Try Seas: Bérale & Co. ' Listowel's Low Price Makers For All Lines of Dry Goods » Listowel's Low Price Met , For Your Clothing. Vol. 21. No 52. WOOD, ONT. FRIDAY, FEB. 17, 1911. E. H. Swine, Proprmzar. THE CORNER STORE. |i LIVE AND LET LIVE Marmalade Oranges on now in also Grape Fruit or marmalade Have you tried the Sunkist Golden Orange, we have them from 20 to 50c a dozen. Syrup--Crown Brand Golden syrup by bulk and in tins and Lily White Syrup, Maple mixture by bulk and in tins. Have you tried our half minute pudding flavors, Chocolate, Almond, Cocoanut and Lemon. prnite--T'runes, Figs. Dates, Raisins, Currants, Cranberries Corn, Peas, Tomatves, Beans, » Asparagus and Canned pump- --_-- Mince meat by bulk and packages Pure Lard in 3 |b. and 20 Ib. pails Kineardine meats. baek bacon, breakfast bacon, roll hams and bologna, cooked ham '| Fish--Fresh water herring and Salmon Trout Finnin Haddie and Fresh Oysters. Three grades of Coal Oil Flour--Five Rose and Pride of the West Highest market price for Butter and Eggs. | Goods delivered to any part of town. | E.. E. Hunniford i ---------- eT -- et SS SSS= a = SS SS SS SESS SS SS SS SS See --, Leave your ape ape We are ogents oe 3 Mitchell Laundry THE STAR GROCERY see ee! reat i om einesaih THE NEWS SPREADS. One customer tells another and the news of our prices spreads rapidly. Exceptional valuss will be found in all lines. Granulated sugar, 21 ibs. for $1.00. _ 25 brooms for 26c. 3ic brooms for 25e. 40c brooms for 3c. Mixed cakes, 3 lb. for 25c. Recleaned currants, 3 Ib. for 25c. Raisins, 3 ib for 25c. Figs, 6 lb 25c. Mince meat, 10c. a lb. Fresh water herring, $4.55 a keg. Salmon trout, $9.00 a keg. Oyster shell, 10 lb for 10e. Milverton Flour, Bran and Shorts always on hand and at the lowest possible price. Dates, 3 lb for 24c. Goods delivered to any part of the town. Highest price for Butter and Eggs. E. T. Greensides & Son. SLAUGHTER SALE OF MY ENTIRE STOCK OF Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Suit Cases, etc. to make room for my Spring Goods These Goods will be offered at Wholesale Prices for the next 30 days, commencing SATURDAY, JANUARY 2ist. This is a genuine sale. The best values ever offered in Atwood Come and gxamine the stock for yourselves. Repairing done promptly. , : tateteiiaihditaita tata aiheteiatata ti teatad 'TOWN and VICINITY. ¢ PEE EEE EEE EE EEE EE EEE EEE EEE Miss Jennie McCulla entertained er friends on Tuesday evening. Wall paper!!! New. stock for our inspection. W. Price's, Hard- 'are. Miss Maggie Robertson, of Strat- ord, is visiting with relatives in own. Born.--In Elma, on Jan. 30th, to Mr. and Mrs. James Dickson, a dau- ghter. Sunshine Oil !! The brightest oil on earth. For sale at W. Price's Hardware. Local option will be voted on at the municipal elections in Listowel next January. Mrs. L. Bliss and daughter, of De- troit, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Johnson. ot The Bee to the end of December, 1911, for 75 cents. Tell your friends about the big offer. Mrs. Pope and two children spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Coghlin, of Millbank. WANTED AT ONCE.--Two girls. Apply to Mrs. E. Grundenberger, Elma House, Atwood. Andrew Gray, of the blind line is laid up with pneumonia. We wish lim: a speedy recovery. Mrs. Wm. M. Shearer, of Veriill- ion, Alta., visited her friend, Mrs. F. J Curtis, 8th con. east, last week. Mr. Kalblfleisch and Miss Edgar, of Wroxeter, spent Saturday and Sun- day the guest of Miss Agnes Forrest. Don't borrow your neighbors pap- er, but subscribe for the Bee, to the end of the year. Give it a trial, only 75 cents The Bima Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company will meet next Tuesday at the usual place for gener- al business. Jee we eae jarealy atesntea nnn Sate bidding was high. The sale amount- ed to nearly $3000.00. If you want some thing special for your best room call and see oursam- ple book of English papers. This is an exceptionally tine line. W. Price's Hard ware. Nevada state Legislature has pas- sed a stiff law, makiog it unlawful to sell or give cigarettes or cigarette papers to any man, woman or child, in the state of Nevada. The voters' lists prepared this year will be the ones used for the next Provincial and Dominion Par- liaments, and special care will be taken with their preparation. Mrs. Arthur Wynn, of Newry, who has been dangerously with ppeumon- ia during the past week is somewhat improved in health. A speedy re- covery is the sincere wish of her many friends. We are very thankful to the large number of readers who have paid their subscription for another year, and would ask all who Lave not set- tled up for 1911 to kindly doso as soon as possible. London, Feb. 13.--Judge Evans to day set aside the will of Dr. Crip- pen in which he left bis estate to Miss Leneve and awarded it to Mrs. Theresa Hunn, Brooklyn, half sister of Belle Elmore. The marriage of Miss Beatrice McFarlane, daughter of the late Tho- mas McFarlane, of Atwood, Ont., to William Y"vynpbam Chandell, of High Rive*.lberta, took place Feb. 7, at the Pro-Cathedral, of Redeemer, Calgary. Brockville, Feb. 13.--- Petitions are being circulated praying the Govern- ment for leniency in the case of E. Cughan, former manager of the Farmers Bank at Athens, who is ser- ving a three years' sentence at King- ston for falsifying the statements to the head office. Edward D. Bell, the young man who jumped off the Palmerston train near Milverton a couple of weeks ago, and was detained here over night until taken by his friends to his home in Strathroy, was yesterday committ- ed to the asylum in London for treat- ment as a man of unsound mind. Since being held in jail he imagined that he was to be punished for some wrong he had done but did not know what it was. He is not at all viotent J. W. Ferguson. but is of a gloomy, morose disposit- on, Mr. Robert May returned home on Monday from the Stratford hospital. A sleigh load of ycung people from town drove to the home of Walter Inglis Jast Tuesday eyening and was most highly entertained. All accounts due to Mr. Albert Hammond must'Be settled. at once by- paying the same to Mr. Fred Leirsch at the harness shop, At- wood. The-party which was to be held in the C. 0. F. hall on Tuesday even- ing was called off on account of the storm. It will be given on Friday evening. The second blizzard passed over this section on Tuesday putting bus- iness ata stand stilland blocking the trains. The mail_train from Toronto was cancelled. Mrs. H. B. Ashby will receive on Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb, 21st and 22nd, from 8 to 5 p.m., and on Tuesday evening from 8 to 9 p.m., and afterwards on the last Thursday of each month. Woodstock, Feb. 14.--James For- bes, until three years ago turnkey of the jail, and more recently organizer of the Sons of Scotland, dropped dead in the Grand Trunk station while waiting to take a train for Goderich. Owing to the death of Mr. B. F. Brook-of the Lisiowel woollen wills the 'business must be wound up. Commencing this week the whole stock 'will be sold at prices which cannot be repeated. Blankets, yarns, hosiery, whderwear, mens and boys clothing, suit lengths, our own make of patits, etc., every article at slaugh- ter price, buy now and save a big discount. A meeting of the literary society was held Friday evening, Feb. 3rd. A mock council was held which was a decided success. A literary pro- gram was held, solos being rendered by Ruby Currie, A. Lochhead and Miss J. McCulla. The next meeting will be held on Feb. 17th. <A debate will he held and'a literary program will be provided. All are welcome. Nine persons out of ten, with acin- der or other foreign substance in the eye, will instantly hegin to rub it with one hand while hunting fora handker- chief with the other. This is all wrong. The right way is not to rub the eye with the cinder in it, but to rub the other as vigorously as you like. It is said that if the forgoing advice be followed the foreign body will soon find its way te the corner of the eye and be washed out with the tears it causes. Buy home made goods. Ask your merchants for them. ,Wear home made garments, eat home made ar- ticles of food, sleep on home made beds, read home made newspapers. In this way the money you spend is only loaned. It will come back to you again with interest. Praise up your town don't let it run down. Stand by your merchant and manu- facturer--they are the bone and sin- ew of your municipal structure. Stand by your churches and your schools for they are the hopes of yourfuture. Stand by your press, it is the tireless sentinel that guards your interests. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Thi Kind You Have Always Bought Fears the 5 j Z Signature of Hector is 2 bashful sort of a fellow anc was making a callon his best girl oneevening not so very long ago, when herfather came into the parlor with hiswatch in his hand It was about 9.3) o'clock. At that moment Hec. wa: standing on achair straightening a peture over the piano. The girl hac asked him to fix it. As he turn- ed,the old gentleman, a graff stout felbw said, "Young man, do you know whit time it is?" Hec. got off his char nervously. / Yessir, he replied "Twas just going." He went into thehall without any delay and took hishat and coat. The girl's father folbwed him. As the caller reached forthe door knob the old gentleman agin asked him if he knew what tins it was. i ir': was Hec's repy 'Goodnight'! ! and he left without wating to put bis coat on. After thedoarhad closed the old | gentle- mm turned to the girl. 'What's the matter with that fellow!" be ask- ed. "My watch ran down this after- nom and I asked him to tell me the tine, so that I could set it." Specials At Gray, Bernie & Co. LISTOWEL'S LOW PRICE MAKERS For Saturday and Following week ... After taking stock we find we have too many Corsets. We have decided to reduce the stock. We handle only the Celebrated Crompton and D & A make. Have a full line, all new goods. This is your chance for a Corset Bargain. 50 pair new up-to-date style, worth regular 50c for our bargain days only 39c. 39 pair, all sizes and styles, regular 75c for our bargain days only 59c. 60 Pairs woman's corsets, long or medium lengths, white or grey. A big assortment to select from, regular $1.00 for bargain days only 79c. 28 Pairs best quality $1.50 value, all styles to clear at only $1.19. Remember this is not a few lines culled from our stock, but a genuine clearing. Your choice of an entire stock. This is your chance--Come, We are busy opening our Old Country Goods ( our own direct import ) We can save you money on these goods. Gray, Bernie & Co cohecseed och Fe? eee Se W/V benichemnis AGENTS BUTTERICK PATTERNS AND DELINEATORS NEW NEW LACES EMBROIDERIES J M.S ehinbe tn We sell here some very fine sets of Mink Ruffs and Muffs. Our stock which we will clear, cout at very low a prices. Call and see them. 54 inches long Isabella Opossum Ruff, regular $6.00, re- duced to $3.75 72 Inch Heavy Sable Ruff, regular $18.00, reduced p $12.50, $20.00 for $16.00; $22. 50 'or $18.00 We have a lot of fine marmet and German Mink Sets at all of which we will give you at extra special values. 1 Brown Ladies' Coat, Hemster lined Columbia Sable acta regular $50.00 on sale for $30.00 1 Green Natural rat lined, Columbia collar, regular $60.00 sale price.. $38.00 1 Green Natural rat lined, Columbia collar, regular $85.00 sale price $60.00 1 Brown Natural rat lining Mink collar, best of quality ae through, regular $85.00, reduced 1 Black rat lined, sable and mink collars, regular $75.00 choicest of goods, reduced $50.00, $55.00, and $60.00 Big Bargains in Men's Fur and Fur Lined Coats. If You Want s Bargain--Try this store. : J. M. Schinbein, "uy LISTOWEL _""_ Tr