_nections, right direction of economy and he Please call and see our line of isthe hand that rules the world. "cradles', the stove is the all-import- ant factor in '"thome-rule," Ginevornn) a Chancellor is the best guarantee that the Fea i will keep your home moving in the RANGES that are built and sold on honor, pees a equipped with pe rieabe E i show you how this marvellous device saves time and fuel by a single of the lever; how it holds-fire, and-directs odors tip the iby asing on The Divicing Oven Strip guides heat equally all over the oven--a fine baking insurance. The Reversible - pn with other stac features make us Proud to show the Gurney-Oxford The Hand That Cooks. In spite of what they say about GURNEY-OXFORD STOVES and The Chancellor ee --o conomizer, d Jet us rate saves time and fuel-waste. inc. Design aniSh we want to eee to your entire Satisfaction. all these details PRIGE ASK FOR JAD-a-Lac BS rmMiture & J. ROGER, Wndertakinge Capital Paid Up $2,750,CC0 Reserve & Undivided Profits 5,253,030 Total Assets............. ...49,9939,900 ar is not easy to fests rT the habits of a r ther tu sae and te ea a 'et ike nmoesual! =k L open au lorsake i ut 'the Bank tecouot, Gcod Positions. The Wingham Business College is a worthy Lusincss Colleges located in the cit- ies- of London, Peter! oro, Welland | vud the towns of Orangeville Walker- ton, Wingham an! Clinton. Owing to its high grade work itis affiliated with the Commercial Educztors' Association of Canada. It is freely admitted that owing to these con- its students get the very best positions. Fall openings are on August 28th and Sept Sth,; but at this school each student isinstructed privately at his or ber own desk, students may enterany day. Many students study all at-home and other partly at home and fin'sh at the Col- lege. As Spotton Colleges .are the largest trainers in Canada and have thirty years experience, it would be well for young peop'e to get their training, there. Last year Mr. Spot- ton traincd over 1200 young people and placed tlien: in good positions. What he has done for thousands of others he can do for you. | BRONCHITIS COMPLETELY CURED. | an, P.Q., n, P.Q,, Jan. 5th, 1910. | Father Morriecy y hed. Co, Ltd., I can gratefully tastity in favor of Father aint 's Remedy for Bronchial trouble. I had suffered for some time from Bronchitis, and could get nothing to give me ease, until I tried Father Morris- cy's Prescription (No. 10). To my great surprise, after I had taken this remedy I commenced to grow > ei and soon alter I was completely cure Ride GEORGE DESMARAIS. Everybody. tose that many common roots, barks and herbs contain Nature's own provision for the relief of coughs and It remained for Father Morriscy, with his wonderful medical skill, to com- bine extracts from these in such a way as to make the most effective cure for all link in a ehain of Seven! t goes a step further, too, and earns ia name of "' Lung Tonio" by strengthening the weakened parts, Trial size 25c. Regular size 50c. At r déaler's or from Father Moctiesy Medicine Co., Ltd., Montreal, Que. y as head a' an Tm happy 76 He was fond av good dinsers an' suppers An' fond av good liquor as well, An'; Be heavens, you niver For rd smile was in', though he was oft on his uppers, cud tell, a@ warm one ai' win- His was gracious an' bland. In virtuous ways or in sinnin', Oho, but McGinniss was grand! McGinniss is dead an' departed Year's clear througlto De- mber He wint the whole route, good or bad. --Berton Braley in Harper's Weekly. No Wonder. Puotogra pher--Now pleane look pleus- ant. ifan In the Chair--Can' t ao it Iam the funny mun on a newspaper. Not the lathery Kind. A New Jersey farmer cume to the city the other day, and, among other things, he visited a high class restau- rant. His appetite ran to cheese, and, inquiring of the waiter what sort of cheese was listed, he remarked that he desired "something new." "Why don't rou try a bit of Roque fort?" suggested the waiter, "What's that?" asked the farmer. "Hang it," he udded, "bring me some. I fike the name anyway." Iie ate of it und liked It, So he thought be would take some bome to his wife. <Arriving late, he laid the small cheese wrapped in silver puper on the sidebourd. He forgot to Inquire about It till the next night. and then be asked bls wife how she liked it. "Oh, I s'pose It's mighty stylish up to the city, but I jes kinder couldn't Hse, dy Lega s, tet no f foain out of they smelled kinder funny, a and I can't say's TE like it.'"---Viiladelphin Titues, An Object Lesson. "Charles," sutd a sharp voiced wom un to ber busbund in u railway car- tlage, "do you knew that you and | once bad a romunce Ip a railway car- riage?" "Never heard of It, in a subdu:d tone. "Il thought you hadnt But don't you remember it was that pair of slip pers I presented te you the Christmas before we were married that led to our union? You reinember how nicely they fitted, don't you? Well, Charles, one day when we were going to a pic- nie you bud your feet up on a seat, and when you weren't looking I took your measure. But for that pair of slippers 1 don't believe we'd have ever been married." A young uninarried man sitting by immediutely took down his feet from the seut.-- ideas. " replied Charles Saved His Face. Watching her chance, Mrs, Chilllcon- Kearney caught the information editor in a group of educators. "Mr. Nollejus." she sald, "there ts something I have been wanting to ask you for a loug time. Will you please tell me in a few Words what Pythago- ras taught?" "Pardon me, madam," answered the information editor, "but that would be telling tales out of school."--Chicago Tribune. Fatiguing Experience. "Do you think our newly elected friend wil!l be able to do much?' "J dunno," replied Farmer Corntos- sel. "He had such a fight gettin' the nomination an' such avother fight get- tin' elected that I expect he'll need a heap o' rest when he's in office."-- Washington Star. The Way He Looked at It. "So you want to marry my daughter, do you, young man?' ""Y-e-s, s-s-i-r." "Well, can you support a family?" "W-how many are there of yon, s-sir?"'--Judge's Library. What Happens. When a man begins to get up in the world tbe first thing he does is to change the name of the barn to "the garage.""--Detroit Free Press, Vivacidus. "}Iamma, the duke has proposed." "When did you see him?' "Ob, I haven't seen him. I just got a telephone from papa."--Life. Melancholy Daya. "Have you got a fireless cooker at your house?" "Worsen't that. We're sot a fen heater."--Cleveland Lea ) FRIDAY, SEPT. 8th, 1911. ae 'THE ATWOOD BEE > is . _is printed Every Thurday $1.00a yoar----or BL. $1.50 when in arrears. Advertising Rates : One inch, $5 pet year, 2 inches, $10 per year. us Parnas ge first insertion, 3c per tins test: a Advertisments without specific inatruc- tions os till forbidden, and charged accordingly. Adverteomenta af articles or animals lost or found, articles for sale, houses or rent, etc., four rrp for one dollar. One column measnres 20 inches. We have no hest ratea, ' so Marriages and Deaths ineerted mob Printing of every description exe- cuted in neat and fashionable ra and on short notice. Are You Ruptured] IT can cure the worst case of Rupture from infancy to old age, without operation or loss of time. Act At Once and remove the daily danger of strangulation. Fill in coupon and send to Dept. H Name...... Address Ag@....s008 Time rupture....... ' Single or double.......... Saaaas ' Satisfaction guaranteed. J.S. SMITH 88 Caledonia Street Stratford, Ont. New Time Table. Morning train due 7 1.45 a.1D. going i. 10.25 Morning ; on W. Noon * 1153 " 5. Afternoon" " 1.29 p.m. = . ou Q on 7 te oe sien ~ 827 "OW WANTED A live representative for hinwe w GOI) and surrounding District to sell high class stock for The Fonthill Nurseries More fruit trees will be planted in the Fall of 1911 and Spring of 1912 than ever before in the history of Ontario. The orchard of the future will be the best paying part of the farm. We teach our men Salesmanship, Tree culture and how big profits in fruit-growing can be made. Pay weekly, permanent employment, exclusive territory. Write for particulars. STCNE & WELLINGTON Toronto VOTERS' LIST 191. i ee of the Township of Elma, County of Perth, Notice is hereby given that I haye transmitted or delivered to the per- sons mentioned in Section 9 of the Ontario Voters' Lists Act, the copies required by said Section tc be so traasmitted or delivered of the list, made pursuant to said act, of all per- sons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Munici- pahty to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at elections for members of the Legislative Assembly andat Municipal Elections : and that the said list was first posted up at niy oflice at Atwood on the 14th day of August, 1911, and remains there for nspection And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions correct- ed according to law. Dated at Mewcod this 15th day of August, 1911. GrEO. LOCHHEAD, CLERK OF ELMA. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Allow no one to deceive youin this. an Counterfeits, Festtationts and '* Just-as- 7 are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children--Experience against Experiment, What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- goric, Drops and Svothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething. Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural oe The Children's Panacea--The Mother's Friend, cenuinE CASTORIA Atways Bears the Signature of ty Kind You Have Always Bought -- -tn-Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK ery. HYSLOP $25 WHEELS When you purchase 2 Hyslop Bicycle you know for a fact thatit is the very best your money can possibly buy. It could not be anything else and bear the Hyslop name. Your assurance is 21 years of absolute re- liability, and a responsibility behind it that eliminates every possible risk. Hyslop bicycles are intended to give the greatest amount of all-round efficiency at a popular price, and are built on lines of absolute thoroughness. Send at once 'for Illustrat- ed Folder, and gee the surprising yalne ~e have to offer hefere rev cs ares LIMITED Shuter and Victoria Sts. Toronto aS 2535) = Ss | The Great Exhibition of 1911 t THE | Western Fair] | 8th TO 16th $28,000.00 | LONDON, CANADA SEPT. | In Prizes and Attractions. Exhibition of Live Stock The best ever seen in Canada Many Unique Special Attractions, including Aerial, Military and Hydro Electric Features Jumping and Speeding Contests | Big Dog and Cat Shows--Four Splendid Bands A Most Attractive Midway.--Best ever seen in London by Fireworks Display Every Kvening Reduced Rates on all Railways. ---------- ee Prize Lists, Entry Forms, and all other information from W. J. REID, President. A. M. HUNT, Secretary. | A Nanceesrmnan Se The Bee to January Ist, 19138, for One dollar. * Try us for your next job in : printing,