Atwood Bee, 17 Feb 1911, p. 7

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G00 HEALTH FOR RUN DOWN HEN Tf You Are Weak 2 a Easily Tired Try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Anaemia is a state into which one falls because of lack of blood, o1 because the blood is poor, weak and watery. The man or womao who has not enough blood is pale, languid, easily tired and easily de- pressed. As the trouble progresses! other symptoms show themselves, and the life of the sufferer is one b 'of misery. Anaemia opens the door to consumption, and gives vic- tims to all the epidemic maladies, because the whole body is weaken- ed and unable to resist the inroads of disease. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills|- are the best remedy in the world 'or the cure of anaemia, and all its at- tendent miseries. blood rich, red and pure, thus! bringing health and weak, despondent men and women We do not know of a single case of anaemia where Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have failed to cure if given a fair trial. Mr. John Hastings, Venn, Sask., was a victim of this trouble and found new heal through Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. He says: "I was working on a rail-! way driving a team and found my- self gradually running down. I did; not pay much attention to it ati first; but soon I began to lose nd appetite and it was a trial to get through my day's work. I got me- | dicine from the doctor on the works, but it did not help me, and} finally I got so bad I told the fore- man I would have to quit. He told me not to lose hope, that he would get some medicine chat would soon make me all right. That night he! Went to town and bought me three boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I had not taken more than two boxes when I began to feel better, and after I had used five boxes I was as well and strong as ever, and could do a day's work with any man | on the job. I may just add that be- fore I began taking the Pills I was 60 run.down that I weighed only 1g2 pounds, and while taking them I gained 22 pounds. I cannot say too much in favor of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and strongly recommend them to all run down men. You can get these Pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville. Ont. ---------------- YOUNGEST DIVORCED COUPLE ! Bride of 8 and Groom of 14 Separ- ated by State. j The youngest divorced "couple in the world is to be found in the court of Abyssinia. On May 16, 1910, the Princess Rodmanic Onusk was mar- ried to the Prince Lidj Evassu, the heir apparent, the bride then be- ing 8 years old and the bridegroom 14. Now they have been divorced. It is not a question of fault on ei- ther side, no incompatibility of tem- per, none of the causes which figure so frequently in our divorce divis- ion. The Princess happens to be the niece of the Empress Taitu, and the lady is not popular with the make baby fat and healthy." Sold} andGranulated Byelids. Murine Doesn't regents of the country. So, to pre- by medicine dealers or by mail at| Smart--Soothes Bye Pain. Druggists vent the Empress exercising any 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- a Ty = gar ar on 7 > i 2 ¢ liams' Medicin ; cvi C, 9h. Urine ya pave In -- os upon the ee ont e e Co., Brockville, Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. Eye Books Tu er 8 wile, be re state smen 1ave - and Eye Advice Free by Mail. required the Prince to divorcee her. ba Murine Bye Remedy Co., Chicago. > Da -- ------ Rub a drop of olive oil on knives M RB y % and forks that are to be put away rs. Brown--"'l used to be so heh . . Sere ca foades" oE*. dg tee | Do your own thinking, but do! your worrying has proxy. Corns and warts disappear when | treated with Holloway's Corn Cure without leaving a scar. Instead of keeping parsley in water, which often turns it yellow, pul it in an air-tight jar in a cool place. This will keep it fresh for some time. The Poor Man's Friend.--Put up m small bottles that are easily portable and sold for a very sma'l stun. Dr. omas' Eclectric Oil | possesses more power in concen irated form than one hundred timnes | the quantity of many unguents. It: theanness and the varied uses tc which it can be put make it the oor man's friend. No dealer's ag has come off the lace, slightly yax the end, and it will go through pe holes quite y enaily. Inard's Liniment ¢ t Cures Garget In Cows. . If you put a little blue in the ater when washing the windows' better than with soda, and it does} . not damage the paint. Peevish, pale, restless, and sick- t children owe their condition to #6 ms. Mother Graves' Worm Ex- Wéxxainater will relieve them and Neeive health, They make the: ik strength to) th slow and tedious. t! the surface of the velvet to clean CORONATION ROBES, | cottage Looms in in Suffolk at Work on Roya Velvet. In the ancient borough of Sud- bury in Suffolk, London, the few pecaining hand loom weavers are at work mene the velvet for the coronation ro Among the sans are the Mis- ses Foakes, members of a family of weavers who in days past were makers of bunting for the royal navy. In their cottage, which was | once visited by the Queen, are two hand looms on which are two lengths of beautiful velvet, one rich crimson in color and the other dark rown. . The weavers are seated when at their looms, their feet working ped- als resembling those of an organ. There are two sets of threads, the visible one forming the back of the 'material, and the other the pile, each of these being delicately ithreaded through vertical threads nown as the harness. The wea- jver passes the shuttle backward and forward, and each warp an weft is pressed home by a swinging wooden frame. A cutter which runs across the loom on a wire cuts the threads to make the pile. e process of manufacture is The time is oc- a not so much in the weaving s in the cleaning. At each foot or : 80 made the weaver uses a curious | knife like a spokeshave and shaves it. There are now not more than (thirty hand loom weavers left in Sudbury. the Misses Foakes being among 'the number, e rows of weavers' cottages, now occupied by other artisans and general workers, show the extent of the industry fifty years ago. Si i ese HEALTHY CHILDREN ARE A BLESSING Healthy babies are good babies, matism, brought.on from a cold," says Mr. very best results from using Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's Kidney Pills to anyone suf- fering from these diseases.' statement, isn't it? But it is just like Dodd's Kidney Pills. right to the point. Kidneys. all the impurities out of the blood. Pure blood means good circulation and og life and energy all over the b only cure disease. the whole body and make a man feel that he has been given a new lease of life. over Canada are shouting the prais- es of Dodd's Kidney Pills. vacuum cleaner for mother. LVRY SHORT AND fRANK MILLER TELLS WH} HE RECOMMENDS DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. fle used them for Rheumatism, Heart Disease and Lumbago, and they went right te the reot of his troubles, Elkmouth, B.C., Feb. 6 (Special) --Frank Miller, section foreman on the railroad here, whose work ex- poses him to all kinds of weather, has discovered that Dodd's Kidney |, Pills are a sovereign remedy for those Kidney ills that almost invar- iably follow neglected cold "For four years I suffered from Lumbago, Heart Disease and Rheu- "And I Miller, got the I freely recommend ort and to the point, that They go They cure the Healthy Kidneys strain y- Thus Dodd's Kidney Pills not They tone up That's why people all SS as THOUGHTFUL MAUD. Maud--Yes, I got papa to buy & Jessica--How thoughtful! . Maud--Yes, Mother is a little RIGHT TO THE POI} jand the good baby is a blessing in| ;every home. Nothing can give the ' mother or father more pleasure than to see baby play. Every move- ment is watched with delight; every new word spoken brings pride to the fond parents. It is only the sickly baby that makes home wret- ched--and, mothers, it is not baby's fault when he is sick. You are the one to blame. Perhaps you give him candies, cakes and other food which his little stomach is unable stiffened up with rheumatism, you know, and | used to feel so sorry \te-see her trying to use the broom that I always left home on sweep- ing day. CURED HIS RHEUMATISM. Yarmouth, N.S.. June 2, 1908.--"I have been bothered with Rheumatism for the past year and have taken a good many kinds of Medicine and found no relief for > "One day a friend advised me to try Gin Pills, so I did, and after taking only one box of them, I felt like a new man. "IT thought I would write you a few lines to let you know how thankful I feei for the relief they gave me; and would ad- to digest. Then when he is cross and ailing you give him some "'soothing" mixtures to quiet him. That is wrong--remember his little stomach is not us styong as a grewn Gin Pills, vise all sufferers from Rheumatism to get WM. CONTY, {ture you give \few drops to a spoonful of water. "is 'and a train approaching fn the dis- authorities. ou will find they vrighten much amount please forward.' ened on Monday by ! by the King. persons, and also remember that every spoonful of "soothing" mix- you him only does him more injury--it does not remove the cause of his fretfulness--it merely dopes him into an unnatural sleep. What is needed to make baby heal- thy and happy is Baby's Own Tab- 'Napoleon' any more. Vhy lets--a medicine with a guarantee | not?' demanded his wife, explosive- of safety. About them Mrs. Ma |ly. 'Napoleon' is our pet thies McCormick, West St. Peters, | name. know, my dear; but it P.E.I., writes. 'We have used Baby's Own Tablets with good re- sults. They are certainly a bless- ing for mothers that have cross, sickly babies They sweeten the stomach ; give refreshing sleep and and they will retain their bright- ness and be found free from dust when required again. What Is the Bost Thing to strengthen { back? "The D& L" Menthol Plas cure oa avd & seven laste Montreal. Davia & Lawre Bosom friends may be chums, or they may be chum humps. Many people have receding gums. Rub Hamlins Wizard Oil on gums and stop the decay; chase the dis- ease germs with a mouth wash of a neighbor's daughter seems to be quite a singer. wish I had her voice!"' Sample free if you mete National Drug & Chemical Co. te ) nto. All Dealers pare Gin Pate at 50c a box-- 6 boxes for $2.5 '"'Dear,"' said Mr. Henpeck, tim- idly, "I wish you wouldn' t call me 'y makes my friends laugh when you call me that. I was thinking you might call me 'Job' all this year." TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes a of fiction before I was mar- Mrs. Smth--"And don't you read much now?" Mrs. Brown --'No; after the tales my husband tells me about why he is late get- | « ting home, mere printed fiction seems so tame and unimaginative.' TO © CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY B O Qe refund money if it fails ag breed caries, 'S signature ison each box. aso. 7exe 4 reg Drnggiets % Browne (making a call)--"Your Smythe--"Ah, I HADN'T FINISHED. Bones--"What did your wife say when you stayed out so late last night ?'" Jones--"I yet." A Pill That Lightens Life.--To the man who is a victim of indigestion the transaction of business becomes an added misery. He cannot con- tentrate his mind upon his tasks and loss and vexation attend him. To such a man Parmelee's Vege- table Pills offer relief. A course of treatment, acuording to direc- tions, will convince him of their great excellence. They are confi- dently recommended because they will do all that is claimed for them. The Boy--" 'Ere's s the eggs you ordered for the puddin', ma'am."' The Cook--"Thank you; just lay them on the table, please." The Boy--"Excuse me, ma'am, I ain't a hen; I'm the grocer's boy." The Nova Scotia "Lumber King" BAYS: "I consider MINARD'S LINI- MENT the BEST liniment in use. I -- mv foot badly jammed late- ly. I bathed it well with MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT and it was as well as ever next day. Yours very truly, T. G. WeMULLEN. don't know. She hasn' t finished telling it, all to me ie ee tive waeaalicte nt ay that a more, © Queen City Oil y Ol Com aiaay, Limited, Toronte, ELECTRIC MOTORS OR POW DR ELECTRIC DYNAMOS FOR LIGHTING BEST MACHINES, MOST ECONOMICAL Ia OPERATION. CANADIAN ELECTRICAL G MOTOR CO, |g 99-101 Queen St. E., Toronto $1! a box HODINOL &'2,°33 The most highly efficient application for the reduction of Swellings, ah ag Thick Neck, Glandular Enlarg ments. Its Positive. PILES of all kinds, in any and all Stages, quickly re- lieved and positively cured. $1 a box, &§ for 6 boxes. receipt of price. LYLE Mailed o TORONTO MEDICINE COMPANY, ACENTS WANTED =s Camas xpe a por-woe pie ne usran on) s m ploying. ¢ Heaaqu attend ions onthly, State lway Astoctation, Dept. treet, Brooklyn, N.Y- EN Pal crafter age 18-35, for freme M*. thly, and "prakemen $80, on all railroads. pee "Positions Promotion. Legwetye K --over 400 me! age; send prs 804, 227 Monroe WANTED. TRADE -- NEW THR BARBER meer re one free. are week» : Barber College, [gars Hoe igre ome Dr, a gl Medica' grood, When buying your Piano insist on having an 'OTTO HIGEL" Ptano Action MOTHERLY ADVICE. Margery was playing school with her dolls. The class in physinogy was reciting. "Now, a are your hands f " 'To keep clean," reply she said, "what r?"? was the prompt "Yes," repeated the little tea- cher, ber, too," she added, keep our feet clean, might be an accident.' "Rebecca, you shall mid dot Moses Levi once more. "Oh, fadder, you heardt. Ve vos almost engaged. Vy shall I not shpeak mit him?' for a shenuine shtone." der, dot shouldt recomment him. If he can fool a vise man like you, vat a fortune he haf in der chewellery in-law. Prace up, Rebecca!" Bickle's Anti-Consumptive Syrup is the result of expert chemical ex- periments, undertaken to discoVer a@ preventive of inflammation of the lungs and consumption, by destroy- ing the germs that develop these diseases, and fill the world with iar subjects hopelessly strick- use of this Syrup will ict the dire consequences of neglected Colds. Atrial, which costs only 25 cents, will convince you that this is correct. Newspaper Interviewer--"Is_ it true, sir, that you started life as a poor plough- boy ?"" Successful Merchant--"No, sir, I started life as a small, red-faced, yelling baby! Good day, sir!" foun in i checks chills, breaks up Te colds thu vents Bronchitis, Lagri and Rbeuma asieee a as tintment for bruises, sprainus, sold b frost ues, eo all druggists. ne Painkiller-- 'Porry Davis'. Anxious Mother--"How do you know young Cashleigh is in love with you? Has he told you so?' Pretty Daughter--"N-no; but you should see the way he looks at me when I am not looking at him.'"' Browne-- HERO A LAW BREAKER. | ( German Life Saver a With a Fine. od for over SIXTY-FIVE YEARS b . MILLIONS of OTHERS for thelr CHILDREN WHILE : : ; : ork. | TESTHING. with PrLuFECT sUCCESS. Some time ago a German work the CHILD. SOFTENS the GUMS. 4 YS al! PAINT man was taking a country walk,| SPER GIS? cou Sacuieis ta or t_remedy, says a Breslau newspaper, when he| rerld , Be sure and ask for Mra Winslow's Soothing fyrup,." and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a saw avinan lying on a railway line,} vottie Garant or the Food and Drags Drugs Act, ock is complete without it. thew He pumee ae ag yates the man, who was drunk, off the ---- Be : ee see "Tll teach you to play at pitch Boot or shoe laces will not come oe Loh a ae and toss,' ' shouted the enraged fa- ndone if slightly waxed. If the "2% 8 ther. "I'll flog you for an hour, ter bearing the seal of the railway Convinced that it could only be some reward from ' the authorities for his rescue, he otal opened the envelope. It ntained the following notice: "You are fined 75 cents for tres- I passing on the State Railway, which ee ey sat nee ee cases have Veea mrsaved les ws RBe, Guunalie ee The British Parliament was »p- Shilohs G 3 Cure ae age Mrs. Winslow's So s Soothing Syrup ea: cr 1906. Boral Number 10k the incorrigible, as he balanced a penny on his "T'll toss you to make it two hours or nothing." opi@en in any should be beaten thoroughly, mixed in the last thing before bak- ing. One well-beaten egg will go as far as two bad] baclly 3 beaten ones. minares Linimant Curce Distemper. "What would you do"? Smythe fiercely --"Drown -it! *. taste in reading?" asked one man. "'Execrable ! green binding while she was wear- ing a yellow gown."' wo- "hands were given us so we could keep them clean, and 'mem- "we must *cause there ' not shpeak preak mine "He haf sold me a paste diamond 'Oh, -fad- " '2 ejd oss. Bold b: piziness ! Vell, Rebecca, you Asi for fee baok "A Bid Ou The vas schmarder as I thought. Get Moree" of wette $5 married ven you like, and I shall BR. B, J. URNDALL CO. Enssborg Balls, Vt go into bardnership with mine son-| Ghygegetor Minard's Lintment = Diphtheria. ation ma Tuthe toroat gto a Wins ton efor ny el seaen cold as a fre, and T. ASTE. @ nay ugh use "Allen n's Lang Balsam, 'Does Miss Bobleigh display good} "When I wath a little boy," lisp- Don't Iet a Spavin, Curb, Splint, Spreian, Ringbone or any other Lame- meas keep your horse in the stable. Cure it with Kendall's Spavin Cure It cures without leaving a scar, blemish or white hairs--because it docs t Dieter. Port Kalis, B.C., June léth 1909 watug your Liniment for it ab that you represent. been without it ferl@ = GEORGE GORDON Pl. a bettie--S for $5. ee = house y oll denie Mave ates ve = Barn Roofing Fire, Lightning Rust and Storm Proof Durable and Ornamental Let os know the size of any poof you are thinking of covering and we will make you an Interesting offer, Metallic Roofing Go. Limited MANUFACTURERS | TORONTO and WINNIPEG cn TO THE LIMIT. "What's the biggest interest 'you ever had to pay on a loan?' 'When I -borrowed trouble."' TO RAISE THE TEMPERATURE. Frank had been sent to the bard- ware store for a thermometer. "Did mother say what size?' asked the clerk. 'Oh," answered Frank. the_highest one you've got. to warm'my bedroom with.' "oimme It's A Safe Pill for Suffering Women. '--The secluded life of women which permits of little healthful exercise, its a fruitful cause of derangements of the stomach and liver and is ac- rountable for the pains and lassi- tude that so many of them experi- ence. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will correct irregularities of the di- gestive organs and restore health and vigor. The most delicate wo- man can use them with safety, be- cause their action, while effective, is mild and soothing. AT THE WELL BOTTOM. "They say," remarked the stu- dent, "that truth lies at 'the bot- tom 'of the well.' "T guess that's right," rejoined the old lawyer, "judging by the amount of pumping we have to do in order to get a little of it." ed a very stupid society man to a o? replied the other. "T saw her reading a book with a Even the bachelor minister is a CLD AND WELL TRIED REMEDY, marrying man. will!' "Father," instantly said thumb and finger, When making cake the eggs Fa . ter, "? said the girls shyly. young lady, "all my ideath in life were thentred on being a clown.' 'Well, there is at Teast one case.of gratified ambition," was the reply. PILBS CURED IN 6 TO 14 wie Your Sre8 ist _ TetaAS oe f if PAZO OINT- MENT ats to of Itching, Sling Bleeding or Pretvodiog Piles in 6to ladays. THE CHICKEN BLOSSOM. Little Mary went into the coun- try on a visit to her grandmother. Walking in the garden, she chanc- to spy a peacock, a bird she had never seen. She ran quickly into; the house and cried plots "Oh, grandma, come out see. here's an oid chishoe in full bloom."' "Don't you like that quotation from Shakespeare: re friends thou hast and their adoption 'tried, grapple them to thy soul with hoops of. steel'?" he asked, soulfully. "I think hoops of gold would-be bet: SAVED HER FINGER. cher Ay: says ;-- '* Some time po Sarin Bt and w ny blown a salve I bad in the house. ose, however, did not eave the desired oftect. ite on the co; the See eae cht eee enees r therew cre sh tanyrolief. thas save the person's" therefore, Socided to give Zam- Bake a 'tel. . suppl wae procured, end ° 4 dr ante, nt *ree tri Tie: Refuse all }. citations note outs, scratches from a Ea ~ ISSUE NO. 6-1 8 arp =

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