Atwood Bee, 3 Mar 1911, p. 1

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! Gray, Bernie & Co. r= |The At Listowel's Low Price Makers Try Gray, Bernfe & Co. Pod Bee Listowel's Low Price Mitiies For Your Clothing. Vol. 22, No 2. ATWOOD, ONT. FRIDAY, MAR. 5 1911. E. H. Swine, PROPREIEOR, [THE CORNER STORE. | LIVE AND LET LIVE -- 2a Sarre N f TOWN ass VICINITY. ry. £ [De Rey. Mr. Gross was acquitted at Dorchester, N. B., ont wohesie of ax Marmalade Oranges on now in also Grape Fruit fer marmalade i Have you tried the Sunkist Golden Orange, we have them from 20 to 50c a dozen. i} f Syrup--Crown Brand Golden syrup by bulk and ff j in tins and Lily White Syrup, Maple mixture by jf bulk and in tins. Fruits--Prunes, Figs. Cranberries Mince meat by bulk and packages Pure Lard in 3 Ib. and 20 Ib. pails ~ i Kincardine meats. back bacon, breakfast bacon, roll hams and bologna, cooked ham Fish--Fresh water Three grades of Coal Oil Flour--Five Rose and Pride of the West Yighest market price for Butter and Eggs. herring and Salmon Trout, Finnin Haddie and Fresh Oysters. | Have you tried our half minute pudding flavors, i! Chocolate, Almond, Cocoanut and Lemon. (} Dates, Raisins, Currants, Canned Vegetables--Corn, Peas, Tomatves, Beans, ania and Canned pump- Goods delivered to any part of town. E. E. Hunniford 4 SSS SS SSS SEESS os Fine Salt ia Barrels $1.25 THE STAR GROCERY 3 Fine Salt in 100 » ian 45c per 21 ths. Granulated Sugar .......... 02.22... 4 ae aeons *$1.00 22 Ibs. Yellow or Coffee Sugar... Vedieaases'eaaes: maweneen) oe $100 Good Brooms at.. Mixed cakes 3 pounds for. a SWESESESTESI SESSESEN BeReomUsess Becleaned currants 3 tbs for........ cece. cee eee 25c Baisios 3 ibs ........ .---25¢ Seeded Raisins in 1 'tb package, 3 packages tee... . 256 Large size Prunes, fresh ip..2.poundss....... Dried Peaches, fresh i in, 2 a ate ah 529250 25e Dates 2 Ibs. 2te. Mince meat 10c¢ a pound * Boosts water herving.......2.,.-.- ---.- .--------- $4.55 a keg . Galmoa Trout ...... cencsdeeeeeee $9.00 a keg + Oyster shells 10 pounds. \Guaaadindedaseeiepeseceasese, eRasces 10¢ Finnia Haddie, a pound... .1l Rte ....nccccscsiae, snesen oxi 10e @ a 'Ib. ¢ or 3 'pounds 25e Canned Peas, Corn or Tomatoes, @ can... 22. 2. wee. 10¢ Tomato Cateup, a bottle... 000... Sete e eee ee eee i0e Home mude Grange Marmalade in pint jems........... 25e¢ Milvertant Flour in 4 grades---the Jewel, the Five Jewel The Banner and the Pieerust, also Low grade, Bran and Shorts. We will pay 50¢ a bag for Potatoes, must be sound and all amall ones picked out. Highest price paid for Butter and Eggs--Cash or Trade. Goods delivered to any part of the town. *Phose orders promptly attended to. K. T. Greensides & Son. BANK OF HAMILTON HEAD OFFICE: HAMILTON -- Capital Paid Up . . Reserve and Undivided Profits . Total Assets . . . Savings Bank Department at all Branches. - Over $40,000,000 . $2,750,000 $3,250,000 $6,000,000 = W. H. Brown, Agent, Atwood. BUTCHER SHOP The Leading Meat Shop fo Shop for the Following Pork Sausage, Lamb, A call solicited. Bologna, Veal All cured Meats. _ Beef Pork, 4 Highest Cash Price paid for Hides. R. J. WALKER y Lent began on Wednesday. Mrs. Gracey spent a few days this | rack week in Toronto. Mrs. Geo. Danbrook, of town, is at present under the doctor's care. Miss Bella Baker visited with friends in Toronto last week. Miss Sinclair wasin Toronto this week attending the millinery open- ing. Miss Annie Hall is spending a couple of weeks in town and vicin- ity. Wall paper !!1 your inspection. ware. Mr. Lorne Hunter returned home from Regina, Sask., on Tuesday night. Bornn.--In Elma, on Feb. 23nd 1911, to Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Fleish- auer, u daughter. Sunshine Oil !! The brightest oil on earth. For sale at W. Price's Hardware. Miss K. Strong, of Gowanstown, is yisiting her cousin, Mrs. James Longmire. Miss Lella Horn, of the 14th con., was visiting her cousin, Miss Emms Horn, last week. Mr. Albert Hammond has moved on to his farm at Gotham, which he 'purchased from his father. Miss Edith Gray, of Donegal, spent last week with her friend, Miss Nellie Clelland, of Listowel. Reginald, the infant son of Mr. aod Mrs. Frank Dennis, we aresorry to report is very ill with pneumonia. Murray Inglis, student of the Stratford Business College, spent a few days under the parental roof this week. Mr. New stock for W. Price's, Hard- Philip Prouse, of Marlette, | Mich., spent a couple of diye with Mr. and Mrs. S. Mitchell, last week. Mr. Wm. Shera, has purchased the comfortable brick residence adjoining his blacksmith shop from Mr. A. Ellacott. Miss Scarlet, returned to Toronto on Tuesday after visiting with Mr. and Mre. J. A. McBain and others for a few days. Bory.--To Mrs. Osborne, wife of the late Charles Osborne, a daughter, ut the home of her sister, Mrs. Wm. G. Lnoglis, Elma. The Son's of Scotland intend hold- ing an at-home for their members only on Friday eveniog, March 10th, in the C.O.F. hull Mr. Geo. R.- Longmire, of Winni- peg, Man., is visiting at his home in town, being called homes on account of his father's illness. Messrs. Lemuel Pelton and H. Porter sold their farm, lot 13, con. 15, Ema, to Messrs. Herman and Chas. Grieve, of Logan. Rev. W. A. Amog, of the Presby- terian Church, Atwood, has been ap- pointed Moderater of Stratford Pres- bytery for the ensuing term. Al! accounts due to Mr. Albert Hammond must be settled at once by paying the same to Mr. Fred Leirsch at the harness shop, At- wood. The Municipal Council of Elma, will meet on Saturday, March 11th, to appoint pathmaster ,~poundkeep- ers and fenceviewers anu for general business. If you want some thing special! for your best room call and see oursam- ple book of English papers. This is an exceptionally fine line. W. Price's Hardware. Mr. Robt. Brown spent the week- end visiting in town and vicinity, his daughter, Miss Inez, who has spent the past two months in this locality returned with bim to their home in Ford City, Mich., For SaLeE.--A frame house and 'lot, situated on King-st. east, At- wood. On the premises are a small barn. For further particulars apply to Margaret Ellacott, Monkton, On- tario. © Mr. Alex. Price who has been io pipet aod clerked for his brother hardware store for the past seat, left on Wednesday morning for New York, where he will sail for his home in London, Eng., on Saturday. Mr. Price's mary moe wish bimi a of town, Proprietor. jeato voyage. Geo. | the transaction, and also athreshing The Government will take a Bal conan ot bar receipts and tax A sia recital will be given in Union Methodist Church on the evening of March 10th, at 8 o'clock by the pupils of Mrs. Geo. Wilson, assi by good yocal talent and Miss Cole, reader of Ethel. Ad- mission 25 and lic. Proceeds in aid of missigns. Missionary banquet this. Friday evening in the basement of the Pres- byterian Church. J, H. Arnup, B.A., Secretary of the Laymen's Mission- ary Association, of Toronto and R. D. Caméron, of Lucknow, will give addresses. The banquet will be in- terspersed by musical selections, Admission 25c. When playing in the yard on Sat- urday afternoon-Bobby, the*tive-yea- -old son =f Thomas Henderson, of Wingham, fell om a sharp piece of 'wood sticking out of the snow and the end penetrated the bowels. He was at once ;ushed to the Wingham hospital, where be lies in a serious condition. 4 word to you sonny--you little 12 or 13-year-old boy who is smok- ing cigarettes on the sly. What do you waat to be when you grow up-- a stalwart, healthy, vigorous, broad- shouldered man or a little, puny, measley, no 'count weak-minded du ie? If you want to be a man, strong like a man, with hair on your face, brains in your bead ard mtscles in your limbs, you just let those cig- arettes alone. If you wan't to bea thing, pitied by your folks, despised 'by the girls, and held in contempt by the feliows, keep right on smoking them and:end your days in the asy- lum. j Mr. J. H. Wiley, of Seattle, was in town Monday to conclude the purchase of the Wm. Buchanan place in thy San Juan valley, near Mad- den's Gerners, which Mr. Buchanan purcitgéd afew yeara ago from Aug- vst Woid. The deal was made through A. C. Bostick & Co., of considerable amount of live stock and farm) machinery is included in machine and traction engine The raported consideration is said to be $21,000, Mr. Buchanan taking some Seattle property in part payment. Bargains At Gray, Bernie & Co LISTOWEL'S LOW PRICE MAKERS For Fair Day and Following week < ee ee ee ee ee - ee Underwear Women's and Men's All 265c lines to clear at 19¢ All 50c lines to clear. at 39c All 75c lines to clear at 59c All 1.00 lines to 790 50 pieces Print, fast colors, to clear at 5c. All Wrapperettes at clearing prices 12} lines to olear 10c 10c lines to clear at 8c 9 Women's Coats All $15.00 lines to clear. $8.48 All $10.00 lines to clear $6.98 All $12.50 lines to clear $7.98 Overcoats Men's and Boys' AN $18.50 lines toclear.... All $12.50 lines to clear All $10.00 lines to clear All $ 7.50 lines to clear p 4.98 Women's Dress Skirts 60 only Wonsen's Dress Skirts, veges (no black) worth up to $5.50 to elear ....... asuynaw Gescdeencctn $3.48 100 only Turkish Towels to clear at a eaxnsund 5c e oO 9 P a Bargains in Men's Suits $12.50 Suits, new and stylish, Fair day........... $8.98 $10.00 Suits, new and stylish, Fair day........... $7.98 100 Pair Men's pants on sale for Fair Day at only 8ac per pair Gray, Bernie & Co AF al ete AGENTS BUTTERICK PATTERNS AND DELINEATORS Mr. Wiley's sen, now in the employ of the Seattle Electric Company, will have charge of the place. The new owner plans to give special attention to the breeding of fine borses and | dairy cattle. Wm. Buchanan fo-- merly of Atwood, now of Friday Har- | bor, Wash., bas been very prosper- ous since he went there 6 years ago. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA IN AFFECTIONATE REMEMBRANCE of Doris Lillian, beloved daughter of Mr.and Mrs. John Love, died Fe. 4th, 1911, aged 3 month and 5 d ys. "Asleep in Jesus, blessed sleep." Sweet lovely flower Alas! where is it gone It is no more Its earthly days are done, It's gone to bloom beyond the sky Where tedelees blossoms never die. We fee! the wound Of losing thee dear child, yut in the bond \"f love we're reconciled. The Lord gave and he took away, Blest be his peerless name for aye. Dear darling one } We've laid thee down to rest, Thy spirit gone To Jesus' loving breast Where pain and death will never cme Rest sweetly dear one safe at home.' Ob! It was hard For us to part with thee, But with the Lord Thou wilt so happy be, "Tis joy to know that thou art there Blooming in lustre brighter far. We meditate On thee beloved one On thy blest state In yonder happy home Rest sweetly dear one, sweetly rest, Upon thy Saviour's loving breast. Ob! yes and when A few more daye have fled, We'll meet again In the paradise of God. No more to shed the farewell tear, But dwell with Jecus ever there. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA «> Lawns. JM. Schinbein Embroidery Sale This and next week we will offer special values in all kinds of Embroidery, Laces, Insertions, Embroidery Dresses, Corset coverings, Allover Embroidery, Cottons, Now is the time to buy your wants in the aboye goods. Have you seen our Queen May Ribbon in 3t inches wide in all colors at...... Dress Goods & Silks We want every lady to seo our New Dress -- and Silk for spring. bie Silks 27 tnahan wits Dress Goods from 50c and upwards. Boys' Pant Sale Look Here! 75 and 85c for .........++. 49c Boys' all wocl pants, size 22 to 25, double knees and seat. ete eneeeee Special Reduction on Men's Odd Pants and Vest. Rubbers | This and next week we will give you 10c off the regular price of every pair of Rub- bers. This will give you in many lines the rubbers less than cost. PRINTS -- a See our New Prints from per yard and upwards. J. M. Schinbein, --==w LISTOWEL w= i ym

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