Atwood Bee, 24 Feb 1911, p. 1

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as "Listowel's fie biine eabiha "for Ait Lines of oy Goods : ie 22. No 1. [THE CORNER STORE. | LIVE AND LET LIVE. Marmalade Oranges on now in also Grape Fruit for marmalade... it Have you tried the Sunkist Golden Orange, we ff have them from 20 to 50c a dozen. f Syrup--Crown Brand Golden syrup by bulk and iin tins and Lily White Syrup, Maple mixture by bulk and in tins: Have you tried our half minute pudding flavors, # Chocolate, Almond, Cocoanut and Lemon. Fruits-- Prunes, Figs. Dates, Raisins, Currants, Cranberries (anned Vegetables--Corn, eas, Fuses Beans, Aspetagte and Canned pump- "Mince meat by bulk and packages Pure Lard in 3 tb. and 20 Ib. pails 'Kincardine meats. back bacon, breakfast bacon, roll hams and bologna, cooked ham Fish--Fresh water herring and Salmon Trout, Finnin Haddie and Fresh Oysters. Three grades of Coal Oil Flour--Five Rose and Pride of the West Yighest market price for_Butter and Eggs. Goods delivered to any part of town. We are sgents Le our ave yo! ~ af rer gy undry Laundry wee Lanay wi THE STAR GROCER gee you got it netoad. THE NEWS SPREADS. One customer tells another and the news of our prices spreads rapidly. Exceptional values will be found in al] lines. Granulated sugar, 21 lbs. for $1.00. 5c broows for B0c. 35c brooms for 25e. * 40e¢ brooms for 30c. Mixed cakes, 3 Ib. for 25c. Recleaned currants, 3 Ib. for 25c. Raisins, 3 tb for 25c. Figs, 6 lb 25c. Mince meat, 10c. a Ib. Fresh water herring, $4.55 a keg. Salmon trout, $9.00 a keg. Oyster shell, 10 Ib for 10. Milverton Flour, Bran and Shorts always on hand and at the lowest possible price. Goods delivered to any part of the town. Highest price for Butter and Eggs. E. T. Greensides & Son. © Dates, 3 |b for 24c. BANK OF HAMILTON HEAD OFFICE: HAMILTON Capital Paid Up . . . - - $2,750,000 Reserve and Undivided Profits . $3,250,000 te $6,000,000 --------_ ee " Total Assets . . . ~- Over $40,000,000 Savings Bank Department at all Branches. W. H. Brown, Agent, Atwood. BUTCHER SHOP The Leading Meat Shop for the Following Pork Sausage, Bologna, Beef Lamb, Veal Pork, « ' All cured Meats. A call solicited. Highest Cash Price paid for Hides. R. J. WALKER, Pi roprietor. TOWN and VICINITY. + Miss Pearl marae spent last week with friends in' Wingham, the bed this week with la grippe. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Murray visited last week in Stratford and Downie. Miss Viola Ferguson arrived home: } |on Tuesday evening from Vancouver, | Miss McEwen, of Stratford, is the guest of Miss Agnes Ballantyne, 8th con. west. Wall paper!!! your inspection. ware. Born.--In Elma, on Sunday Feh, 19th 1910, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nicholson, a son. Mrs. Ballantyne. and son, of Stratford, are the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ballantyne. Sunshine Oil !!- The brightest oil on earth. For sale at W. Price's Hard ware. Russel W. Price's, Hard- Inglis is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pertie, of ' Cranbrook, this week, Mr. Layton Smith who has spent the past two years at Sonris, Man., returned home !ast week. Mrs. Jno. B. Hardie of Wingham, spent a few days last week the guest § |of Mr. and Mrs, B. J. Walker. Mr. Ballantyne and Miss BE. Jarr- et of Listowel were the guests of Miss Olive Ballantyoe on Sunday. WANTED AT ONCE.--Two girls. Apply to Mrs. E. Grundenberger, Elma House, Atwood. Atwood Lodge, No. 882, I. 0.0. F. will hold their annual. at-home on Wednesday evening, March 8th. Jessie B, Inglis was the puest of her uncle and aunt, Me. and Mrs, Charles.) Mason, of Stratford, last week, Mr. Verville's bill providing for an eight hour day on publie building') contracts:passed the House of, Ooms, ¥ mons Monday. All accounts due to Mr. Albert Hammond must be settled at once by paying the same to Mr. Fred Leirsch at the harness shop, At- wood. Mrs. Robt. Farrell, of the 8th con. xaye a large quilting on Friday after- noon, and the eyening was spent socially. Mr. aod Mrs. Thos. Hamilton Jeft on Wednesday morning for Rock- vill, Minn., where they intend to re- side in the future. Mr. Ed. Houze left on Tuesday for his bome in Abernethy. He took back with him a car load of settlers' effects including ten fine borses. Mrs. A. Wynn, Andrew Gray, Mrs. Geo. Graham and daughter, Mina, who have been yery ill with pneumonia are all progressing favor- ably. Upwards of 140 young people gat- hered in the C O. F. ball on Friday evening last and tripped the light! fantastic until the wee' sma' hours of the morning. If you want some thing special for your best room call and see our sam- ple book of English papers. This is an exceptionally fine line. W. Price's Hardware. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Mr. J. R. Hammond has purchas- ed a half acre of ground from Mr. Robt. Fisher ¢.1¢ south end of the village, and this summer Mr. Hamm- ond intends building a fine residence. For SALE.--A.frame house and lot, situated on King-st, east, At- wood. On the premises area small barn. For further particulars apply to Margaret Ellacott, Monkton, On- tario. Lost.--On Friday, Feh. 17th, be- tween Mrs. Agnes Morrison's and Miss Mary Morrison's gate, a pair of gold rimmed spectacles in case. Fin- der please leave same at Newry post- Office. MARKS--McMrILian.-- At the Manse, Listowel, on Wednesday, February Sth, 1911, by Rev. D.. W. 8. Urquhart, 8B. A., George Wellling- ton Marks, of Elma, to Emma Jean McMillan, of Wallace. Goderich, Feb. 18.--The C.P.R, train Toronto to Goderich was «'elay- ed several hours last night by runp- ing into threo horses in deep cutnear Blyth. Tke horses became wedged under the baggage car, which had to be jacked up. Now: stock,-for yea Listowel! 'a Low Price Meera > For Your Clothing. BE. H. Syria, = ee ae of Salmon arm F Pee the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. ba Main-at. "Lost. -- Between Newry and Lot 48, Con, 10, Elma, on February 8rd, }& voollen rug with red and black Mr. T. G. Ratcliffe is confined to}* running lengthwise. | Finder leave the same at the » Office or at Newry postofiice. Atlanta, Ga.,; Feb. 18.--Five rob- bers held up a fast New York to At- train on the Southern Railway hite Salphur Springs, Georgia, ited the safe in the express car Lies escaped with $700. They over- ed another safe containing $50,- Fn cleaning abric-a-brac, especially obtBa pieces, it is s good plan to use are useful in dusting crevices and al- isQexcellent for uses while washing Instead of putting soap in {the water. use a tablespoonful of am- monia in a gallon of warin water. "Ohildren Cry ~ FOR FLETCHER'S co AB STORIA Diep. --In Elma, on Saturday, Feb. 18th, 1911, Catherine McPhail, relict of the late John McGillawee, agit 85 years 11 months and 11 days. nneral left her son's residence, Mr: Archie McGillawee, lot 34, con. §, Elma, on Tuesday, February 21st, attwo o'clock and proceeded to Don- egtl Cemetery where interment took place. 4fhe Directors of the Elma Far- mers' Mutual Fire Insurance . rme*t in the Agricultural hall, Atwood, on Tuesday the 21st day of February. Al of the members of the board be- ing present. The minutes of the | st tdivectors meeting and the annual meeting were read and confirmed. Ciaims were presented from Walter Nicholson and Patrick Gaffney both 0° Logan, for damage to their houses und contents by fire in February '11. -Tho former was awarded $9.00, and cele Jatter $6.00. Applications for nsurshte were accepted amounting to $33,450, Director Hammond intimated that be had disposed of his insurable property and con- sequently could not qualify and tend- ered his resignation as director and suggested that Mr. James Moffat, of tbe Township of Logan, be appointed in his stead. Grieve and Cowan, Mr. Hammond's resignation was accepted and Mr. Moffatt appointed. Mr. Hammond will still act as secretary and treas- urer of the company. The meeting adjourned till Tuesday the 21st March, 1911, to meet at the usual time and place.--J. BR. Hammond, Seeretary. The Wealth of Great Brit- ain. SHE Has INVESTMENTS IN EVERY COUNTRY OF THE WORLD. Few Canadians can realize the great wealth of the British people. Recently & paper was read before the Royal Statistical Society by one of ita members on British «investments. The figures were compiled from the balance sheets and income state- ments of several thousand British }companies. This money, originally the product of industry and thrift, has been steadily added to by the yearly accumulating interest. In the past three years new investments made in the colonies, etc., have been $3,575,000,000. There is no country in the world with an organized gov- ernment that does not owe money to the British people--$3,440,000,000 is inyested in the United States Aus- tralia has 1900 and Canada 1860 mil- lions of dollars : South Africa, 1750, India and Ceylon 1827 millions. Lately South America has been get- ting much of the golden loan. Ar- gentine has 1300 millions, Brazil 470 and Mezico 435. Japan has 270, most of which went to help the war. China has about 134 and Russia 190 millions of dollars. while Egypt~ bas been very greatly improved in recent times' by the Nile dams and other costly improvements made with Brit- ish capital, has $220,000.0Q0, The interest on foreign loans runs from 3 1-5 per cent. on Indian government loans to 30 per cent. on South African iamond mines. Her loans have helped the human race in every part of the globe. 'The world is the better for ber money and her people are the better for the interest they get on atrold shaving or tooth brush. These. Our Own Direct Importing Just Arrived at Gray, Bernie & Co. LISTOWEL'S LOW PRICE MAKERS The past we, x we have been opening up and placing into stock our new goods, imported direct from England and Ireland and Scotland. a beautiful assortment. direct from the Old Country we save you the middle man's profit. We have By importing Don't you think this would be a good place to buy. Corset Sale continues for one week more. All the best makes in the trade are being slaughtered. Have you had your choice ? Remember you pay less here. Gray, Bernie & Co} LISTON SE L.. AGENTS BUTTERICK PATTERNS AND DELINEATORS On motion of Messrs. | * JM. Schinbetn ---------- New Dress Good We have in stock all the new- est spring dress goods in makes and colors. Every woman that and white check from 15c and upwards. We have a splendid range from 50c to $1.00 Silks Our new silk 27 to 36 inches in all the new shades are cer- tainly great = from 50c to 75c. Resda, Grey, Smoke, Cadet, Olive, Myrtle, Light and Dark Brown, Navy, Cardinal, Wine, Royal Navy, Blue, New Foulards in new patterns and shades. © Prints We have an extra choice stock of new prints, Ginghams, cot- tons, pew laces and embroider- ies. Big Bargains In all winter mantles and furs and Ladies' fur lined coats. Try this store. Men's Wear 50 doz. men's half hose in all the dew colors, silk striped lace hose. Fancy wears--a regular 50c stocking, we bought.them so we can sell them for 25c, on 6 now $3.50 Steel Shoes See our New Steel Shoes Something new New Ties We have opened up a New Range of Men's American Ties. ' Entirely new silk. Boys' come and try one. Overcoats De you want an Overcoat ? We will put them down so low that you cannot help buying one. J. M. Schinbein, --=7 LISTOWEL w=

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