J. Taylor, ° Limited, of Woodstock, * Ontario. +44 PEEE wood Bee. Renewing time for the At~ Exma's Locan Paper, Petitebetiniietsiie ee : o 15c to 25c ao: dA. 25c Men's Heavy 'RIBBONS CCHINBEIN Wool Socks For 10c For 19c To OUR PATRONS AND FRIENDS, The time has come around for 'squaring up" for the Igeal paper, Our Big January Sale is Tull of Sweeping Reduction and the Bee makes a special appeal today to all its subscribers and _pat- rone, far and near, to remit the am- ount due for the Bee to January Ist, 1912. The amount individually is smull, but large in aggregate, hence the necessity for the publisher to get every dollar owing him in order that he may liquidate his outstand- ing obligations for paper, printing material, insurance, storé bills, ate. Several hundred dollars will be necessary during the next few weeks 1 Brown Ladies' Fur lined coat with sable dyed coon collar, a beau- tiful coat, regular $50.00, sale $30.00 rrice E 1 Green Ladies' coat, natural rat lin- ing dyed coon collar, regular $55.00, sale price.........,.938.00 1 Brown coat, natural rat lined, mink collar, regular $65.00, sale price $47.50 We haye a lot of coats with fur col- lars at $20.00 to $30.00, extra value. and Muffs. lamb eollar, dyed coon on sale Big cut in all kinds of Furs, Ruffs, Men's Fur lined coats with Persian ¢ lining this coat is sold all over at $40. to meet our outstanding debts, and we urge our readers and patrons. to remit in full the small amount due that we may geta settlement and start the New Year with a clean sheet and a glad heart. ey price. Men's $20.00 Big range of Fur coats from $15.00 Men's and Boys' Overcoats from 10 o 25 per cent. off the regular Fur Caps. --- We have a good lot to pick from $2,75 to $12.00 Warning. We notice in The Family Herald and Weekly Starof Montreal the pub- lishers are warning their readers whose subscriptions expire this month to renew at once. The renewal or- ders and new subsctiptions pouriog into that Office every day are a sight to behold. In- their prospectus for 1911 the publishers promise sdme wonderful improvements that will make the paper even greater valuc than ever before, although it has Jal- Make out a list and come along, it means a big saving for you. z J. M. SCHINBEIN, --""--7T LISTOWEL FSM Ce OB es ee es ee sa ee DEPP EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEEE EERE EET ES EERE EEE EERE EE be BUTCHER SHOP The Leading Meat Shop for the Following Pork Sausage, Lamb, Beef Pork, Bologna, Veal All cured Meats. A call solicited, Highest Cash Price paid for Hides, R. J. WALKER, Proprietor. "4 Let the Gold Bust Stands Alone in the washing powder field--it either use Gold Dust Washing Powder ~ Or something inferior--there is no middle ground, Buy GOLD DUST and you buy the best ng floors, washing clothes and di-hes, OTHER GENERAL Scrubbin USES FOR work, oil cloth, Ledagit a COLD DUST cleansing bath ri Made by THE N, K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, GOLD DUST makes hard water soft has no substitute. You must Ped @ cleaning wood- bbe tinware, polishing brass work, tc., and making the finest soft soap. Montreal, P.Q.--Makers of FAIRY SOAP, J anuary Rod and Gun. Variety,* and "plenty of it, is the keynote of the January jxStte_of Rod and Gun in-Canada; published by W The opening article deals with the outfit required for the back- woods and though sportsmen muy differ on many of the' trimmings, there will be a general agreement as!|; to the essentials. This is followed by a number of personal experiences d in: -hunting, fishing; canoeing -at th > Canfil and re fmend itas one in which sport of all tastes may find [something which cannot fail to prove both pleasureable and profitable to themselves. the comimon, showing how vastly ex- periences in the woods*inay différ and others reminding sportsmen of similar eyents on their own trips. The whole is redolent .of the out- doors and must act like @ tonic i in the. beets weather, There are a number: of items recording occurrences out of ways been recognized as the greatest dollar's worth to be had. Every home in Canada will be better' of - 3¢ Family Herald and Weekly Star saregular weekly visitor during 1931. ----__.____._..__. At-Home and Concert. Music Hall, Atwood, Jany. 25th, 1911, under the auspices of the 5.0.8. The following persons will take part in entertaining: Mr. Geo. age renouned scotch singer, Toron- G. FE. Cruikshank, pipe- major, Little Lula McLellan, seotech dances and irish jigs, Principal Bell, of Lis towel, Rev. W. A. Amos, O'or Ain Geordie Hamilton, Mrs. W. Price, Mrs. Dr. Kidd, Messrs. Hugh Porter Argyle, Wash. U.S.A. Dec. 29, 1910. The Editor Atwood Bee :-- Dear Sir.-- It is with the greatest of pleas- ure I send you the sum of $1.50 fo which, please send me the Bee for the year 1911. I am very sorry I id not renew my subscriptio: soon- er, and hope you will overlook my negligence this time, and I will try and not let it occur again, as it is al- most an impossibility to do without it. The Bee is like a letter from home to me as I may say that when & person leaves one country and go to another, and among complete strangers, it is very lonesome, and it is with pleasure we look forward to a letter from friends and home. I remain with best regards to yourself and all of my old Atwood friends. Harry Copeland. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Cheése and Butter Manufacturing Co. (Limited) was held in the factory on Saturday, Jan. 7th, 1911, beginn ing at 1 o'clock p.m. Mr. John A. Turnbull was appointed chairman. The minutes of last meeting were read and approved, when the treas urer's ard auditor's abstract state- if long and to be of good quality. and at monotonus and] ~ hag. E. Sheare The annual meeting of tha ining Tenders for Wood. Tenders will be received by the undersigned up till 4 o'clock p.m. on Monday, January 23rd, 1911, for supplying at the Presbyterian Church, Atwood, 20 cords of hardwood, 2 feet least one-half to be maple. Geo. Lochhead, Sec. & Treasurer. Milk Drawing. A meeting of the shareholders and others of the Elma Cheese and But- ter Mfg Co., (Limited) will be held at the, Factory on Saturday, January 2 191%, at two o'clock p.m. for the purpose of letting the milk draw: ing of said company for the year 19 also "Tenders for dividing the whey and skim milk at the Factory during the ensuing season will be received up till10 o'clock a.m. on Saturday, January st, 1914, by either cf un- dersigned. The lowest or any tender uot nec- assarily accepted. : Geo. Lochhead, Sec.-Tre surer. Mr. pine Mrs. Lewis Heath of Elma, celebrate their an~ niversary,. ment was presented which showed that 4,714,622 bs milk had been} made into eheese and 41 0,120 lbs, milk had been made into Sutter, dur- ing the year being a considerable in erease over the previous year. The septie tank and filter bed installed during the year received considerable | f discussion as well as the paying for milk according to test. It was un- unimously agreed to eontinue pas- teurizing the whey for the ensuing vyeur and after a vcte be trken it was | carried to continue to pay for the! hk according to test. Robt. S. | Ballantyne was reappointed salesman and Robt. Farrel!, auditor. The fel lowing were elected directors for the | ensuing year, Thos. E. Shearer, Robt. | S. Ballantvoe, Jas. Donaldaon, Jr. | Wm. G. Inglis and Wm. Hume: Im- | mediately after the annual meeting | the directors elect, met and appoint: / ed Thos. E. Shearer, President, Jas. | Danaldson, Jr. Vice-President, Geo. | and Will iTamilton, Messrs Juo Stewart, Millbank, and J. Graham, | Atwood violinists, Mrs. J. A. McBain | and Mrs. Geo. Cox, accompunists, | Geo. Lochhead, chairman. | Concert begins at 8 o'alock, sup- | per from 11 to 12 o'clock, and song, | dance, and story till the sma' o'ors. Tickets may be had from members of | 5.0.8. on and after Jan. 16th, 1911. ! Only « limited number of tickets will | be sold. Admission 50 cents. Com- mittee: Donald Murray, Andrew Peebles, Thos. G. Ballantyne, Wm. | H. Jolly, Seey. - Monkton. | Mr. Ralph Robertson, left on Mon- | day for Toronto. Quite a number from our burg and | vicinity took in Mr. Siler's gale on | Saturday. Mr. Archibald and bride arrived | home from Drayton where they have} been visiting friends, Mr. Longeway gave a party in the | Music hall on Thursday eveniug be- | fore leaving for the Weat. | Mr. Jno. Ritz left on Wadnesday | morning for Stratford to attend tne cheese makers convention. | The Sen. room in the publie school was closed for a few days owing to} the illness of Mr. M. McGregor, prin- | cipal. | The I. 0.0. ». have rented the ! hall above Mr. Pushelbury's store and are preparing to hold their meet- ing there. | ' : ee + A coup. at our young gentlemen | went out to see their fair ladies on | Sunday evening and got storm stayed } and did not return till the next day. Mr. H. W. Hamilton and daugh- tar, Loye left on Tuesday to spend a few days in Stratford where Mr. Hamilton intends taking in the cheese convention. Owing to the storm on Monday the snow plow had to go through quite often so as to keep the road open. The afternoon express was over av hour and a half late. a ------ Baptist Sunday Scheol En-) tertainment. An illustrated lecture on Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress will be delivered in the Baptist. Church, Atwood, by Rey. W. F. Price, pastor,on Tuesday evening, Jan. 17th, commencing: at 8 o'clock, -There will be some gift men of the joys they have shad and O38 Bre. Bi { to each scholar at the close. An off- pering will be ae in aid-of the Sun- | just issued, not only Pct and timely discussions, mak- suicide, Listowel. Ont., Jan. 6.-~-Jas. Dob- json, about 35 years of age, working jin the Morris, piano factory here, who {home about 4 o'clock this afternoon, ; may recover. | Jas. Newhbigging, Auditor. P Children Cry | FOR FLETCHER'S CAS TOR 1A sacunty Athletic} World. The January number of Tne Ath- letie World, published by W. J. Tay- lor, Limited, Woodsteck, Ontario, maintains but | further develops the national sports| | policy laid down on the ineeption of | this highly creditable monthly. The} | Season: able sports treated, the excell- ont articles pertaining to the impor- tant phases of outdoor pastimes and the official information given tell how great a want in the sport life of Can- |, am is being filled by The Athletic orld. Its pages are rich in illus- ing it one of the best yet issued. ee en |Listowel man: despondent through ill-health attempts has been in poor health for the last year or more, has of late grewn very despondent and cut his throat at his | } with a razor, is still alive, and Dr. ' Moore, who has been attending him, says there is a possibility that he As reported previous- iby Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Heath, of 4th con. Elma. In the morning Mr. and Mr. Heath drove to town and Lochhead, Secy. gnd Treasurer and ybeing present, , years of wedded life. lall sat down to a company on their past. success, afler The fortieth, or Ruby Anniversary of their wedding day" was~pleasatt- ly celebrated on Thuradry, Dec. 28th mere joined by all the children and a amily group taken which consisted of: Mr. Wesley F. Heath, harber, of ae istowel ; Mrs. Henry Holtzman, | Maryboro ; Miss Minnie Heath, res iding at homne : Mrs. Lloyd Ausman, jnear Trowbridge ; Mr. Alonzo Heath, \farmer near I thel ; Mr. Coverdale L leath, student of Albert College, and Mr. John B. L. Heath, residing at home. Afterwards all drove hack to parental home where other the friends WINTER TERM AT LISTOWEL BUSINESS COLLEGE opened with an increased at- tendance of 75% over 1910. Students may enter at any time. Send for free catalogue to EDWIN G. MATTHEWS PRINCIPAL. Sochociechechecbesie Rocke dechecBedds decked, td. 2 2b Beene eeans EES Eee EE Ee ee nat Erna es Een gern ee OE ee ee ee Sees Ess C. McMane, M. B. Torontv. L.R.C. P. Len, R. C.S. England Diseases of Kar, Eye, Noee, a Throat treated and glasses prescribed Offee upstairs in the Bee Block. Residence at Mrs. W, F. Forrest. AUCTION BER Alex. Morrisen ICENSED reo TIONERR am ~ Sete ies of Pe and Heros moderate Al] _ ra by mail ¢ or demote Prompily uttendedto. Atwood pest-office, Morphy & Carthew BAnsssrr. Salicitors, ponyeyaneera, olcitors for the Bunk of Ma ilton. Money pail Office above oral Them pson's store, Listowel Ontarie, @,B.,Morrpry - - J. M. Cartarnw Blewett & Bray BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Notaries Public and Conveyancer Listowel, Ontario. R. Burwkrt, & E.C. Gro Bray, r. B.A. J. Cecil Hamilton, BA. STER, CONVEYANCE Sallaitor for Imporial Bank of C anada, Moncy to Loan. Office--Main snes Listowel next te Dr. Foster, denti Branch 1in street, Atweod c - Po ir Fame builling af the Glerk of Township f Kline, redone init Atwooil every We pe-day after a. ' | joined them and about twenty-six guests partook of a hot dinner of fowl and other things. At six o'clock | jall sat down again to a well-filled | table, oysters and other refreshments | | being served, about thirty six guests } some from Duodalk, Wallace, Listowel and oth- Mildmay, er places. After taa a number of yoing people | from the neighborhood ealled in) and a delightful evening was spent in games, music,and other amusements Before breaking up all sung heartily "We're all jolly good fellows" and "God saye the King. " Hearty congratulations were ex- tended to Mr. and Mrs. Heath and many wishes extended for many more | ante Britton The annual meeting cf the Getham | Threshing Company was held at the | home of Mr. and Mis. Wm. Dick, 6th con. Elma, on Friday evening, Dec. | 30. After the arrival of the inembers | }and their wives, and before the bus iness of the eyening was transacted, | most sumptuous | repast prepared by Mrs. Dick, includ- ing the customary oyster supper; to which everyone showed their} appreciation by doing ample justice | to the good things under which the! tuble groaned. After supper the ladies | retired to th e parlor, spending the | evening in sox while the gen. | tlemen retired to the sitting room for general business. The retiring pres- | ident, Mr. S. Corry, after culling the | meeting to order, congratulated the} cial chat, which Mr. J. McCauley, manager and treasurer, read his report, stating | that he was prepared to burn all in- | cumbrances, which news was receiv: | ed with the heartiest applause. His t-also-chowed--a--nice little ty Dobson's wife found tiim tying in his room with the windpipe severed. ; The family moved to Listowel abcut two and u half years ago from Wiar- ton. --_ -- Donegal. Mr. Reuben Barr was a Sunday guest at Mr. Allan McMane's. Mr. Ab. Harron and sisters spent Sunday with friends in Gravelridge. Mr. Robert Barton entertained quite a number of friends on Monday evening. Miss E. MeMane' bas returned to Stratford after spending the vazation at her home. Mr. John Seellioff was a Sunday evening guest at'the home of Mr. Wm, Struthers. Mr. I.. Westman and. sister, of Gravelridge drove over to Unionville Tuesday eyening. Mrs. N. Ew Philips has ae to ee Niet : } Mict. spen |; 'sma' hours arrived, when all i tioneer | guaranteed. = WINTER TERM FROM JANUARY 3rd. Ce a Pe ed Cestral Business Cullege, Stratford The great practical training school of Western Outario: Our courses are »ractical, our teachers are experienced in- structors, the demand upon us for he!p during the Fall term was seven times "the supply. Our graduates are in demand as Business College teachers, Our graduates succeed. Three Departments COMMERCIAL, SHORTHAND, and TELEGRAPHY. Get our free catalogue at once. CSE D. A. McLachlan Principal ALAR SAARAMAASBSARSANAAMIAMA "ARRARAARAARARR OE: W.H. Grosz & Co UNDERYAKERS AND EMBALMERS Night calls promptly attended to. Phone 169, Residence on Wallace St, LISTOWEL. PRUSTUUNTUCVOC TCR eT William Tolman, Licensed Auce- for the County of Perth. moderate. Satisfaction Newry post-office. Charges AUCTION SALE. -- Wm. Holman, auctioneer, has received instructiong from the 1 1_to sell by pub- dividend for each member. The offi- cers for the coming year wero then elected. Mr. Joseph Mills was elee- ted president, as the president, Mr. Coryy, asked to be released, after thanking the members for the confid- ence placed in him in the past. Mr" J. McCauley was re-elected manager and treasurer, while Mr. Jas. Keith was elected secretary. After the transaction of all the business the ladies were joined by the gentleman when Mr. Jas. Freeman provided en- tertainment for them by several sel- ectiors on his gramophone, which was enjoyed by all. Thus the wee left for their respective homes, after wishing Mr. and Mrs. Dick and each other a Happy and Prosperous New Year. ---- CASTORIA For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always erat eight eats credit will be giv! ed, joint lic auction on lot 13, con. 15, Elma, Thursday, January 12th, at 1 o'clock the following: -- Aged mare, mare rising three, sucking colt sired by Dashwood, Durham cow, pg cow, Holstein heifer rising two supposed to be it calf by Holstein bull, steer rising two years, 2 spring calves, Collie dog thoroughbred, 9 stacks of hay, mower, sulky rake, seed drill combined, set of iron harrows, 2 plows, nearly new, scuffler nearly new, palper nearly new, wheelborrow nearly new, hay rack, wagon, set of bob- sleighs, cutter, buggy, set doub harness nearly new, set single hs ness, set of whiflletrees, neckyo, u quantity of mungols, cream sa tor, milk can, cook stove, hea dozen. of chairs, 7 never used, r chair, iron bed, mattress and a cupboard, washing an) 2 tubs, churn, dressing case, 3 about half a barrel salt, pails, and other things too nume mention. T£RMS--All sums o and under, cash; over that a