Atwood Bee, 21 Apr 1911, p. 4

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' 8 easiest, covers the most | @urface and stands all fi 'the dealer to give you (MAPLE LEAF) M-L PURE PAINTS Whatever it is that needs , if you hke, but surely with (MAPLE LEAF) M- Flat Wall Colors 5 pay applied, ripalager 5 ay RA, or burlap, on plaster, RECOMMENDED AND SOLD BY W. PRICE. Most Canadians Have Catarrh Our Changeable Climate is Responsible. 'Where the atmosphere is damp, with sudden changes in temperature, almost everybody has Catarrh, in some form or r other. The pc ese cold in the head weakens the membranes and starts a «{ cold is mure easily "ear the patient i it. i throat, i ro ¢s- nd t "kes on & odor. tesi es be ed -cat le, there i3 gre see yer as tending to the nage, tomach.or ee vel i hough itis s eo dificult to cure, Father Morriscy devised a combined juternal and external treatment that has cured thousands. The Tablets tone up and invigor-te the system, an assist Nature in throwing off the disease, while the salve, applied up the nostrils, clears out the discharge and heals the wembranes, Combined treatment, 50c at your dealer's, or m Father -- Medicine Co., Ltd., atontrent, never BY jee ihion ON « Grey Cox Council. Pursuant to sdjournmneéad Council inet in Township Hall, Ethel, on Ap- ril 3rd Members present. Minutes of last meeting read and adop' McArthur--Cole ---That Engin- eer's report on the Storey Drain be provisionally adopted, and that Clerk be instructed to prepare by-law for the same: Court of Revision on as- sessments on said drain to be held Monday May 8th.--Carried. Brown-- McArthur :--That township printing be given to W. _ for the year 1911 at $70. --Car- Me icArthur-- Fraser :--That adopt- ion of engineer's report on the Alder- son Drain be deferred until that por- tion of the drain where decrease is made in the size of the tile is recon- sidered by the Engineer.--Carried Cole--Brown :--That Engineer's report on - Brewer and Berfeltz Drains be provisionally adopted, and by-laws be prepared and served upon the parties interested, Court of Re- vision on assessments on said drains to be held on Monday, May. 8th.-- Carried, Brown-- Fraser :--That following accounts be paid Duncan Salinaion digging reo ship portion Award drain, $15.00 Geo. Krauter & Co., doz, tin +boxes for drain papers, $2.00 ; W. H. Kerr, printing Mann & Shiels Drains By laws, $30.00 ; A. H. McDonald, clek's fees Mann & Shiels Drains $32.00 : Angus McKay, commutat- ion Statute Labor $4.00 ; R. W. Liv- ingston, seiving By-Laws Mann and Shiels Drains $1.75 ; R. W. Living- ston, telephone message, $0.25; John Savage, commutation Statute Labor $3.00 ; Wm. Fraser, drawing plank for culvert, $1.50. Total $97.25.-- Carrie McArthur--Cole :--That Council adjourn to weet Thureday, April 20th. --Carried. A. H. McDONALD, Clerk. ~~ PUBLIC NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that all back yards and water closets in the Town- <Inp of Elma, must be thoroughly cleaned up end putin good sanitary r before the First day tnd that all putridand decay- LiinAl OV Veg must 'table matter : removed from ail cellars, buildings, ot aod yards on or before the Fifteenth day of May, A.D., 1911, and that the lane or avenue inimedi- ately west of Main street, Atwood, must be cleared of all unsanitary matter and kept in a proper sanitary condition. By Order of Board of Health, Geo. Lochhead, Secretary. Dated at Atwood this 10th] day of April, A.D, 1911) CANADIAN © nen =7-% CAFIC. HOMESEEKERS? EXCURSIONS Manitoba, 'Sastatchovay, --_ 3 lea TOURIST SLEEPING CARS on ol] exewdons, Comnfortable berths, fully enuipped with beudiog, ocal agent. Barly application must be made ASK FOR HOMESEERERG' PAMPHLET containing and full information. Aas eo eee S ER. Agent orto R. L, Thampeon, Agt., Tercato, ONLY DIRECT LINE "SEESLE STOMACH" JAUSES Digestive Weakness and Poisons the En- tire System. n have suffered _ I happe: ag " Hamilton's: Pils and --_---- five boxes Buch body-cleansing pills I never used; they were mild and yet quite strong enough to drive all ithe humors = *f the blood. y stomach ftrength rapidly i Dr. Hamilton's wills and I Improved so much that In u'sht weeks I could eat and digest all erdinary food. eee an hess passed awa ndia thanks Dr. ae Pils, snicping robust good ~-- cate for billousness, ae. sick stomach, o EXECUTORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Executors notice to the Creditors of Harvey Crittenden, late of the town of Listowel, in the county of Perth, retired farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the Statutes in thet behalf, that all creditors and others having claims against the Es- tate of the said Harvey Crittenden de- ceased, who died on or about the 6th day of March, 1911, at the said town of Listowel, are required on or before the 2th day of April, A.D.. 1911. to deliver to J Ceci! Hamilton, barriste 'r. Listowel Ont 'olicitor for the undersigned executor of the said Harvey Crittenden, or to John Howat of the eaid town of Listowel, the je xecutor a written statement of their names, addresses and occupations with tua paruicniars of their claims und of the | --curities (if anv) held by them. And notice is further given that after che said 20th day of April, i911, the said | ixecutor will distribute the estate of the | -aid deceased, having regard only to the laims of which he may then have notice and that he will not be liable for the pro- ceeds of the estate eo distributed to any person of whose claim he did not bave notice at the time of such distribution. Dated at Listowel, this 2Uth day March, I911, . John Howat, Executor. J. Cecil Hamilton, is Solicitor. of ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE TOCREDITORS Of Joseph Coorer, late of the Township of Elma, in the County of Perth, Farmer, deceased. Notice if hereby git given pureuant to the Statutes in that behalf that all creditors and -- having claime againet the estate of the sa sed, who died at Elma, in the Connty of Perth, on or about the firet y of January, 1 ll, are requi on or before the 28th day of April, 1911, to deliver to me ormy solicitor under- named a statement in writing of their names, addresses and descriptions with full particulars of their claims and of the eecurity (if any) held by them, and that after the 'said said Administratrix may proceed to dis- tribute the estate of the said focpaged having rd only to the claims of which she may have notice, and that ehe will not be liable for the proceeds of the es- tate e0 distributed to any person of whose claims ehe shall not*have notice'at the time be euch distribution. at ee ee seyenteenth as of March, A D., Sy Setar 'Adminietratrix Morphy Cut Cart i, Ont the | accordi FRIDAY, APRIL 2ist, 1911. THE ATWOOD BEE is printed Every Thursday $1.00 a year--or $1.50 when in arrears. 'per line first inertion, 8c per line each subsequent inse' Advertionseate withont specttic instruc- tions inserted till forbidden, and charged ingly. Advertisements of articles or animals lost or Fagen articles for sale, oe - rooms . etc.. four times for -- e column measures 20 inches. We have no best rater. -- Marriages and Deathe inserted "Job Printing of every description exe- cuted in neat and fashionable style, and on short notice. Boys and Girls Should learn those subjects by which they can earn a living. Spotton Business Colleges are the largest trainers in Canada, and our graduates secure the best positions. You can study at home, or partly at home and finish at,the College. Individual Instruction Enter any day. WINGHAM Business College GEO. SPOTTON,Principal -ANADA'S GREATEST. - NURSERIES. WANTED A Representative for ATWOOD and surrounding district The reliability, healthy. condition of our stock as well as trueness to name must be appreciated by the Public or they would not have helped us to increase our business yearly since 1837 the date of our establishment. Our firm's name lends prestige to our representatives. Complete line of Nursery Stock for Spring 1911. Write for full particulars. Stone & WELLINGTON, The Fonthill Nurseries, (Established 1837) Toronto - Ontario Are You Ruptured I can cure the worst case of Rupture from infancy to old age, without operation or loss of time. Act At Once nnd remove the daily danger of, strangulation. Fill in coupon and' send to Dept. H. Single or double Satisfaction guaranteed. J.S. SMITH 88 Caledonia Street Stratford, Ont. o- ast mentioned date the], April Athletic World. The April number of that interest- ing Canadian publication "The Ath- letic World" has just reached this office. A perusal of its pages and a glance at the many illustrations give free proof that in the coyering not only of Canadian but also of univer- sal sports and general pastimes, this magazine is more than fulfilling past promises ing out a-foture of conn as unqualified success as a April Rod and Gun. All anglers would heartily welcome | the April issue of Rod and Gun in Canada, published by W. J. Taylor, Limited, Woodstock, Ontario. As us- ual this number heralds the approach of the fishing season and gives all those who have waited patiently for a renewal of their pleasures with rod and line, added joys of anticipation of the good time now sonear. A beautifully illustrated article of o camping and fishing trip on the French River is followed by an equal- ly good account of a similar outing in Prince Edward Island, the gem of | the Gulf of the St. Lawrence. Many other good things are to be found in the same issue and sportsmen who may not be able to join in all the laudations of fishing with the same enthusiasm as the devoted angler will find that they are not overlook- ed. There is something to suit all and if the angler is, for the time, the most favored, the hunter knows his turn will come and can in the mean- time find much thatis of particular interest to himself. Sportsmen never fail to find something to suit their 'tastes in each issue of Rod and Gun Two More Holidays. KING'S BIRTHDAY AND CORONATION DAY WILL BE PROCLAIMED. Ottawa, Ont., April 12.--June 3rd., the birthday of his Majesty King George, and June 22nd, Coronation Day, will be proclaimed as statutory legal holidays in Canada. Some time ago his Majesty intimated through the Colonial Office that he | would prefer to have his birthday celebrated on the actual anniversary of his birth, instead of adhering to the precedent date set by the late sovereign, King Edward, whose birthday was officially celebrated on Victoria Day instead of on Novem- ber 8th. Cranbrook. It was nosmali regret that came to many last week when the sad news was received that Harold McIntyre, eldest son of Mrs. James Menzies, llth con., Grey, had been @alled away. He had grown to manhood in this neighborhood and had deser- vedly earned the esteem of the com- munity. After being apprenticed to the tinsmithing and hardware busi- ness in the Krauter shop at Ethel for some time he took a position in Mitchell where he manifested a deep interest in his work. His health be- came impaired and in response to ad- vice from his physician he came home to recruit. Instead of getting better he gradually failed and after an illness extending over a year he passed away Wednesday of last week, at the early age of 24 years and 11 months. The funeral took pluce Fri- day afternoon to Brussels cemetery where the remains were laid to rest alongside his father. Rev. Dr. Oaten conducted the service. Mrs. Men- zies and family are deeply sympath- ised with in their bereavement. The pallbearers were six cousins, John Heuther, C. Hansuld, Will. and Lorne Eckmier and Ed. and Will. yon. Grey. The dreaded visitor, death, has again entered the home of one of our well known and much respected families and called to his reward the soul of Edward Armstrong. He had been troubled for the past two months with a sore foot which developed in- to aform of gangrene, but nothing sarious was anticipated until Sunday morning, Apml 2nd, when pleurisy set in, followed by pneumonia, and despite all that careful nursing and and loving hands could do he passed to bis reward on Wednesday, April 5th, at 11 p.m. fortified by the last rites of the church. Interment being made in the family plot in the R. C. cemetery, 7th line, Morris. After a long and trying illness covering the past 15 months, Dougald McTaggaret, an old and well known resident of the 16th con., passed a- way to the Great Beyond last Sun- day shortly after 2p.m. He had been stricken with paralysis while enjoying comparatively good health and since that time had to be lifted in and out of bed, never regaining the use of his limbs. Last Saturday an- other stroke came and he never re- gained consciousness. The funeral Rev. D. B. McRae, deceased's pastor, conducted an appropriate service, A PECULIAR CASE. -- Ransom Young, who celebrated his one hun- dredth birthday last Noyember, died last week. He voted for nineteen Presidents, and it is related that he|° i never went to bed without a chew of tobacco in his mouth, and that he always swallowed - "Physicians Bay the tobacco was & stimulant, pod, Worms Convulsions. Feverish- 5 ACASTORIA ForiInfants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought INVAN | HILDREN | T NARCOTIC. Becype af Old Dir SAMUEL ECOCEER. Prnplan Sead~ Aaise Send ¢ fect Remedy forCons A goin Stomach. Diorrhtes, Vi For Over Thirty Years ~JGASTORIA THE CENTAUR COMPANY, Now YORE CrTy. ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. FacSimile Signature of Ato months old EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER, WE REPAIR WEAK MEN i eit Tet ONE SECRET OF OUR SUCCESS. Every caso submitted to us receives the personal attention of our moxllcass Sian, who considcr the symptoms, complications and chronicity, and sen ere 0 thy e Ase se and curability. Specific remedies ae Thess fo case an by our own chemist in our ow toany b r "We Gaaranten Cares or No Pa ay. We Trea! tall Dineses of Men and Wome oh hte de Geis | Begs Drs. KENNEDY & KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. NOTIC All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ees ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat © patients in our Wi xr offices which are for Correspondence _ Taborsiocy for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows D KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Write for our private atone, BUTCHER SHOP The eadine Meat Shop for the Following Pork Sausage, Bologna, Beef Lamb, Veal Pork, All cured Meats. A call solicited. Highest Cash Price paid for Hides, R. J. WALKER, Propriétor. Capital Paid Up $2,750,000 Reserve & Undivided Profits 3,259,000 Total Assets ,000 Call at the ae of the Bank of Hamil- ton and sec a book. "This isa simple transaction. Yet it the first step toward a competence. ou cannot commence to save too early in life--and the place to keep your savings is in a Charte' k. Interest paid on deposits of $1.00 and upw: : G. PERRY, Agent, Atwood, Ontario

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