Atwood Bee, 13 Jan 1911, p. 4

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'Free'Tripto the Old Country Open to all Readers of THE ATWOOD BEE The Family Herald and Weekly Star, of Montreal, is" going to send three or more of their readers to the Old Country next June at the time of the Coronation, with all expenses paid from any part of Canada and a liberal allowance for spending money. We have completed "arrangements with the Family Herald publishers by which our readers can enter the competition for this prize ip and it certainly will be a trip to 'be remembered. HERE ARE THE CONDITIONS The Issue ofj;The Family Herald and Weekly Star ofj Sept- ember 15th, 1910, had 656,570 readers based on an average of five to each paid subscription. How Many Readers will The Issue of March 15, 1911, on the Same Basis Have P We offer The Bee and The Family Herald and Weekly Star for one year each at $1.55 and every person accepting this offer has the right to make an estimate jand The Family Herald and Weekly Star will send the first three of its readera who make the correct or nearest to correct estimate to England with' all expenses paid from any part of Canada and a liberal{allowance for spending money. Estimate coupons can be had at this office, which must be filled in and accompany your subscription to the two papers. The Family Herald and Weekly Star, *of Montreal, is the greatest Auditors' Abstract Statement OF THE TREASURER'S ACCOUNTS OF THE __ BLMA CHEESE AND BUTTER MANUPACTURING COMPANY LIMITED FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 81st, 1910. (Incorporated, April 28th, 1879.) 'BOARD OF DIRECTORS Thomas E. Shearer, President. J. B. Hamilton, Jr., Vice-President. - Thomas Dickson - - - Robt. A. Thompson, Cheese and Butter Maker. R. 8. Ballantyne, Salesman. - Jas. Donaldson, Jr. Robt. 8. Ballantyne, Geo. Lochhead, Sec.-Treasurer. BUTTER ACCOUNT. By balance from last audit 18474 pounds butter, wholesale ...............e0ece0 $ 4656 344} pounds butter, patrons and others .......... $ 5517 i) 84 95 4741 01 Family and;Farm paper on this Continent, and can safely be depended upon tocarry out this unique competition impartially. We hope tosee some of our readers win the trip. Send your subscriptions in now. THE ATWOOD BEE. vevees 496,8033 veces 4,714,622 Total number of pounds cheese Total pounds milk made into cheese Average pounds milk to pound cheese tie. 11.04 Average price per pound cheese --Cn ng. 10.88 Average test forcheese nae 3.49 Total number of pounds butter inne 18,8184 Total pounds milk made into butter issn. $10,129 Average pounds milk per pound butter ist... 21.79 Average price per pound butter = si. 95.19 Average test for butter --S nn 3.96 ASSETS. To balance on hand eer $ 77 54 * Cash in Bank from part December butter = _........ 829 25 "Valueoflands 250 00 "Value of buildings andsplant i t--(i--'"--s--s--s--S~S~SCSCSW 7600 00 Total assets $ 8256 82 LIABILITIES. Patrons for part December butter, say sin, S 300 00 Borrowed on note, Mary G.Murray j= ~-- ...., 400 00 Geo. Lochhead = = } } -- ....., 100 00 " " Jas. Donaldson, sr, eee 200 00 $ 1000 00 Total Assets over Liabilities $ 7256 82 We, the undersigned having examined the accounts of the receipts and expenditures of the Elma Cheese and Butter Manufacturing Co., w, Limited, and believe the same to be correct. Dated this 27th day of December, 1910. Rost. J. FARRELL, JAS. NEWBIGGING, Auditors. NERVOUS, LIFELESS DEBILITATED MEN } YOUNG MEN AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN, the victims of early indiscretions and later ex: cesses, Who are failures in up in despair beca so you heve other doctors, used electric belts und tried -- rug store nostrums. r New Me thed reatment has snatched ee dreds from the brink of des ir, bas re- Pate fail, Dr we prescribe 2 cepted. ec have da for over 20 Year CURABLE ta as GUARANTEED PAY B asezee a vicine Have you lost y Aco yeu inte sodiog ap gl = EADE iy bec Have yo oe Maw Meth =f Tre wenid e will ng you. ete ithas don = others it Bebe fo for you. Consultation Fre No matter w m0, bes treated van write "for an poses opinion Free Char; - Bay dos Manhcost Fatherbood." ed) 0: of Men. e°"(llustrat- NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. No m boxes or envel- Rey: Fesyinias Confidential. Question List and Cost of Treatment FREE FOR HOME Drs. KENNEDY & KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. peg NOTICE OTIC E All letters from Canada must befiddressed to our Canadian Correspondence mentin Windsor, Ont. Lf you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat mo patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and for Cana business only, Address all letters as follows: KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Write for our private address. : $ 4796 18 Expenditure To Patrons in Cheques..ccccccccsiveccacces svcesereseseveeses $ 4058 48 Patrons itv bubter sos ss.vcccceskescaecavnceoccnas vce sene can 52 85 4111 33 Milk drawers 26 90 R. A. Thompson, manufacturer by ae ccna 363 25 R. A. Thompson, manufacturer by butter .......... 13 10 376 85 D. Murray, dividing skim milk till Dee. "Les, 1910 14 00 Butter boxes...... 103 35 Freight and Express........ ....scccsssessecccesereceees 11 88 R. J. Coghlin, drawing boxes and butter............ 6 50 Ballantyne Dairy Supply Co., supplies... ........... 7 54 Ballantyne Dairy Supply Co., rep separator........ 21 20 LTGUTANGE yacaiesccckeda swan deeascassecteaeceecasesiacsenc & 8 64 Delamont vas asasonasy concep osnapcesy cent evanceaheaamasas 2 45 John Roger, hardware account,..... cs.cseceseeeeeees 30 00 Balance on hand.............sseeseeee | dawae uewa Cveegaies 76 04 4796 18 CHEESE ACCOUNT. RECEIPTS. By hare pe last audit... 0.0.0... cee eee ee ae $ 12 67 749 pounds cheese, wholesale Su esa Seaees' 45117 46 " 72934 | x0unds chease, patrons and others... $69 11 4163+ pounds cheese, R. A. Thompson...... 454 56 46441 18 " Tnterest from deposit in Bank.............0068- 36 66 "Cash for old wagon......c.c.ccccceceeceececececeees 13 00 " Borrowed On notes..... .cccccecceeececeececceeens 400 00 "R.A. Thompson, overhalf cost of telephone.. 3 75 " J.J. Hammond, for piping..............e. eee eeee 75 " S. Peters, rent of iaud.......cccccccccee ceeeee ees 8 00 : $ 46915 96 EXPENDITURE. To Patrons by cheques $38631 98 Patrons by cheese SAU dee dase siseneswnshensoseecs eee 862 72 39494 70 "Milk drawer........ccccccee ceceeecees ceeue ce eeese 2117 56 "R.A. Thompson, maker hy QHEQUO,: .ccsvaeees 2106 23 "R.A. Thompson, maker by cheese............. 454 56 2560 79 " Tnsurance on buiiding ........e.cc0.. ceeeee eens : 57 50 " Tnsurance on cheeso ......... AS csuseienin weseexe P 69 12 116 62 "Government report.........cc0ceeee cesses eceeeaeee 2 00 Cheese boxes.......cceceeeeee checcecuceces eeceeecs 696 40} Seale boards .....: Men neeececeeceeeecccecsaceeesaneecs 42 50 " D. Murray, dividing whey..... ceaueeeen ceeceuecs 98 00 "--D. Murray, work at factory...... ....c.eceeeeeee 4 80 "Jas. Donaldson, expenses to sesteii re Septic URGK cccvcncxisssacvesecnessy sconmexeswers 4 00 "Alex. Morrisoe new milk wagon............... 63 00 "Nesbitt Hamilton, supply of ice....2....... seas 50 00 " Vreight and express..........ce.cececeeeseeeecueece 2 85 "Principal paid on notes.........ccssceeseeeeseeees 300 00 'Interest on monies borrowed..........seceeeee o 29 93 "John Roger, cheese yat..........2. ccececeeeeeece 70 00 "John Roger, hardware account..............000- 41 86 "Statute labour.........ccccceee ceeeecrecececeseneess 7 00 "Atwood Bee, printing and advertising......... 9 75 "A. Pecbles, work at factory...... ....eseeeseee ; 2 00 'Bell Telephone Co., part contract............0. 7 50 "Ballantyne Dairy Supply Co., supplies... 5 88 " C. H. MeFarlano, supplies............cesceeeeeees 2 40 ' E. T. Greensides, account for paper............ 85 '" R. Ross, hardware account............- anrewass 8 41 "W. Price, hardware aceount.............c0eeeeee 5 75 "Listowel Drilling Machine Co., foundry acct, 11 80 To R.J. Coghlin, board account ..,............000e 10 60 "--R. J. Coghlin, drawing t 15 75 Terry & Hodge, blacksmith account............ 84 05 " W. R. Erskino, supplies ............cceeeceeeseeee 63 " Dairyman's fees.........06. 5 csece seceeecseeeess 3 00 "W. G. Shera, blacksmith account............... 8°50 Bamford Bros., account 12 96 " L Pelton, repairing pumps...........02.-eseeeene 9 75 "Hunter aes Co., grate bars ... .......ccereene 4 69 " Nichol's Chemi- val Co., for acid..........cceeee 417 "A. Powell, supplies .........2. caseeeesees Revechess 2 90 "J. A. Bayne, blacksmith account ............6. 90 8. L. Adolph, hardware account ............... 110 '" S. Mitchell, tile and draying ...........0.002008 65 "Taxes .... 42 37 "Co ntract bu Lilding septic tank sebeNeenpeeeseges 27 50 "FF. Howes, acct, 8 a iceeaeaeaeeees 9 46 "J. Roger, cement . tN leu eavvavesens 44 00 Grave! lumber and work "ol... see eeeeeeeee 23 82 104 78 " Dircegrs work, filter bed ceccesteceeeeeeeer 55 45 Other» work -- posbvsseseeacseese ~©~©~6LS O00 en "Tilo and brick "ee aeeececeeeee 23 00 "Teaming sand & le, | heensaeesenenenas 208 90 "Sand ie ceneeenee ane 26 50 "Delegates expenses to Innerkip and Bright re filter bed 7 20 "8. Peter, use of land for filter bed cecscccscces 2 50 837 60 . R. A. Thompson, loading cheese .........-..... 6 00 " " unloading boxes ....,....... 7 00 " " "board account ..........00008 35 60 " " neutralizer and supplies ... 4 25 52 85 . " "elevating whey ..........06664 40 00} " " "pasteurizing whey ......... 138 70} "Thos. TE. Shearer, work, boxing and meetings 47 05} "J. B. Hamilton, jr. 22 90} "Jas. Donaldson, jr." = " 20 60} " --R. S.-Ballantyne 7 "s 20 60} ' hos. Dickson, . " " 21 85 i: Thos. Dickson, shipping cheese ........ .....-.. 12 00 " R. §. Ballantyne, saleman.............cscceeeeees 50 00 Pelophonind arocoiaresscakecocrsdacccstvese. Gueees 4 86 " Geo. Lochhead, salary as secretary-treas ... 125 00} "Telephone, postage and'stationery ..........+. 2 36 " Auditcrs 5 00 Balance on band suecanae 1 50 $ 46915 96 _ Total balance on hand....0... "THE ATWOOD BEE is printed Every Thursday $1.00 a year--or $1. 60 when in arrears. Advertising Rates : :--One inch, $5 per year, 2 inches, $10 per year. Professional cards $5 per year. Transient advertiseinents, 5c per line first insertion, 3c per line each subsequent rtion Advertieiieite withont specitic instruc- tions inserted till forbidden, and charged accordingly. Advertisements of articles or animals lost or igioe articles for sale, houses or rooms to rent, etc.. four times for one dollar. One column ae 20 inches. We have no best ra me Marriages and Deaths inserted "Job a intion of every description exe- cuted in neat and fashionable style, and on short notion. Bee and Weekly Globe and Canada Farmer... .............. $ 150 Bee and Weekly Mail and Empire...................0. ce eee ees 150 Bee and lamily Herald andsWeekly Star... .......... cc. 1.55 Bee and Farmer's Advocate...............0ccccceeceee eeceeecuce 2.25 Bee and Montreal Weekly Witness......... ......... avin' 1.75 Bee and The Canadian Farm and Dairy ...... 20... ..e.0e0ee 1.70 BSS BOG WOU BG ecccciececsccecd: suwsade: tecevesntceesagess 1.75 Bee and The Canadian Farm ...............0c0.. eeeeeee eeuele 1.75 Bee and Toronto Suturday Night........! Diceeeeaee <5 fxsenan 8 25 Bee and The Daily ccc ecece ceceneeeeeeuees 2 20 Bee and The Daily News........ ......c cece ce eesceccueeceueuees 2 20 Bee and Weekly Bencon..............2.ccccecceececeeeceue seesee 1.90 Bee and Weekly Ilerald.... ............. Leese eeneees psee acer 1.90 Bee and Cauadian Home Journel .............. cece cece eee 1.75 --Cash must accompany all orders. A Farmers' Record Book given Free with the Farm and Dairy. to every new subscription taken at this office. sample Call in and see Our Job Department We Print Sale Bills and put the sale in the Bee at very reasonable rate. Bill Heads, Note Heads, Envelopes, Catalogues, Wedding Cards, Funeral eards, Large and Small Posters, Calling cards, Window eards, Cheese cards and all kinds of Township and Insurance Printing. We Soficié pour neré order for (Printing for wSich we guarantee Satisfaction Letter Heads, A complete' stock of the above always on hand. } Talking to the Point Classified Want Ads. get fight down to the point at Issue. f you want something say ce in a few woll chosen words. The intelligent reader tikes that kind pie of the test kind of Whether buying or sell- pecs oo will help you. Coprrigneed Met hy BW MeOenty res

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