Atwood Bee, 6 Mar 1914, p. 1

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ST ae ae ee peers. et ATWOOD, ONT. FRIL LOCAL March came in roaring. Mrs: Fred Liersch is able to be up again after a severe illness. Miss Annie Lochhead, of Stratford spent over Sunday at her home. 'Red Clover, Alsike and Timothy. Good test, No. 1 & 2, at MITCHELL'S. 'Miss Alice Henry, of Fullarton, is spending this week with her cousin, -Miss"Annie Jolly. Born.--In Monkton, on Tuesday, March 3rd, 1914, to Mr. and Mrs. -, | James Erskine, a son. BorN.--In Elma, on Tuesday, "|March'3rd, 1914, to Mr. -and Mrs. Chas, McNichol, a son. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Marshall, of | Fullarton, spent the wéék-end with |W Mr. and Mrs. Jobn Roger. Born.--In Elma, on Tuesday, the 24th February, 1914, to Mr. and Mrs. Horace Bedwell, a daughter. Messrs. Wm. and McKenzie Edgar, of Ayr, are yisiting with Mr. and '| Mrs. Thos. Anderson, 10th con. Mr. Robt. Hamilton, of Millbank, conducted services in the Methodist church on Sunday in the absence of the pastor. PATRIOTIC CONCERT. --In the Music Hall, Atwood, on Friday, March 6th, 1914, under the auspices of the "The Bowling Club," beginning will consist of violin selections, reci- tations, duett, quartette and the Sovereignty of England, Scotland, Ireland, Germany, United States and Canada will be presented in story and song. Characters -- England, Messrs. T. G. Ratcliffe and Geo. E. Cox; Scotland, Messrs. Geo. Loch- head and Hugh Porter; Ireland, Mr. {A.B Terry and Miss Edith Ham. Germany, Messrs. R. A. > | mond ; «| Thompson, Get Heailton and Mrs. | will be represented in by "Flag." Will be educational as well as comical, learn,-laugh and be sociable. All seats reserved and for sale at Drug Store, "Now" Adults 25 cents. Children 15 cents.--W. R. Erskine, President. Geo. Lochhead, Secretary. at 8 o'clock p.m. The programme| rE. G. Coghlin. "Bach eos in "Costu Room lots of "Wallpapers, worth 15c and 16c, for about 7c on MIT- CHELL'S Bargain Table. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lambe and Miss Madge Donaldson spent from Saturday until Monday at Harriston. Born.--In Elma, on Wednesday, the 25th February, 1914, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fleischauer, a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Coghlin and Miss Pearl blin left on Wednes- day for their hOme in Red Deer, Alta. It's early for Wallpapers, but you should see the snaps in good rem- nants at MITCHELL'S. ~ Mr. John Saunders, of Grey, had the misfortune to loose a valuable horse last week with lockjaw. Mr. Geo. Mills, butcher, of town, had his supply of ico put- in last week by Mr. Ducklow of the 12th con, The Methodists of Donegal have 'decided fo canvass their congregation to reduce their church debt to the amount of $500 Mr. Thos. McFarlane purchase from Mr. Mosrison last week his one hundred acre farm on con. 7, who gets possession on March the 20th. At a congregational meeting of "2 Methodist church held a week ago, i was decided to leaye the question af rebuilding the church. with the trus- tee board. Miss Nellie McKeown who has spent the past month visiting with Mr. end Mrs. W. G. Inglis, left for her home at North Battleford on Friday. For SALE.--Ore barn 40x60, tim- ber all in good shape also a quantity of good lumber. For further particul- ars apply to J. M. Smith, lot 23, con. 12, Elma. The Elma Council will meet this Saturday, March 7th, at ten o'clock 5 ie ag with her sister, Mrs. Percy Greensides, was taken ill with scarlet fever last week. Her mother from Brantford is nursing her. A social will be held in Knox church, Moncrieff, on Friday evening March 6th. An old time ladies' aid meéting will be held. A good pro- gram and refroshments will be served. Duri -will te 'held in St. Alban's church, +members of the Canadian Order of {spent last week with friends on the ENGLISH CHURCH t we night services Atwood, on Wednesday evenings at 7.30 p.m. and at Henfryn at 7.45 p.m. on ere evenings. ' .Cardof Thanks. To the friends who cams to us in. our hour of trouble, and contributed all that human kindness-could sug- gest, to help and: comfort, we return most heartfelt thanks and to the Foresters and Sons of. Scotland we extend our deepest gratitude. MAITLAND. Miss Mable Hammond visited friends in Atwood last week. Miss Hattie Hammond, of Atwood L7th con. = Mr. Harold Hammond is in Listo- wel attending the official kesting. of dairy herds. Mr. Jas. Ellacott, 16th. con., has sold his farm to'a gentleman from a Northern township, and will have an auction sale in a week or so. -_ Rural Delivery Routes. A return tabled in the Commons Monday afternoon' of last week by the Postmaster-General shows that since 1911 there have been put in operation 1,315 rural mail. delivery routes, serying 62,183 families. liyery routes have. been. opened in Mrs. STEVENSON AND FAMILy. |. The} greater number of these rural de-|: % Ontario, where the total number now |» in operation is 920; The western | or for general township business also for Manitoba 9, in Saskatchewan. 5,- Alberta 14, hd in British "Golueabin 21. A new travelling library is now x the Drug store which contains many fine books, such as "The Amateur Gentlemen, " "The Way Home," "Brayo Bob" "Brock Centenary" and "Manual of Farm Animals." je orl 10" ---- )(c {Ol 9 [or] New Firm to our selling. " finich, J. M. Schinbein & Son RE-ORGANIZED Having taken my son John Ariel into partnership. The new firm in future will be J. M. Schinbein & Son. HIS will mean still better service, the very closest attention customers. We have inagurated a parcel post department. We will prepay all light weight dry goods within a radius of 20 miles. Sam- ples sent on request. We will make this store as good, if not bet- ter than any city store and we promise you big bargain in future. 110 pieces of new prints at special 12 1-2c. The best makes, Ger-. marter, F, W. Grafton & Ce\ all new paterns, fast color and soft 80 pieces stand Crums at 15c, 78 piéces of new Gingham, Anderson make, 8c, 10c, 12 1-2 and 15c 50 pieces crepe with border and without, flower or Dolly Varden paterns, They are the most beautiful goods, selling at 15c. New wash goods, new dress goods, new silks, long cloth, pillow cas- ing, sheeting, shirting cottonade; laces, embroidery, ribbons, new Ladies' suits, jackets, men's and boys' clothing. all balance of winter goods going rm cost and below gost. J. M. SCHINBEIN & SON Listowel ee = i ; More close and careful buying and (e) portion of the Province is now es-}, pecially well served by rural delivery. | pane an instrumental 'on the piano too oe ot a 1, the opeping number} by Miss Husser followed by a few remarks from the chairman. Scene I. was then given--Antonio, a friend of Bassanio, procures a sum of money for Bassanio, and pledges a pound of his flesh in non payment of same. Antonio's ships, on which he expects the money for payment to the Jew, being late, causes the trouble which arouse in Scene II. Before the se- cond act was giyen, Messrs. Robb, Porter and Peebles played a selection on the yiolins that received much appluse. Scene II. -- Antonio was brought up fot trial before the Duke of Venice. Bellario, a learned judgo, was sent for, but being ill, sent a substitute in Portia. Morissa, her clerk, accompanied her and both ap- peared in disguise. The witnesses in the case was Basgsanio, Antonio and Gratiano. The Judge granted the Jew, Shylock, one pound of Antonio's flesh, but warned him in'so doing not to take one jot of blood. On hearing this the jew 'withdrew his charge, but is pardoned his life by the Duke. The \judge in remuneration for ser- vices asked for Bassanio's ring, and the judge's clerk claims Gratiano's ring. Mr. and Mrs. H. Porter was called on for a duett followed by the last scene--Jéssica and Lorenzo, two lovers, were interrupted in Portio's garden by Stephano and Lancelot, two messengers, who brings word of the return of their mistress. - After the return of Portia and her maid Merissa, their husbands with Ant- onio arrived Merissa and Gratiano started into a quarrel over the ring which she had given hin His ex- planation for giving it away, tells how Bassanio gave his ring to the judge who defended Antonia. Portio then |- asked for explanation from Bassanio. In this quarrel it was found out that Portia was disguished as the judge, thus receiving Bassanio's ring and Meriss, as the judge's clerk, received ratiano's ring. Following are the cast of characters :-- Duke, E. G. Coghlin; Shylock, Geo. E. Cox; Antonio, John I. Ballantyne; Bass- rar Lorne A. Vallance ; ae Miss Five Rose Flour; sien Queen; co from the Lake. of the igs Woods Milling Co., we also have Milverton flour, bran, shorts ,and low grade on hand always. For Calfraising we haye Bibby's cream equivalent. al, Try us for feed. Cald- well's cream substitute: Oilcake and Flax Seed Me For hens atid small chicks, we have grit, oyster shell, ground bone, scratch feed and chick feed--try it. We pay the highest market - price for Butter and Eggs. -- E. T. Greensides & Son Phone 5 We will sell the balance: of our Winter Goods in- cluding Fur Coats, Overcoats, Furs, Underwear, Wool Blankets, Sweater coats, Pea Jackets, Caps and Fur Caps at from one quarter to one-half re- duction on regular prices. Here are a few of our Prices we Best Shirting 12c lic up to 20c per yard. = Kingcot Ginghams in pure Indigo dye only 15c and 18c. on New Spring Goods Dainty Crepes at 124 a yd., attractive designs. Linen "wings in pluin and fancy weaves, per yd. at 20c, 25c, 30c, 35 to 50c a yard. itn mies seetnes at 15 to 25c per yard < An élaborate.. showing of Ratines at all prices. Our celebrated Grafton's Prints in all colors at 12c Come in and give us a trial and be convinced. "Highest Prices Paid for Produce. ~ W. R. ERSKINE, Phone 1. Main Street, Atwood ; Merissa, . Edgar ; Gratiano, M. R. Mecdico: Salerio, W.E. McBain; Clerk, W. Donald- son; Lorenzo, Geo. E. Cox; Jessica, Miss A. Switzer; Stephano, Wm. mee Lancelot, W. E, McBain. 'Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S ASTORIA Kase Phone 2-12 Z 3 ~~ a : ge : # ~¢ ~ si ty a 2 = = nee tS : -, Pras " te a My a " a : . Ne: *! "s2 4 . + c EP k SE < J . . -s Pa, | <a" ae ee ~% hada _ iigsh 5 4» . a F : re eae a7 aaa . R. 61914 ly SEM. H26ypixd. Prornieshn. i a EE ont "i pre . : ™%-F ta eo ee = a) ag a | a > : oa Pe rs ~ a , - eh i oe Bue * ' ae : Dae - 7" Py . ~~ > * >a ** j p Ek sa "THE, NYAL "STORE," a ae YE hae B serv Baijony oo * Gbutoh § 1athiOan' Grey |. "y ee ité Whitield's Reboot }- "J a Ho will be held 60° Sunday and é- 'F; Monday, Maret: 8th = raed Sun-| ci ©: y gone rs" ing ¥ day &th--10 Rev: = . , " g ~ > Ww. H: McAllister, se : -f Ex: '> 7 .. Pr"... ® ti "the Ennion Con4 + ¢ Se * ra ' tas reno wil) »- Abethis service, . 31 ney , 4 ¢ ao he: aE xalso Médicate:-the eburcts| ya Musighy Unio Chureh Oboir. 2.80 sa € Revagig Wren'>M A., of Brussels. sill Old-Pebple suffer tost from bitte irgubles--their Ae) er puet a ee ed bidapys ave dohe the mostiogrk. That is why = : Mo wr'Will be the' preacher. A apy d6the Upst friends of Ngst's Rifcey Rite ave' ° ee gpediamo fering faken ateach service. thosé who aré Advaticed in years." "We'sell man Mer.9th -- Afternoon 2:30.) to olf people and always with emtire satisfaction --St 5 Rébds. Messrs, Lundy, j If your kidneys are: bothering: you, buy a Bde box, C. J fabonse, Hussérend Wren.) of Nyal's Kiddey Pills atid" prove theif sbetli Solem Mites Beatrice add Flor- ") 0 tees in '|eneeamrhiticll and, R. MePdbald me? Ch > Daidn choir Blocutien ists: yg Hatyisda>pf Moa: c $8 AQnaa Norswortby, of MEBbemi." Sto Sen. He ~ E. G. COGHLIN Fo "will -be served Pro ' : Biclock--Addtesses-- Revs.) tad? "RR ULI O™ is I ag I la Mes , MeCyloch and A. | --. x = BE. use Solgiste--Rev. J a! L. eta and R Mr Donald G Cho jgn choir. Elocutiogtst : . cH lle of tt Just got in a new stock "= re Maple Syrup ands Tho Gold Médalist. and Post { Pipes. Cali and aée uhes also sonae Byrap mixture Gra "AbAlma College. © Adv e tar: mi 50e.fér every body Lickéte, - | h Si G ry will j te both programs and Aled bs roce the F: mday; March 16th NO é a tbbert, chairman @fh LENT. $5 w IN : will preach at) thp-eerGext in 3D yours. <We linge ® splendid' assortment of I ad2® p m. S paptied fishy; fresh fist ang figi¢ih brine to serye your lenton oF: >t - ' rei powey te Note . Has A Mubesesigrsins WOT Chae, yp ae. «Wa» conse oe capt wlbe. ee Whe gi ecessful N m1 dia per rr» 2a i evgks oonmap sul ide af 2 for B56 - Se aan * Boat Sabuo0p + pare Sink a caokial rear or for, B5e. 5 ~ peat" tin see Ni giesh ae orale 53 Setiety eee: : Hey 2» ae > ahaa ; ¥ ovening with the largest, . + ei ~ it they shove ind this sea) Hp ES 3.8 os na doubt thag the et x a: ht Sao ay e,."3 fof Venies } ct: ae sew ae y a he g Pe Ra eee inj' M fe called the meeting | ie . "We hewee "another ate ab

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