ALVANI STEEL SHINGLES roof mante you work because its on (do it yourself wen hess and pave you the building t cover, about t Write us about it and hear a 207 ROOFING RIGHT. Address The PEDLAR People &? Oshawa Montreal Ottawa Toronto London Winnipeg "i NEW YORK * THE NEW FIREPROOF HOTEL NAVARRE Tth Ave, and 38.h St. 300 FEET WEST OF BROADWAY, Maximum of Luxury at Minimum Cost VLAN ae ene Accessible, Quiet and Elegant. Within Five lag Ww alk of Theatres, Shops and tch Grill Roo e STEARNS & DANB, Props FATAL SLEEPING SICKNESS. That Crocodiles Cause. Prof. Koch Finds the are Professor Koch has given a most interesting account of his recent ex- periments in East Africa to a special carrespondent of the Lokalanzeiger, of Berlin, Germany. The professor, who is in the best of healih, said that he had been living for the last eighteen months on a de- solalte island belonging to the Sesse group, in the middle of Victoria Nyan- za, wilh an army medical sergeant os his sole while companion, They dwell in a straw hut similar to those occupied by the natives and saw only three Eungpeans through- oul their stay, two of them being Viennese doclors and the third a Ger- man official, Their only means of communication with the world was a primeaval nalive boat [fashioned out of a tree'trunk, which conveyed them to the mainiand, Sleeping sickness is particularly pre- valent in the Sesse Islands, the inhabi- fants of which are gradually dying off through the ravages of the disease. Professor Koch has ascertained that wherever crocodiles are found the dis- ease may be discovered, but only in places near the banks. The blood of crocodiles forms the chief nourishment of the glossina palpalis, the insect which conveys the germs of the disease. The insects suck the blood between the plates of ihe animal's hide. The extermination of the glossina is impossible, but the same.end may be reached by destroying the croéodiles a1 by the removal of the bushes and undergrowth where the animale-lurk, Professor Koch made attempts to poison crocodiles with prepared meat, bul had great difficulty in preventing the natives from seizing and eating it The principal outcome of Professor Koch's investigations is that there is a possibilily now of making a certain diagnosis of sleeping-sickness and of adopling methods to combat it. Subculaneous injections of arsenic have proved. efficacious, but the chief means of fighting the disease lie in con- stant medical allendance and in pre- venting patients from going inte hith- erto uninfected parts. 7 x _-- an | "ponpps | pris STRIKES STARTED BY SPOOKS. Many Other Trades Than Miners Are Similarly Affected. At the age ri writing, all the coi- ers in the bhooz coal-pit near Liege, in biicion. are on strike, the cause of their ctssation of work being @1 apparition of a fenmle figure dra in while This, ot course, is no new thing, for miners are proverbially superstitious. Indeed. it is Gnly a few years since a precisely similar occurrence took place at the Glyncorrwg Colliery in Glamor- ganshire. In this case the "woman in while," as she got to be called, was the cause of a loss to the neighborhood from which it has even now hardly en- tirely reocvered. Warwickshire, again, in 1873, or- curred ao strike which lasted nearly a year, and oost over $150,000 in wages alone, the alleged cause being a "lumin- ous boy." The apparition haunted, it was said, a certain disused drift. this drift one day. his fellows, ventured to penetrate, the result that the "luminous boy" found to be nothing more terrible than n post clothed in decaying fungi. IL must not be supposed, however, that these spook-induced strikes are entirely confined to miners. n the contrary, the British blue books on strikes, which ar? published annually, contain many instances cf other trades being similarly afflicted, Thus, in North London, not leng since, a number of builders declined to continue work in a "haunted house," and a similar occurence was, about the same time, reported from Glasgow. There has even been recorded a strike cf slevedores due to an alleged ghost in the hold of a vessel they were unloading. HERRINGS 33 A PENNY. Sixty Million Herrings Ianded at Yar- mouth One Day Recently. There were remarkable scenes at Yar- England, the other day. The was full of herrings. It is esti- thal 60,000,000 fish were lande? from the boats, and prices dropped to az low as 2s. Gd. per cran of 1,000 her- rings--thirty-three for a | The work of unloading proceeded that might alon Stretch of nearly three imiles with Bio aid of flare lamps. Hun- 'dreds of horses and carts were ocoupied till past midnight carting away fish to | the curing houses, and the Highland her- | ring girls, pursuing their work with the | aia of naphtha torches, lightened their | lahors by singing choruses. | Some beats were diverted to Grimsby to ease off the pressure. Hundreds of baskels and barrels filled with her- trings had to remain all night on the quays. Every man in want of a job was able to find one during the day One firm report fhat the aver "Age -- of their feet of a-hundred boats was 13:1.000 fish. The sea under the infliienen oi a good lide and a full mocn seemed teeming with > here me SIMPLE PRESCRIPTION, EASILY MIXED AT HOME AND CURES ALL RHEUMATISM., Full Directions to Make and Take This Simple Home-Made Mixture -- Makes Kidneys Filter Acids. When an eminent authority announc- ed that he had found a new way to treal (hat dread American disease, Rheuma- lism, with just common, every-day drugs found in any drug store, the phy- Sicians were slow indeed to attach much importance to his claims. 'This was onlv a few months ago. To-day nearly e rv newspaper in the country, even the nietropolitan daiKes are announcing 't end the splendid results achieved. It is sc simple than any one can prepare il n~ home al small cost. It is made up as follows: Get from any good drug- gist Fluid Extract Dandelion, one- half ounce; Co.npound Kargon, one eunce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Mix by shaking in a bot- tle and take in teaspoonful doses after each meal an'! at bedtime, These are a'l simple ingredients, making an apb- solulely harmless home remedy at litth cost, Rheumatism; as every one knows, is a symptom of deranged kidney . It is n condition produced by the faire of the kidneys to properly filter or strain from the blood the -urie acid and other niatler which, if not eradicated, either in the urine or through the skin pores, remains in the blood, decomposes and forms about the joinis and muscles, causing * the untold suffering and de- formity of rheumatism. This prescription is said to be a splen- did healing, cleansing and invigorating tonic to the kidneys, and gives almost immediate relief in all forms of bladder and urinary troubles and back<che, AGRICULTURAL. "Thought you said you had ploughed thal ten-acre field?" said the first farm- er "Oh, I see; you've over in your mind-' merely turned it Tt is possible fo draw out a man and mieke lim interestmg--but il's differ- ent Wi sermon. He jis indeed a rare youth who never sent his best girl something soft -- fruit, candy or letlers, "I must get ie another chair for the kitchen, Katle. alt. yok have sad one." "Shure, you ae mind, ma'am, have none but gintleman | callers," EMERGS FROM CHRYSALIS. Women of Turkey Daily ts, aca Modernized. Compared with fifleen years ago, even the outward appearance of the women much Jess cf the face snd fi fere. Dress geferally has now a distinct western look about it, and more often than not a modern belt is worn around te waist. Perhaps the mosi noticeable fenture of the altered condilions of life is the comparative freedcm with which modern Turkish women move about in Public. Formerly kept under strict guard by the eunuchs, they now show themscives freely in the company of male relatives and friends. Physicians are no longer debarred from administer- ing medical aid to Turkish women at their own homées--an unheard of prac- tice less than twenly years ages. ie si NOT A CHEERFUL BRAND. "Haven't you any milk that is more cheerful than this?" queried the new boarder as he pcured some of the liquid into his coffee, "Why, what do ycu mean by that?" queried the jandlady. "Oh, nothing," rejcined "only this milk seems blues." the n. h.; fo have the A Successful Medicine. -- Everyone wishes to be successful in any u.der- taking Inewhich he may e: gege. Il is therefore, extremely grelifying to ue propmetovs of Parnelee's Vecetable Pills to know that their efforts to com- pound a meédicne which would prove a blessing to"mankind have Leen gsue- cessful beyond expectetions. 'Ihe en- corsation of these Pills by the public is a guaraniee that a pill tas 'Leen pro- cvod which will fulfil everything ¢claimed for it "Halloa. Jack, ann, boy, for money ?" "What are you taking so dine" "trou! Je ver, then? You've been fussing and fuming over it for the last two hours." "I'm trying to wrile home without t asking for money. wring home N UGLY FAMILY of skin diseases Is the one geuerally described by the word Kesema. In all ta formes resists ordin: ary -- but is ompletely cured by Weaver's Cerate used in con nection with Weaver's Syrup I's simply irresistible the pucker roosts on a pretty girl's way a lips, A woman delests a man who flafters almost as much as one who doesn't. These two desirable quatuicrtions, pleasant to the taste and at the same time effectual. sre found in Mother Graves' Worsm Exterminator. Ghildren like it. Gathering cabLage is one kind of head work. Some people's chastity consists in piv ing advice. Wel, Mangs Prairie Seratehes an? every form of con'agious Ich on humen wf animats\cured in $0 minutes by Wa! ford's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails Seld by all druggists. Many an inn seems all right unt au ii is found out. Talkative women are naturally open faced. A Carefully Prepared time and attention were the experimenting wth enis thal enter ints the of Parmelee's Vegelable Pills befor they were hrought to fhe stnte sn which they were firt offered to the public, Whatever other pills may be Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are the re sult of much expert study, and a}l per sons sufferng frem dysnersia or dis ordered liver and kidneys may oonfi cently accept them as being what they are represented to be. , Pill.--Mue! expen "sd in fhe inp rv compas it - "Fine feathers," remar' ed the man wilh the quotation sistike "Ge, not mak fine birds." "No," rejoined the father of seveh grown daugh' ies, "but they make fine fortunes for milliners." FERROVIM, WITAT IS IT? It is the name of the beat i It builds up the ay ten, give new life, m: rho 3 ple ve) -- strong. He su ne " berr you get henge geau Popular music is probably so called tecause it soon becomes unpopular. Ignorance may 'not be bHss, generaics a lot of contentment, but it con = prevarations Holloway's Corn Cure. and no inconvenience When all other fail, ty pen whatever, in using it. A CA APRICIOUS APPETITE, "Is salbiiy trying, this catering to a sich irl," Mrs. iglass confessed to the fr iendly. visilor who had called to in- quire for Amy. "| believe this convilescent business comes harder on me than her real sick- ness," continued Mrs. Douglass, with a deep 'sigh. "I'm that put to jt to get ee that she'll eat with a cae T get. all riled up Sometimes trying to tempt her," The visitor murmured something sym- pathetic, and thus encouraged, Mrs, Douglass went on. "Only yesterday,' she said, "I got her a fa chop. and five cents' f ows for h RRenevates the entire system. Cod tiver oil is nauseous -- Finocks out the stomach, Toat tired feeling which 'Bauicns tastevess" Ts palatable and can be easily assimilated, So that very few persons can take it, Take a dose of " Bzick's Tasteless" Aind no:e how p.easant it is -- Siarts you eating at once -- relieves Every one speaks of from time to time, and the Languid feeling disappears immediately. E.very bottle taken is guarant<ed to show improvement 3 So why should you hesitate to take it? Sce your druggist today about " Brick's Tasteless." Two Sizes --8 ounce bottle 50c; 20 ounce bottle $1.00 "a ir Power, Heat, to Lease for a Central locat'on. four floors and basement. About ten thousand square feet in Standard Fire Sprinkler System. MJRRAY F. WILSOH, 81 Adelaide St. West, Torento % FACTORY] With Etectric Light, Term of Years. Exoolient shipr nz faollities Low Insurance rate. MAKES A DIFFERENCE, "If a man joses his pocketbook," said the moralizer, "he thinks the chap who linds it is no better than a thief if he doesn't relurn it." "Yes," rejoined the demoralizer, "but if he finds .ome other fellow's pockel- pook--well, it comes like pulling teeth to give il up." The efficacy of Bick okle's Anti-Consump- live Syrup in curing coughs and colds and arresting inflammation of -- fhe lungs, can be established by hundreds 'testtmonials from all scrts and con- diffons of men. It is a standard rem- 'dy in these ailmen's and all affec- tions of the throat end lungs. It is highty recommended by medicine ven- ders, because they know and appreciate ils value as a PaFative. Tiy A pro'*ssor was reproving a student 'av his idleness. when the latter said: "Is no use find: ng fault; I was cut out 'or a loafer." "Well," replied the pro- "essar, surveying him eriticafly from end '0 foot, "whoever cut you out mderstood his business thoroughly." Bis pede AS SUNSHINE after storm is ie whea an olr tinate, pitiless cough has beer "soe away by AL reat Se _ Balsa, No ootuw it. The , od effect If you feel tke shaking a friend when 'we ts down, shake his han Many a man's belief in his superior wislom makes a foo] of him. Cheapest of All Medicines.--Consider- ng the curative qualilices of . Dr. thomas' Felectric Oj! it'is the cheap- 'st medicine now olfered fo the pub- ic. 'The dose required in any ailment ¢ smal and a bottle contains many 'ases. "If it were valued at the benefit it confers it could ngt be purchased for many times the Prite asked for it but increased consumption | has simplified and cheapened its manufac- ture. Fear of alimony is one reason why some imen are shy about marrying. MAKE A NOTE OF IT, "The D & L" Menthol eto is guar-inteed tu cure the worst case of backache, he: saache, oy De Avoid substitates. Get the genuine mape Javis & Lawrence Co. A teacher who asked a gir] to purchese a grammar, received the following note frem the little girl's mother :--"I do not desire that Matty ingage in grammar, and 1 do prefer her to ingage in more useful studies, and can learn her to wrile and speak proper myself. 1 went throgh two grammars ane cah't say as they did me no good. 1| prefer Matly to ingage in German ante drawing, 'and yckal music on the peano.' AGENTS WANTED. MAKE volptobapt Boys and bag os Ulite Pens, writes words withon fa ink Samples 10 eo cs i eee Bir pb slants Premiumsfree. GOAMPBELL EROS, Auburn, .¥ Special Notice, cash will buy new upright pian i - ba" Gon as Departes ont, M en Lee eatalogu fontreal, for Dyeing t Cleaning! Por the very best ovnd your work to the phoebe AMERICAN DYEING G6." im your tows, of send direst. Montreal, , Toronto, Ottawa, Quebes, CAPAC COLD MINES CC., LTD. Capital $10,e00,e00. Shares Sic. Pays 49% dividend. 100,000 shares left to be sold on tue folluw wing terma : 0% upon Paar fetes % Fab. NOTE, Treas., 161i 'Sammer St., Boston, y Most eonven- font. It cleanses peantly. bn SUPPLY CO., Windsor General Agents for Cana ties, at 1Oc. eac. pale oe nae % for edegrelry. we end wee raed » "Dept. 618 Bold send burrey co. 10., Hesten, Masa NOT EMOTIONAL, Staying at an inn in Scotland, a shoot- ing party found their sport much inter- fered with by rain. Still, wet or fine, the cld-fashioned barometer, hanging in the hall, persistently pointed to "Set Fair." At length one of the party drew the landlord's attention to the glass, say- ng: "Don't you think now. Dugald, there's something: the imatler wilh your giass ?" "No sir," replied Dugald, with dignity; "she's a good glass and a powerful glass, but 6he's no moved wi trifles." Repeat It. Learn It. Know K. Shiloh's Cure jWill Cure. MY Cold