Atwood Bee, 8 Sep 1911, p. 6

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ods of little ones in Canada dur- g thn hot summer months far ex- A TERRIBLE RECORD OF CHILDREN'S DEATHS _ As every mother knows the death that of any other season of The reason for this is hose dreaded troubles, cholera in- tum, diarrhoea, dysentery 'and ther. stomach and bowel com- Iplai.sts. These come on so quickly .with such little warning that 'often baby is beyond: help before the mother realizes he is ill. Dur- 'ing the hot summer months the mo- | r must be constantly on her guard to see that baby's bowels jare working regularly and his lit- tle stomach is kept sweet and pure. y's Own Tablets should always be rele in the home as they are the 'mother' s greatest friend. A dose jnow and then will prevent these troubles, or if they do come on sud- denly they will be quickly banish- ed by the Tablets. The Tablets are eold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. PSE FOUND HIS BONES {Skeleton Belleved to be That of ena dered Envoy Brought to Light In- German Wood A skeleton found in a wood near the nees of Quitzow, Germany, may rn out to be that of Lord Paeeet, the English Ambassador at Vienna, Pade disappeared on the 25th of Novem- 1809; as he was returning to-Eng- The Ambassador's mysterious -dis-|' '@ppearance caused great excitement. 'throughout Europe. Early the "spring of 1809, Lord Bathurst hed been: 'gent on a secret mission to the Vienna 'Court, asp t the conclusion of the' peace esting at Schonbrum, on the! iasth "of : Ostober of the same year, he: celved orders to return home. Hej' tarted on the journey, and travelled | {rom Berlin under the name of Koch, | 'a merchant. On November 25 he ar: | gwived in Perleberg. Here he entered an hotel beside the posting station, In the evening, when the journey should | 'have been resumed, Lord Bathurst was 'missing. His overcoat was found later : on a heap of wood in the cellar of the ;posting station, and his leggings in a swood vear the village of Quitzow | | There was a secret military inquiry | iinto Lord Bathurst's disappearance, | and a rumor was circulated that he' had been murdered by the order of | {Napoleon. This rumor was credited | in some quarters, as, at the time, the | 'enmity against France in England had | Teached ita highoet gtage | | When the inquiry into the envoy's, disappearance came to naught, promi- | ment criminologists and historians ' occupled themselves with the case, cham however, arriving at any con- . clus ! Now, near the same spot where Lord | ' iBathurst's leggings were found, a n's skeleton has been discovered. , dt is belleved to be that of the English | 'Ambassador. | THE SEAMAN BARONET Sir Claude Robert Campbell, oe baronet, of Guilford Street, W.C., who' served before the mast on the calling aaip Sutherlandshire from 1898 to 1900, | and who succeeded to the baronetcy on the death of his father, the third , baronet, in 1896, and died at sea on! July 25 or 26, 1900, in an attempt to ewim ashore for assistance for the rest of the crew when the ship was: wrecked, left estate now valued for} probate at £253. A similar case of | @ titled gentleman serving before the} t was recently mentioned in the | 'Probate Court, when the Earl of Eg: ' mont's estate was Valued at £14,750. jHis lordship, after a long service at 'pe a, became a London fireman, and. was for some time keeper of the Ves- try Hal! at Chelsea. i MEN'S HATS IN CHURCH The question of women wearing "hata in church recalls the fact that men also formerly wore theirs at wor- ship. : Pepys shows that in the seventeenth 'century both men and women wore their hats to worship "To ehurch," he writes, "and heard a simple fellow open the praise of church musique, and exclaiming" against men wearing their hats con in 'the church Later he. notes that he saw a minis- iter "preach with his hat eff... which re never saw before.' The hat was then an integral oer lot both male and female costume, 'Pepys catches "a strange cold in ree lhead by flinging off my hat at dinner." For regulating the bowels, invigorating the kidneys and stirring up the lazy liver Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills have proved for over half a 'century, in every quarter of the world, absolutely safe and most effective. |QUAGKS STILL ABOUND Even Bellef in Witchcraft Prevails in Some Portions ef England and Walesa te Witchcraft has grrived at the dig- report issued recently in London. it is stated that in a few of the more auivine rural districts (of England and Wales) belief in witchcraft is still held by a few people. Herbalists are said. to be chiefly popular in the Midlands and North, where some vaunt spurious degrees |, and give certificates which are 'actual- accepted registrars of death. They "seriously diminish the chances | p of cure, lead to a great amount of unnecessary pain and suffering and premature death," and have caused the spread of small-pox ana -- in- fectious diseases by ignorant diagno- sis and mistaken treatment. The North is also the chosen ground of the bonesetter ,and in parts of Wales belief in these men is said to be implicit. Ponies sources of danger dealt with unqualified dentists posing "Institutes" and the like, who "sacri- fice on an enormous scale healthy teeth," aagaly ill-fitting teeth, and poison with anazesthetics of which they have no knowledge; unqualified optl- who write all sorts of letters after their names, and injure eyesight wortbless glasses; and quacks 'who. sell nostrums at shops or street} corners ,cure cancer, consumption, and other grave diseases, which lead to the spread of diseagé and death. _ THOSE FINGER PRINTS ; 'Tell-Tale. Evicence In Identifying andj Tracing Criminats + The science of finger-prints is com- paratively young. Though Scotland Yard possesses somo tens of thousands 'of records, it was only in 1901 that the 'eystem of identification by finger 'print was officially adopted. But in that ee time the authort- tiles have proved that their system is almost yen it has enabled them to make no # than forty-four thou- ' gand identtications, bet that without error, so far as is k The bulbs a the "Canale of human beings are marked with a number of very fine ridges running in certain 'directions, and arranged in patterns. 'These are classed under four primary types--arches, loops, whorls, and com- posites, and it' has been proved that these patterns persist In all their de- tails throughout' the whole period of human life. As a consequence, the police offilicals whenever summoned to investigate a case of crime, search first for finger- prints, and these can usually be found. 1 an arrest 1s made, [inger-prints 'are taken from the prisoner's hand, and if they tally with those taken on 'the scene of the crime one of the | strongest pieces of evidence it - Daal sible to obtain is there against h The finger-print ane an on Bau Jand Yard is now a huge one, and 4 search amongst these recouda will fre- : eee enable them to discover who culprit of a misdeed happens to oe a that finger-prints are not only form or ager Dae a vaiuetle help in tracing crim Naturally, these ugar: print impres- s.cns are jealously guarded. CRANIUMS OF THE GREAT Prominent Men Have Heade Shaped According to the Profession They Pureue One of the ee for tes Dor tho coming Universal Races 3 in London will be a collec fon. of | Sockraite of By) highest types of var mankind produced lou: tries. These will include Cabinet Mint. ' sters, heads of univeraities, sclentific celebrities, aud probably, great writ- | ers and musicisn "Our idea," eaid Mr. Gustav ee: the organizer, "is to show that th eet or great men of all ps tries have heads that are very yo oar be essential features. an country who has forced iooeet nate | prominence In any sphere of life, is bound to resemble men of other coun- tries who are in similar postions. This should be shown cloarly by tke por- traits, and they should also show that politics produces one universal type, science another, music another, and so on. Recognition of this should tend hi. understanding aod friend- D FINE BIRDS IN OL IN OLD LONDON Beautiful Foathered Creatures From All Over the World on Show The king among the more than 2,000 birds on view at the London Cage Bird Association's annual chow. at the Royal Horticultural Hall, Westmins- ter, is a handsome specimen of the reater bird cf Paradise in full plum- |} age. famous Belgian amateur collector, and worth .$7,500. Mr. Pauwels has brought the bird to England in company with other val- uable rareties especially for the pre} sent show. His exhibits include a black-capped eg a Cuban wink! pecker, a pair of white mynahs, and a pair of sky-blue budgerigars, most of which are new birds to the English show bench. The greater bird of Para' dise dominates them all, however, one it is probable that-no othe d 'pens half theirs behind it. It belongs to Mr. R. Pauwels, a! 3 ee ene j THE LARGEST LOAF Baked Recently In .Texas--W: 140 Pounds--12 Feet Long The largest loaf of bread in the world .was baked the other day by Andrew Newberg, of Austin, Texas. .| This gigantic mass of the Staff of Life welghed 140 pounds, and was two feet high, three toot wide, and twelve feet - long Ate the ingrédjgnts- were mixed, the baking process consumed more than an hour, a special oven being used. for the purpose. The. loaf as sent to a barbecues at carried. By making this loaf, Mr. Newberg reaks his own record for the largest toat of bread in the world, = was one weighing a hundred pounds, sent to the Louisana Exhibition in i908. ENTHUSIASM WON t ewes Vetieum-3 Journeyed 5,000 Miles In Thirteen Months Enthusiasm in a cause one heart overcomes, many potion whack would be otherwise insurmountable, For. instance, Mr. John Abbey, the: well-known temperance veteran, spent; over forty years in England, where he, rendered yeoman service in the East- over there. Mr. Abbey has journey = fewer than 5,000 miles anriag 5 Err thirteen months. In additfou, has delivered 206 addresses and taken 15,- 000 pledges in the eglleges and schools, from both teachers and scholars. A_ PARABLE Two spiders who dwelt in different parts of a church chanced to meet to- gether in the aisle one day when out, be a constitutional. "How are you rg ag on?" sald spl? der No. 1 to spider N F "Oh, moderately," was 'the reply. "I don't 'teel very comfortable on Sun- days. I live in the pulpit, under the, cushion, and on that day the parson;' comes and ba' the book and sends his fists on the side, and I have to keep very close, or else some day I think he'll hit me. He bangs with such force that I know he'll squash. me to a jelly." "Oh, you come and live with me,"' | sald his companion. "I'm never trou, bled; I am always Comfortable, an never earl from one year's end: to the other." "Indeed!" sald the » other spider. "And where do you live "Oh, I live in the poor- nbox* was the! reply. _ __ Lue eee Small but P Downs, --Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are smai, vue ehey are effective in action. Their fine qualities as a corrector of stomach troubles are known to thousands and they are in constant demand everywhere by those who know what a safe and simple remedy they are. They need no introduc- tion to those acquainted with them but to those who may not know them they are presented as the best preparation on the market for dis- orders of the stomach. Dugald was ill, and his friend aa took a bottle of whisky to him. Donald gave the invalid one glass, and sai fe'll get enither yin in the sansiil, "" About five minutes elapsed, and then Du- gald suddenly exclaimed :-- "Ye'd better let me hae the ither noo, Donal', ye hear o' sae mony sudden deaths nooadays." There are many sticky devices on the market that kill some flies, but housekeepers who have tested them know that Wilson's Fly Pads kill many times more, and do not dam- age carpets and furniture like all sticky fly catchers. If every man loved his- neighbor as he loves himself his Satanic Ma- jesty-would soon have to hunt an- otfier job. REST Ato HEALTH To MOTHER AND CHILD . RUP has ea far over PStx + Y ° EARS. ry MILLIONS ¢ © OLE for their CHILDREN WHILE THE' THI ING, with ERFECT SUCCESS, I SOOTHE re fhe © ke Db, SOFTENS the GUM ALLAYS all PA "ATS < URES WIND COLIC, and is the be nt porta 'ter DIARRHG:A, tis ab solutely harm! je sure and ask for '* Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," a take no other Kind. Twents-five cents a ott crawls under the house when its master eniers the gate. Minard's Lin«ment Cures Colds, Etc.. Some women spend half their lives before the glass and some men Fresh Supplies in Demand. -- Wherever Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil has been introduced increased supplies have been ordered, show- ing that wherever it goes this ex- cellent Oil impresses its power on the people. No matter in what la- tituds it may be found its potency is never impaired. It is put up in most portable shape in bottles and can be carried without fear of breakage. Don't get into "the habit 'of giv- sing of it. 'ing advice ause you want to get FIVE POINTS IN BOND G A desirable investment has init these essentials-- . the safety of the principal --the certainty of income --a fair and fixed rate of * income--probable appre- ciation -in value--and saleability. ¥ Bonds, carefully select- ed, ensure to the investor these desirable ele- ments and are invariably secured-- principal and interest--by the total as- sets of the company that issues them. qY Write us to Say Oot om, litera- on Bond Investments and a Int of thoos we receene ROYAL SECURITIES CORPORATION erm Segrrreoes and then proceeded to | : te =-----= 1 Beware of the man whose dog " ADVICE TO TOWN FOLK. Advice to those who live in towns Where gossip never ceases Be careful how to pick your ; friends, And don't pick them to pieces. One_of the.commonest.complaints of infants is worms, an most effective application for them is Mother Graves' Worm Extermina- tor. SARTORIAL FINANCE. Mrs. Knicker--"It isn't what you pay for clothes that makes you woll : dressed.' Mrs. Bocker--"No indeed; it's what you owe." It is better to avert a war than to fight and win; better to prevent sickness than 'to cure it. Keep a bottle of Hamlins Wizard Oil in the house and see how much suffering it saves. Jack met a friend of his, and, noticing the glum look on his face, said, "What's the matter, Harry?' "A 'burglar visited our house last night and stole our $15 clock." ut didn't your dug) prevent him?' asked Jack. "That's the point," eeenied Harry. "He stole that, too Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria Miss Rocksey -- "But, papa, George is a hard-working young man."' Old Rocksey--"That's it exactly. The man I wish you to marry must be able to make money without working.'"' A Stamped Medicine.--Parme- lee's Yeueisiie Pills, compounded of entirely vegetabie substances known to have a revivifying and salutary effect upon the digestive organs, have through years of use attained so eminent a position that they rank as a standard medicine. The ailing should remember this. Simple in their composition, they can be assimilated by the weakest stomach and are certain to have a healthful and agreeable effect on the sluggish digestive organs. "What are you crying about, Freddy?' "I got licked twice to- day." "How was thet?' '"Peach- er caned me, an' I told dad, an' dad went up to thrash the teacher, an' the teacher licked dad, an' dad came home an' walloped me. There are many imitations of Wilson's Fly Pads. Do not be de- ceived by unsatisfactory imitations. Get Wilson's. MISGUIDED S\ SYMPATHY. "You keep those horrid sheets of sticky flypaper in your house? Do you think it's humane to put evea flies to such a lingering, torturing "Yes, I think it is, all things con- sidered. Still, if you prefer to let them scald themselves to death in your coffee I have no fault to find. They deserve even that.' The tail of a mouse is one of the conclusions a woman wil! jump at. SS: 4 "DODDS " -}ink and paper, but this would ap mate " THAT USELESS. HYPHEN Samos with Love for Figuree Proves It te ve Sonal Waste Although the general tendency ts with -unnecessary..marks .¢ words absolutely criminal is easily 'demonstrated by a bit of simple mathe- TNThere are 178,236,692 English-speak: would amount to 0,000. Mapes all theory, "to-day," to-night," and "to-morrow" are daily uernenaiaa four times each on 234, 192 typewriters, and three times daily on' peta linotype machines. Remem- that a preesure of 1 ounce is Seeding to 'strike a typewriter key, and rash ------ to depress a linotype, we see that in writing hyphens a total of 352,974 foot-pounds of energy. backj - To avoid appearing too critical, no; mention has been made of the- ee of; e in value the daily bread 2 capely: of London, Manchester, and Glasgow. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery i f d dica! practitioners for a number of years with gratifying results. f suffering from any summer com- plaint it is just the medicine that will cure you. Try a bottle. It sells for 25 cents. HIS VACATION SCHEME. "JT have had a great deal of plea- sure from anticipating the trip." '"'More pleasure, probably, than you'll get from the trip itself." "That's what I think. So I've decided to stay at home and save the money." Isidore, P. 2. Aug. 18, 1904. Minard's Etaimont bo. mited. Genticme ve pone ently used MINARD'S "LINIMENT and alao prescribe it for i most d I consider it the gg extan ours truly, DR. JOS. AUG., SIROIS. est all-round TOO READY MEMORY. Elizabeth--My mamma says she can remember when your mamina kept a grocer's shop. Gwendoline--Indeed! My mam- ma says she can remember how much your mamma owed her for groceries. It is a fact beyond dispute that one packet of Wilson's Fly Pads has killed a bushel of house flies. This is more than could possibly be caught on three hundred sheets of sticky paper. All Druggists, Gro- cers and General Stores sell Wil- son's Fly Pads. Be sure you get the genuine Wilson's Mrs. Wildman--"I can tell you this, Mr. Wildman, if you continue , j in your present life of extrava-} gance you'll surely pay for it a day."' Mr. Wildman--"'I wish, dear, that my creditors had the same faith in my good intentions." TRY MURINE EYE eradag for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. saute Doane t Smart--Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid. 25c, 50c, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve "in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, £1.00. Ere Books and Eye Advice Free by Mail Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. KEPT QUIET. A man who had purchased a fine- leoking mare discovered, after driv- ing the animal for a week, that she was blind. Shortly afterwards he sueceeded in disposing of her, as the defect did not lessen her speed or detract from her general appearance. 'The next day the owner of the mare appeared. sold me?' he began. "She's stone; blind." "IT know it," replied owner, with an easy air "You didn't say anything to me about it," said the purchaser, his face flushed with anger. "Well, you see," replied other, "the man who sold ber to me didn't tell me about it, and | thought, perhaps, he dida't want it known."' her last It isn't difficult to induce th» other fellow: to compromise wien ho soalizns, that yon have the. bast" "jot it BLACK I ANIGHT - Stove Polish ensures no hard work and Mahers ef the famous "9 das" Shas Polish, REST AT LAST. Mrs. Jones--Mrs. Brown and her next door neighbor, Mrs. Green, don't speak any more. Mrs. Smith--That's good ; rest of the neighbors will now be able to take a@ nap in the after- noon. Corns are caused by the pressure of tight boots, but no one ne troubled with them long when se simple a remedy as Holloway's Corn Cure is available. HIS VACATION. "Did you have much of a vaca- tion this year?' "Thirty-five dollars worth.' Minard's Liniment Cures Carget tn Cows. If a man owes a lot to his wife it's because she is a poor collec- tor. FARMS FOR SALE OR RENT. ASK DAWSON, HE KNOWS. rz: yon want to sell a farm, consult hae you want to buy a farm, consult Stock, wite some of the best Fruit, | 'Ontario ain or Dairy Farms io and po right. W. DAWSON, - Street, Toronto Rs inety Colborne the : AGENTS WANTED. ANVASSERS WANTED. Weekly sal C paid Se iifred Tyler, London, Ontario, AS Calvert & ENTS WANTED EVERY WHERE.-- ith best people. High mines wr oon ae neh DOG dy of other study a8 articulars k Albert 5t., Otta ok COMMISSION. greatest ' geller over Soduceds rory ws ays: stots $32 in two Hours. Mfg. Co. X., . La Crosse, Wi MISCELLANEOUS. ¥ d FARM SCALES. " Beale Works, 9 Esplanade, Wilson's Toronto. Ek WANTED. A LINE FOR every home. Write us for our choice list of agents supplies. -- We have the rau ageuc roposi in Canada ay. No ou may necessary ly B @ I. Co,, 228 Albert St., Otta ORS, LUMPS, et lo- enemy iret? cured without our home treatmert. before too late. Dr. Bellman, wood, Ont, TON SCALE GUARANTEED. wouao's G Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toro ------------ ahead dak a ICE FREB. Consult & us regard to Wri Collinge: "T say, you know tat mare You | i of > train you by any. disease. Lowest prices. "0 drugs ° all kinds. frugses fitted - at Send measure roent. Glasses atten age. Write to-day for anything n first-class dreng stores to Dr. Bellman. Collingwood, Ont | (CARPET DYEING and Cleaning. This tsaspeciaity with the Gritish American Dysing Co" Bend particulars hy post and we are «ure to eatlefy. Address Box 158, Montreal YOU CAN MAKE FROM $i5 TO $30 A DAY handling this propositics. Our agontes elsewhere are doing it. Yor np. Au- thentic references requirce This is eae and legitimate. Address, P. O Yanconver, B,C: Lo te y, a ye 'Canada Business, College CHATHAM laa eines by pt ett tas America's ek ae is of Business Training. UDENTS PLACED IN 1908 $7 ; We publish the 1 Pa a og distance studen board a r » ate you canoe come to C es Hess we cait ma is are some atadent? pacer recently. ate Wado, meron pF Regina. Be Burk, Nicholson & Hain. egina. ll. Wood, Trust oe Elght calls just received SF | © x nd th fro me idea of the deman rr ¥ COLLEGE REOPENS FOR 26TH veAN SEPTEMBER 6TH. Grebe i : 33 tells ef wark at chatham.. -- Seana metals of, Y

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