Atwood Bee, 19 May 1911, p. 3

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**'For Tea You Can't Beat Lipton's" The Accepted Standard of Tea Perfection All Over the World Is LIPTON'S TEA Over 2 Million Packages Sold Weekly ARROLL GUILTY OF MURDER: He Killed Joseph Tallion With an Axe ina Lumber Camp A despatch from Sault Ste. flaric, Ont., says: William Carroll, iged sixty-five, who in 1902 escaped | rom the London Asylum upon the ve of his discharge as fully cured, yas convicted of the murder of fos. Tallion in a lumber camp near? Blind River, at the Assizes here on fhursday afternoon. jurned a verdict of guilty, with a recommendation of mercy, Both were employed-- ut Waldie Bros. jamp, last November, jing to three witne sses Carroll en- Jered the 'shanty ut 5.30 o'clock in| jhe evening and sionals Tallion on, The jury re-! '! stated that the man was in a condi- and, accord-' | the head with a double-bitted axe, |afterward admitting that he had mistaken Tallion for another man jagainst whom he had a grudge. In the court on Thursday Carroll ;was unconcerned, and did not change his attitude of indifference when the verdict was announced. The defence entered a plea of in-| sanity, which was not considered by the jury after the evidence of Drs. Bruce Smith and Ryan, who 'tion to realize what he was doing. | The charge of Mr. Justice Brit- ton was slightly against the pris- oner. THE NEWS IN A PARAGRAPH APPENINGS FROM ALL OVER RECORD CALTLE PRICE. First Prize Guernsey at Canadian Exposition Brings $3,200. ison he frequehtly subjects himself A despatch from Philadeiphia, C. N. R. BUYS MONTREAL SITE. Jesuit College Property on Bleury Street Secured. A despatch from Montreal. says: It is reported here that the Cana- dian Norther as secured the Jesuit College site on Bleury street as a location for terminals. The college will move to Cote des Nei- ges, where it owns fifty acres o land. It has been known for some time that the Canadian Northern Railway were looking for a suit- able central site, and from time to time reports were spread that they had secured one. To reach their new site on Bleury street it will be necessary for the company to tunnel under the mountain. The cost of the new terminal and the entrance to it will involve~an ex- penditure of from two to three mil- lion dollars. HOW TO CURE LAZINESS. uSasual Case of Mental Derange- ment in the Hull Jail. A despatch from Ottawa says: The Hull jail authorities have a unique character under their care, a man named Albert Cox, whose reason is affected, though he has not been declared insane. The man was freed on Tuesday, but refuses to leave and was again locked up next day. One of his ideas is that he is becoming lazy and for this rea- to a beating. He was put to work on Wednesday morning sawing wood in the jailyard and attempt- ed to punish himself several times when he found he was not _working fst enough. BIG HAT FOLLOWS "HOBBLE."' Queen Will Not "Admit Them to En- closure at Ascot. PRIGES OF FARM PRODUCTS REPORTS FROM THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES OF .- AMERICA. Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese and Other Produce at Home and Abroad. BREADSTUFFS. Toronto, May 16.--The markets were quiet to-day, with a slightly better feeling. Export demand in- active. Winnipeg firmer, up some. Coarse grains dull, with oats firm. Flour--Winter wheat 90 per cent. patents, $3.40 to $3.45, Montreal freight; Manitoba flours--First 18 ents, $5.10; second patents, $4.60, and strong bakers', $4.40, on track, ronto. Manitoba Wheat--No. ! Northern 99c, Bay ports; No. 2 at 96%c, and No. 3 at 94e. Ontario Wheat--No. white, 85 to 86c, outside. Barley--Malting qualities, outside. Oats--Ontario grades, 37 to 374c, Outside, for No. 2, and 3944 to 40, on track, Toronto. No. 2 ¥.. C. oats, 394c, and No. 3, 38%e, Bay ports. Corn--No. 3 American yellow, 5514 to 56c, Bay ports. Peas--No. 2 at 80 to 8lc, outside. Rye--prices purely nominal. Buckwheat--No. 2 at 52 to 53c, outside. Bran--Manitobas, $22, in bags, Toronto, and shorts $23 to $23.50, in bags, Toronto. Ontario bran, | $22, in bags, Toronto. | COUNTRY PRODUCE. H Beans--Car lots, $1.70 to $1.75, | and smal] lots, $1.90 Honey--Extracted, in tins, 10 to 9 red and 65c, A despatch from.London, Eng-! land, says: Following the report } lle per lb. ; No. 1 comb, wholesale, $2 to $2.50 per dozen; No. 2 comb, wholesale, $1.75 to $2 per dozen. Is the Standard Article READY FOR USE IN ANY QUANT Pecan hiccle 2 For making soap, softening disinfecting sinks, closets , arate oa for many other bot s. Acan equals 20 thes SAL SODA. Useful for 500 purposes--Sold Everywhere. ITED TORONTO, paint, RENOVATING RIDEAU HALL Commons Vote Fifty Thousand Dollars to Prepare tor Duke's Coming A despatch from Ottawa says:!sentative of the Duke of Connaught, In Committee of Supplv in the Com-j}and it had been decided to tear mons on Thursday night « vote of|down same portions of the present fifty thousand dollars for improve-| premises and replace them. It was ments to Rideau Hall, igen yd proposed to expend this money in to the arrival of the Duke of Con-| the erection of two cottages for ser- naught, was passe vants, a garage, to improve the Hon. Dr. Pugsley said his Royal sewerage system of the Hall, and Highness had sent a message asking to decorate some portions of the in- that no unnecessary expense be terior. gone to in making preparations for | "It would be a good thing to tear his arrival. However, it was deem-' the present building down and build ed wise to make some improve- a new and more suitable one," re- ments. The Chief Architect had, marked Mr. Borden. gone over the. place with a repre- | Dr. Pugsley agreed. devloped in the market for hogs, | FIRED PISTOL IN COURT. and prices advanced 25 to 50¢ per! --a Prisoner in Alberta Attempted to 100 pounds. Toronto, May 16.--Good heavy | Kill Magistrate and Chief. choice steers and heifers for butcher | or export purposes sold from $5.90 to $6.05, with medium cattle, from | $5.60 to $5.85. Cows were firm at | $5 to $5.25, and bulls steady at $5. ) | Sheep and lambs were steady. Hogs 'were 5 to 10c firmer at $5.85 f.o.b., Pa., says: What are declared to be' that the Queen has intimated that, world's records for Guernsey cattle} women in tight dresses with low | were obtained on Thursday at a'sale necks and enormous hats will not on the farm of Frederick Phillips,!be received in the Royal enclusure at Villanova. Mortimer F. Plant,|at Ascot comes the announcement of New London, Conn., paid $3,200.that she has intimated to her! for Billy's France of the Hogue, a ladies-in-waiting that they should three-year- old bull, that was award- THE GLORE IN A NUTSHELL. Canada; the Empire and the World in General Before Your despatch from High River, Alta., says: Suddenly drawing a 32-calibre revolver and firing, first at Magistrate Sheppard, and then at Chief of Police isk, a prisoner named Wybrow made a dash for lib- erty from the Police Court here on Baled Hay--No. 1 at $12 to $13, on track, and No. 2 at 9 to $10, ).50. Baled Straw--86 to $6.50~ on track, Toronto. Potatoes--Car lots, 80 to 85c per ag. Poultry--Wholesale prices of Eyes. CANADA. Brockville is to have a free delivery Parliament will adjourn either on ay 23 or 19 Earl Grey will unveil the statue to Queen Victoria at Berlin on the 29th inst The paign closed on Thursday. sum raised was $117,000. The Guelph Junction Railway re- turned $6,439 to the city for the quarter ending in Mare Mrs. Angelina Napolitano was sentenced to be hanged at Sault Ste. Marie for the murder of her busband. The Canadian and New Zealand Governments have signed a con- tract with the Union Steamship Company for a direct service be- , tween the two countries. The Dominion Railway Board has ruled that the independent tele- "~phone lines must be given long-dis- tance connection by the Bell Com- pany as an experiment for a year. Mr. E. N. Lewis introduced a bill regarding banks in the House of Commons, and in the discussion the treatment of bank clerks by some corporations was roundly de- nounce Constable McKay and Mr. Gor- don were bringing two prisoners across Cobalt Lake in a canoe when one of the men stood up and the craft turned over. They clung | to the cance and were saved. mail Brantford Y.M.C.A. cam- The GREAT BxITAIN. King George held his first Court on Tuesday. Glasgow has offcred the freedom of the city to Dominion Premiers visiting Mngland for the Imperial Conference. Four hundred British Members of Parliament met on Thursday to ad- vocate the Anglo-American arbitra- tion treaty. GENERAL. The Legislative Council of Egypt is said to be a failure. ed first prize at the Canadian Ex- | position last year. The same bid-! der paid $2,600 for a choice of one | of nine cows and selected Billy's Frances Lady Gazelle, a four-year- old cow, bred by Yves Lanoe, of the Isle' of Guernsey. Seventy- | eight animals were sold for a total of $37,275, which is also said to be a world?' s record for cattle of this strain. Guernsey fanciers from all sections of the country were pre- sent. --------------_--tr--___ HALE AT 102 YEARS OLD. Peterboro Man Treated to Auto! Drive on His Birthday. A despatch from Peterboro says: /On Wednesday Mr. Joseph Man- | tell, 540 Downie street, was treat- | ed by his Masonic brethren to an} auto drive to celebrate his 102nd/ 'birthday. Mr. Mantell is still sound mentally and bodily and spends most of his daytime working in his garden. ------------Fr____ G.T.R. STATION BURNED Richmond, Quebec, Serious Damage. A despatch from Richmond, Que., ;says: Fire which broke out in the superintendent's office of the Grand Trunk Railway Station at 11.15 o'clock on Thursday night, almost totally destroyed that structure. |The efforts of the Grand Trunk | Railway and local fire bri eades kept the flames from spreading. The damage is estimated at $5,000. Fire at Does | a HWOOK-WORM IN JAMAICA. Dreaded Disease Discovered in| Several Distmets of Island. A despatch from Kingston, Ja- N maica, says: The hook-worm disease has been disco vered in various dis- tricts of the island. <A large pro- portion of the convicts in the peni- tentiary are affecte od. A medical expert is making an investigation. JRY-DOGK CONTRACT TS LET Vickers, Sons and Maxim Will Build One at Montreal "A epee from Montreal: says: Hon. L. rodeur, who left on the Virginian on Thursday night, stated that the contract for the dry- ; dock at Montreal had been definite- | ly awarded to 'Messrs. Vickers, Sons and Maxim. e paid to the contractors by the | edera: Government will be at the! The 'subsidy. to: bec pacity of 25,000 tons, sufficient to accommodate any vessel likely to luse the St. Lawrence route for| ;mnany years to come. Nothing de- finite has been settled as to the es- ltablishment of a dry-dock at Que- Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Sir F rederick Borden, Col. 'Sam Hughes, Senator | ' p of 3% per cent. on a capital! Melvin "Jones and Mr. H. A. "Allen | y. ae ' $3,000,000. for 35 years. | also sailed on o Visginien. | to at |dren of Richard Laroche in a fire | Sedgwick, Vermillion and Medicine wear dresses that touch the ground, 'long sleeves, and high necks on a ordinary occasions. The maids of honor are instructed that they must wear toques and not large hats. ee TO COMBAT CHOLERA. Russian Douma Votes a Credit of $2,000,000 for Purpose. A despatch from St. Petersburg says: In the Douma on Wednesday, which was the fifth anniversary of the opening of the first Douma, Pre- mier Stolypin, in a long speech, de- 'dressed poultry :--Yearling chick- ens, 15 to 16¢ per lb.; turkeys, 19 to 2le per lb. Live, 1 to 2c less. LOCAL DAIRY MARKETS. Butter--Dairy prints, 18 to 20c; inferior, 16 to 17c. Creamery, 23 to 24c per Ib. for rolls, 22 to 28¢ for solids, and 22% to 23}4c for separa- tor prints. Eggs--Case lots, 18 to 19¢ per dozen. | Cheese--Large, l4c, and twins at | 1444c. New cheese, 13 to 13%c in} a jobbing way. HOG PRODUCTS. fended the Government against an interpellation on the promulgation \of the Polish Zemstoy Bill by ad- ministrative order. The speech was mainly a repetition\of a similar de- | fence in the Council of the Empire. The Douma voted a credit of $2,- 000,000 to combat the cholera and | | plague. ee Se CHEAPER POSTAGE. Rate Reduced on Letters to Canada From Rhodesia and Australia. A despatch froin Ottawa says: Bacon--Long clear, 1044 to lle per Ib, in case lots, mess pork, $20; do., short cut, 823 to $23.50; pick- led rolls, $19 to $20. Hams--Light to medium, ldc; do., | heavy, 12 to 13c; rolls, 104 to lle; breakfast bacon, 1514 to 17¢; backs, 18 to 18l4e. Lard--Tierces, 104c; tubs, 10%c; pails, lle. BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. Toronto, May 16.--Oats--Cana- ian Western, No. 2, 42 to 42%c, car lots ex store; extra No. 1 fee Notice has been received by the Post- office Department of the reduc- ion in the rate of postage on let- ters posted in Southern --" er and in the Commonwealth of : stralia addressed to Canada tam 2d. per half ounce to. 1d. per half ounce. In the case of Southern Rhodesia the reduced ratestook ef- | fect on the Ist April, 1911, and in|' the case of Australia it took effect | on the Ist of May, 1911. siren I cg \- n THREE CHILDREN DIB IN FIRE Dropped Lighted Matches at Home in Quebee Village. A report received from Lorrain- ville » Que., a small village five miles east of Ville Marie, tells of the | to B9%e | 41% to 41%c; No. 3 Canadian West- 41 to 41%; No. 2 local white, 10 re 40%c; No. 3 local white, 394 No. 4 local white, 38% to 33%<{c. Flour--Manitoba Spring wheat patents, firsts, $5.30; do., seconds, $4.80; Winter wheat pat- ents, $4.50; strong bakers', $4.60; straight rollers, $4 to $4.10; do., in bags, $1.80 to 81. 90. Rolled oats --Per barrel, $4.35; bag of 7 Ibs, $2.05. Corn--Americ an No. 3 yer low, 60 to Gle. Millfeed--Bran, On- tario, $23; Manitoba. $22; mid- dlings, Ontario, $24; shorts, Mani- toba, $23; mouillio, $25 to $30. Eggs ane resh, 19 to 20c. Cheese--West- ern, 11% to 117-Se. Butter--Choic- est, 22c; seconds, 2lc. UNITED STATES MARKETS. burning to death of the three chil- that destroved their home a few days ago. The father was at work} and the mother at a neighbor's | when the fire started through the | children dropping some lighted. - chakchas into a wood box. As a re- sult of the shock the mother is paralyzed. TO AID ALBERTA FARMERS, Government Loeates Sites for De- monstration Farms. frum Edmonton, J Athabasca Landing, Plain, Olds, Claresholm, despatch A Stoney Hat are points at which the Depart- ment of Agriculture will establish demonstration farms in this prov- ince. Every farmer in the province will be provided with a reasonable prospect of taking advantage of in- structi ons to be derived from the Minneapolis, May 16.--Wheat -- May. 965-8c; July. 977-8 to 98c; September, 913-8 to 914%c; No. 1 hard, $1.00'4; No. 1 Northern, 98% to $1; No. 2 white, 9514 to 98'4c; No. 3 wheat, 9314 to 964%4c. Corn-- 3 yellow, 51 to ble. Oats-- is. 3 white, 314% to 32c. Rye--N 2, $1.06. Bran--$21.50 to $22. Flour --First patents, $4.60 to $4.90; do., seconds, $4.50 to 84.80; first clears, ha 10 to $3.55; do., seconds;*$2.10 o $2.85 Baffalo, May 16--Wheat--Spring, No. 1 Northern, carloads store, 31.0454; Winter searce. Corn--No. 3 yellow, 57%c; No. 4 yellow, 56c; No. 3 corn, 56% to 563;c; No. corn, 544% to 55¢, on all track, through billed. -_Oate--firmer. LIVE STOOK 3 MARKETS. Montreal, May 16.--Choice steers sold at 6c, 'ood at 5% to 6c, fair- ly good at 'Saf to bi! 5c, fair at 4% to 5c., and common at 4% to 4% per pou und. There were a few goo cows and bulls offered, which vo. ork. This also makes possi a test of aagrioulturo in rt of brought 5%e, and the lower erodes sold 'that. down to 3c { 322 and $6.10 fed and watered. Ee a A GOOD WINTER SEASON, Customs Revenue at St. John Port Shows Increase. A despatch from St. John, N. B., says: In spite of adverse trade con- ditions, the Winter port season at St. John, which closed on Wednes- day with the filing of the manifest of the last steamer, shows an in-. crease in the Customs House of ex- ports over last Winter amounting to $722,789. During the Winter 135 steamers arrived with cargoes, and of these 112 were given return loads. The Customs House export figures show Canadian goods, $15,- 22,437; American goods, $8,346,- 626; total, $23,669,073. In addition to this there were express shipments of Cobalt ore and Hudson Bay furs amounting to $1,800,000. During the season two new Au- stralia and Hamburg were inau- gurated. a, KILLED IN GRAVEL PIT. Falling Mass of Earth Struck Lab- orer at Ottawa. A despatch from Ottawa' says: While working a gravel pit at Britannia Park on Thursday a fal- ling mass of earth struck Rose, a! workman, and he was killed. He} leaves a widow and five children in Ottawa. seers eriiacinaceemen ORILLIA GROWING. Assessment Roll Shows Increase in Ponulatioa of 775, A despatch from Orillia says: The assessment roll returned on} Wednesday shows the population of Orillia to be 6,478, an increase of | 775 over last year. The total as-| sessment is over three million dol- lars, which is a round million more} than last year. ot his shots took effect, an Wednesday. Wybrow was ar- raigned on a charge of wilfully smashing with a rock the plate glass window of a bowling alley. None 'however, d after some excitement he was recaptured and rearraigned to an- swer the original charge against him, and on this count he was sen- tenced to a month in jail. Before the new charge of shooting is brought against him Wybrow will be examined as to his sanity, it be- ing believed that his reason is af- fected. a ANOTHER Blu RAILWAY. Application to Construct Road from Port Arthur to Quebec. A despatch "from Ottawa says: In the Commons Railway Commit- tee on Thursday a bill was consid- ered incorporating the Quebec and Great North-Western Railway Com. pany. The eéncern has an. ambi- tious schzme to build a line of rail- way from Port Arthur to Quebee with a branch to Ottawa and Mont- real. The directors are Dr. R. Cheverier, P. O'Reiley. P. Clarke, and . Daly. of Ottawa, and Jos. Borque, of Hull. The commit- tee rather favored the charter, but a question arising as to the bonding powers it was deferred for consid- eration later. ee ee - ae LAUGH ON SCOTLAND YARD Gang of Dog Thieves Steals he Chief's Bulldog. A despatch from London, Eng- land, says: Many valuable Pomer- anians and other pet dogs have {been stelen from residents of May- fair-in the last few days. Thieves, as if to show their conte mpt for de- | tectives, on Tuesday stole a ~ 'bulldog belonging to Sir Melvut |MacNaughten, chief of Scotland Yard. UREN - MOTHE Hh OVERY Uh New York Paper Publishes Alarmist Report. of Her Co A despatch from New York says The American published a cable | from London on Friday morning! which says that grave rumors are | in circulation in regard to Queen | Dowager Alexandra's health. The despatch says that the utmost en- deavor is being made to keep the! matter secret, but the fact that her life has been in danger for some time past has percolated down to the shopkeepers. and others. This has resulted in a rush to Lloyd's Company insurance against finan- cial oat in the event of the Dow- rjager e death postponing the | ndition "Ten guineas per cent., the despatch continues, "f three months' insurance on Alexandra's} life, is the present ruling rate.' Although the Coronation is only six weeks away, ten guincas per cent. is a quoted as the raie against the postponement of that event. wo months ago the rate was only two guineas per cent. Many conservative underwriters are now refusing to acropt any fur- ther risks. "The truth abouy Onsen Alex- andra is that she never recoverta from. her. ri's death." iollowing

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