'Try aes Bernie & Co. | Listowel's Low Price Makers "For All Lines of Dry Goods For Your Clothing. Vol. 21. No 30. 4 Elma Fall Fair, Monday and Tues B. H. Swino, Proramzon.- . y, October 3rd and 4th, 1910 ot 9 aes pees Somes oe th --t ; THE CORNER "STORE. x LIVE AND LET LIVE THE HOME OF GOOD GROCERIES TRIED--TESTED--PROVED -. That we supply our people with absolutely reliable goods, we run the risk of losing their good will by offering inferior goods. You will find us well equipped with all kinds of Fresh goods in every line. Heinz Pickling vinegar, Pure Olive oil, Sweet Gerkins, Sour mixed pickles, Pork and Beans, Half minute pudding, flavors, chocolate; lemon and cocoa nut, FRUTTS- Bananas, Oranges, Lemon, Cante- loupes and Water melon, Plums and' Peaches--- Crawfords, the best canners, will commence on September 8th, call and leave your order early. FLOUR--Five Rose, Jewel brand, and Pie Crust. We carry three grades of coal oil. All orders promptly delivered to any part of the town if desired. Cash or Trade for Produce. E. _E. Hunniford | LS SSS ? ry j r( = a | CHES and the Freestone are now start PEE The early varieties arc done ing. Prices will bea htthe higher, but quahty vill make ap the axyer- ences, so leave your orders with us and secure the best. We are still getting in Plunjs and prices has been reasonable, blue, green and red, only 60c a basket. Pears are a good sample and prices reasonahia. NOW FOR PICKLING. To have your Pickles taste just right you require choize setected full favored, new season spices, perfectly blended and thoroughly mixed. Our spices are all new goods, selected with the greatest Try ours before buying elsewhere. best for all eave and thoroughly cleaned. We handle culy the White Wine Vinegar the very purposes. We pay the highest market price for Butter and Fuge. 'Phone orders promptly attended to. Goods delivered to any part of the town, Listowel Bread fresh everyday. BE. T. Greensides & Son. "THE STAR GROCERY 32:2 and : obaecoes Loose Salt and Cigars my ee a LN SLOCE. "SY -- Buthymol Shavi ing Stick Euthymol Tooth Paste Zymole ; ; Taylors , : Colgates ' Colgates Williams Sar Nadrun Kuthymo) Shaving Tube Colgates Tooth Powder Prophylactic Tooth Brushes Cream of Witch Hazel Hinds Honey and Almond Cream Nadrun Cold Creams Pompsian Massage Cream Eg n Egg Shampoo Germicedial Soaps Taylors Soaps, Packers Soaps, Lavoderm Soaps, Bon Ami Soaps Cuticura Sozps, Pears Soaps, Dr. Potter's Soaps, Infant's Delight and many others. A.B. K. Foster, Phim. B. OPTICIAN Colgates Bar Euthymol Tooth Powder Shaying Brushes Rubifoara Cucumber Cream STATIONER 3 at DRUGGIST th week in Toronto. Mr. E. T. Greensides ig spending this week in London. Mr. Jno. Houze is at present very ill with typhoid fever. Miss Minnia Boyd visited friends in Trowbridge last week. Mr. Alex. Morrison spent a' few days last week in Toronto. Mr. W. &. Erskine spent a few! days this week at London. Mr. Roy Ballantyne was in Tor-} onto last week attending the fair. t Mrs. Jno. Switzer' was in' London this week attending the exhibition. Mr. J. A: Hume, of Regina, is vis- iting relatives in town and RBorN.--In Elma, on Sept. 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rowland, o son, : Mr. John Ellison was taken ill with an altack of appendicitis last |' week. Miss Steffon, of Listowel, is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. Geo. Rattan, 10 th con. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Switzer, spent Tuesday and W ednesday at the Lon- don Fair. We are clearing out our Ham- | 'mocks at half price. -- W. Price, | Hardware. ' | Roy. Mr. Ashby, rector of St. Al- jban's church is spending this week | 'in London. The | week again efter being shut down | for some time. Bie. Benjamin Gong, from Cadillac is visiting Mr. and Mrs. I 7 Gres: sides. "ae Ghuas. Armstrong, of Dundalk, | has taken a ea in Mr. R. M,! slore. Come 'to us for vour Gems. We , have the stock and our prices are low. --W. Price, Hardware. Mr. Wm. Hopkins, | Saskatoon, spent Monday 'gister, Mrs. Donald Murray. 4 | Mrs. Wm. Milne, and Mis. Jas. ' Engler, of Honfryn, visited at Char- les Milne, Humilton, last week. Miss Thompson, teacher of 8. S. | No. 4, Eims, spent Saturday ard! Sunday at her home in St. Marys. | Mrs. Hugh Porter %nd daughter, i mayor cf with Margaret, are visiting with Mr. and : Mrs. D. G. Anderson in St. Mr. and Mrs. Ivy Smith, of the | {8th con., attended the London Hix- 'hibition on Tuesday and Wednesday, Mary's. | Mr. Charles. Vallance, of the 12th' con, unloaded at this station on} Sait urday afine three year old im- ported mara. Rey. J. C. Reid, pastor of the | Methodist church is expected home| | this week and will tuke charge of the 'services on Sunday. i | F Mr. Perey Cockwell who has been lear ning the telegraphy at the G.T.R. | ' station, left last week for Ridgeway | | to work as an assistant. Messrs Holman, Diekson, and R,. (A. Thompson, shipped on Saturday ten show Londen) Fair me hops to gar good results from hem. Last week we mentioned that Mr. RM. Ballantyne pluced a piano in the home of Mr. ad Inglis, t should have been Mr. G, horses to P TOWN and VICINITY. #) 1 3 Oct. Ist, we will offer any of aur Wall papers at half-price. This TOWN and VICINITY. £ ig ® great chance to secure big bar- PEPE EEE TEES t+tt+ | gains: --W. Price, Hardware. Mr. Andrew Stevenson spent last Vicinity. | * Cement Plant started this; his} Inglif7 with intent to escape liability, either FOR SALE.--One hundred acre farm «being Lot 19, Concession 9, Elms. For further particulars apply ba ARTHUR Simpson, Newry P.O. Strayed.-- On or before the first of August, a two-year-old steer, on the re 'of Mr. Geo. Ellacott, lot 7, con. 4, Bima. Owner can have same by wee property and paying expen- ses. Mr. Edison says hissuccess is due | to 2 per cent. genius and 98 per cent. | hard work. And yet some men who think:they are endowed with 98 per |cent'genius and do 2 per cent. hard | work «onder why they do not be- | come | millionaires. | Fall Millinery Openings. -- Fair Day, Oct. 3rd and 4th, 1910. Try Atwood for your fall millinery, you will find everything new and up to date. If you wish to purchase your hat earlier, will 'be pleased to show's rou what we have at anytime.' 'Next door to Ballantyne's."' Up- stairs, S. i. Sinclair, The dirtiest, filthiest lot of human- ity ever seen 10 Cornwall in a dog's age made their appearance there last week. There were five men, as many |; women and a mob of children, evi- | dently foreigners. They bad four dancing bears and a big baboon, all ; evidently half starved. They started i to perform on the streets but the! | Chi ief of Police escorted them out of , i town and sent them on their way--- | not rejoicing. One of the men had {secured a licence to exhibit one bear but his noney was returned to him and the license tuken back. | CONCRETE BripGr.-- recently opened for | trafic at Auckland, New Zealand, a! teinforsod concrete bridge which ! loots ains the largest masonry arch | in ¢ pistonce, The structure consists | of Lise aproach spans of from 43 \to 41 feet, and a great central arch of 320 feet. The latter is liuged at the abutments and at thecentre. It! 'eonsists of two seperate ribs, connect- | ed by cross struts, with a floor rest-; ing on slender columns built up from {the ribs. Provision is made for a i 24 foot roadway and two six-foot sidewalks. GREAT | Phere was ! A Goop PosttT{on can be had by ambitious young men and ladies in ithe field of 'Wireless' or Railway (Telegraphy. Since the 8 hour law i heer ame effective, and since the Wire- jless C } ayé establishing stat- }ions throughout the country there is a gront shortage of telegraphers. Positions pay beginners from $70 to | $90 per month, with good chance of jadyancement. The National Tele- graph Institute operates six official 'institutes in Aiwerica, ander super- 'vision of R. R. and Wireless Officials und places all graduates into posit- ons. Itwill pay you to write them Hor full details at Cincinnati, O., or | Philadelphia, Pa. | | | | AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS.--See, 285 of the Criminal Code was amen- | ded at the last session of the Dom- jinion Parliament by the insertion of jthe following--'Whenever, owing | to the presence of a motor car on the highway, an accident 'has occurred to any person or to any horse or vehicle in charge of any person, any person driving the motor car shall be lable 'on suinmary conviction to a fine not | exceading $50 ard costs or to impris- loninent for a term not exceeding 30 | days s, if he fails to stop his car, and, of the 8th con. | civil or criminal, drives on without Among the awards made on Friday ; tendering assistance and giving his in the butter making competition at | 'name and address." Any person driy- the Toronto Exhibition, was that of ing a horse just needs to hold up sixth place in class 275 to Mrs. Simp- itheir hand and the automobile man tisement in ; son of Atwood, with 94.07 per cent- age. Mrs. J. FE. Allan, Toledo, Olio, and | Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Fisher, of Atwood | and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Newry, were visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Pounder's, West Ward, Mit- chell, on Sunday. Mrs. Morrison Wilson, of Wood- stock and Mrs. J. Ernest Jenkinson, of Port Arthur, who haye been the guests of Mrs. William Holman for the past two weeks returned to Wood- stock on Monday. It is said that it takes a rich man to draw a check, a horse to draw cart, a pretty girl to draw attention, a toper to draw a cork, a free lunch to draw a.crowd, and a .good rages the home DEE dp Psd PS, Coulter, | &/They pay no taxes into our town or must five assistance. | | Buy FY HOME MRERCHANTS.-- Just at thigtime the mail order houses are active in flooding the country with big handsomely gotten up catalogues, quoting attractve prices on staple ur- ew Dress Goons Direct from England, Ireland and Scotland Now Showing at Gray, Bernie & Co LISTOWEL'S LOW PRICE MAKERS Tho past week we have been busy passing through cus- toms and opening up our New Dry Goods imported direct by us from Glasgow. By importing direct we save you the middle man's profit, that is why we sell so cheap. Call and look them over. MANTLES First showing of the new season's mantles, beautiful new stylish mantles at the price you like to pay. ALWAYS REMEMBER YOU PAY LESS HERE Gray, Bernie & Co MEN'S OUTFITTERS. LiIstow"w7 aL. NEW FALL GOODS We are daily filling in our stock with New Fall 'and Winter Goods. New Dress Goods in all the latest designs and Colorings. New diagonal cloths in all colors, all colors in Ladies and Venetian cloths. New Blacks of every variety. New Golf Couts for /2adies and Children. New Flannels, Flannets, Hosiery, Gloves, etc. Underwear in every style and quality. Call and Inspect our Stock ticles and making all sorts of big sounding claims for yourcash. They do not offer to exchange their goods for the farmer's eggs, poultry, butter and other produce. They don't trust a penny's worth, but make you pay cash before you gat the goods and freight besides. Ifanythingis wrong with the goods orthey do not suit, they will not exchange them for you. county treasury, with which our schools are coal iaeyiein roads, bridges and sidev sbuil "They do not con- et charitable |. We recommend Quality in preference to low prices. Good Goods are always the Cheapest. The, highest market values paid for Farm =Produce.----- '