Of all the paints you can buy, either prep cially-made; none will sp 80 Casy, cover so much sur- face and give such good satisfaction aa al Pure Paints To paiat the whole house mermceewes epg DIEOL M-L Paint. Besides pur --_ pure oil there's eo M-L P, hat beautify an' sy surface twice as Jong ae ornate paint. oe or i Use M-L "ae Wall Colors to paint walls ings. PRatcpine sanitary, ical. 16 shad 706 RECOMMENDED AND SOLD BY a PRICK. Horse Dis Prince Widwer rd Farnie emnly Declazves "Mez Ine" Is a Snecific. PE ety era HNC "After fifty 3~ Ing hors T can Temedy glyves s* tel Simon do stable ti th ars' Sapir nee in Sgt "2 pan} us + : Tis throat swrelle vl and velones qt, e He inJhorses and cow and ommend it ta every ent rnestiy 'man that is I ins, epratys, colle, sweltings, e Via Pauia,, Nerviine s : Large at 'ai! deal- lkingsion, es ef ee fy bo CuREe vly yemen Lele ae, trin .C, crs, or The Cute: ozone Ca,, t 'Re fuse iy tet ESS ACTOR ur ov PNAS = Milverton i in Atwood, Mey 26th, Atwood in' Milyerton, June 5th, I~ Milverton in Atwood, June 12th. INTERMEDIATE. Milverton in Listowel, May 29th. Listowel in Milverton, June 2nd. Wellesley in Ethel, June 3rd. Milverton in Ethel, June 9th. Listowel in Weltesley, June 9th. Wellesley in Listowel, June 16th. Ethel in Milverton, June 16th. 'New Time Table. oe train due 7 Morn Nook Afternoon Afternoon Night s 32 a. m. - Being Ee 10.25 Annual Meeting. | ing burial plots in the Elma Centre Cemetery are requested to. attend the annual meeting to be held at the cemetery on Saturday, May 27th, 1911, at two o'clock sharp. All own- ers of picts are specially requested to be present as business of importance will be transacted. Py Order J. B. Wamilton, Jr. EXECUTORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Of James F. Longmire, late of the Villaze of J Kessecat in the County of Perth, Gentlem ats, deceased. Natiee is herel Statutes in that deh thers hay the said seccneed who ai ied at iitve of Atwood in the Coanty of x elt or ubont the sth. div of " Be eanreh on or Hees Mat, te pepe ee wives nuorsuant to the ine ¢ x ul descriptions with fui 1 partic " inlet ne ane of the seeuriltes | BACCO! The annual meeting of thase own- | ar ATWOOD BE bic Phiraley $1. Oa year--or $1, 60 when in arrears a Advert Transient a cane 85 per 3 cr oar line first insertion, 8c per line each subsequent | se upriows Advertisments withont specific inatruc- tions ered till forbidden, and charged n Advertisements of articles or animals | lost or ound ar big for sale, houses or ete., four times' for one Yne column measnres 20 inches. - We have no heat rater. "Fob Printing of every description exe- eated-in-neat-and fashionable ne and} - | onshort notice. THE BUSINESS WORLD Ts calling you, why not prepare now? The Jeading mercantile houses of Canada and United States recognize our efficiency. The Spotton Business Colleges Havo given thousands of young people a good start in life. We can assist you. Qur Home Study Courses Offer unexcelled adyantages to those who cannot attend college Fall particulars upon inquiry. WINGHAM Business College Cyroline 'L nemire, Atword, Exeentil id Hee Py-Morphy « Carthow, 'ete: {Listewel, Ont.,) . t Towxsiip OF ELMA.-- The First! Sitting of the Court. of Revision on} the Assesment Roll fer the Town: | ship of Elma fer the ver 1011 wilt! ke held in the Agricultaral Hall, | weed, on Monday, May 29th, A. D., 1U1], at two o'clock p.m. All po rsens having business nat the | suid Court are reqfested to attend at} the same time and pace. | GEO. LoCHHEAD, C.erk of the Court. Atwood, May 15th, 191], GEO. SPOTTON, President '|Are You Ruptured I can "cure the worst case of Rupture froin infaney to old age, without operation or loss of tine. Act At Once and remove the daily danger of strangulation. Fill in coupon and send to Dept. H. Name Address Age Time rupture ~The practice of provision merch- ants, grecers, butchers and others of | displaying food stuffs outside their} shops has been condemned by the! Medical Health officer in Loudon. Ho has taken the preper stand R NEW you Ubasriie tatueace. th ou blot + ace ful and cie- i $e 35 You fect yourif « ow mor and fakirs rov Blank for Home Troatm NOTICE - SEEMS ment in Windsor, Ont. see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as.we sée and treat scr offices which are for Correspondence and dian business only, follows: RS. KENNEDY = KEM NEEDY. 2 Windsor, Cat. mo patents Pi our Windso * 'Write for our Brassey (Ne RVOUS earn enue ke Wap Thee tix! NT' you of f your 7 head earned dul Bf EY" NO NAMIS USED WITHOUT WriTTEN CONSENT - THR tTEATEN ae WITH PARALYSIS E Peter £. Surmers re notes l is experience: Wiel Nervous Debilis ty ork 1 i 'To who donked at m0 rues net ont: weakened had pains th if ay e sehr 7 cad p: ayalcally.. Ihave sent them on GUARANTEED ©? HO PAY. We treat and cure VARICOSE VEINS, URINARY EY COMELAINTS, KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES and all Diseases CONSULTATION FREE. BOOKS FREE. Ef unable to call write fora Reso 'Drs. KENNEDY & KENNEDY | | Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich, An devters from Canada must be addressed to ovr il cure we and make Cans ab oa a 'th dure. Don't let quacks AFTEN TREATMENT e Mecrop Theaneent and it riacie-- =I cor * 1 fool t the vi gorrolng through many patients 'ee: NERVOUS NESILITY, BLOOD AND - Canadian Correspondence Depart- If you desire to Address ail letters as _ wanitesa, : ; aniy OREGT ike Single or double Satisfaction guaranteed. J.S. SMITH 88 Caledonia Street Stratford, Ont. aide Marriages and Deaths inserted The May number of the Athlette Ss World is a 1 'This. magazine i¢ serving a nat- ional purpose in the field of Oeacie sports. Its manner of covering the special interests of all branches from coast to coast is thorough and ex- haustive. The editorial deparment is universal in scope and comprehen- sive in treatment. This periodical is inyaluable to all followers of general outdoor life who desire an authorit- ative work on things i in the world of ath hletic ¢-sports,~ A Sure Thing. ---- "All Oanadian: Goverment Anouk: ies are payable for life no matter how long the annuitant miay liye, but the guaranteed annuity, that is an annuity which -fora slightly in- creased payment.-is guaranteed to be | paid for 5, 10,15 or 20 years as may be desired should the annuitant die before the period mentioned had ex- pired, enables a perchases to provide for the contingency that someone may be dependent upon him at the time the annuity falls due. For ex- ample, a man 75 years of age recent- ly purchased an Immediate Annuity of $300 to be guaranteed for ten years for which he paid $2,643. If he should die at, say, 80, the $300 a ye.r will 'be paid to his heirs for the remaining five years, but in any case he will receive the annuity as long as he lives should be live to be one hundred or more. This means in other words that the sum of $3000 is guaranteed to be paid whether he lives or dies. The $2,643 had been invented at 6%, and was yielding an income of $158.58 ; so that his in- come is now almost double that which he formerly received. Litera- ture fully explaining the annuities scheme as applicable to both young and old may be had by writing to S. iT. Bastedo, Superintendent of Canad- ion Goyernment Annuities, Ottawa, to whom letters go free of postage. patna atl MEAL Bi EXT a Dedicated to You. The following original poem from the Beaver (Utah) Weekly Press. The editor sits in his easy chair, Awaiting the dollars to come. His force has quit, His rent is due, And his eredit is on the bum. Oh, Lord! tle last? How long will the bat- ; How long wiil we have to wait For subscriptions due, | From your neighbor and you Which for years bas been charged on his slate? 'Don't your conscience prick just a little bit? Don't your heart a warning tell? ' When you see his face, And hear his yoice, Like the wail of a soul in he Don't you sce his babies, shabby and cold, Their faces pitched and blue? When they might be warm ; Well fed--Well clad, sei the money that's due from Oh, Goal Up there in the realms of light In justice 'sta love arrayed, Don't let the delinquent Pass the gate Until bis subscription' § paid. -- ACCIDENT NEAR TROWBRIDGE.-- A runaway accident occured on Mon- day evening on the farm of Mr. Frank Coates on the 4th of Elma, in which Mr. John Breen, who works for Mr. :| Coates, was seriously injured. Thof Tae :| horses became frightened and ran a saskatetean, Alserta Soecial Traias leave Toronto 2.00 way, throwing Mr. Breen out of the wagon and breaking one of his arms, besides fhjuring him about the should- ers and breast. The wagon was bad- ly wrecked. Human nature is a strange thing. If autos had been invented 100 years ago, and the horse had just been dis- . oO ' } APG all 4, 2 _ BAY 2, 16, 30 JUNE Ls 21 suLy U1, 2 AUG, 8, 22 SEPT. 6, 78 lade uckets from Ontario etations ta principal Nuw t Lo y ROUND-THIP RATES J Edimon' gad return $33. escad mW | TOURIS T SLEEPING ¢ CARS exeurdaine. Comfortable berths, fully eaxipped } wits beddiag, can be ! ees agent. Early application must be made | ASK FOR fadglertatrdes gb ari PAMPHLET informpation. PR, Chg a artoR. ~L. Thempeen, Lis CHANCE OF CARS Aesording to the Records of the Provincial Pclica Department this spring has witnessed a remarkable falling off in the number-of "'hoboes"' who usually cross the border into Canada with the robins. About 500 hoboes were rounded up in different parts of Phe Province last year. - The great majority of he néhs:i got the limit} they: haye j covered and brought into use, evory- 'one would be after a horse, and the istrange experience of driving a live janimal would be far more, fascinat- jing than driving a-piece of "machin- jery. OIL TO KEEP Down Dust.--The London City Council had decided to}. experiment with oifng the streets, and Wolfe street will be oiled from end to end with one kind of oil and two blocks on Richmond street north will-be oiled with another company's oil. George Perry, of the British Canadian Oil Company and C. W. MaGuire, of the Imperial Oil Com- pany spoke of the advantages of. oil- ed streats. stock as an example near af hand, where streets had been oiled, and the people are enthusiastic about it. He said oil on the roads not only keeps down the dust altogether, but is 25 it. per than macering, and ni keep \ The Kina You fxd aoe eee and which has been in use for over 30. years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per- sonal supervision since its infaticy. _Allow no one to deceive youin this. All Gounterfoite, Imitations and Just-as-good" are put Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of --, Experience against Experiment. i Infants and ce Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic - substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea--The Mother's Fricnd. cenuinE CASTORIA atways Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought, In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY STACET, NEW YORK CITY. BUTCHER SHOP The Leading Meat Shop for the Following Pork Sausage, Bologna, Beef Lamb, . Veal Pork, All cured Meats. A eall solicited. Highest Cash Price paid for Hides. R. J. WALKER, Proprietor. Cured His Rheumatism In Three Weeks. James LeB. Johnstone, a prominent member of the ~ Citizen's Band, of Chatham, writes : cars AKO, aye twas ailing exp wena the Rheumatiam all left ec had no return of pains since Father - werkey Ss "No. 7" Tablets : Rheumatism is coer is really caused byzUrié*Ac ff have cured cana of this oy painful disease, recs but s Uric Acid te matter of the Fin the joints, causes : I TEE poisons the blood, and, settling Rheumatism. 'No, 7" Tablets clear out the clogged-yp Kidneys and stimulate them to perform their task of filtering the Uric Acid out of the blood. When this is done¢Ahe Rheumatism simply and naturally vanishes. "No 7" Tablets cost 50c. At your- dealer' s. 28 = . Montrocal, Ques Father Morriscy Medicine Co. Ltd. Mr. -Perry cited Wood- |}. Capital Paid 2,750,000 Reserve & Undivided teas: 3 1259,000 Total Assets 40,000,000, The Bank of Hamilton invites Savings Accounte--and has eliminated all undue formalities, both. in the opening of such. accounts and in the making of w ithdrawal Achartered bank is the logical place for, the eafe-keeping of the fund you wish, to accumulate for old age or tg make pro- vision for unforeseen peed& Interest paid on deposits of $1.00 and upwards.