--Sure!" somehow seem to match Weed the Rich, » Red Blood Dr. America, laden Williams' Pink Pills Ac- oil, which was wrecked on the tually Make Omics none y Polvhe 2 hoor in ee had " broken 6 r, thrown Thin blooded people do nog re- ies i ite. pe main so from choice, but from in- aes difference ; in some cases from de- spair. __zeowle who are pale, lan- guid, wi th palpitation of the heart, some difficulty in breathing and 4 tendency to be easily i are suf- sina from thin b . They need the resolution to take the He t treatment and stick to it un- til cured. The remedy that can be relied upon is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. With every dose they make new blood, and new blood means health and strength. The red cheeks, good appetite, in- creasing weight and strength that follow the use of these Pills prove their great value to thin-blooded o? Here is an example: Mrs. Steele, Afton Road, ELL, irth T took : '* Following childb ep pain in head which grew 50 bad I had to oall in a doctor. He months, but still the pain remain- , and my condition was growing pitiable. I lost my appetite, and Was 60 weak and run down that -- no more than walk across & as pale as a corpse, ore the Ps te tal my friends he} 4), had but little hopes of my getting better. A cousin who came to see me urged me to try Dr. Williams' 'Pink Pills, and I sent and got a supply. In about a month after beginning their use I had muclr re- lief, and by the time I had taken six more boxes I was fully cured and felt as well as ever I did in my life. I have never had a twinge of the pain since, and feel that I owe my life to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, as ot cured me after the doctor had failed.' Sold by all medicine dealers or sent by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. THE PAY OF DIVERS. Contractor Says Ty Two Experts Get $100 a Week at Work. A romantic and, in many cases, highly lucrative career is suggested by the interesting statement made by Alfred Gann, famous marine sal- vage contractor of Whitstable, England. Whitstable, though celebrated for its native oysters, has an equal title to fame, according to Mr. Gann, in its divers, and a diver is always assured of work. "Our divers are, or, at all events, used to be, the finest in the world," said the veteran contractor, who hag raised, salved, or surveyed nearly 200 vessels. "Our own men are as well known at Lagos as at Colombo and Montevideo, "Two who were with us are now earning about $100 each week in South America. A good man ought to be always worth his $15 a week, with perhaps $5.25 a tide and a commission on the cargo he salves. "Foremost among the things a diver has to learn--and with fewer wrecks this takes him many years nowadays--is the knack of finding his way about inside a ship under water and in the dark. "The difficulty is accentuated when the diver is working under the hatches of a submerged ship. He has to see then with the palms ee his hands and the tips of his bare fingers for eyes. A single slip good | other medicine for their little ones. Speaking Of Lunch the wife said, "Bring home a package of Post , Toasties Toasties are brome egg good at any meal, and the appetite of both home folks and guests. Bits of selected Indian brown -- that's Toasties. Fresh, tender and crisp, ready-to-eat direct from the package. With cream and a sprinkle of sugar-- Post "Worse still, the to cut our divers' air tubes and life lines, and we had to appeal to the gunboat, under whose protection we successfully salved the cargo. $500,000 worth of wool on board. It took eight of our divers two months to salve it, and by then the went down. Wool had risen in price in the interval. ciminsimnngin Alenia WILD PONIES NEAR LONDON. Estate of Lord Luoas in New For- est Contains the Breed. In New Forest near London, on the estate of Lord Lucas, Britieh liamentary secretary of the of agriculture, there is a breed of wild ponies th ives a6 prairies of South Africa. These ies are emall and abso- lutely wild. wat about five months 6 foals are old enough to cap- tured and taken to os all over the untry--an unpleasant cou change for the little wild. things. They have first, however, to .be "rounded up," 'and this is done by their owner and his friends, and -it takes a great deal of doing. ~ particularly lively colt may take two or three hours before he can be got into the fixed enclosure. Thus the pleasures of wild riding in the bush are brought 'to within fifty miles of London, says the Bos- ton Transcript. Riding in the New Forest in this way is dangerous on account of the bogs, and it takes a clever rider and pony. Lord Lucas is a tal] man who carries the mark 'of adventure of a more dangerous sort in a slight limp brought back from South Africa. se BABY'S OWN TABLETS CURE SICKLY BABIES If your baby is os aldkly, if his Little els need regulating, no other medi- cine will haye such prompt or bene- Concerning them Mrs. -- G. Crockett, Glenberrie, N.S., writes: "T have used Baby's Own Tablets for stomach troubles, vomiting and iy fag and in every instance they have proved successful. I would use no other medicine for my little ones." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. a Angeline: 'I wonder if I shall ever catch Edwin flirting?' Mabel: "T always thought that was how you did catch him, dear.' Piles -- - eo be aig -- Druggists refu OINTMENT fails cn oure Koning, or Protruding Piles. gives rellef. 50c PAZO Blind, First application If a man admires a woman she should at least admire his good taste. Minard's "Lintment Cures Garget in Cows. a CONSUMPTION IN ENGLAND. Report on Nation's Health Shows It Is On Decrease. A wonderful hope that some time the terrible plague of consumption will be vanquished in England is held out by the report of the Local Government Board. Oareful read- ing of this report--it is over 400 pages long--makes it quite clear that tuberculosis is decreasing in the country. Ever in those great centres of tuberculous disease-- Liverpool, Manchester, Birming- ham and Sheffield--the scourge is- dying. Modern sanitation may pos- sibly account for it, but it can only account for a very little. Tuberculosis kills men in prefer- ence to women. The report says '-- "For males at most ages Liver- pool has the highest death rate, Manchester coming mext. For te males Liverpool again has the est death rate, the. death rates in Manchester and Birmin v- ing a similar course that of Shef- field being somewhat lower. It is not unlikely that some of the ex- cess of both Manchester and Liver- pool is caused by the immigration of casual laborers. This would in- clude the immigration of natives of gold, love? > "fhe Memory Lingers" Ireland, among whom the axerege Get Catarrhozone, nse it, an According to pa ee by Klondike Bridegroom -- Worth Toasties sold by grocers ' tuberculosis death rate isthigh. The|are sure of cure--beware oe unttativon the British Board of e, sup- your weight in gold, pet? Why, h share of migration in produc-}#nd substitutes. Large size Catarrh-| plemented by data supplied by blame my eyés if I-don't think --eévery where. ing theee high hisis death rate |0Z0D¢: with hard rubber talent lasts trades unions, organized workers you're worth your weight in canned Canadian Postam Oereal Co. Lia 'eannot be determined at' present. trea ak al aout: cor the «ance |in Great Britain have lost nearly : goods |" Windsor, Ontario. The tuberculosis death tate of these Szone Co. Buffalo, N.Y. and King-| $90,000,000 in wag from _ stop- : citics has: shown great reduction." 'ston, Ont. pages oe to trade disputes during! Ep, 4. ISSUE 9--14-} ard"s Ciniment Cures Diphtheria. : SS oe ' ie eee so sae sf S zi ' Heyy : A Meas S eran - a ah ae oe 5 fi So ca * "The Darling Downs had nearly | » wool was worth more than when it red ' free and unteamenaed as on the| man stomach is out of order or his bow-|. FIN DODD'S KIDNEY PILLs. Mrs. John Cabot, After Six Yoary' Suffering, Tried Dodd's Kidney Pills and Found New Life and Energy. White Head Perce, Que., Feb. = ere, expresses her enthusiasm in these is ty Highest grade beans kept whole and mealy by perfect baking, retaining their full strength. Flavored with delicions sauces, They have no equal. poy recommend Dodd's Kid- y Pills, There is nothing bet- Asked to give . her experience, Mrs. Cabot continued: '"'My trou- ble started in a cold,.and I suffered for six years. Rheumatism, neur- algia, stiffness of the joints, cramps in the musoles oo flutter- inst were among symptome, finally Bright's Sineaze developed. It was then I started to use Dodd's Kidney Pills, and they helped me almost from the start. After tak- ing four boxes I feel like a new wo- Dodd's Kidney Pills cure the kid- neys. Healthy kidneys strain all the impurities and poisons--all the seeds of disease--out of the blood. Dodd's Kidney Pills not only cure the disease but by ensuring blood give new life and energy to every part of the body. =e BIG COTTON CROP IN INDIA. Increase of 14 Por Cent. Over Last Year Is Reported. India promises to have a bumper cotton crop this season. The latest estimate places the area under cot- ton at 23,000,000 acres, or 3,000,000 acres ahead of last year's figures, which means an increase of 14 per cent. On the other hand the total outturn is expected to reach 4,900,- 000 bales of 400 pounds each, against 4,300,000 bales last season The increase here is 15 per cent. The latest report on the crop in the Punjab is particularly gratify- ing. It shows the area sown 45 1,789,100 acres, being 25 per cent. more than last year. The yield is estimated at 490,061 bales of igen. and| When one reads the report of an good | Were disturbed. He found APrx...1a 18 USEFUL. Italian Savant Finds Organ Has Special Function. Is the appendix after all to be- dicitis soon to go out of fashion! These questions may well be asked Italian savant, Signor Morgera, who tells the French Academy of Sciences of his experiments with dogfish in the Bay of Naples. Cigner © Rormre found that these 8 possess an organ Shich ona be analogous to the|** appendix in man, After taking out this gland Signor Morgera discov- ered that the contraction of the in- testines and ite necessary functions a certain kind of sugar was secreted by the appendix of these animals, and that if he introduced four or five drops of sugar into the intes- tine of an animal whose appendix had been removed the action of the intestine was perfectly normal. Several French savants, Dr. Rob- inson, Prof. Blanchard, Dr. Brumpt, and others, seem also to be of the opinion that this much maligned organ of the human body has a particular and' very impor- ignored ¢_____-- "An Old Offender Caught For yeare he has caused endless trouble, but when Putnam's Corn Extractor was applied, he came out roots and all. Any corn or wart cured in twenty-four hours "Potnam's Extractor," 2c. at all #Exceptions. under cotton has increased by 61 per cent. and .the estima' out- turn by 97 per cent., as compared bei last year. In Jullundur the rea has inoreased by 44 per cent. ane the estimated yield by 175 per cent. In Lahore the area has increased by 26 per cent. and the yield by 28 per cent. In Rawal Pindi the area has ine reased by only 4 per cent., but the yield is estimated to be 22 per cent better, while in Multan, with an increased area of only 7 per cent., it is estimated that the yield will be 100 per cent. better than last year. ---- You May Have Catarrh And N Not Know It HEAD AND THROAT BECOME DISEASED WITH CATARRH FROM NEGLECTING COLDS AND COUGHS. Catarrh Is Treacherous--When Fully Developed Is a Horror--Note its mptoms. "Ts your breath bad?" "Is your throat sore?" "Do you cough at night?" "Is your voice raspy?" "Have you nasal discharge?" "Do you spit up phle "Has your nose an ae feeling?" "Have you pain across the eyes?" "Is your throat irritable, weak?" "Do you sleep with mouth open?" "Are you subject to sneezing fits?" "Do your ears roar and buzz?" "Are you hard of hearing?" If you have any of these indications of Catarrh, cure the trouble now-- stop it before it gets into the lungs or bronchial tubes--then it may be too late. The remedy is ag argue pes B a direct ye cure that place antiseptic balsam: d healing 'eal cation on 7 'pot that's tainted by catarrhal g There: can e* no failure with Ca- tarrhozone--for years It has success- fully cured cases that resisted other remedies. "No one can know better than I, the enormous canaie one gets from the very firet day's use of Ca- tarrhozone," writes T. T. Hopkin, of Westvale, P.Q. "I had for years a stubborn case of Bronchial Catarrh, ear noises, headache, sore eyes, stop- ped up nose and throat. It gy ey my appetite and made my breath rank. Catarrhozone cured ate turn is estimated at 76,185 bales, or Take gr AKAT fed a BR ato Be at tj re 52 per cent. more than Fifalis to pure. W/GROVE'S wigna- In the Umballa division the area |ture is én each box. fic '*'Beeing is believing,"' quoted the sage. "Oh, I don't know. I see en every day whom I wouldn't be- ve under oath.' chs Oold in = Day QUININE And Jam. "How does your little boy take his emulsion?' "With compulsion."' Try Murine Eye Remedy If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes or Granulated E tlids. Doesn't Sm --Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, -- ne Eye Books Free Li Mail. 'onic Good for All Eyes that Need Care iaene Eye Remedy Co. Chicago If mirrors portrayed us as others see us, we would never use them. Minard's THE HUNGRY HAT. Liniment Cures. Distemper. eee How a Doctor Got Even With an Avaricious Hotelkeeper. A certain Doctor Heim, a Ger- man man of science, once stopped for luncheon at a hote)] in Wies- baden. The chair next to him was eer eo he put his hat upon , and sat down. When he came '2 settle his account, he was sur- prised to find that he was charged for two plates but the head waiter insisted t he had reserved a second place, because no one could sit where his hat lay; so Doctor Heim paid without a word. The next day he returned to the hotel, sat at the same table, and put his hat, as before, on the chair next to him. He ate a hearty meal, and as the waiter was about to clear away the dishes, he said, "Wait a minute, friend. My hat here, that is also paying for a din- ner, is very hpngry,-as you may suppose, since it paid for its dinner yesterday, but didnt eat anything." With these words, Heim lined his hat with a-newspaper, and filled it up to the brim with bread, cookies, fruit and all sorts of good things: He then p the bulging hat carefully under his arm, and walk- ed out in triumph. The lesson had a good effect, for since that time no one in that hotel has had to pay for the seat that was occupied by his. hat. Strikes Do Not Pay. a brother | whilst he himaolt wes known a6 tant function which has been long] The king had railway age ete baht ot oactigs thing. "Did you ever,"' one of them to the other in an or- dinary tone during a lull in the con- versation, "see such a nose?' 'Pardon me, ladies," broke in the aio "St is my brother who s deaf Will Quickly Cure Any' Sour Stomach Relleves Fullnesa After Meals. "When I was working around the farm last winter, I Thad an attack of in- fiammation," srtten Mr, EB. P. Dawkins, of Port Richmond. "I was weak for a long =, Oe -- enough to work un something went wrong with # my a for I had to use salts or physic all the time. My ae kept sour, and always after ng there was pain and fulness, and all the symptoms As! intestinal indi- gestion. Nothing helped me until I used Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Instead of hurting, Mke other pills, they acted very mildly, and seemed to heal the owels. I did not require large doses to get results with Dr. Hamilton's Pills, and feel so glad that I have found a mild yet certain remedy. To-day Iam well--no pain, no sour c a good appetite, able to digest anything. This is a whole lot of good for one medicine to do,-and I can say Dr. Hamilton's Pills are the best pills, and _ letter, I am sure, proves it. Refuse a substitute for Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut, sold in yellow boxes, 25c. All dealers, or The Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, nt. . No Interruption. 'Mre. Wombat says she loves to commune with nature." 'I'm not surprised at that. Nature will let you do all the talking, and , that makes an awful hit with her.' Fairville, Sépt. s 1902, Miner's: Lintment Co. Lim ear Be aah wish to ae 4 thee sider y' MINAR LINIMENT = vary superior article, a is getting in my eye, exclaimed a man ina crowd. The woman turn- ed around, looked him over aad then enquired : "Why don't you wear glasses ?"' Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Eto Returning a Favor. "Tt's going to be war to the knife," declared the suburban man, who was feeding his chickens. "What now?' asked the friend. 'Why, Binks sent me a box of -- grease and advised me to use t on my lawn mower,' * Well! aC "Well, I sent it back and told him to use it on his daughter's voice." Experienced mothers say Zam-Buk is best for chil- dren's injuries and skin troubles, because: It is herbal--no poisonous mineral coloring. It is antisepti revents cuts and burns taking the > wrong way. It is soothing--ends pain quickly. It heals every time. CUTICURA SOAP And occasional use of Cuti- cura Ointment. No other emollients do so much prevent pore-clogging, pim- ples, blackheads, red, rough hands, dandruff 'tching scalps and falling hair. PARMS FOR SALE -- Ninety Coiborne Stree, . Ww. Toro WANT TO BUY OB SELL A Spock, --* x Dairy Ww. ampton. or faloaras Rt., Seent te. W. DAWSON, Colborne 8t., Toronts. GO) ARee RM uate. Meindl £ Tyr Le a ATOR AS IMPROVED FA ent 5k Avenue, Toronto, Canada WANTED. NTS nT you. W RITR AS eas {eet "Adjuster Co., Wind- sor, Ontario NEWSPAPERS FOR 6ALE. 1 ow Bd a IN LIVE TOWN IN unty. ot siggy and Book fo * NURSERY STOCK, TRAWBERRIES, PABESESRIS IES, Meconnel Pete hed x sure = ee eer noes ines Varieties. Free talog. ic en u-I would no without it if the Prioe SER ES BFE, ili ce arte. larse: bottie, 7 een st , MISCELLANEOUS s ¥, TILTON. WILL WITHOUT EAW, "3 wo SKCER. TUMORS, LUM Protection and external, renal with- F i out out pain - our Doms treatment. | Write : 0 3 an Madam, the feather i in your hat Be etionited. Collie oat PARTNERS WANTED wen are opening branch offices through- e States and want man- rofit in our business. Box N Se tation "B," Montreal. Canadian Hair Restorer Before pre Using. Restores Grey Soha to aiaten color. Two might use f; bottle, hair of one becomes cbicaig =2 the other blond or as th ¢ in Sto roe 'iair, Dandruf Itching. salp Di ces N ew Growth, Canadian Halr Restorer Co., winDSOR, ONT. Let us help you to get more money -- y out of your bush The question is: Are you making enough syru Are you r . ng all you can? re you losing any sa which is real money Ee a bb pion" in yo gar cam na you will o n the vere best results exe GRIMM MFG. CO., LIMITED 68 Wellington St.. Montreal, Que. For All Crops POTAS Ee" Bh Sols an PLANT P FOOD. raise a Ma Crop that Pohton not co: an AY ALLABLIS up~ ply, sufficient for the s needs. Bf iz and 8 can be obtained from the leading fertilizer dealers and se én. _"ready-mixed" fertil- ers should 'insist on n of CON' IGH sty Ma b Thoin yr} iho unsere en 3b ulletina on the important su ect of FERTILIZING. i NG. AGH SYNDICATE, 1010 Femple Bldg., TORONTO. Love in Alaska. Klondike Bride--And do you still think I am worth" my weighs in Paver connec Pp only $4,000. Terms liberal. Wilson Publish-. _ ing Company, 72 West Adelaide Street, Toronto. Dict ee