ATWOOD. ONT. FRIDAY, SEPT. 8 1911. EB. H. Swine, PROPRIETOR. Elma Fall Fair September 21st and 22nd LIVE AND LET LIVE tf F its 'Peaches, Grapes, Pears. Banaras, rll Oranges, Lemons and Canteloupes. \! uick Naptha, Sunlight. Laundry Soaps 9 Taylor's Borax, Comfort, i . Surprise, Bee Hive, Canada Best and O. K. See the new Wonderful soap 6 bars for 25c. H Vegetables Potatoes, Cabbages, Celery, | Spanish Onions, Cooking Onions, Pickling Onions and Tomatoes. CASH OR TRADE FOR PRODUCE A CAIs SoLiIclraD | i ------ -- --_ _--_ -- - ~~, ee Re ee 8 eer en yj as) SS -- Atwood 'air promises tobe the best. yet. For a wifp, take the daughter of a good mothe, bette i TOWN and VICINITY. Peeereeeeeereeeteset Miss Annie Erskine is yisiting in' Stratford. Anniveresies and fowl suppers are . commencing Mrs. Hale spent the holidays at Goderich. Elma Coteil will meet on Mon- day, Septenber 11th. What thy barvest shall be depends mainly on what we plant and sow. A happyhome is within the reach of every fanily, if they only choose to make it so. One of tle new shapes for fall mil- linery lool like a cross between a clown's haf and a sugar loaf. All accotnts due Dr. McMane.are payable at the Bank of Hamilton here not Ister than the last of Sept. Lost.--0n Monday, at the picnic in Mr. Couter's grove, a silver watch with gold lands. Finder please leaye same at Be office. There wil be no evening service in the Methalist church this Sunday on accoun} of the anniyersary ser- vices in the Baptist church. On Sept 25th, there will be a harvest Tlanksgiying supper in the Miss Viola Ferguson is yisiting in Mount Forest. Mrs. Wm. Jolly spent last week in Toronto and Bala. Mr. George Cox was in Toronto last week on business, Mrs. E. T. Greensides spent the holidays at Brantford. Alex Morrison is spending a few days in Torcnto this week. Mr. Melvyn Henry spent the holi- days under the parental roof. Mr. Albert Thompson took in the exhibition in Toronto this week. Miss Bella Anderson, of the 10th con., spent last week at Toronto. Mr. Geo. Currie, of Toronto, spent the holidays at his home in town. Mrs. Gracey, of Toronto, spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Duffy. Depot For and Nyal's Family Remedies commended by Nyals and ourselres. stand back of every preparatior. There is a remedy for each ailment. ask us about them. See ovr window. E. G. Coghlin. DRUGGIST ~ STATIONER. Among the different lines of medicine nov carried by us, we wish to draw your atten- tion to the preparationsin the Goldep Rod - packages, these are all guaranteed and re- We Come in and al Music hall, under the auspices of St. Al Miss Josie Blatchford, of Buffalo,| Aipan"s charch. For further par- | is visiting at her home on 12th con. Mr. R. A. Thompson and Mr. R. S. Ballantyne were in Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. H. Dickson, spent a few days at Toronto last week, ticulars see bills. The bush and ground fire prevail- ing this dry weather is so filling the atmosphere with smoke that the air is almost tainted with bitterness at times on ite account. Lost. --On Monday, Sept. 4th, between the Baptist church and pic- nic grounds a ladies gold nugget brooch. Finder will be suitably re- Mrs. Carmichael Ballantyne has rented Mrs. Fullerton's house on King st. SIAR GROCERY Fine Salt Tobaceo and | JISANS | Peaches and Plums will be coming right along now and the price renbers for Tomatoes, Onions, Green Peppers and Cumcecumbers for Pickling of course we alen have all kinds of Pi-hlew spices and the best White Wine Vinegar. ; Milverton Flour, Bran and Shorts always on hand. Cash or Trade for Produce. Goods delivered to any part of the town. J. P. Greensides -- x seer ve Wanted -- Live Chickens, Ducks and "Old Fowls for which we will pay the highest market values. Cash or Trade. We supply empty crates. W. R. ERSKINE Thompson. Holstein, male or female, and any Mr. Robert McCourt and Mr. B. eo winner being a four-year- bivus laob w epet r. Geo... Gxiexsan of Listowel, | Mrs. Mrs. Albert McBain and Mrs. Richard Coghlin spent Labor Day at Millbank. Miss Flo Howard, of Guelph, spent Lahor Day with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. warded by leaving it at the office. 5 Mr. Tig Wood, of Mitchell, Ont., was awarded the special $500 prize at Toronto last week for the best F. How tteuded T ibi- ahs colt. a Mr. W. A, Huston we understand is getting » new threshing machine qn=ipg_20 horse Posy tothe far- mer's needs. CHEESE REACHES 13tc.--On the Listowel cheese board on Friday last { 18tc was bid, which is the highest priceever bid on the board here for August cheese. Most of the offering Mrs. Ed. Campbell. aaa je, of Mil- os ond Mrs, Bem with Mrs. Yfarnand daughter. Mr. R. Waite, real estate agent, o Ingersol, was in the neighborhood on farm deal business last week. ag was old at that figure. Shoes Mr. John Roger attended the an- A ery unfortunate accident hap- . nual meeting of the Embalmeré| one on Tuesday afternoon at the 13 at first cost. Association in Toronto this week. homeof Mr. Wm. Shera, when little Messrs. Holman, Dickson and | Lloychad his leg broken. The acci- Thompson are taking a carload of | dent 'as & peculiar one, Melvyn an show horses to London this week. _| elder rother was in the act of getting Arthur Raines and Miss|® coathat was hanging on the wall holi-|by cinbing upon a ledge and in so mee a, t the . . Hazel, of Brantford, spen Percy |doingost his balance and fell on days with Mr. and Mrs. MONDAY With this sale we will lines at special values. Sale will commence "MORNING offer many of our stock COME EARLY. aie: was lying on the floor, with 1e above result. Drs. Croft and illic A. Hammond, of Chat-| ,, baa, sean Home on the 14th con. for ---- ee -- - es a few days ona visit renewing old him i: Sou riends wis! aequaintances. . A peed Mr. W. G. Inglis and daughter, ibly fal choot anda se Jessie, spent a few days this week at thQueen's Hotel, Listowel, | ae at the Toronto exhibition and visiting weekMr. Alby Daum had been ont his son Murray. with 3 rifle during the day and bad, Mr. Orr, of Milverton, Mr. Wm.|as heupposed, extracted all the D. Forrest, Wiarton, Mr. Wm. Ben- |shelléfowever, one had been oyer- i Greensides. wear. LADIES' UNDERWEAR We have made a big pur- chase ofall kinds of Ladies' and Misses Underwear and now-is the time to buy your under- We can offer you 4 regular 38 garment for 25 ae 50 "se " 35 75 1.00 " o " 50 75 MEN'S UNDERWEAR Remember we handle-- Stanfields Unshrinkable ] oe a | urnbull Watson Penman o " ou Look us up for your Under- wear as we claim we handle the best only at low prices. net, of the States, and Mrs. Isaac lookand in some manner the gun Atkins, of Milverton, spent the holi-| was charged while he was in the days with Mr. and Mrs. Robert hotelie bullet piercing a wooden Vatvess. partie, and going through a man's hat Ine next room, but fortunately not thing the man himself. It was fery narrow escape and both J. M. Schinbein, --" LISTOWEL >" _|the wipals were quite a bit shaken up othe affair, ; La Day. -- Many from town and tity took in the cheap rates Tito and other points for the 8 day, ile the main attraction in Lickie will preach at 3 and 7 o'clock. |*O™ the reciprocity picnic held On Monday eyening at eight o'c 1 in Moulter's grove. The day be- fond 3 "7 <¢ |ing icmade everyone feel in good he will cive his popular "ipeot , =) spirit by:two o'clock about four 'a - wer ooh anediad er Unggree children and men ections sd rebe * Alter being with the Hay Bros. we Srove to hear the speak of Listowel, in charge of the grain "s a ee conveyed over & fal | hundpeople from Stratford and elevator of Atwood, for nearly thirty years, Mr. Robert Anderson, bas rec- BUTCHER SHOP The Leading Meat Shop for the Following Pork Sausage, Bologna, Beef Veal Pork, b, ---- All cured Meats. A call solicited. Highest Cash Price paid for Hides. r R. J. WALKER, Proprietor. : othents, they being accompanied : : eC"! by Grand Trunk band which ently ratired, and his place is being taken by his brother, Hugh, of 'the addach to the enlivenment of 10th con. of Elma, he baving sold his i ney After the speakers had aded their speech ly, farm to Mr. J. T. Anderson, another peeches, namely, -- Mr. ' Listowel ; Mr. Pearson, PuBLIC MEETING. -- A public Mr. Donald, of Toronto, the us- Best Steel Range Bargain going . . $35.00 Come and see it. W. PRICE, Hardware. Torc Dr. Rankin, Stratford and meeting willbe held in the Music | ual ing followed and at 5.30 the Mitchell Sept ; hall,/Atwood, on Friday, Sept. Sth, | spect for its return trip and the Milvert "a "4 0 at 8 o'clock sharp., in the interests | villas again back into its usual a ee ee of the Liberal-Conservative party, | quieod that is generally seen on £ Sept 26-27 when Mr. H. B. Morphy, Conserva-|s hcday. B Seaforth........s-seceereree Mept 21-29 tive candidate for North Perth and | re oo» Sept 26-27 | Stratford .......ccsececreccvoee Sept 13-14 J. C. Makins, K. C., Stratford, will ildren Ory Renhen Oct. 5| Wingt Sept 28 20 address the electors. The public is FLETCHER'S Exeter Sept 18-19 cordially invited to be present and hear public questions discussed. [STORIA Listowel.......:se0:s-s0-s++0-Sept 19-20 } The Bee to January Ist, 1912, for 25c, in advance, L _J JM, Schinbe in Weekly Store News SHOR We have made a big purchase of rupt wholesale stock of Baulter & Co., Toronto. We have bought the 'goods so we will be able to give you the goods at whole- sale prices. Men's and Boys', Ladies' and Misses A big lot of children samples from 6 to This is a snap who wants any- thing in the shoe line.