Atwood Bee, 24 Feb 1911, p. 3

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atin wi ah trea $25.00 FOR A LETTER CAN YOU WRITE ONE? Bight. Prizes to be Awarded in a Letter Writing Contest Open to Every One in Ontario Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People have been used in Ontario for a generation. markable cures have been reported during that time and there is scarcely a family in which the re- medy has not been tried with bene- ficial results. This furnishes the material for the letter to be written. in this contest. There ig no demand upon the imagination; every letter must deal with facts and facts only. PRIZES: The Dr. Willians' Melicine Co., of Brockville, Ont., will award a prize of $25.00 for the best letter received on or before the 20th day of March, 1911, from residents of the province of Ontario, on the sub- ject, '""'Why I Recommend Dy. Wil- jams' Pink Pills.' A prize of "$10.00 will be awarded for the sec- ond best letter received; a prize of $5.00 for the third best letter, and five: prizes of $2.00 each for the next best five letters. CONDITIONS: The cure or benefit from the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills describ- ed in the letter may be in the writer's own case, or one that has come under his or her personal ob- servation. More than one cure may be de- scribed in the letter, but every etatement must be literally and ab- solutely true. The letter should be no longer than is necessary to relate the be- nefit obtained from the remedy in the case described. Every letter must be signed by the full name and correct Es of the person sending it. If it de- ooribes the cure of some person other than the writer of the let- ter, it must also be signed by the person whose cure is described as @ guarantee of the truth of the statement made. The writer of each letter must state the name and date of the pa- per in which he.or she saw this an- nouncement. Fine writing will not win the rize unless you have a good case i describe. The strength of the recommendation and not the style of the -- will be the basis of the awa It is cedersica' that The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co. shall have the right to publish any letter entered in this contest if they desire to do so, whether it wins a prize or not. The contest will close on March 20th, 1911, and the prizes will be awarded as soon as possible there- after. Do not delay. If you know of a cure write your letter NOW. Observe the above conditions care- fully or your letter may be thrown out. Address all letters as follows: The Dr. Williams' weriias Co., Brockville, Letter Contest Department, a, as ISLAND NOT MUCH KNOWN MIDWAY BETWEEN SPAIN AND AFRICA. LIES Iviza, of the Balearic Islands--The | Etiquette of Rustic Courtship. With regard to Iviza, the third in importance of the Balearic Isles, which lies midway between Spain and Africa, its complete history has never been, and never will be, written. From the fragmentary -e- cords existent, one gathers, that from earliest days occupation of the lovely and fertile' islands, was hotly contested. Chaldeans, Egyp- Phoenicians, Mansy Vandals, Saracens Moors fought for its possession. Since the Aragonese invasion of the thirteenth century IViza has be- longed to Spain. Here are some in teresting details of the life of the people. Describing tho Sunday morning scence, when the country folk came to town to mass and to market. WOMEN RODE MULES. Some of the women rode mules, sitting perched on a high pile of sheep skins, their' multi-colored petticoats billowing abouf their neat ankles; others were packed closely into open carts that had cushions placed low. on either side of their cagging floor' matting. With its flippant hues and staid cut the native dress was a bewildering combination of garishness and sobriety. They say there are ten men for hilohs Gur : gh bes ong frat < Hundreds of re-| and| every woman inlviza, and the ae- pect of the r on that sunny April morning inclined us. to be- lieve the report, for from every dir- ection came fine, strapping fellows moving in droves. trast. to.the women, the -men's dress pcre designed to accentuate their natur- al slimness. ~ The trousers of richly- colored velvet or plush fitted~close- ly to the limbs, except at the ank- les, where they spr widely; while their further adornments were gaily hued shirts or short. full blouse jackets and bright sash: es, LAVISH HATS. The popular large felt hats wer? lavishly adorned with gold cord3; and in addition to one necktie for use, it was customary to add a sec- ond, and even a third, for show. As the morning advanced, & moving throng, resplendent in color, crowded the market place. Girls, temporarily free. from their chap- erones, were parading in decorwus rows, their hands, holding pocket- handkerchiefs, heavily edged with crochet lace, sedately crossed over their short but voluminous green silk aprons. It was perhaps only to be exp=xt ed that wherever we saw a bary of girls a corresponding "cluster of men would be at hand. et we rarély sawsthem address one an- other. The 'modern etiquette of a rustic courtship in Iviza is clearly defined. A plentitude of euitors being assured, it is the maiden who makes the selection. The admirers of a marriageable girl wait for her outside the church door.on Sunday, and when she leaves mass the «ne who has the prior claim presents himself and walks beside her for the first portion of the homeward journey. Then, at a given point, or within a stated time limit, he yields place to the second, and the second to a third, unti! the number is exhausted. PISTOLS FOR FALSE SUITORS. If any suitor seeks to transgress the unwritten law, pistols ma flash and knives are apt to spring. In all other matters the people of Iviza are peaceable, and on all points moral and virtuous. It must be admitted that certain of the more frolicsome spirits still keep up the custom of saluting the maidens! of their choice with a charge of! rock salt aimed at the ankles, and it is devoutly to be hoped that the unwield$ masses of petticoats cerve at least one useful purpose by shielding the wearers from the sal- - missiles of love's artillery.-- Mary Stuart Boyd in Chambers' Journal. "LONELY OUT OF PRISON. So He Asks Judge to Send Him Back Again. A man turned up in Chicago tho other day who, it is believed. is trying' to break "7 prison. Why? Because he likes William Goberteon stood up and totd Judge Kavanagh that he 'had spent 32 years of his 67 years be- hind prison walls. This is not counting the months he has laid in county jails awaiting trials. "Judge, I spent 96 years in Jol- iet prison," he told the court. 'I swore that when I left it last sine I would never go back. But, some how, the feeling comes' over me that I want to sleep there again. Prison ain't such a bad place to be unless you got a grudge. You get good grub and you're treated Square. I ain't got any folks, nor any friends, nor any home. "Tye been im so many prisons that I guess that I'm a pretty good judge of 'em. I like Joliet the best. Thes treat you real white there. The world's a cold place for a man like me, and thoughts of Joliet kinder make me homesick. I don't wanter go to the poorhonse." MAKE TEETHING | PAINLESS Teething time is always a time of anmety to mothers. At this time baby becomes restless and nervous. pain him, he is troubled with constipation or diarrhoea, spasms, colic or convulsions. His little life is in danger unless a medicine is given him to keep his sto- mach sweet and pure and his bowels regular. Such a me- dicine is Baby's Own Tablets. Nothing can equal them dur- ing the teething period. They have lessened the worries of thousands of mothers. Among them is Mrs. W. A. Yeadon, Halifax, N.S., who writes :-- "T have useu no other medi- cine for baby but Baby's Own Tablets and I would not be without them. Last sum- mer baby was greatly trou- . bled with his teeth until I gave him the Tablets. They helped him and now is a big healthy childs'? The Tab- lets are sold by medicine dea- lers or at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Ni. y = '| ping stunt. WORKED WONDERS -- IN THIS CASE RHEUMATISM AND WEAK HEART CURED BY DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS, The Doctor helped. Mrs, Stephen |! Rey, but there was no complete cure till she tried Dodd's Kidney Pills. Rock Mills, Grey Co., < Feb. 13 (Special)--"I must say Dodd's Kidney Pills worked won- ders in my case,"' says Mrs. Steph- en Roy of this place. 'I suffered with Inflammatory Rheumatism in my right arm, and though I tri several remedies the swelling in- creased and was very painful. My hands and limbs were also badly swollen. "T got a doctor and he helped me, but the swelling never entire- ly left. Hé said it was because my heart was weak. Then I decided to try Dodd's Kidney Pills and, as 2 said before, they worked wonders.' Rheumatism of any kind is caused by disordered Kidneys failing to strain the uric acid out of the blood. Dodd's Kidney Pills cure it by curing the Kidneys. They also cure the weak heart by making pure and lessening that organ's work of propelling the blood through the body. Dedd's Kidney Pills only cure the Kidneys, but they always do that. And with healthy Kidneys you can't have Rheumatism, Lum- ago, Heart Disease, Dropsy or Bright's Disease. ____.. Harold--"What a bright girl Eva is. She seldom opens her mouth without pearls dropping therefrom." Blanche--"Where did you get that idea? Have her teeth been falling out again?" Bee An Oil Without Alcohol.--Some oils and many medicines have alco- hol as a prominent ingredient. A judicious minglingof six essential oils compose the famous Dr. Tho- mas' Eclectric Oil, and there is no alcohol in it, so that its effects are lasting. There is no medicinal oil compounded that can equal this oil in its preventive and healing pow- er. Employee--Sir, {'d like a raise. I've just married and---- Employer --Se you want more money for your wife? Employee--Ne, sir; I want it for myself. She knows just what I'm getting now, you see. nn Inheritance of ges! aoe gpet deny handl- , but Allen's Lung Balsam, taken at the first sin of cough will ensure imomuntt go this dang - defect. Don's trifle with unknuwa ec "a O'Grady--"An' why do you waant to sell yer night- shirrt?" Finne- gan--"'Sure, an' what good is it to me now, whin I've me new job iv | night watchman, an' slape in hb' day toimes?" TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes andGranulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't Smart--Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, Oc, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. Eye Books and Eye Advice Free by Mail. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. Vegetables are best relished when they are fresh, but it is different with young men. If you are a sufferer from colds get a bottle of Bickle's Anti-Con- sumptive Syrup and test its quali- ties. It will be found that no praise bestowed on it is too high. It does all that is claimed for it, and does it thoroughly. Do not take any sub- stitute for Bickle's. because it is the best. having stood the test of years. All the'best dealers sell it. If yon can't be clever, you can at least be ~~ Rolie. The -_ mous "The If you get the worst of it try to make the best of i Minard's Liolest o nina Diphtherta. Being uneelieh | is a virtue some people try to dispense with. When Holloway's Corn Cure is _applied to a corn or wart it kills the roots and the callosity comes out without injury to the flesh. "HAD DONE HER BEST. His wife had been doing a shop- "How much did you spend to- day?' asked her husband. "Fifty-four dollars and nineteen ' she replied. Oh, was that all?' he queried, somewhat ironically. "Yes,"' answered the other half _of the morsrtene combine. with an inj "that was. all I had." It is Said to Have Been Success- Tested. _ NEW LOCKJAW CURE. fully Doctors in Mankato , Minn., who ve been rimenting with lock- jaw and cures for it have discover-| an ed in a simple. injection of Epsom salts into. the spinal.column pt and used in connec- tion with the remarkable cures which have been effected, but a case recently which came to light proves almost conclusively that the new remedial agent works and can be depended on quite generally. Herman Mattion of Amboy lost one of his fingers in a corn-sheller, and following an operation lock- jaw set in, from which it was not thought he could recover. The two doctors in question were appealed | m to as having conducted many ex- eriments with tetanus and admin- istered their Epsom 'salts treat- ment, at the same time giving out their' secret, which has hitherto been unpublished, although sever- al cases had been successfully handled previously. This case was the most pronounced in which a speedy cure was effected. According to the medical men there have been but eleven cases of tetanus cured in the United States. ates = ie ? Sasi" ss. ae ene AS A REMINDER. His Wife--Johu, do you remem- ber what took place just three years ago to-day? Her Husband--What! our wedding anniversary ? His Wife--N-no. Three years ago to-day you bought me a new hat. Is this Minarp's Linimi nt Co., Lm Some time ago | had a aH "aaa of Quinsy which laid me up for two weeks and cost mea lot of money. Finding the lump again forming in m. throat, [ bathed freely with MINARD'S LINIMENT, and pape Noy cloth with the liniment left it on all night ext morning the swelling was gone and | attributed the warding off of an at tack of Quinsy to the free use of MIN AKD'S LINIMENT. G. F, WORDEN. St. John. GOOD, IN SPITE OF HIMSELF. 'What sort of a speech did he make at the banquet ' "Not bad. He was allowed only three minutes to talk, you know.' A Sure Corrective of Flatulency --When the undigested food lies in the stomach it throws off gases causing pains and oppression in the stomachic region. The belching or eructation of these gases is offensive and the only way to prevent them is to restore the stomach to proper action. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will do this. Simple directions go with each packet and a course of them taken systematically is cer- tain to effect a cure. "He used to complain because as never got what he wanted to at.'"' "Yes, but he's rich now. "Yes and now ne complains be- -- a never wants what he gets wich ge | fs no ag , as it allays the Maud--I do wish T Tom would hur- ry up and propose. Ethel--But I thought you didn't like him? Maud --I don't. I want to get rid of him. Minard's Liniment Cures Carget In Cows. "'Gentlemen,"' said the candidate, "T am here---- "So am shouted a voice. "Ah!" said the candidate, suavely, '"'but you are 'not all there !" PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS Yourd st will refuod moaey if PAZO OINT- MENT failato cure any case of ing, Blind, Blooding or Protruding Piles into l¢days, S0c. Politician--'I want to talk to you, sir, about a remark 'you made concerning me in your paper. You called me a political jobber, sir!' Newspaper "Yes, it-was a very annoying printer's error, and I promptly discharged the composi- tor." Politician--"Ah! en you didn't mean to cal] me a 'jabber' v? Newspaper Man--"No, sir. I wrote 'robber' very distinctly." eres Spread Frém Eye to Neck. THOUGHT IT WAS CANCER. Miss Mary Conley, of 184 Col- borne St., Montreal, writes: "Over I became & year thered with ae fe spot on my right ania: The sore spread until the whole cheek was covered from the eye to far down ou the neck, below ear. It was so noticeable that people asked me if I had cancer, and I began to feel 'I had. "T was about to consult a speci- alist when a lady friend spoke of Zam-Buk, and advised atrial of it, first. Acting on her advice I WOMEN WANTED MPN Locally. Two beeen ned aay salar Toroate, commission. No experien PNT NICHOLS 60. Vimited, procured a box and was surprised to notice the immediate effect the balm had on the sores. I used three boxes only, and as I kept ap- plying it each evening before re- College, 221 Q: tiring I cou see how the sorer were being cleaned:and dried up. This improvement continued until my face was cleared of sores com- pletely. Zam-Buk is certainiy a VAMEKEE PER Experience with best MED 3. wok Marsh. Must eply in nstan etter torn es, all opiy 18 Be in "Teronts marvellous balm." Zam-Buk is a sure cure for cold sores, chapped hands, frost bites, ulcers, -blood-poisoning, varicose sores, piles, scalp sores, ringwornt, =A home tr t Collingwood, ANCER, Tumors, Lumps, e and external, <7 treatme Dr. Bellman Ont. oo without before Medical 'Co. imited, inflamed patches, babies' ecruptious and chapped places, cuts, burns, bruises and skin injuries genera]- ly. All druggists and stores sell at 50c. box, or post free from Zam- Buk Co., Toront6, upon receipt of price. Try Zam-Buk Soap! 25c. Tablet. a EXECUTIONARY. Diner--"Waiter, kindly this remove egg. Pi 'aiter--""What shall I do with it, oiner--"T think wring its neck!' you'd better The: Foe of Indigestion.-sIndiges- tion is a common ailment and few are free from it. It is a most dis- tressing complaint and often the suffering attending it is most se- vere. The very best remedy is Par- melee's Vegetable Pills taken ac- cording to directions. They rectify the irregular action of the stomach and restore healthy action. For many years they have been a stand- urd remedy for dysvepsia and indi- ape and are highly esteemed for eir qualities. FEM ININE x rCONOMY. Mrs. Knicker--The lobster she ate cost her a hundred dollars in doc- tors' bills. Mrs. Bocker--And she only ate it j to keep it from going to waste. | For Bageermos ry Frost Bites, Brutses, praia. nothi he peep ~" old remedy, killer. bottle always om Pex * pata ene to check Chills 'sud break . Colas. ene HIS PHILOSOPHY. The Sage--After 40syears o' mar- ried life I've made up me mind it doesn't matter how often a man an' his wife disagrees, as long as he don't let her know it. Only one "BROMO QUININE" That is LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE, Look for the signature of E. W. GROVE. Used Pd World over to Cure a Cold In One Day. THE REASON. Restaurant Proprietor--So you were in your last place for three ees. Why did you leave? New Chef--I was pardoned. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc. THE EXPLANATION. Hyker--What do you mean by saying that young Shortleigh em- barked on the matrimonial sea in the steerage? ; Pyker--Well, you see his salary is only $7 a wee Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup TY-FIVE YEARS by ILDREN W. other at ig Trrenty™ ae cents & Peete and take pe y reer (Min yhy Rao WEE te REMEDY, NOT AT ALL. "Did that young man hires you last night?" asked the stern }¢r- ent... 'Well, now, do you suppose 'he came al] the way up here just to hear me sing?' retorted the foxy daughter. Wise mothers who know the vir- tues of Mother Graves' Worm Ex- terminator always have it'at hand, | because it proves its value. - HISTORY VS. S. NONSENSE. 8 room at the top}. ; fof Egypt. Little Robbie came home one dzy considerably agitaved over a ques- tion that had come up in school. Rushing into the house he denand- | ea, of his. father: "Bay pa, who was Demosthe- individuats who was dissatisfied with the genéral trend of modern educa- tional'-methods, and frowned" on .jested into the classroom we. '"'Demosthenes," he sharply, "was one of the early kings I don't ses°°why the 'schools rok t cut out some: i aa ypnseline and teach history. _ Anpway tp caicad eusaneie BEST CANADIAN ELECTRICAL & MOTOR C0. 99-101 Queen St. E., Toronte su Bobbie's: 'papa wat one of 'those | v6 the so-called frills and frivolities 'ja- pat ELECTRIC MOTORS FOR POwsDR ELECTRIG BYNAMOS FOR LIGHTING MACHINES, MOST ECONOMICAL Im OPERATION. Barn Roofing Fire, Lightning Rust and Storm Proof Durable and Ornamental Let us know the size of any roof you are thinking of covering and wa will make you an Interesting offer, Metallic Roofing Co, ie Stove Polish ensures no hard work and nodirty work. No messing or mixing. A handy paste in a generous can. A few tubs, and you have a splendid finish that lasts and stands the heat. The best preparation for polish- ing stoves, , Pipes grates and ironwork If your autor does not "Black Knight" Stove Polish in stock, send us his name and roc, and we > will send a full size tin by return m: THE F. F. BALLEY CO., LIMITED, RAMILION, ONT. 33 Makers of tha famous "a te 1" Shoe Potish, NOT PRESENT: "If you were asked. to'name the handsomest man in the room, whom would you choose?' "Well, " she answered, looking about. 'ey believe I should have to admit that he isn't here to-night.'* Tightness across the chest means b cold on the lungs. That's * tanger signal, .Cure that cold wi {famlins Wizard Oil before it runs to Conaeiion or Penumonia. DIVERTING } SUSPICION. "Mamie came very near having her 'stern father get hold of a book that has her admirers' -pictures.'* 'How did she do it."" °» ' "When he asked a what vol- ume she was so much. interested i iat i told him it -was- her 'him' Avswered Sa

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