ay J ae ee: boast of thousands of pupils in all ashy f the world who are follow- plan and advice and gaining health and strength. A| A keen, level-headed Yorkshire- man, Mr. Inch has built up AN AMAZING BUSINESS as a physical culture expert. He employs scores of clerks, and as we bowled along in his 45 horse-power automobile, with Mr. Inch at the wheel, to his private residence in Richmond, he told me that he makes it a point of honor to deal -- the case of each pupil person- Yes," he BRITAIN'S STRONGEST MAK THOMAS INCH ACQUIRED WONDERFUL PHYSIQUE. -- Yorkshireman Who is the Cham- pion Strong Man of the Old Land. There are two types of strong men--the natural po ad the artificial. The first is the man who, blessed with unusual frame, constitution and muscles, becomes abnormally strong through simply following out the methodical exercises taught at any gymnasium. On the other hand, au artificially strong man is one Zho, without being in any way ab- ove the average in regard to phys- ique, determines to become strong. He builds up an extraordinary con- stitution and develops amazing muscles by carefully studying his wn requirements and following out a plan which he knows suits him, without any regard for what might be termed the regulation rules laid down by others, which are often so irksome and unsuitable as to cause more harm than good. It is to the latter type of strong man that Mr. Thomas Inch,' Brit- ain's strongest man, belongs. And it- is this fact which makes his ad- vice as a physical culture expert so yaluable. "T am one of those," he said the ether day at his school of physical culture in Fulham Road, London, "who believe that, no matter what sort of a weakling you may be, you can, by carefully studying your own particular case and requirements, develop great strength. Further- more, I do not believe in a man making himself a martyr to any system of physical culture with . the idea of becoming strong. That is to say, there are many men_ to-day whose lives are a mysery to them- selves and to others for the simple reason that they are obsessed with the notion that if they are to be- come strong they must not do this and "Tremendous work. continued. "It means sitting at my desk from early morning till late at night, but I never felt in better condition in my life. "As a matter of fact, I have accepted a weight-lifting chal- lenge for next month for a wager of $1,000 and I think I shall win. You see, the amount of work aman can get through depends entirely upon his physical condition. If you have got the strength you can stick at it day after day without any loss of energy. I just 'do a few minutes' exercise every day, perhaps a little cycling, and that is all I find neces- sary to keep fit. And it was during lunch at _ his delightful residence that Mr. Inch told some amusing stories of how. he has surprised visitors by eating, drinking, and smoking like one of themselves. '"'Sometimes," he said, "friends come to stay with me for the week-end, and they cannot un- derstand why I am still able to hold my title of champion strong man without Spartan training. But, as I have explained, it is simply a question of understanding yourself, taking things easily, and living moderately. | LORD KITCHENER'S TASK. Will Command 45,000 Soldiers and 5,000 Sailers at the Coronation. Lord Kitchener, who will return to England from British East Afri- ca to command the coronation _ _ _, 7 troops, will find himself faced with THEY MUST NOT DO THAT. |a severe but congenial task in gen- at one partic- eralship and rapid mobilization, for at | 2D army of 45,000 soldiers, with pro- They must go to bed ular time and they must get up a BIGGEST OF JEWEL OWS A BLAZE OF GEMS TO. MARK THE DURBAR OF DELHI.- Kohinoor and Other Famous Dia- mons and Pearls to be There. The keepers of the British.crown jewels are making preparations for their safe transport from London to Delhi in readiness for tne great durbar at which King George wil crown himself Emperor of India writes. a London correspondent. Those who attend this durbar will have a chance to see such a display of precious stones as the "a of no living man has ever gazed o The British crown jewels, fie as they are, cannot, with the - "excep- tion of a few individual gems, com- pare with some of the great Indian collections. The. princes, rajahs and maharajahs of India have the accumulated wealth of generations invested in countless dazzling gems, whose value is incalculable. But if every Indian rajah had as great]. and as valuable' collection as the aggregate of all their collections even then, in the eyes of India, the British crown jewels would surpass them all. And this, for the sake of one stone, the Kohinoor. Compared with either of the Stars of Africa, as the Cullinan diamonds are_now called, the Kohi- noor is but a splendid pebble. Its history is what appeals to the In- dian mind. Long years ago it was the chief jewel of the Mogul em- perors and remains to this day the symbol of imperial authority in India. The history of the Kohinoor is fatrly well known, but there are periods around which a halo of ~s stery stil] hangs. It was brought to England after the Sikh wars, and at once met with a sirange if somewhat UNROMANTIC ADVETNURE. The official who brought it over sent 1t to the wash in his waistcoat pocket. At that time its weight was 186 carats, which was rubepmucaatly reduced to 106 by the recutting or- dered by the Prince Consort. When it belonged to the Breat one partic ular time. They must not bably some 5,000 sailors, will be in walk, run or jump except at spec- possession of London. The War jal hours. In a word, they must Office is actively preparing for this make themselves entirely subser-/8"eat invasion of London from the vient to the idea of becoming) Military depots and garrison towns | strong. | throughout the country. It is ex- "JT say to my pupils, if you find | pected that the majority of the re- beer suits you, drink it. If you find giments will-be billeted in the parks yourself energetic on a vegetarian | at any of the Council schools and diet, stick to it; and if you prefer| in several big buildings like the Ag- a beef steak to nut cutlets, by all | ricultural Hall. Accommodation in means have it. But, be moderate ;) the Metropolitan barracks is utter- and when you find a thing does not ly inadequate, and not more than suit you, look around for something 10,000 or 12,000 men will be able to else to take its place. It is ts sim-j find room at Chelsea, Wellington, ple as ABC, this question of get- Knightsbridge and the Tower. ting strong. Think for yourself and A week before the coronation an study vourself in regard to diet,;army of Sappers will start trench- then go in for a little exercise every | ing the soi] in Kensington Gardens. day. Tents will be erected in the leafy "T really avenues, and field kitchens placed of physical culture has proved so in the vicinity of the Round Pound. successful and beneficial to hun- Nearly 10,000 men will camp in the dreds of pupils because I do not ask gardens. The official list of metro- them to do two or three hours a! politan depots is not quite prepar- day. I cut the time down to min- ed, but it is expected to include | utes, but the exercises must be: Battersea Park, Regent's Park, a 'lone properly and regularly. It is small portion of Hyde Patk, Bish-| 10 good picking up a developer or' op's Park, » pair of dumb-bells for a couple of Court. minutes before you get into bed and large army- the largest perhaps | just working arms lik @ ever mobilized within its borders--| pump-handle. the exercises! will be one of the instructive fea- properly, and when the muscles be- tures of the coronation. Camp gin to feel tired, stop. I do not be-. fres will burn in the parks at night, | lieve in elaborate exercises or iD and the ordinary law-abiding citi- elaborate apparatus. With iron) zen. who probably has never seen a} dumb-bells and a chest expander! handful of soldiers bivouacking in| one can bring about wonderful mus- open country, will find a ve ry pic- cular development." turesque imitation of it in the leafy | Mr. Inch has proved this in his'areas in town. This army will in- ywn case, for he is able to put on! glude representatives 'of in| muscle at will. His measurements: state and Dominion:in the Empire are Several distinguished transport of jficers are to be chosen for duty on a specia] military railroad staff, lwhich will su pervise the detraining of the troops. These wili be brought in to Waterloo and other stations on the morning of coronation day. believe that my system Fulham and Hampton London, in the hands of this | SIMPLY AMAZING. When training for.the title of cham-| pion strong man oP Brttain a short! time ago he lifted 260 pounds, over! 2 1- ewt., with one hand, and near- ly 2 3-4 ewt. with two hands over- | --_ his chest, expanded, measur- ed 53 1-2 inches, biceps 19 7-8 inch- es, fore arm 15 inches, thigh 27 1-2) inches, and calf 18 inches. And al-! though he is now 28 years of age, Mr. Inch does not consider he is at his best. In his opinion he will eclipse all previous records when he Is nearer 25. and considers that dit is quite possible for him to de- velop a Gu-Inch chest and a 21-in. arm --_--.--___---- HIGH PRICE FOR FLATS, 'Big Sums Paid for Houses During the Coronation, To British peers who own London : town houses the coronation this year | means a smal! fortune, for the de- | mand for such houses has grown | exceedingly brisk of late. The bid-! ders are nearly all multi-millicn- | aires, some of whum have already | secured flats in fasmonable apart- ment houses but want to add to | their name the glory of inhabiting | the residence of a member of the | nobility, prebably not without the | silent hope that their grateful land- | lord will cet them a chance to put! foot inside the walls of Buckingham Palace. One Libera] peer has re- Inch commenced physical cul- > at the age of eight, and he re- with some amusement how he to dig holes in the ground the sole idea of developing stopping every new and take his measurements to see if bis res has proceed- ing apace 'If I remember right- ly,' he says, "my bicep measure- ment was then 8 1-2 inches. An end was put to this, my first attempt at fused an offer of $50,000 for the use physical culture, by someone fall-|of his residence for six weeks. An- ing into a deep hole, which put a other man has offered $85,060 for stop to further digging." As a boy,/the tenancy of a house in Hill however, Mr. Inch had an ambition | street during May, June and July, 40° become a- strong man, and it is) but the owner refuses to take less characteristic of the determination! than $100,000. ich he displays at all times when| The private residence of the wishes to accomplish something, | Prime Minister, always greatly cov- t he was never tired of Sriag ts oun by reason of its splendid re- points endeavori ing to conn: Pe old. m mahogany stair- 'le it, | hina it. Moguls the Kohinoor was far |greater stone. The French ier' ler Tavernier, who saw it in the seventeenth century, described it as 787 1-2 carats in 'weight, uncut, or merely "flatted" on one side He compared it to an egg cut in half. Hortensio Borgio, a dishon- est or unskilful Italian diamon cutter, was then called in and duced it to 268 carats. lost his head when the saw what he had done to his favor- Ite gem. hy experts consider that the Orlo diamond of the Russian re- galia, 193 carats in weight, and al- so a large fragment of 132 carats, may have both been cut from the -| mals, 'iments. has been various times y ned ee the Bold, Duke of N orman- dy; Emanuel, King of Portugal ; Nicholas de Marlay, Sieur de San- cy, James IT. of England, who fled zy" m stohes are only a smal! part of and are often actually smaller barons countless others in the unca logued treasuries of the Tndian princes. No mention of pearls has been made yet, but the Prince of Gwalior wears, besides a necklace of thirteen rows of perfectly match- ed pearls as large as filberts, a cur- ious sash of crimson velvet depend- ing'from his left shoulder to his right_ knee, the' material of which is hidden y _similar stones. But t 1 omy 5 can ontdo the Brings of Gwalior in pearls. ean Seen ees CHINESE GEM CUTTERS. Carved. Crystal Like Ice That Has Been Dipped in Hot Water. There is a great decorative value in rock crystal in its purest form, the perfect Tama, " the Japanese call the sphere. is the purest of all materials hat the artist can with, says a writer in Handi- craft, and many charming effects can be obtained 'by carving, cutting and slightly tinting or foiling. ave you ever seen a great icicle all the hayeh edges of which have been melted off in the sun or a frag- ment of ice which has been dipped in hot water for a moment? If so you have seen the effect which the Chinese love to produce on their carved rock crystals. The crystal itself has the purity of the most perfect ice, but when an objéet is completed by the lapi- dary he removes al] the harsh lines and produces this beautiful water dipped effect by rounding off the edges and polishin In mounting a tit of jade, red tourmaline or amber the Chinese will sometimes put upon the setting or fill in the interstices of the me- tal with a greenish shimmer; and it is difficult to make out at first glance what it is; perhaps a metal or a mineral. The magnifying glass shows that it is the blue fea- ther of the kingfisher and as it is placed in a setting with a ridge above it for protection it frequently will stand a good deal of wear. Chinese lapidary art generally consists in ignoring everything that is geometrical. The motives of the Chinese are generally plants, ani- scenes or symbolical orna- Everything in their lapidary art is soft and rounded, pleasing both to the eye and to the touch. Abbott Thayer, the American art- ist, has discovered that the most in- tense colors properly mingled, as in the wings and beetles, blend into a soft tone. Roty draws only the ideal out of remains of the Mogul diamond. But the Kohinoor, which Ranjit nea used sometimes to wear in socket of his blind eye, séntinced! to represent the o1 'iginal gem, and when it is seen in tl crown of | George V, at Delhi next December, | for every native present it will be the symbol of imperial authority. Historically the return of the, Kohinoor to India will in native | eyes set the final scal upon the great ceremony at Delhi. But some of the other gems the British regalia will certainly | produce their effect upon a people | so accustomed to symbolism. There | }is the great | AGINCOURT RUBY, | won in the battle from which it | takes its name before the great Moguls introduced splendor of life! into the Imperial palaces they built so lavishly. It will certainly be watched with keen interest by Raj- put eyes as it glows from the cen- tral cross of the English crown. _ Then there is the pale sapphire | In the topmost cross of the orb. | | | | in! That will surely make its appeal, for it came from the Confessor's tomb in Westminster Abbey and has a nine-hundredd-year-old record be- | And beyond all question, the new, unhistoried Stars of Africa will have their triumph. In a way they will bring home to the native | of India the majesty of the occa- | sion better than proclamaticns, processions, gaol dsliverios or the sound of guns. The two gigantic South African. stones will have be- gun their careers of symbolism when they blaze out unrivalled and unchallenged over what will pro- | !bably be the most stupendous as- semblages of gems that Europe or Asia has ever seen, None can estimate the huge | wealth that lies hidden in mg rl treasuries in the form of jewels. A the 1903 durbar the blaze of jewels surprised even the Indian princes themselves. The Nizam of Hyderabad the Nizam of 277 carats an nd the Victoria of 180 carats. The Gaek- war of Baroda had his Star of the| South, a Brizilian crystal of th rst water; WEIGHING 125 CARATS. | In the rough it weighed 254. He also had the famous Akbar Shah and the eg the last, as its name im-| was own the ex- | wore even an iron.furnace or a smoke-} stack. Louis Tiffany has always be- I Heved in a wealth of softness and leolor, whether in glass or jewelry. To obtain a brilliant blue he took ! colorless opals and ground them in- 'to regular jelly-like masses and out {blue sapphires under them, {then opals under masses of vale sapphires. Again, he combined amethysts that were deep purple with dee blue sapphires and combined these} with opal matrix of deepest rag and green. Another example lamp screen of beach pebbles lead- | ed together ; every one of these peb- | bles had een water-worn and; slightly iron-rusted, and the blend- ing of the white with the tones of brown in the lamplight produced a} most charming effect. --4,---_-- TROUSERS FOR WOMEN. One Place in Europe Where Are the Fashion. There is at least one place in They | | Europe where trousers for women) €¥e" are the fashion, and they are real, trousers, too, made of good wear- ing material, not the modern jupe- culotte, with its veilings of choice; cloths. The women of Champery, the 'well known health resort in Swit- 'zerland, have from time immemori- al worn honest masculine trousers. They wear them not to attract at tention to themselves, but simply | for the sake of convenience, for they | ihave to perform tasks which need ifreedom of the nether limbs. They not only perform all a wo- man's usual tasks, including the} | bringing up of very large families, |but to.a great extent the care of the cattle is left to them. In Sum- mer they labor in the fields and in! | Winter they toil about the steep | hillsides through deep snow, often} on skis, feeding and looking. after 'the stabled cows and gone. go times they carry huge wicker b 4 hs ts on their backs "flled with 'll anner of articles from faggots to panne "The weight of these bas- kets would tax the strength of a 'strong man unaccustomed to shea, he pery women in spite of all their hard work are tendepie: Th and well se of birds, butterflies | HOW MOUNTAINS DEAL DEATH: ; WHY ETNA EN PARTICULAR IS SO MUCH FEARED. Catania, Killing 15,000 Peogie. Etna, the "burning mountain," is the mightiest volcano in Europe It is 10,800 feet high. If you wished to walk round its base you would have to walk ninety miles. It slopes steadily on all sides up to the biggest crater, which is nearly a mile broad. Though volcanoes are often spoken of as burning mountains, they do rot burn at all. Nor, i the proper sense of the word, are they mountains at all. A volcano is really a flaw in the crust of the} earth through which the fierce glow- ing heat that lies below the crust has managed to burst a hole. Through this hole great floods of melted rock spout up. Some vol- in eruption all the time. As the melted rock jets up into the air and falls it naturally builds itself into a mountain round the hole. next eruption has to burst its way ae the heart of that 'moun- tain. The chimney it spouts through is usually called "the i ? Sometimes an eruption is so fierce that when the lava (another name for melted rock) spouts out it is burst into bits. When it falls it is sometimes as fine as dust, some- times the size of cinders. veleanoes, indeed, are simply GIGANTIC CINDER-HEAPS. When the force is not so great the lava in the pipe simply bubbles over and flows down the sides of the mountain exactly as porridge boils over the edge of a pot.. As lava is liquid, the slope of a Java volcano or lava cone, as it is usually called) is always very gentle. Falling cin- ders, on the other hand, pile them- selves up quite steeply." A lava cone, then, is always less steep than a cinder cone. Often a cinder cone is as steep as the roof of a house. And a voleano never burns. What looks like flame is only the glow of the white-hot lava on the clouds of steam. The more steam there is forcing its way up the pipe the more the lava bubbles, just as in the case of the porridge. If the pressure of steam is very great, then you have the lava blown to bits and falling as cinders,,while the mighty clouds of steam rise high above the moun- tain. It is this steam that is mis- taken for smoke. Sometimes a cone sends out lava and cinders alternately, lave a great mountain of cinders ; bound togethe rby layers and walls jot lava. Th¢se walls-of lava are due to the fact' that sometimes more lava j Wants to come up the pipe than the | pipe will hold, so the lava bursts Jats way out through weak spots in ithe sides of-the--mountain.---Etna i has ne-fewer than 700 of these cones {on its 'slopes. One of tlem, Monte nd | Rossi, is a hill in itself, BEING 450 FEET HIGH. | Indeed, a mode! of Etna looks as |if it were covered with pimples. | When Etna is really reused it is! qa | far more dangerous than Vesuvius. *\In 1169 it nearly destroyed the city | 1 of Catani, killing 15,000 people. In| } Rs In 1169 It Destroyed the City of Most ed so that you! all volcanees are olese te the oie of the sea. Some lava flows slowly, some quickly. Vesuvius in 1805 sent out a lava stream that in four minutes had sig 9 . Iceland. emitted twe streams at one time. One was forty miles long by seven miles broad, the other fifty miles by fifteen. The th of noth was-about a Lava tno very, very slowly, ex- cept on the surface, which cools at once. It is an extremely bad con- ductor of heat. Twenty years after a stream of lava was sent out from Jorullo in Mexico tourists could light their cigars through chinks in the surface, and the surface had been cold for twenty years! 1828 a layer of snow many feet thick was found under a layer of Vesu- vian lava. It was still unmeited, and is -- there still. Lava dust has the same property. Shepherds on the higher slopes of Etna cover some snow in winter with a thin layer of dust and cin- ders, so that in the hot, dry sum- mer they may have water for their flocks.--Pearson's Weekly. PHENOMENAL TRAVELLING. A Yankee Took Down an English- man a Peg or Two. An Englishman was bragging of the speed on English railways to a -- traveller seated at his side in one of the carriages of a "fast train" in England. The engine-bell was rung in the guard's van as the train neared a station. It suggest- ~the Yankee an opportunity of down his companion a peg ' takin or two. "What's the noise? inquired the Yankee. '"'We are approaching a town," said the Englishman. "They have to commence ringing about ten miles before they get to a station, or else the train would run by it before the bell could be heard! Wonderful, isn't it I suppose they haven't invented bells in America yet?" "Why yes," replied the Yankee} "we've got bells, but can't use them on our railroads. We run so 'tar- nal fast that the train always keeps ahead of the sound. No use what- ver; the sound never reaches the village till after the train gets by.' 'Indeed !" exclaimed the English- man. Fact," said the Yankee; "had to give up bells. Then we tried steam-whistles, but they wouldn't answer either. I was on a locomo- tive when the whistle was tried. We were going at a tremendous rate--hurricanes were nowhere, an' I had to hold my hair on. We saw a two-horse wagun crossing the track about five miles ahead, and the engineer let the whistle on, screeching like a trooper. It screamed awfully, but it wasn't no use. The next thing I knew I was picking myself out of a pond by the roads.de, amid the tragments of the locomotive, dead horses, broken wagon, and dead engineer lying be- side me. Just then the whistle came along, mixed up with some frightful oaths that I had heard the jengineer use when he first saw the lhorses! Poor fellow! he was dead | before his voice got to him. 'After that we tried lights, posing these would travel faster ithan sound. e got some so pow- jerful that the oh ol woke up all along the road when we came by, g it to be morning. But innocently 1669 it found its pipe so ir ently small that it had to crack one 'of its sides. This crack was_no less | {than twelve miles long. At the bot- |tom, white-hot lava could dimly be seen through the clouds of steam. In 1755 millions of gallons of boiling | water were shot out of the Val del} Bove,.which is a great circular pit | on the slope of the mountain, four or five miles in diameter, its sides being cliffs searly a mile high in places. The greatest voleanic eruption known took place in the>East Indies in 1883. The stery makes 'almost incredible reading. The | volcanic island of Krakatoa com- ' menced proceedings by blowing half jof itself into thin air. From the opening no less than a cubic mile 'of rock was shot out. ; A column of steam and java dust | rose into the air to a height six | times as great as that of Mount Everest. It spread and spread till 'for hundreds of miles round the air} lwas black as midnight. -Seunds as of distant cannonading. were heard | {2,000 miles off. | Sea waves fifty feet high killed | I 35. 000 people and were felt as far ol as California. Instead of an is- land half a mile high there was not a hole a.quarter of a mile deep. The shock of the é¢ruption senf-air-waves three and a half times round the! earth. The fine dust in the upper atmosphere added for months after- wards a strange glow to the sunsets in England, and did not vanish completely for three years. THE CAUSE OF ERUPTIONS is not known for certain. A popu- lar theory is that they are caused by water one 'in to the white-hot Mass w err eee s to lit under \the locomotive ; kept . ahead of it still, and was ih the darkness, with ithe lights close on behind it. linhabitants were against it: |couldn't sleep with so much in the night-time. Finaily. ito station electric telegraphs siche ithe road with signalmen to tele- graph when the train was in sight, and I have heard that some of the fast trains beat the rape ekg fif- teen minutes every forty miles. But J can't say as that is true; the rest I know to be so." ne STILL LEAVE IRELAND, Statistics Show That Emigration is Increasing. The Irish- emigration statisties,! jwhich have just been made public lfor the year 1910, go to show that ithe various Land Purchase and Laborers' Acts and the frequent | Prophecies of approaching home rule, have not sufficed by any man- ner ra means to keep young Ireland lat home. The report shows that 22,993 emigrants. of whom 18,113 were males, left Treland in 1910. This is an inérea, s of 3.693 as com- pared with 1909. Uf the total num- ber of persons who left Ireland 86.9 per cent. were hetween the ages of 15 and 35, while only 6.2 per cent. were over 35. In actual figures 13,403 of the emigrants were between tfie ages of 20 and 2 5. Only 285 of the total number sticin marri- ed. One-third of them had their passage money sent them from Am- ts "a ig a the whoie oe of . als eh have" left ' orts sup- * i a