* Rs Ciecg "Se CRIPPLING PAINS. ~ OF RHEUMATISM Cannot be pire by igtee nts --Must be Reached Through the Blood Thousands of men and women sufier severely from rheumatism. Cruel; crippling pains in the mus- cles and joints make every move- ment a torture. Many people think rheumatism is due to cold or wet weather, and they to cure themselves by rubbing liniments on the painful parts. This is a great: mistake--the rheumatic poison is in the b , aud liniments and rub- bing "cannot give more than the most temporary relief. a victim of rheumatism or lumbago ; you can only rid yourself of it by making your blood rich and pure, for only in this way can the poi- sons of rheumatism be driven from the system. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have cured more cases of rheumatism than any other disease except anaemia, just because they make the rich, red blocd that goes when your blood is impure, there- fore, begin curing your rheumatism to-day. with Dr. -jiams' Pink Pills. The following are the par- ticulars of one .ef. the many thou-|. sands of cures to the credit of this health-giving medicine: r. Jeremie Nadou, St. Jerome, Que., says: "A few years ago I was seized with a severe attack of rheumatism. The pains in my back, arms legs were terrible. I treated. with several doctors, but they did not help me, and as time went on I was. unable to work, and bezan to think that I would be a cripple for life. ing condition a friend who been cured of rheumatism by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ad- vised me to try this remedy, and I got a supply of the Pills. I had taken the Pills for several weeks before any improvement was no- ticed, but once signs of relief came the improvement from that time on was rapid, and I joyfully continued taking the Pills until every vestige of the trouble disappeared. No one but a similar sufferer can imagine the gratitude I feel for this relief from pain, and because I have since enjoyed perfect health I urge other rheumatic sufferers to give this 'medicine a trial." You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a Pines boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockv. ille, Ont, : a POINTED PARAGRAPHS. Faint praise ne'er won fair dam- el. The heart may be willing, but the pocketbook weak. But the man who lives a double life never does two men's work. - The weaker a man is, the easier it is for him to break a promise. Many a chap's toes turn up while waiting for a dead man's shoes. A lot of girls who pose as candy | kids develop into lemon drops la- te r. When a man sticks to a job he doesn't like, it's because he needs the money. 7 The more rings a woman has on her fingers the oftener her back yhair needs adjusting. And many a man who thought he could set the world on fire turned out to be a wet blanket. Women dress to please the men, 'but some men are so all-fired con- trary they refuse to be pleased. An old bachelor may not believe that life is full of contradictions, but a married man always does. A meddlesome woman is bad enough, but when the meddling bee gets into a man's bonnet it is time to stand from under. How a Sick Woman Can Regain Health Read This Very Carefully. "For years I was thin and delicate. I lost color and was easily tired; a yellow pallor, pimples and blotches on my face were not only mortifying to my feelings, but because I thought my skin would never ook: nice again I grew despondent. Then my appetite failed. I grew very weak. Various remedies, pills,-tonics and blets I tried without permanent "Denefit. A visit to my sister put into my hands a box of Hamiflton's Pills. She placed reliance upon them and now 'that they haye made mee well woman 'I would not without them whatever jthey might cost. I found Dr. Hamil- pate s Pills by their mild yet searching action yery suitable to the delicate character of a woman's natufe. They meyer once griped me, yet they estab- ehed regularity. ae appetite grew keen--my blood and pure--heavy rings under my bind disappeared and i my skin is as oor and un- wrinkled as when I was a girl. "Hamilton's Pills did it. al' " The above straightforward letter ae odd, wife of a well- wonderful woman's medici Use o other pill oad Dr. Hamilton' &, 25c, r box. All dealers or The Catarrh- osone Co.,- Kingston, Ontario, MORMON MAGISTRATE. 'Hugh B. Brown, of Cardston, Al- berta, Deadly Foe of Liquor. Hugh B. Brown, Cardston's ma- gistrate, is striking terror into the hearts of illicit booze oellers in Southern Alberta. The: whole of the Mormon territory in Canada is under local option, but it has been said by men in a position to know this district as in legalized terri- tory. Mr. Brown was appointed to the position of magietrate only this If you are- While in this try-|.' had year, and already he has imposed fines as high as $300 on those who | would make gain by trading in in- toxicating liquors. The new mavistrate is a member of the Mormon Chrreh; his wife be- ing a grand daughter of Brigham Young of Polymanyus 'renown, It is not as a member of the Mormon Church, however; that Mr. Brown Mr. Hugh B. Brown is waging war against the importa- tion of whiskey into the local op- tion territory, but simply as an officer of the Crown he is going to see that the laws regarding the sell- ing of liquor are enforc Though a young man of 30 years of age, Mr. Brown is prominently known in military circles in West- ern Canada. e is a major of C squadron of the Alberta Rangers. At the last convention of Liberals held at Cardston before the last Provincial 'election, Mr. Brown's name came before the convention and was favorably received, The young man, however, is not anxious to enter politics retired in' ee vor of the-former member, Martin Woolf. oo BABIES OWN TABLETS CURE INDIGESTION Indigestion is one of the most common ailments of childhood, and no other ailment is more nger- ous. Indigestion paves the way to many other complaints. Baby's Own Tablets never fail to remove childhood indigestion. They act as a gentle laxative, sweeten the sto- mach, regulate the bowels, and pol the baby healthy and happy. ring them rs. Alphonse Peller St. Philippe de Neri, Que., writes: 'I have used Baby's Own Tablets for indigestion with great success. ~ They have also proved successful in breaking up colic and simple fevers." The Tab- lets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. a THE PETITION WAS GRANTED. Napoleon Had Great Pride in the King of Rome. A certain Frenchman of spirit once found*himself in great dis- tress. It was necessary to find a means of livelihood, or die im-mis- ery. Thero was a vacant place that was worth ten thousand francs a year. He wanted it, but how could he get it? It was under the First Empire ; the King of Rome was a child in the cradle. The aspirant thought of an ingenious plan to a about tho success of his He wrote a petition, addressed |*© it $o the young king, and through the friendship of a general officer attached to the emperor, got it pre- sented to Napoleon. The emperor took the petition, and secing the superscription, gan to smile. "Very well," said he, "let the petition be carried to him to whom it is addressed."' Four chamberlains conducted our hero before the cradle of the infant king. After a profound bow, he be- gan in a high voice to read his pe- 'tition. From time to time he bowed before the cradle. 'As is the man- ner of infants, c uttered several unintelligible sounds. After having taken his leave r. spectfully, the petitioner return to Napoleon, who said, 'Ah, well, | what response ?" "Sire, his majesty said nothing."' "Who says nothing gives con- sent," said the emperor. "The 'pe- tition is granted."' o After acquiritig the art hatmiect talking EA well a wise man keeps still. thatthere is as much booze sold in}. Sho Was He'pless For Tivo Ye Why Mrs. Baldwin Jtbcomneellll Dodd's Kidney Pills. -- She Could Find Nothing to Cure Her Rheumatism Till On a Neigh- bor's Advice She Tried Dodd's Kidney Pills. 8t. Walburg, Sask., Feb. 16.-- (Special).--"I can truly recom- mend Dodd's Kidney Pills for fice one suffering from umati These are the words of Mrs. W. 1 Baldwin, a highly respected resi- dent of this piece: And Mrs. Bald- win gives her r "T was ieket helpless | , With rheumatism for two years," she states. "I got medicine from the dector, and tried several other remedies, but nothing helped me, Then one of my neighbors advised me to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. I bought four boxes, and they helped almost from the first,. I have used nearly two dozen bexes and am nearly cured.' That rheumatism is one one of the results of diseased kidneys is again shown in Mrs. Baldwin's ease. She had headaches, stiffness of the joints and backache, her sleep was broken and unrefreshing, and she was always tired and ner- Her limbs swelled and she yous. was always thirsty, These are all symptoms of diseased kidneys. When, she cured her kidneys with Dedd's Kidney Pills the symptoms vanished--and so-did the rheuma- tism. . THE SKILFUL ESKIMOS. Fine Art Exhibited in Handling Harpoon and Line. 7 The Eskimo is said to be a skil- ful huntsman, and especially in the capturing of 'seals does he display | , considerable ingeruity. Whenever the seal hunter has gone to the trouble of splicing a fine spear handle, he does not wish to break it, so the point, explains a writer in The Southern Workman, is put on with a "toggle"' or joint. When a seal or walrus is har- pooned, the sudden struggle of the anjmal does not break the spear, but merely unjoints the point, and the more the animal struggles the more the point turns crosswise in the wound and the firmer tes bees barbs ft. The animal merely swims away or dives deep into the sea, carrying with the spear. The long leather thong which is attached to it uncoils from the deck of the kyack and plays out. It car- ries with it a drag like a kite, but does not pull hard enough to break the line. Even this drag is made skin stretched over a spliced framewor When the line is al] played out it is seen to be attached to a float which is also carried on the deck) of the boat. This is made of an in- flated skin. It has plugs and at- tachments cleverly carved from ivory, for wood i is far too precious to be used in this land of ivory 50 for from the forests. The float serves as a buoy, 80 that the Eskimo can follow the ani- mal and fin struggles and dies. en, too, the float keeps the catch from sinking and being lost in depths, ----__-- kk --_ Magic "Nerviline" Cures Toothache, Earache IT RELIEVES EVERY EX- TERNAL PAIN Cures Colds, Coughs, Sore Throat Tight Chest and Hoarseness. It's when sickness comes at night, when you are far from the drugs or the doctor, that's when you need Nerviline most. Experienced mothers are never without it. One of the chil- dren may have toothache. Without pain is relieved quickly. earache, perhaps a stiff neck, or one of the kiddies coughing with a bad chest cold. Nothing can give quicker results than vigorous fae with this old-time family rem Nerviline pad too eaatel, a valuable to be wi For lumbago, lame back, station or neuralgia there is no liniment with half of Nerviline's pow- er to penetrate and ease the pain. family safeguard, as some- thing to ward of sickness and to cure the minor ills that will occur in evy- ery family, to cure pain anywhere, you can-find nothing to obi with which for forty family remedy in the Dominion. most economical size is the large 50c. family size bottle, emai trial size 25c, 1 dealers sell Nerviine An Intricate Story. "Refore my marriage I told her y past life. Don't you think I showed a wonderful courage?' "Yes, and a still more saopeae : memory.' it after it gives up its| Jer the ocean's], One "BEOMO QUININE" b All ready baked 'by "CONVEYANCES OF MADEIRA. **Stone Boat" Vehi aren Writing of a trip to Alg cox says: chal, were such curious looking vehicles. They resembled the old stone had seen as a child on the farm in Wisconsin, with a sort of phaeton top, and harnessed to each stone boat carriage was a pair of robust oxen.* Over the cob- blestone streets the sledges glided easily, and where the road was le- vel the oxen were urged into a mild gallop. 'Beside the ox sledges there were hammock chairs, carried by strong Portuguese men, one at each end { the vehicle. These conveyances proved delightfully comfortable for a lady who wished to make a tour of the shops; and the price was most reasonable. The anon along | t the streets were gay with bright color, and filled with bargains in linen' embroidered by 'the native ortuguese women, baskets made on the island, odd chains, and small urios, "One phaeton carried us to the end of the line, where we took a scenic railway and ascended the re- mainder of the two thousand feet summit, which overlooked the town. Here we were confronted by guides to various points of historic and scenic beauty, and finally landed in large baskets, fashioned to hold two or three people, and with a Portu- eso man at either side holding the basket back by # strong cord, Be eeeata down the hill to the | THE AGONIES OF HADES Aren't supposed to be worse than a bad corn. For years the standard re- medy has been Putnam's Corn Extgact- or. It painlessly removes worst corn in 24 hours: tr# Putnam's Extract- or, 26c. at all dealgte. Sorry He Spoke. Hub (on-street)---That gentleman who just went by was saying to the lady with him, "T can't afford it Wife--Huh! I'll guarantee it's something his wife wants, not some- thing he wants himself. ce was one dol- ours truly. CHAS. F. TILTON. A Hot One. Hub--A word to the wise is suf- ient, my dear. Wife--I know it, Harry. That's why I have to be prc Me and eitlantingly talking to you. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. Bauldy--"There's nothing like ad- yertising for bringing a man out." Asinus--"Yes; out at the elbows.' Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. @ Tommy's Reply. Tommy had broken one of the schoo] rules, and the teacher told him to tell his mother about it, and also about the punishment he had received. She thought his mother might thrash him again. The next morning she asked, "Well, Tommy, did you tell your mother about your bad behavior yesterday and how J punished you!' 'Yes, ma'am," replied Tommy, quickly. "Well, what did she say?' "Said she'd like to wring your neck," replied Tommy calmly. Ella Wheeler Wilcox Describes the & WONDERFUL DISCOVERY ers by | way of Madeira, Ella Wheeler Wil-, 'Waiting at the dock to convey think! As the passengers to the town of Fun- | of Zam-Buk is ae that or ur Fairville, Sept. * 1902, Minard's ae Co., Limite Dear Sir wish " inform oa that we y gam Weather Signs, The repeated washing of its face by the- fomil cat, the apparent nearness of distant objects, unusual activity on the part of fowls, are all indications that a storm is brewing. There are signs more easily serie the city, dwellers and which will also be of value to country folk. Tf, on picking up the newspaper in the morning, it displays a tendency to tear easily, a downpour of rain is not far off. Rain is also foretold when the contents of the salt-cellar break easily, and your kid gloves will have a cold clammy feeling and be hard to pull on. Even the walking stick and umbrella will act as a barometer. Before rain handles will be slightly damp, and stick to the fingers when | FIER NAILS DROPPED OFF Beneath ath Lifeless - Fingers a Sleepless Nights. Used Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Oint- ment. - Complaint Gone = 70 Agricola St., Halifax, N. §8.--"Some sway from the flesh of the fingers and then fell off again. "Having heard a great deal of Outicura Seite ad Casheians toons for a sample of --_--_ ry An eminent scientist, the other day, gave his opinion that tne most won- derful discevery of recent years was th aorta of Buk, Just soon as a single thin iayer ,@ Bore, such injury is against peter poison! Not one species of dead st been found that Zam-Buk son a kill! ie "Then 'det. As soon as spre ir is applied to a sore, or a cut, or skin disease, it stops the pe That is why children are such friends of Zam-Buk. They care nothing for the science of the th All they know is that Zam-Buk stops their pain. Mothers should never forget Again. As soon as Zam-Bok is $0. plied to a wound or to a diseas part, ~ cells we the skin's car face 50 mulated that new healthy 1 isu is attekiy formed. This forming of fresh healthy tissue from below is Zam-Buk's secret of heuling. bag: tissue thus formed is worked up o the surface and literally casts off the diseased tissue above it, This is why Zam-Buk cures are permanent, Only the other day Mr. Marsh, -of 101 Delorimier Ave., Montreal, called upon the Zam-Buk Co. and told them that for over twenty-five years i had been a martyr to eczema. eB hands were at one time so cotneed with sores that he had to sleep in . To-day--over three years after his cure of a disease h ad for twenty-five years--he is still cured, and has had no trace of any return of the eczema! All druggists sell Zam-Buk at 50c. box, or we will send free trial box if you send this advertisement and a Ic. stamp (to pay return postage). AG tress Zam-Buk Co.? Tor A Long Drought. They were ce the drought in 2 small Wes' and some- one asked an old ad facet: 'How would you like to see rain, Hiram?' "T don't care about it myseli,"' ~ replied, "but I've got a boy six ears old who would like to see it Tain.' it Boap I rubbed the Cuticura Ointment all around the Sager ends aed ese _bloves to then again in the si anlied my hands with the Cuticura Soap. The Outicura Soap and Ointment had a cooling effect and after using them for a short while I was sure Ernest Beckford, Oct. 12, 1912. oC sold by druggists and A-single set is often sufficient. free sample of each, with 32-p. book, post-card to Potter Sarg & Chem. Corp., Dept. D, Boston, U. 8. PARMS FOR SALE DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, . Ww. Toronto. F YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A fruit, Btock. -- or Dairy yart, write W. Daw Bra omeuies or Colborne Rt.. Toro T-eonts, ----$-- a WwW. og Colborne St ct tte SALE. ntlon a enewa me 5 tbilahtn Waet Adela tte Reenet NURSERY STOCK. ss ~*TRAWBERRIES, RASPERERR'ES, Bae NS Varieties.- Free Catalog eCo Son, Grovesend, Ontario. MISCELLANEOUS 1 MANCER, 1UMOBS." buales, EPOY C internal- and exter ow with ont pain ys a home.<reatment. Write ue hefore lat#tDr, Bellman Medical NEhoited, ° call newon it The Heart ofa Pianoisthe Action, Insist.on the "OTTO HIGEL" Piano Action ---- -- 350 SHOT AIR RIFLE, repeater, hammerless Shé Wears a "a Hobble Skirt. What has become of the old- fashioned girl who wore a fascina- tor? Minard"s Liniment Cures Colds, Etc Something to Remember. 'My boy, I want you to remember one thing."' - "What's that, dad " "Notwithstanding all you hear about big steals, people do and can get rich honestly. or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart --Soothes.._Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murive Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c. } d|25c, 50c. Eye Boo Handicapped. Pech A igs witness, Tre sworn to tell the truth and nm | thing but the truth.' Witness--"Sudge, I am trying my durndest to do it, but that pie-faced slob of a lawyer there won't let me.' Original Definition.. For half an hour past the teacher had been busily sowing the seeds of knowledge, and realized that the time had come at last for her to reap the harvest. "Now, boys,"' she asked, can tell me what an oyster is? For a while silence filled the class-' room. On all sides little brows were puckered in strained effort at q7) R af. a of the bowels is an ptecinte nate isons the y, causing biliousness, indi- ~gestion and sick , om rae mineral te lini ing "a the Moree's Indian Root Pills staple le late the bowels effectively without weak- sickening or griping. gen oail f . 'or fu t tae. juine, nase Taxart 5 a tg ta QUININE. Loo for ® mature (of &. W. GROVE. Cures a Col One Day. Bice bei Root Pille ED. _ ISSUE 8. remembrance Then a ale of knowledge began to shine in little Tommy's eyes. Eager- ly he raised his hand, and---- "T know," he cried. "It's a fish built like a nut?!' Standing on His Head. Teddy's mother was walking down, the garden walk wien she was hor-| rified at seeing her son standing on his head against the garden wall. 'Teddy, you wretch !" sho cried. "What are' you doing now?' "Standing on my head,". replied Teddy. Didn't you tell me to play at something that wouldn't wear my boots out?" Try Murine Eye Remedy' f you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes | Murine Eye Salve " Aseptic Tubes, | 3 Free by Mail, | An le cs Syss tant head Our Murine Eye Remedy Co.. Chicago Minard"s Liniment Cures Carget In Cows. | R lever action, gun metal finish, 'FREE fo! Piles i es in 6 cal - 'he a elling 24 of our "peautiful Grae oe Drugeisis nd mo AZO af"once NG, at 10 nts each. ya OINTMENT f Faile to oe "Troning, Blind, onc No mney requ n or Protruding Piles. Fi if wish. Chiet | tte gives relief. sc &o., 18 Chiet Bldg. Beebe, MIST | PROOF! -- <A) wr hate polish. nar fee cae fie she wok Peg = DOES YOUR | MAPLE GROVE gees 4 PAY? (aes What's the use of wasting time and using' out of dat oiling once ances that make poor s p? fst in a "Champt Evaporator. 'lake a little comfo and ake better syrup, which means more money for you. Made 2. different sizes. rite at ones for our free booklet and catalog Sram Mra. CO. serge sia 68 Wellington St., "Montreal, Qm. Canadian Hair Restorer ore Grey Halr to aiees Se lon Two might estores | use from same becomes black, ot Scalp Disc Satisfaction rasrant ec or money Not so res, Canadlan Hair Restorer Co., WINDSOR, ONT. ve been usin, Bg rd a food man many fact, atte tet ot en te Dr. B. J. KENDALL COMPANY Enosburg Falls, Vermont, U.S.A. 7