now dispensing Preventics for they are not only safe, but decidedly certain and prompt. Preventics contain no Quin- ine, no laxative, nothing harsh nor sick- ening. Taken at the 'sneeze stage" Preventics will prevent Pueumonia, Bron- Latirip ype, ete, Hence the name, Preventics, Good for feverish children. 48 Preventics 25 cents. Trial boxes 5 cts. H McFarlane, druggist. Mr. J. C. Rowe, of Hickson, at- the cemont meeting on Monday, and he spent Sunday with his cousin, Mr. W. T. Thompsow.. King Street. wy The regular meevhg of Loyal Orange Lodge 630 will be held at the lodge room, Atwood, on Dec. 3rd, at 8-p.m.; for the election of officers and other business. SHOOTING MatcH.-- A. shooting match will be held .at Mr. John J. Struthers' lot 2, con 16, Elma, on Monday, December. 2nd, for turkeys, geese and ducks, Mr. Wm. Blair, formerly of At- rwood, who was employed as operator at Lumsden on the Prince Albert branch and also at Prince Albert, bas been appointed as C. N. R. station agent at Chamberlain, Sask. C. H. McFarlane is showing. an Dolls, Games, Perfumes and Leather spection uext week. Call and 'see choice. work in shops forycars. Beware of imita- tions as we employ no one outside the \Cutting School in Canada and exe elled by none in any other country, Write at once third for a short time. Address ;-- SANDERS' DRESS-CUTTING SCHOOL, oMPUTED, AT NCES Te here on an employ a& number oh sets towns where they liv' Those who haye wor! unless you can an devote . 4 jaitrangement Mr. -| tin's extra fine line of Fancy Goods, Toys, | Goods, which will be ready for . in; | them while complete and get your o Ilo sh, 'Bt. T Wike day oe on Saturday ullough's, and Sanday. "While there they had the pleasure of meeting our former Anderson, d igp-tpacaan tenes te "APPOINTED AGENT.--Under a re-- Hugh Porter has - been appointed agent for the Hco- nomical Fire Insurance Company for Atwood in the place of Thos. Dickson, | who has resigned. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. -|J. Ausman, Trowbridge, succumbed to'an attack of convuisions on Mon- ' day morning: Interment took place on Tuesday afternoon at the boundry cemetery, the Rey. H. P. Wesgate conducting the-funeral service. Mr. 'Nathaniel Coghlin, formerly |* of Atwood, has purchased the fine 100-acre farm on the 8th con. west, known as the Nichol farm, from Mr. possession in Janurry. Wewelcome Mr. Coghlin and family back to this tp vicinity. Monkton. Sunday last. Mr. R. M. Ballantyne, of : Atwood, was in our town on Monday. _Mr. Joe Johnston shipped a" car load of\brick to Blyth last week. Mr. Weber, our general merchant, was in Mitchell on HABER, © on _busi- ness. the cement meeting at Atwood on Monday, Nov. 25th. 'Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Barnhart spent Sunday at Mr.Ronnenberg's on the 16th con., Elma. Miss Jessie Smith, of Atwood, is dressmaking at present for Mrs. Wm. Barnbart. Mrs. A. Chalmers and Mrs. G. Golightly spent Sunday at Mrs. Bat- in Logan. Mrs. J. Horn was "At Home" to her many friends on Thursday even- ing of last week. Little Francis Fullarton, of New Liskeard was visiting her grand- mother, Mrs Fullarton, last week. Mr. James Graham, who is em- ployed with the C. P. pe at Walton, spent Sunday at his home here. Miss Effie Cornish, tailoress at My. Duffield's, is' Spending a few weeks under the' parental roof at Kirkton. Mr. Thomes Fullarton, hardare merchant, has placed two up-to-date fupnaces in the basement of the new Presbyterian Church. Mr. Robert White, 'who has been barbering at Auburn during the past few months, has closed down and is at present at his home here The Public School had to be clos- ed down on Tuesday afternoon owing toa bad pipe which was smoking and which had to be repaired by Mr. Fullarton. Mr. Chas. Reel had quite an ex- perience while digging at the weil for the C. P. R., as the water burst up the side cf the casing with such force that it took two pumps to keep the water down till he got it bricked. They are rushing the work of the the new, Presbyterian Church along very rapidly these days as there was no less than seven different trades- men working at it last Saturday. It is expected thaf the new church will opened about the 29th of Monkton people held a meeting in the school house one night last week for discussing the matter of making Monkton a Police village. They took a vote on it resulting seven for and ten against. They are now around with a petition seeing how many signers they can get. ™™S OLD HENS WANTED ! We will pay the highest i i OLD HENS, ices tor live Pr SPRING. CHICKENS, DUCKS, | RKEYS and all James Donaldson, jr., and will take Mr. Brose Panton was in town on a A number from Monkton atteniied j judgment. 1 oe accomnpanied with a marked "cheque '| acid and other poisonous waste matter, Y helping to advance the town and ge tint in Which youeside Miss Millie Smith, 'of Tralee, who was visiting at J. W. Welch's, Main Street,"was taken very ill on Thurs- day evening last, but is improving under thé care of nurse Lowery, of Listowel. In the ind storm of Wednesday 'and Thursday of last'week Mr. Wm. Porterfield, 6th con., Elma, sustain- eda loss ofe$100 on barn and wind- mill. Mr. Porterfield is one of the very few in this locality who haye no: SQUARES! CARPETS| insurance against storm, he having _been ill at the time his neighbors in- sured. When the Stomach. Heart, or Kidney nerves get weak then these organs alwaye fail. Dont drug the stomach nor stimu- late the heart or kidneys.- 'That is simply a makeshift . Get a-precription known to the druggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's yoke The Restorative i is r. th is Ou Tinsade J igs Sain of the County Court of the County of Perth, held court in the Agricultural Hall, Atwood, for the purpose of hearing OVERSTOCKED Grosz's. W. H.CGROSZ} AS WE WILL SELL THEM CHEAP Call and see them at W.H. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER, MAIN STREET, ATWOOD. the appeals against the award of Geo. L. Griffith, township engineer, re the Hay Award Drain. After hearing the evidence His. Hgnor semneyad 'TENDERS FOR DRAIN: pence' Tenders (marked Tender for Drain) will be received by the sagseney up to 12 o'clock, noon of the irith day of December 1967. for the con- struction of a Drain in the Township of Elma, known as the ** Logan Maitland Drain Improvement." 'lenders will received for the whole work (14,730 cubie yards) and also in Rg rai ist eaction to include the work: lying between the outlet and the North side of the 16tif con. road allowance. Znd section to in- clude the work from the last named point to the Blind Line between the 16th and '7th con. branch drain inelnded, 8rd section to inciude the work from Blind Line between the 16th and 17th con. to the boundary of Elma and Logan, Tend- ers must give the names of sureties and 'of $50.00. Plans and 5 ee gee may papa at my office. Atwoo 1e low- est or any tender not necessarily accepted. GEO. LOCHHEAD, Clerk-of the Tp. of Elma Atwood, Nov. 27th, 1907. FOR SALE. 3. DESIRABLE Lots containing one-fifth _ Of an acre on the lotsare a house and yarn, They are both situated on Main Street, Atwood. For further particulars apply at THe Ber Office. Now is the time to order your Fail and Winter Suit. New Goods arriv- ing every day. Come and get first choice. MERCHANT TAILOR, _-- S SVSSEP SSIS ERY STRAYED. Strayed from lot 18, concession 9, Elma, about the end of Oétober, a heifer calf, marked like a jersey. Any information leading to its whe reabouts will be thank- 2 fully received by CYRUS ; HARVEY, Newry P.O. Strayed from lot 28, concession 11, Grey. eight head of year-old cattle, about the dth of November Any information | 3 regarding the above will be thankfully reecived by the pega RICH ) LOX, woe ANBROOK, P, O. "NOTICE. _ from at E ima, Good. Fresh Beef for sale a. 1 Dae to 100 pounds as desira le, G. Inglis' farin, lot 28, con. seers Wednesday. Recipe Mixed Often. if Some remarkable stories are being told out town and among the ceuntry e mixture curing Rheumatism and Kidney trouble. Here is the recipe and the directions for taking: Mix by shuk- ing we'lin a bottle one-half Fluid Ex- tract Dandelion, one ounce Compound Kargon, three ounces Compound &yru Sarsaparilla. Take as a dose one tea- -- after meals and at bedtime. o change need be made in rll usual dist. but drink plenty of good w 'This mixtuae writes one sathatiee ina leading Philadelphia newspaper, has a mac a : -- coming in of this simple home- | 4 Meat Business FRESH MEATS OF ALL KINDS BOLOGNA, HOME-=- MADE CURED MEATS PRICES ALWAYS AS*LOW AS MARKET WILL PERMIT. % ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED AND DELIVERED. peculiar tonic effect upon the kidneys; cleansing the cloppedup pores of the eliminative tiseues, forcing the kidneye | to sift and strain from the blood the uri¢ 'j overcoming .Rheunsatism, a5 agg and Urinary troubles in a sbort w A New Yo:k~ druggist who chas had hundreds of calis for these ingrediants since the first announcement in the news- papers last October stated that the people' who once try it "swear by it," especially those who 'have Urinary. and Cidney trouble and suffer from R eumatism. e druggists in this neighborhuod 'Bay shay can supply the ingrediants, which re easily mixed at 'heat. There is gaid to ns no better blood-cleansing . agent or. system tonic known, and Ph sk nang re. of. simple to MARRIBD, Hani--Suraner.~-Ry the Rev..W. Wo, Shepherd, onthe 10th inst., at. the « residence of the bride*s cousin, Mr. | James Shearer of Elina, Mr. Norvals Hall ta Miss Grace Shearer, both of © Elma... a Rev,.E: G, Powell," of . Brussels, , held evarigelistic:services in the Don-~ egal church last week... On Mondayg evening last. week he gave a lecturag cn: The, Man the age demands, SUBSCRIBE FOR THE BEE, i

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