Atwood Bee, 19 May 1911, p. 4

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ATURE WILL CURE YOU Of Kidney Disease, Aided by Father Morriscy's No. 7. Kidney trouble is one of the most dis- tressing ailments of mankind, and leads st si aoe and rheumatism. This is of the importance of the Wonk e by the kidneys;--work which must pre normally to insure good health. A very large proportion of civilized people have some form of kidney trouble, sometimes without knowing that their malady is of that nature, Many ure leon can often be tr t idneys. These organs are the filters of the body, Their function is to strain out of the blood and eliminate through the bladder the worn out tissue and other ve gathered by the blood in its cou When the kidneys become cong ted and sluggish, these impuritics, including the irritating and poisonous uric _-- are not entirely removed from the L The result is that the uric acid tue ed in the joints and tissues, causing the onies of rheumatism and frequently fectne 54 liver and other organs Father \ 2? the famous priest- physician af Bartibogue, N.B., after much research compounded a remedy which worked hand in hand with Nature, His doctrine, justified by thousands of cures, was that the need is not a patchwork relief, but a treatment that will enable the forces of Nature, working through the kidneys, to accomplish their intend- His famous prescription, No. 7, assists the kidneys to work vigorously and elim- inate the harmful uric acid from the whole system. In the forin of tablets, No, 7 is easy to take, and will effect cures where other remedies have failed. Do not trifle with kidney disease, but take No, 7 Tablets, the treatment that has arene ye "% successful with other sufferers, x, at your druggists or from Father" jess Medicine Co., Ltd, Montr 08 EES ww cer ee GOLDEN LUCK (12167) {Vol. xxvi1] ROUTE FOR 1911. Monday-- Will leaye his own stab- le, Blind Line, and proceed to John B allantyne' s, 8th con. Elma, for noon ; thence to Dayid Carson's, 8th cn. Grey, for night. Tuesday-- Will proceed to Dan Denman's, 12th eon. Grey, for noon ; tence to W ilson Evans's, 12th con. Grey, from 3 to 4 in the afternoon, | thence to G. Grubber's, 6th con. Grev, for nisht Wednesday -- Will procced to Nor-' yi Hall's, 6th con. Elma, for noon ; tience to Walter Ward's 4thecon. El- ma, for night. Thursday-- Will proceed to Wm C ates, Iuima, for noon, tien to Wilhs Johnston's, 2nd. con. r | E ma, for nig! 2nd con. Schedule of Junior and In- termediate Football Series. JUNIOR. . Atwood in Milverton, May 22nd. Milvertonin Atwood, May 26th. Atwood in Milyerton, June dth. Milverton in Atwood, June 12th. INTERMEDIATE. j Wellesley in Milverton, May 19th. Ethel in Listowel, May 19th. Ethel in Wellesley, May 24th. Milverton in Listowel, May 29th. Listowel in Milverton, June 2nd. Wellesley in Ethel, June 3rd. Milverton in Ethel, June 9th. Wellesley, June 9th. Wellesley in Listowel, June 16th. Ethel in Milverton, June 16th. New Time Table. Morning train due Morning 1 Noon Afternoon Afternoon ' Night " 7.82 a.m. gol 25 " " Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of thosé own- ing burial plots in the Elma Centre Cemetery are requested to attend the annual meeting to be held at the cemetery on Saturday, May 27th, 1911, af two o'clock sharp. All own- ers of p'cts are specially requested to be present as business of importance will be transacted. By Order J. B. EXECUTORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Of James F. Longmire, late of the Village of Atwood, in the County of Perth, Gentleman, deceased. Hamilton, Jr. Notice is hereby 'given pursuant to the Statutes in that' behalf that all creditors and others haying claims against the , estate of the said deceared, who died at Ithe village of Atwood in the County of lie on or about the 18th, day of April, 1911, are required on or before the F irst day of June, 1911, to deliver to me or to my Solicitor undernamed oben ment in writing of their names, address and descriptions with full particulars P| their claims and of the securities (if any) 'held by them, and that after the said last nientioned date I the said Executrix may proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased, having regard only to the claims of which | may have notice and _ that 1 will not be liable for the. proceeds _ of the estate co dietributed to any person | of whose claims I have not notice at the time of euch distribution Dated . Listowel this First day of May A,D., 191 Caroline Dowareten Atwood, P.O. Executrix of said deceased. By Morphy & Carthew, (Listowel, Ont.,) Solicitors. 1 Friday -- Wi i proceed to Wm. Vip | then | re- ond's, 8th con. Ema for t» his own stable where main until the following This route wil! be throughout the season and weather permitting. John G: AYs Prop. and Man. noon ; he will Monday. continued health A GIvE Away s--K certaia lady on» Sunday induced her husband, wh» was uvt a regular church goer, to accompany her to the evening servico. During the sermon he fell asleep, snoring at first softly, and at length so nuisly that the good lady wis constrained to give him a sharp nudze in the hops of rousing him To ber consternation, however, as he slowly aw: ukened, he exclaimed in a loud voice--'Let me alone! Get u) end light the fire yourself, it's your turn HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS Hanito3a, Saskatchewan, Alberta i Special Traias leave Toronto 2.00 p.m. on APRIL 4, 18 HAY 2, Ln $0 «= JUHE 13, 27 JULY 11, 25 AUG. 6 SEPT. 6, 78 . Second class tol a ieee tations to priscipal t als at LOW ROUND. TRIP RATES sennees aod return $33.00; and ys fr ing TOURIST SLEEPING CARS on oll excursions. Comfoztable berths, fully equipped wi bedding, kK 4 A 3 A local Early application must be made ASK FOR [it feplardatt yi? a PAMPHLET coataining ni full information Apr!y to newt CER. Tester. L. Thompson, FRIDAY, MAY 19th, 1911. THE ATWOOD BEE is printed Every Thursday $1.00 a year--or des 50 when in arrears. Advertising Rates: --One inch, $5 per year, 2 inches, $10 per'y Professi cards 35 tae yest Transie aint apt pinched os ®, 5c per line firet insertion, 3c per line each subsequent a oer Advertisments without specitic instruc- tions ineerted till forbidden, and charged acco' Adiveitisenente of articles or eatiagiat® lost or found, articles for sale, houses or rooms to rent, etc... four times for one dollar, One column pase 20 inches. We have no best ra' Births, Marriages sed Deaths inserted Job Printing of every description exe- cuted in neat and fashionable is and on short notice. THE BUSINESS WORLD Is calling you, why not prepare now? The leading mercantile houses of Canada and United States recognize our efficiency. The Spotton Business Colleges Have given thousands of young people a good start in life. We can assist you. Qur Home Study Courses Offer unexcelled adyantages to those who cannot attend college Full particulars upon inquiry. WINGHAM Business College GEO. SPOTTON, President Are You Ruptured I can cure the worst case of Rupture froin infancy to old age, without operation or loss of time. Act At Once and remove the daily danger of strangulation. Fill in coupon and send to Dept. H Name Address Single or double Satisfaction guaranteed. J.S. 88 Caledonia Street Stratford, Ont. , ONLY DIRECT LINE 'io CHANGE OF CARS evenly and easily that more surface than most job. Wears longest, too. will not. need re-painting for Try it. beautiful gloss it gives. terials and' skilful mixing c make paint like that ! also smoothest, glossi- es surface--and takes the least paint to do a good Any surface it covers time. That's why M-L Pure Paint is by far the most economical paint you can buy. Note the clear, clean colors and the ond purest ma- The Paint That Is Easiest To Apply is surely the paint you ought to buy when there's anything you want to paint. M-L Pure Paint spreads so it satisfactorily | covers other paints. PURE PAINT Best You Can Buy leaves the the longest possible Made in 47 -- for all paint usee by Imperial V. TH exceptional durability of M-L Pure Paint is gredient which we alone have learned how to mix with other pure materials to make a paint that is not easily affected by ex- tremes of wear or weather. biggest money's worthin M-L Pure Paints. = y ( 1 on ' ' wf ANY 3 due to @ special in- You get the h & gl ara Limited, USE M-L FLAT WALL COLORS to obtain ceilings. pleasing and Best for up-to-date stencil decoration--sanitary, washable, durable, very economical. 16 shades, f walls and Listowel Man in Long Hungry Tramp, Caus- ed by Nervousness, Guelph, May 12,--Andrew Tre- main, a farmer from Listowel, ap- plied for shelter at the police station ~ night, very tired and almost taryed He had eaten only three small cakes and a piece of cheese since Monday and refused food from a po- liceman, stating that he made a vow to God that he would neither eat, dink nor sleep. "I left Listowel,' he said, " be- cause I felt I could no longer resist the great temptation fo commit sui- cide, so I left home without notify- ing my wife. Walking across fields and sleeping out in the woods I reached Acton and then turned to go home, coming by Guelph to see my father, who is in the Homewood Sanitarium for nervous troubles." Tremain was taken to see his fath- er and his wife was notified. This morning he had a good square meal. During his long, hungry tramp he carried forty-two dollars in cash in his pocket. Grey. A great many are interested in the various drainage schemes in Grey this season. Seeding is well advanced and warm weather with occasional showers will soon make a showing. The contract for the Mann-Drain was let by the Council to Messrs. Harrison & Matthews at $1628.00. Wilson Evans, 12th con., has been appointed to run the road grader at $2.00 per day. He should fill the bill o.k. . M. Huftchinsen, wife and fam- ily left for the West this week where they purpose making their home for atime. Many old friends here wish them prosperity. The trustees of 8. S. No. 6 have re-engaged Clayton Procter as teach- er for another year at $525, which is a rise of $25. Thisis probably the best proof that his work is giving good satisfaction. We wish Mr. Procter and the pupils continued success. Dr. Robertson, who recently grad- uated as a dental surgeon, was renew- ing old friendships at the home of Mrs. H. McKinnon, 7th con. He is opening up practice at Collingwood and we expect he will do well. Old friends here wish him A 1 success. Mrs. RANDS sR. ANSWERS THE CALL.-- Last week Wm. Rands, 12th con., received word from his sister, Mrs. Champ, of Wessington Springs, South Dakota, that his mother died on May 2nd, aged 85 years. Theold lady lived with Mrs. Champ. Mr. Rands died some years ago. They were former residents of Morris town- ship and will be remembered by the older people. GETTING BETTER.--Ross McKin- non, 7th con., met with an accident whereby he had a close call for his life. A three horse team was being drived by him attached to a cultivat- or took fright and running to their heads to hold them he was thrown to the ground and the horses and cultivator passed over him, inflicting bad bruises, breaking ribs and _inter- ing with one lung. Thecase looked precarious for several days but the patient is now making fair progress and will soon be fully restored his many friends hope. ToBACCO IN KENT.--Four thous- and acres of tobacco are to be plant- ed in Kent county this spring accord- ing to estimates made by Blenheim tobacco growers. This is four times the acreage allotted to the same pro- duct a year ago. The penalty for refusing to answer questions asked by a census enumer- ator is a fine of $10 to $100; false answers $5 to $50 ; deception $10 to $100, - For the benefit of ladies over sixteen years of age we may point out that the enumerators are sworn to cecrecy under a $200 penalty. Toronto, May 12.--Official Refer- ee McAndrew to-day published the list of contributories in the Farmers' Bank failure. Those subject to double liability number 852 and Beattie Nesbitt appears at the foot of the list with $5,800 liabilities. Gen- eral Manager Travers has $47,530, and James Munro, former president, $11,168 against them. otices will be served on all contributories and the Ontario people must attend be- fore the Referee on the fourteenth Easily spplied, Full directions with can. » 712 I day after the notice and those out- side of Ontario on the _twenty-eighth they tegen ANegetable Preparation for eae NEANTS Rest.Contains Morphine nor Mineral. T NARCOTIC. ect Remedy for Consti tien Sour Stomach Diarr 'cea, i] Worms Convulsions, a ay '| ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Fac Simile Signature of Gai lida, NEW YORK. ER rile eal Ato months old ; EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER, CHILDREN | | || | | | CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature Use For Over Thirty Years JCASTORIA 'THE CENTAUR GOMPANY, Now YORK CrTv. BUTCHER SHOP The Leading Meat Shop for the Following Pork Sausage, Lamb, Beef Pork, Bologna, Veal All cured Meats. A eall solicited. Highest Cash Price paid for Hides. 'R. J. WALKER, Proprietor. YOUR BLOOD IS TAINTED ULCERS, BOILS, SWOLLEN GLANDS, BLOTCHES, PIMPLES, AND ALL SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES ARE COMPLETELY CURED BY THE NEW METHOD TREATMENT We desire to oon = attention of all those afiketed with a Bleed or bonpeghit liosase to t New Metho od Tre cure re rg complaivts, 'There 'sn no, = movie a sh cietgnred ° ratte hes , our You CAN ARRANGE TO PAY AFTER You CURED CONSULTATION FREE Send for Booklet on Diseases of Men "THE GOLDEN MONITOR" FREE Smee ok wi, a a = eiteien Lie age NOTICE mo pati n our Win Write for our private address. Drs. KENNEDY & KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian eee ee Depart- ment in indsor, If you desire to REST SE see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit 'as we see and treat sor offices which ari Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters s? follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. are for Correspmifence and Capital Paid Up 750,000 $2, Reserve & Undivided Profits 3,259,000 Total Assets 40,000,000 In an of extrav om the thrifty forge sas, ahead--while their less pro~ vident neighbors accumulate debts. Many a thrifty man or woman can point to the first decided etep-in life as bare been taken the day a we accou open Savi in wa Account in * the Bank a Hamilton will prove asure incentive to- ard thrift.

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