Suits and Dresses and Prints. the prices to suit you. gathered together the finest assortment of Spring Goods eyer shown in Atwood, including--Dress Goods, Muslins, Ginghams We were thinking of you when we bought and fixed We solicit a call to inspect our Goods, it is a pleasure to show you our different lines. THE QUALITY STORE" - at O W that Spring is upon us you will be thinking of your new eee With careful buying we have Most Unusual Dress Good Values at 50c, 75c and $1.00. These three prices are remark- able good value. They are sell- ing every day, but we still have a@ good assortment to choose from. A new lot of Ginghams, good value at 20 and 25c for 124 and l5c. All new this spring. We still hold first place in prints good fast colors and large assort- ment at 7c, 10c and 124 yd. Gents' Dept. Negligee Shirts, special sizes 14 to 163, regular price 75c to $1.00, special price 49c. Men's neckties, reg.25c, special 19c. A lot of Men's caps choice 25c. See Our Remnant Table for good values. Some white Flannelette ends, good value l4c for 8c a yd. Prints, Mus- lings, etc., on table at prices that must clear them out. Groceries Always clean and fresh and | everything in stock. Raising............... 3 lb. for 25e- ieesaeweneeay 3 Ib. for 25c. Extra Choice Fruit House wives will find every- thing bere they need for house- cleaning. Our Boot & Shoe Dept. is now complete for spring when wanting anything in this line, see our stock first. Highest Price paid for Produce Get our price first. af ; ee Ballantyne & Hale ATWOOD, ONTARIO NEW SPRING GOODS We have a complete New Stock of Dry Goods Boots and Shoes Ready-made Clothing Hats, Caps, etc. New Dress Goods Prints, Muslins, Voiles Wash Goods, Shirtings Flannellets, Lawns Hosiery and Gloves We pay the highest market value for produce. A call solicited W. R. ERSKINE High Grade Wall Papers Do not be indifferent about buying your wall papers, inferior papers are never cheap no mat- ter what the price is, it costs just as much to hang the inferior papers as it does to put on the better grade. Be tasteful about your hangings, have your rooms decorated in the latest styles, do not be contented with having your rooms de- corated in the same old style year after year Have them decorated with some pleasing effect such as Panels, Crowns and foot borders, Cut- out Crowns. have something new, be in fashion. Our Books show over from 5e to $5.00 per roll. Do not over look our paper and be convinced. 1200 patterns, ranging Call and see them hanging as we make a specialty of high-grade and up-to-date room decorating. ROCER & FORD. Eggs taken as cash. Pamters & Decorators. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA EXPECT ARREST Soon.--A Ber- lin despatch says; "There may be-- and likely will be, at an early date-- an arrest, or more than one, in the Lobinski murder case. The old man, Franz Lobinski was killed for the sake of hig hoarded goal, several months ago and no arrests have been made. But High constable Huber and Provincial Detective Boyd have been quietly at work on the new tip and it is expected that an arrect will an early date." A Parrot Dip It.--A parrot say- ed a Chatham household from a terr- ible death in the early hours of a re- cent morning. All the inmates were asleep, when they were aroused by the bird shrieking, "Father, come quick!" Jt was then found that the house was full of smoke and that a room down etairs was in flames. Some difficulty was experienced in removing @ tenant named George Pett, who is partially paralysed, from one of the roome, but everyone was brought safely out, and the flames were quickly extinguished by the fire brigade. The ery of the bird, which probably gaved several tives, i ig one Pose fae ib ie fond of of soups: NOTICE.-- All members of the C. O. F. will meet at the G. O. F. hall on Friday afternoon, April 2ist., at one o'clock. 'W. J. Hunter, C. R. E. A. Swing, Sec. Henfryn Miss Mary Thomson, of Berlin, spent a few days with friends in the vicinity. Miss Annie Cunningham spent her Easter holidays with friends in Toronto Mr. Roe and children, of Brussels, on Good Friday. Mrs. Robb and children, of Luck- now were Visitors at A. Hamilton's over the holiday. Mr. E. Collis and Mr. of Atwood shipped a car load of po- tatoes from Henfryn on Monday last. Mrs. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. J. Quipp, 14th con. Elma, visited at Mr. and Mrs. A. Quipp's on Easter Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bell, ton, and Mr..A. Fogal, of New Ham- burg were logal's. Mr. James Thomson has accepted the principalship of Ethel school and will commence dutios after Easter holidays. Spring Fair. Wednesday afternoon a large num- ber of men from the vicinity were in Atwood attending the spring fair. The classes were not so well filled this year, but the number that were in the ring, were of the best kind of horseflesh. The following are the rewards given by Judge McKenzie, of Lucknow :-- IMPORTED CLYDESDALES. Netherlea, Jas. McKenzie, Monkton. Auchencrieve, J. G. Bender, Wallace. Prince of Merryfield, Kerr Bros. H. R. Pride 11. of Kilnhill, A drew Thompson, Trowbridge. CANADIAN DRAUGHT. Royal Prince, Kerr Bros. Royal Mascot, Dickson Bros., At- wood. CARRIAGE, COACH OR HACKNEY. Kaiser Frederick, Fred. Klinefeldt, Atwood. Sentinel Wood, Wm. Hol- man, Newry. STANDARD BRED. Dashwood, Wm. Holman. Allerby, Dr. McKenzie, Monkion. BEsT STANDARD BRED HORS§_LAND 4 oF His GErt. Dashwood and 4 colts. SWEEPSTAKES, HEAVY Horse. Netherlea, Jas. McBenzie. SWEEPSTAKES, LIGHT HORSE, Dashwood, Wm. Holman. St. Alban' s Church Notice. 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.---Holy Communion. 7 p.m.--Evening Prayer. The Rev. D. E. Cameron, of Brus- sels will officiate at all the ser- vices. H. B. Ashby, I Incumbent. CASTORIA For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the s j Z Signature of Ottawa, Apri! 15.--Edward Syd- ney Smith, K. C., Stratford, was to- day gazetted Deputy Judge of the County of Perth, and George Murray of Gore Bay, Deputy Judge of Man- itoulin. This in Mr. Smith's case is simply renewing his appointment during the absence of Judge Barron in England. Ottawa, April 15.--Enumerators taking .the coming census will get five cents for the name of each living person and ten cents for dead ones, as well asa special rate for farms, factories, schools and so forth. The census commissioners in charge of the operations will get one cent for ion to their salary. Sault Ste. Marie, Ont, April 15,-- The largest blast furnace in Canada was officially lighted this morning with appropriate ceremonies by Miss Ruth McDonald. It is in connection with the Lake Superior Corporation. It has a capacity of five hundred tons and there is work enough awaiting it tokeep it going for fiye years straight. Ottawa, April 15.--That Canada will shortly hecome as famous for the assertion of the geological depart- ment officials. This morning Curator Johnston of the departmert announc- ed that after a teat by Dr. Kunz, dia- mond expert at Tiffany's, New York, if had been demonstrated that.stones recently discoyered in British Colum- bia were equal, Sloyigr cs - visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Thompson's, | , Catarrhozo Ballantyne | he t of Wal- holiday visitors at H. a every name in their district in addit- |* her diamonds as for her gilver is now | ? atice, CURE THAT COLD This is Quickly and Pleas- Catarrhozone Catarrhozone will relieve colds al- 1 rs will al tis its quick curative results will astonish you, an 8 -- ecbekethe them thro cian the tarrhozone inhal- er and id they spread throughout" all the air passages. It is sense as Well as healin 80 prompt a in its results, Lange th remedy for diseases the throat, lungs and bronchial tubes, 'aan it is neither ee morphia or cocaine--all dang~ ero Tens of thousands have used Catarrh- ezone without tl = a case ° f failu to cure dis of the hroat and lungs and aaenl R r, TARRHOZONE is nin air, and is little drops of heal- ing fo asal passages, or z It always does cure--is guar- m The Catarrhozene Co. satioio" NS Y. and Kingston, Cana Address and Presentation. A large nutnber of the members and adherents of the Methodist church gathered at the home of Mrs. Horn, on Monday evening, where a few hours were spent in a most soc- ial way. During the evening a pro- gramme was giyen by way of stories, songs, instrumentals, and lastly the reading of an address and presentat- ion to Miss Evelyn Turnbull, who mude a very suitable reply, after which a luncheon was served. The remainder of the evening was spent in a@ guessing contest. At the close of the gathering a hearty yote of thanks was tendered to Mrs. Horn for the kindness shown to them dur- ing the evening. -Address as follows : To Miss Evelyn Turnbull Organist Methodist Church, Atwood. Dear Miss Turnbull.-- The first public use of music by every people has been in religious rites and ceremonies. Time is divid- ed into years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds. The instrumerits employed for measuring time are clocks, watches, hour-glass- es and dials. From the universal idea of your many friends, it has nev- er appeared to you as our organist and co worker in the church, that tbe definition of time, and the consider- ation of the measurement tiereof, has entered into your mind in the performance of vour duties. The social conditions of our church, the kindly relations existing, the success- ful results of our individual and coll- ective efforts, may be estimated by the well wishes exten'ed to you. The "key note" of this address is that as our org nist you accept of this brooch, without any of the em- barrassing difficulties peculiar to musicians in discharge of their pro- fession, for this momento is only a slight reward to which you are duly entitled for your labours Trusting the friendship now established may long be continued and praying you God's greatest gifts we sign ourselves ou behalf of your friends. Andrew Robb, R. 8. Miriam McBain, Atwood, April 17th, 1911. SHOOTING PAINS IN SIDE, ARMS, BACK Prove the Presence of Rheu- matic Virus, Which Is Cured Quickest by Nervi- line--Rub It In. ful, but soothing. By relieving conges- tion it cures pain. It doeg this always. t cannot -- ome - {8 a true anti- dote for pa scarcely find anybody that 'will 'ot "tell you wonder- ful things about the pain-curing power of Nerviline, Remember, that there is not cure immediately. Nerviline Is an anchor of health jn every household, Refuse anything that may be offered you instead of Nerviline. which is guar. neuralgia, m ns, ' Large bottles, veg trial size, 26c, at all dealers, or atarrhozone Com- Gi NERVILINE if not superior, to the South Africs. | CURES ALL PAIN | Monkton. . _ | holidays visiting friends in Mich. igan. es: ' pressing. rs She also visited at her home in Log- not an ache or pain that' Nerviline will T Mr. x W. Hamilton spent Sun- day in Toronto. Mr. Henry Krugal, of Palmerston, was an Easter visitor in town: Miss L. Wassman is spending a few days at her home in Logan. ays with friends in Hepworth. The ball given by Messrs. Matth- ews and Akins was a grand success. Mr. Henry Ronnenberg spent the Mr. Kenneth MacKenzie, of Tor- onto is visiting under the parental roof. Miss Violet Goforth of Mitchell, is the guest of her friend, Miss Oliye liver. Miss Maggie Huggins, of Amtree, is spending the holidays at her home in town. Mr. Charles Mun of town, and Mr. Litt of Dublin, have started hay Miss Scherbarth cf Walton, is spending her holidays with ber par- ents in Logan. Mrs. Jno. Woolacott of Logan, spent a few days last week with friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Graham and family spent Good Friday with friends in Logan. Mr. Ed. Murr, of Watburg, was the guest of his cousin, Mr. Charles urr, on Sunday. Mr. Dan Barndardt of Stratford, is the guest of his brother, Mr. W. Barnhardt of town. Mr. Alfred Broughton, of Toronto, arrived home Thursday eyening to spend the holidays. Rev. and Mrs. Langford and son, Howard, are visiting at the former's parents at Granton. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Hanson and son, are visiting with friends in Full- erton over the holiday. Mr. Ralph Robertson of Tcronto Dental College is spending the _ holi- ays at his home home. Mrs. R. McCuliough and daughter Mabel, are spending tho holidays with friends in Listowel. Miss Jean Sherwin of Waterloo, spent Sunday under the parental roof returning on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Terry and son James, of Atwood, spent Sunday and Monday with friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. G. ©. Coghlin and daughter, Arleen, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hamilton. Misses Pearl Ellacott and Edna McNaught, of Stratford, are spend- ing the holidays under the parental roofs. The Orangemen hada supper in Mr. Wm. Pushelbury's restaurant op Friday evening and wes largely at- tended. Mrs. Brett and children, of Dray- ton, are spending the holidays at the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, D Bartza. Misses Grace Chalmers and Jessie Weils of Walkerton are spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Chalmers. Mr. Jas. Holman and son, Milton, returned Wednesday after spending the holidays with friends in Toronto and Bolton. Mrs. Jno. Hamilton and Mrs. Jno. Sheriff of Winterbourne were visit- ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hamilton. Miss Violet Schaler who has been visiting at her sister's Mrs. G. Weber for the past week left for her home in New Hamburg. The members of the Masoniclodge of Monkton gave a banquet at the Bauer house on Thursday evening and was well attended. Miss Nellie Bannerman, of Lon- don is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Charles Henry, over the holiday. an. Mr. Charles Broughton who has been spending the winter in Wyan- dotte, Mich., spent Sunday at his home in town returning to the city on Monday. Mrs. C. Cornwall and Mrs. Mellis- on of Norwich, spent the Easter hol- idays with Mrs. Wm. Barnhardt. hey left on Wednesday for their home accompanied by the former's mother, Mrs. Wm. Neal. LEAVING For THE WEST.--Rey ton circuit, has decided to give up bis charge and leave early in May for British Columbia. He will be accom- panied by his brother, who ig also in the ministry. The departure of Mr. Langford will be deeply regretted by all classes as he made many friends isince oaletad to manta: - Mr. Edward Bettger spent a few |: F. W. Langford, pastor of the Monk- |g = 'Dear Reader 7 We are preparing young people for business at-- LISTOWEL BUSINESS COLLEGE and place our graduates in posi- tions. Students may enter at any time. Spring term opens April 8rd. For particulars ad- - dress EDWIN G. MATTHEWS, P PRINCIPAL, SocBeciecle Be dindinciedbediad.t.. 2 2 2 6 6 ss ee ee es sees C. McMane M. B. Toronto. L. R. C. P. London M. R.C. S. England. Diseases of Ear, Eye, Nose, Throat, treated and glasses prescribed. Office upstair in the Bee Block. Residence at Mrs. W. F. Forrest. D. A. Kidd M. D.C. M. Main Street, Atwood, Ontario. PHYSICIAN SURGEON ACCOUCHEUR ; CORONER Specialties, Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Diseases of Women and Children. se 4 2 So cla clbe ube oh, 22. eS Se ee 2 Ee ee Se ee ee See ee ee 4 'eee ee ee ee ee ee ee cle <BecBasasBacBacl SS rr Morphy-& Carthew Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers. Solicitors for the Bank of Hamilton. Money to loan. Office above R. Thompson's Store Listowel, Ontario H. B. Morpnry. J. M. CARTHEW. Blewett & Bray Barristers, Solicitors. Notaries Public and Conveyancera Listowel, Ontario R. BLEWETT, K.C. GEO. Bray, B.A. J. Cecil Hamilton Barrister, Conveyancer Solicitor for Imperial Bank of Canuda Money to Loan Office----Main st., Listowel, next to Dr. Foster, dentist. Branch office--Main-st., Atwood, in same building as the Clerk of Town- ship of Elma. Will visit Atwood every Wednesday afternoon. Alex. Morrison Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of Perth and Huron. Charges moderate. All__orders --by----mail--or--otherwise promptly attended to. Atwood P.O. Wm. Holman Licensed auctioneer for the County ~ of Perth. Charges moderate. Satisfaction guaranteed. Newry P.O. W.H. Grosz & Co FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKERS. Night calls promptly attended to. Phone 109, Residence on Wallace St. LISTOWEL. CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. 'A Large School A Good School ~. The Best, This school has a continental reputation for high grade work and for the success of its students. We baye three departments-- COMMERCIAL, SHORT- HAND, and TELEGRAPHY. Ambitious young men and women should send at once for our large free catalogue.- Write for it at once and see what our graduates are doing. This is a good time of the year for you to enter our classes. Students are enter- ing each week. Commence your course at once, D. A. McLachlan, Principal Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S ASTOR! A