Atwood Bee, 19 May 1911, p. 1

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ee E. H. Swine, PRoprietor. Vol. 22. No 13. ATWOOD, ONT. FRIDAY, MAY 19. 1911. The manufacturing of cement at the plant began this week. J..W. Stanilaw was killed by f2ll- ing between cars at Sault Ste. Merie. Writs have been issued for a. fen- eral election in Noya Scotia. Polling day is June 14. - 4bndisenisb citedisnenek SSS) : TOWN and VICINITY. t THE CORNER STORE. Ill ferisstesccicscerseseced May 24th next Wednesday. LIVE AND LET LIVE A picnic is'being arranged for at GROCERIES Bthel Brussels is having a celebration on the 24th of May. Prepared Breakfast Foods for the warm weather. Cheap rates on the G.T.R. from fe . : . Tuesday to Friday evening. Malta Vita, Gusto, Orange Meat. Orange Maize, Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flake. Shredded W heat, Post Toasties, Quaker Puffed Rice, Quaker Puff- ed Wheat, Grape Nuts, Korn Kinks. CURED MEATS Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Back Cooked Ham and Bologna. FRUITS Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Pineapples, (Grape "THE QUALITY STORE" cid le We have not the time this week to tell you all of the Bargains we-are-offering, but will just quote a few Specials. You will have to come and see the rest. Gouds Reduced in all Departments, Besure and see our Bargain Table . SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK MEN'S DEPARTMENT. Just opened a box of Men's Pants, 150 pair, which we are going to offer for one week only at the following prices : Regular $3.50 special Regular $2.50 special Regular $2.00 special Men's 4 ply Linen collar, regular 150 special Wash Ties, regular 25c 9c each Socks 3 pair 95c DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT Ladies' cotton hose 2 pair Misses and Children's Vests 9ceach, 3 for ~_ Newest Ginghams, reg. 15c to 25c special 14c. Prints, regular 8c special............. aneneus Cs Corset cover embroidery, reg. 25c & 35c, 19¢. GROCERIES Here are a.few specials = should make us busy. Mat Figs 5e a |b. Raisins 3 pounds 25c 3 pounds 25c A suspected case of smallyox on the steamer Albania compelbd her detention at Grosse Isle. Mr. William Willoughby vho has been yery ill during the ast two Miss Alice Reid, of Toronto, is vis- J weeks is able to be up agail. iting with her brother, Rev. J.C eid. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Terry esd son Jim spent Saturday and Sunday in Harriston. Born.--At Grand Coulee, Sask., on April 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Vallance, a son. On Tuesday afternoon Mr. Thos. Anderson had the misforune to fall off a load of bay on the firm of Mr. Hugh Wilson, 10th con, resulting in the breaking of his collsr boue. DiepD.--In Elma, on. Tuesday, May 16th, 1911, Carnichael Ballan- ont = tyne, aged 44 years, $ months and 6 Miss Cora Bell, of Brussels, spent} : i nae last Thursday with her cousin, Miss! r fe - 'of ae -- ---- M. Donaidson, 8th con. riday) to Avonilale ea Stratford. Mr. Samuel Bennett, of the 12th, Fruit, Figs, Dates, Prunes, Dry Peaches, Raisins | "Geis why dnt sou come to vcon., will erect a straw shed this church mvc"? "Ror divrae veasone summer 34x40 with a cement found- : and Currants. Christie Sodas and Fancy Cake. | ation sur. Fustly, I doan like yer preach- CAS H O R TR A Dp E . ins' secondly, I doan like yer singin,' FOR P Fe re D U Cc E Invitations have been issued for! and, thirdly, i¢ was in your church I the marriage of Miss Janet Hamilton | furst met me wife." CALL SolLteriteD : PASTURE TO RENT.--For stock on Bacon, Rolls, -------------------- --------e a eT he re to Mr. R. J. Coghlin on Wednesday * next at "Langside Farm" Elnia. C hil dr en C ry FOR FLETCHER'S lot 13, con. 10, Elma, known as the Cc A Ss r © R I A Clarke farm. For particulars apply Stratford is likely to have a new to R. Freeman, Newry P.O., or on legal light in the person of Mr. F. the premises. R_ Blewett, of Blewett & Bray, of line | Listowel' Mr. Blewett has taken pi the office of Mr. E. Sydney Smith, |K.C., now county court clerk and surrogate registrar here.-- Stratford Thursday afternoon the, 10%h football team paid the Atwood sche team a visit and played athirty min- ute gme of football which was | strongly contested by'both eleven, } | Herald. but the boys from No. 5 put the bug! IwprovemMENtTs AT LISTOWEL.-- jon Atwood and stung them by one | The Presbyterisn Church at Listow- | goal. lel is being greatly improved by the A suhseription list was circulated ; spending of several thousand dollars. around the town last week for the! The Thornton-Smith Co., 11 King purposAol raising enough money to west, Toronto, are the decorators, | puichase oil for the oiling of Main/and a handsome church interior is |! jstreet during the summer. It was | assured. met with liberal response and an cr- Rn.c der has been given for the shipment ! of ot! and it is hoped that it will bea dust reliever on Main street for th summer. Sault Sto. Marie, May 12.--John {C trroll, a shanty man, wassentenzed to hang on July 26 for the murder of 1 companion named Mulland in the camp at Blind River. Justice Brit ton warned Carroll that he need not build in the hope of executiye clem enecy. Carroll killed Mulland with Re-cleaned Currants O.K Soap 10 bars 25c Manitoba Oat meal 9 pouuds 25c Besure and get our prices on Produce before going olsewhere, it will mean dollars to you. We pay the highest in cash or trade. All kinds of Produce taken. Ballantyne & Hale ATWOOD, ONTARIO Dissolution OF Partnership NOTICE is hereby given that the ; . partnership heretofore subsisting be- i:dwards, editor of the Eye Opener, who really belongs and has Calgary, though other Sltowns hee tried to wean him away, returned to Calgary pecently, and was welcomed at the station upon his ar- rival by a contingent of old friends, among them representatives of the press of the city. It is understood that Mr. Edwards will make Calgary his headquarters in the future, and | that the- Calgary "Eye Opener" will! resuine publication in its home city very shortly. tween the undersigned as Grocery Merchants, under the firm name of i. T. & Son, of Atwood, Ontario, has been this day dissolyed The Bee to ieee Ist, 1912, for 50c. in advan The Bee ae Weekly Globe for one year for $1.75. The Bee and Weekly Globe toJan, lst, 1912, for $1.00. Eggs--18c. Butter--18c. Hogs-- 5.60. Calves--4 to 54e. Cattle--4.00 to 5. Greensides by mutaal consent. The business hereafter will be car- a lb. 70 per ewt. ried on by J. P. € all debts of the old firm will be pat and to whom all outstanding accounts due the old firm are to be paid on or an axe, thinking he had stolen. some before May 20th, work ; . of his clothing, which it turned out figned T. Greensides. | afterwards had been taken by anoth- a. P. Greensides. er man. The prisoner is 67 years Dated at Atwood this Virst | old and served a ferm in the Asylum diy of May, 1911. at London. Children Cry FOR-FLETCHER'S CASTORIA dn Greensittes, by whom JM. Sehinbe in LISTCWEL'S CREATEST Mrs. Noah Partridge, on the boun- STOR E dary east. Friday afternoon Mr. Roy Hus- : © tings house at Silver Corners was Mr. and Mrs. Gordeuer, of Mit- burnt to the ground, caused by a! chell, were the guest of Mr. and Mrs. ° spark from the kitchen stove, and | J. Horn, on Sunday. Linen Wash Goods Shamrock Dress Fabrics, Porcupine Voile, Fine Scotch ithe fire had gained such headway be- fore being discovered, that most of |the contents upstairs were also des- troved, the furniture downstairs was Ginghams, Printed Foulards, {st aved. A very heavy wind was Fancy Prints, Fancy Mulls blowing at the time from the west, and Muslins. We are show- and Mr. Adams's barn which is close ing in the above make. A iby was in great danger for awhile. big range of. Ginghams from 8c upwards. A big range of Fancy Cotton Dress Fabrics! at 15c to 50c Maukion, of Mt. Pleasant Mr. and Mrs. J Mr. MacIntyre spent Sunday with Hanson. Miss Mary Osborne is the guest of SLAUGHTER SALE OF CARPETS We will give Twenty Per Cent. off Men's Furnishings No house in Listowel carries a complete range of Men's and Boys' Furnishings as we do-- LOOK HERE ! Taman & VonZuben stock Men's rogular $1.25 shirt for 89c. -- Men's Austrian Collars regular 20c for lic regular 15c for 10¢ Underwear reg. $2.50 Hats for $1.89 Fancy Vests regular $1.50 Our stock of all kinds of Underwear is now complete for $1.00 P and we buy direct from the ied Ready-to-wear Clothing mills, and we are quite satis- We have a big sale now on The Monkton cheese factory started operations on Monday receiying a considerable quantity of milk. Mr. Henry Near, of Stratford, spent Sunday with friends in town. returning on Monday to the city. Mr. Wm. Bettger sen., left on Tuesday on a trip to Vancouver. We wish him: every success and a safe journey. Mr. Hastings had the place insured Carpets for One month. | eee ee ee but the loss is much heavier than uJ P| ROG a a ) the amount insured for. ES urmiture dt Undertaking GREAT Record For THE First. Miss Elsie Willis of Mount Pleas- --Jas. Shurrie. one of the cream haul- | ant, who has been the guest of Mrs. fers for the Shamrock Creamery,|J. Hanson, returned to her home Brussels, has been making a record | Sunday. ;not easily outdone at this season of Mr. Wm. Merryfield, I. O. F. or- ganizer, left on Monday for Hensal ithe yeor, One day last week he | brought 2130 pounds of cream from . biel | where he will canvass for the pres- ant week ithe patrons on the 14th and 16th Miss fied that you will find our cons. of Grey township in one load. | Voderweas it Billa. better af This was on the second trip this sea- Maggie Bettger returned Court of Revision 1911 TOWNSHIP OF ELMA.--The First Sitting of the Court of Revision on; 'and ; buildings during the fire at Silver the Assessment Roll for the Town- ship of Elma for the year 1911 will be held in the Agricultural Hall, wood, on Monday, May 29th, A. D., 1911, at two o'clock p.m All persons having business at the said Court are requested to attend at the same time and place. GEO. LOCHHEAD, ; Clerk of the Court, Atwood, May 15th, 1911. Dallas B. Smith, lately of King. ston, was shot by moonshiners in ~ Douglas county, Alabama, and ser- jousty wounded. Card of Thanks. The undersigned wish to thank the many neighbors who turned out helped to snxye furniture and Corners' last week. Mr. William Adams. Mr. Roy Hastings Methodist Church Notice. 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 1] a.m.--The pastor will continue his series of sermons on "consis- tence." p.m.--Come now ane let ug reas- on together," Is. 1, 7.45 p.m.--Epworth 'ais son so it was certainly going it strong. About 1200 pounds of butter per day is being manufactured at the factory and the outlook is rosy.-- Post, Brus- sels. The football match on Monday evening between the Intermediate team of Listowel and the Junior team of Atwood, which was played in the Agricultural Park, proyed to be a fair exhibition game, and a good practice for both teams of which both are in need of. The honor of the game fell on the Juniors, they having scored two goals to their opponents one. When the junior series opens with Atwood at Milyerton next Monday night, you may expect to hear of some great football stunts with thrill- ing victories of the last years junior championship team of Western On- tario, vacation after a course in the Deac- oness Home. Miss Florence Johnson and Miss Pearl Stuart went over to Milverton on Thursday to try their test exam- inations at Mise White's. Mrs. Fluker and son who have been conducting a flye, ten and fif- teen cent store in town for the past three or four years left on Tueday for sie CASTORIA For Infants and home last week from Toronto for her } The ren tag Have Always B Bought Sigua of oe | the same price you pay else where. Hose Have you seen our Black and Tan Hose? The best value ever shown in ladies hose 15c two pair 25c_ Try a Pound of our 40c Black Five o'clock Tea, J. M. Schinbein, "aT LISTOWEL a=" aod we are giving big bar- gains of Men's and Boys' Odd Pants and Vests. Big snaps in Men's and Boys' Straw Hats. $2.00 e will buy a good pair of Men,s Box Calf Blucher Shoes. wenirtcmren ee ee

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