Atwood Bee, 13 Mar 1914, p. 5

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ei dae ss. able figures in the history of our coun- ao $355,028 27 CAG ~ CORPORATION. The Standard Reliance Mortgage Corporation of Toronto held its annual King Street Bast, past year accompanied by Sheet to December 31st, 1918, ing the résult of the Company's ge oak ations ey are eg et to hese a cuted Bist of Dacemhe, 1913. The in-Council 2 ating ae of the merger of the Standard Loan ny and the Reliance recat and mar. Company of Ontario was passed April slats and tiie > Sgt 5 took phaoe on the first. of It wire be noted that after paying all fixed and expenses, fm pag = consequent upon the. amal the balance available for distri hati has been sufficient = allow of payment of the. usual divi * ends to. the arOMMIAars, aad Ghee. dition of $100,000 t to ie Reserve Fund, which now.stands at $400,000. @ aré pleased to be able to report Savings Accoun of this otr total eesti aon stand at er $5,200,000, or an increase of over 00,000 since the merger, and the het earnings of the Corporation axe reater by dver Roy 0 than the com ined nef earnt of the two Com- nezics prior, to 'the amalgamation ares held by the Corporation the Bovércourt Land, Building saa vings Company, Limited, represent assets consisting of real estaté havin nm actual vahte larrely in excess of @ par value at which the shares are mow standiig on the books. T vacancy in the Directorate since the amalgamation, Dr. BE. Jessop. of St. rines, a large and influen- tlal sharel¥@ider in the Company, was elected, 'Since the last ge Meeting of @ Standatd Loan mpany, now an tegral part of the ba ae Pg the eath of one af the most distinguished Cancdians, Lord Strathcona, has taken lace. Wefeel sure that all our share- olders d re the great loss which Domtafon of Canada has sustained | t y tho passing of one of the most not- He was, at the time of his death, a Director of this Corporation. e take great pleasure in bearing testimony to the efficlency displayed by the officiais and agents of the Cor- ich in performing their respec- ve 4 iy submitted on behalf of N. H. § (signed) Dated, Toronto, 13th February, 1914. TEVENS, President. Balance Sheet as on December 3ist, 1913. ASSETS Mortgages and Securities against Real Estate... $4,255,220 43 D svaqceasewsesewens 31, 62 Btocks, Bonds = De- bentures at cost ..... 1,716 60 Real Dsiate, fereclounre 88,162 85 ence Premises ........ 4,560 63 fic MRUEO senivvivin 5,000 00 Accrued -- onenwe 548 84 Agents' Balances ....... 3,357 97 Municipat Debentures, at DOSE vicawewusaeeawoan 33,603 91 Cash on Hand and tn HAURD sccciecacvvesxes 106,785 06 $5,110,332 81 LIABILITIES To the Public Debentures with Accrued . FULOTOME 60 ce ssnccvecs $2,119,989 05 Deposits with Accrued TRTAPOSE «5 5 sincere coin bi 612,877 68 Mortgages Assumed .... 13,195 53 Unclaimed teijents " 688 62 Accounts oT ehisie 3s 1,217 49 » a Payabie January 2. 191 rrr 63,225 01 2,711,193 28 To the Shareholders Capital Stock Subscribe1 2,070,819 00 Lees Unpaid thereon 85,705 72 $1,985,104 28 Reserve Fund ......... 400,000 00 peanee 2 "Cred, Loss BG DEM vcevcvievenss 14,035 25 $5,110,332 81 LOSS AND GAIN ACCOUNT Interest on Debentur and Deposits ........ $122,521 14 Dividends Nos. 1 and 2 118,471 88 "1+ i gi to Reserve , ebm tihge se cee 106,000 00 talanse Carried Forward 14,035 25 _: 988, 028 27 Balances, Dec. ps3 19a § $ 3,691 72 Net sarnings de- managemen vision fer all known 351,336 55 CHAS. BAUCKHAM, Secretary. E. WADDINGTON, Managing Director. AUDITORS' CERTIFICATE. €o the bank halances, verified the cash. ~op hand, obtained a robsanaetn, froth ccoun' Toronto, 12th February, 1914. _ After adopting the report,. ihe Shas share- -pergget edit ged foll ee ae rs r the ens Lord Hyde, ng W. g.- yap ee Hierbert bege ede sh Hugh 8S. Brennen, EB. F-. Johnston _K. KG John Pirstbrook, Nathan H. Stev- bape M.D., J. A. James Gunn, David Kemp, Horton, Rev. G. ne. IMPROVED SANITATION. | Typhoid Fever Almost Wiped Out n London. A despatch from London, Eng- land, says: 'The Registrar-Gener- al's figures for the last week of January furnish additional evidence to support the belief that typhoid i fever will soon become a rare dis- 'ease in London. The total deaths from typhoid only numbered six, and during tlie period only thirty cases were admitted to the London Fever Hospital. A specialist in the . disease-claims it has become as rare in London 'as typhus became twenty years ago any of the younger medical men have never seen a case, -; and they flocked to a city hospital a recently when it was learned _ there was a typhoid patient This ~specialist believes that in a few years typhoid, like smallpox and typhus, will become almost a memory. This result is due almost wholly to improved sanitation. --kr§--__--_ Women with Sailow Skin Here is a Good Treatment! You Get Results Quickly. Womanly beauty is largely the out- ward expression of health Hvery woman with pale cheeks and: poor. complexion needs medicine-- needs a potent tonic to regulate her system. To tone up the stomach--to insure good. digestion--to give new life an vitality to the whele system--where is ere a remedy like Dr. Hamilton's Pills? Dr. Hamilton's Pills enable you to eat what you like--they correct con- istipation--make nourishing bleod-- instil force and yim into a run-down system If nervous and can't sleep, your re- medy is Dr. Hamilton's Pills--they search out the cause of your condition and you rise in the morning refreshed, strong, vigorous, ready tor the day's work, Dr. Hamilton asks every weak and debilitated person to use his Mandrake and Butternut Pills. They make old folks feel young, and weak foiks feel strong. Their effects upon insomnia and langour is marvellous. Hundreds declare they soothe and quiet the nerves so that a good night's rest al- ways follow their use. To look well, to feel well, to keep well, use. Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They are mild, cleansing, strengthening--good for the young or old. Sold by all dealers in 25c. boxes. ------F_____. TWENTY YEARS IN PRISON. French Boy Who Siew Seven Got the Maximum Penalty. A despaich from Nantes, France, says: Marcel Redureau, the fifteen- year-old lad who last September killed seven persons with an axe at Basbriage-en-Landreau, was found guilty on Wednesday of the charge against him and sentenced to twen- ty years in prisc1. The sentence is the maximum allowed by law. In summing up for the defence. the boy's lawyer declared that at the time of the commission of the mur- ders the lad was laboring under ex- cessive nervous fatigue, due to hard work. When asked if he had any- thing to add to the words of his lawyer, Redureau rose with lowered head and wept, but said nothing. 3 aac ear GOODNEAU'S PLIGHT. A Canadian Is Serving a Jail Term in Mexico. A despatch from Texas, 'ays: e . Goodneau, a _ British subject, born "in Canada, now serving a 90-day sentence at Juaraz for al- leged theft, was placed in the hands of Charles A. C. Perceval, of the British Consular Service, here on Thursday. Mr. Perceval, whose at- tention was to plight United States Consul at Juarez, said he would make an investiga- tion. According to Gustavo Padres, Mayor of Juarez, Goodneau was of- fered the option of a fine of $50, but had no money, and was thereupon sentenced .to o_ -- El Paso, ease of E AUSTRIAN --_ KILLED. Overwhelmed by an Avalanche Dur- det ing Manocuvres. A despatch from Vienna says: Seventeen soldiers of the Empire Rifle Regiment were overwhelme ! and killed on Thursday by 4 great avalanche while they were engaged in manoctivres on the Ortler Moun- tain, in the Tyrol. Have Been in I "Unlold Benet New Brunsw : Dodd's "Bianey "Pils, Porton, Carleton Co., 2nd. -- (8 oF : Kidney Pills the 'Dost kidney medi-| cine r have ever used. They have been -- mauhees benefit to me."" peaker is Mrs. John 8. wickiniee of this place. Wa. ee "find. Canadian sey remedy, and not without reaso ae "'and for four years I was ne-|7 ver free of it. doctor, but he did not seem to limbs swelled, a thane ging sensation across the loins. CANADL AN PARCEL POST. Eleven-pound Limit of Weight Is Now in Effect. A despatch from Ottawa says: The ultimate eleven-pound limit.o was put into effect on Thursday. Thus the restriction to six pounds for each package accepted for trans- mission by months of February; March and} 5 April, has-been removed. The or- der that has gone forth from the/§ to be prepaid by postage stamps on each parcel mailed for local deliv- ery in places where the letter car- rier system is in operation. The in- surance of packets does not become operative until the first of May, as at first set forth, and in the mean- time packets of the part post. may |* registered, eT Mie Lae, RIOTIN G IN POLAND. Many Jews Have Filed For Fear of Their Lives. A despatch from Cracow, Poland, says: It-is reported here that there has been serious rioting at/ Lodz, Russia Poland, because of @ rumor]. that a Jewish merchant and his wife had murdered a Christian boy' A mob attacked the couple, who were seriously injured. The rioters then tried to raid a synagogue, but were prevented by the police. Many Jews have fled from the place. >. cy NO GUSHER But Tells Facts About Postum. This lady found an easy and safe way out of the ills caused by coffee. She says: "We quit coffee and have used Postum for the past eight years, and drink it nearly every meal. We never tire of it. 'For several years previous to quitting coffee I could scarcely eat anything on account of dyspepsia, bloating after meals, palpitation, sick headache--in faét was in such on hot water and toast." equally injurious because it con- tains caffeine, the same drug found in coffee. "Hearing of Postum I began drinking it and found it delicious. My ailments disappeared, and now I can eat anything I want without trouble. "My parents and husband had about the same experience. Mother would often suffer after cating while yet drinking coffee. My hus- band was a great coffee drinker and suffered from indigestion and head- ache. "After he stopped coffee and be- gan Postum both ailments left him. He will not drink anything else now, and we have it three times a day. I could write more, but am no. gusher--only state plain facts." Name given by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, Ont. Write for a copy of the famous little book, "The Road to Wellville." Postum now comes in two forms: Regular Postum -- must be well boiled. 5c and 25c packages. Instant Postum--iz a soluble pow- 'A teaspoonful dissolves quick- ly it in a cup of hot water and, with cream and sugar, makes a delicious | beverage instantly. 30c and 50c ns. The cost per cup of beth kinds is about the same. "There's a Reason" for Postum. Sold by: Grocers. A Dodd's | She is en-|* thusiastic in her praises of the great}, AS suffered "fran kidney trouble, 3 started in a cold," she contin: | 7 I was treated by a] _ le twins. Hand-picked, $215 to 82.20. per | hecaktaet at 18 to 1! weight for the Canadian parcel post} , Bal" nrcnen siege Teves 14 1-4e; tubs, 14 1-2c; patls, eroron to, Ma 1 10. ~Cattle--Choice butch » 87.25 to . 87 to $7,20; medi- ho 4 Voy ty {0 Aas ania a5 fo $00; choice cows, ; & » S475 to $9.00; Baled Hay and Straw. common, 83.75 to 8620: cutters and can Baled hay--No. 1 at 814 to $14.50 a ton,{ners, 83.15 to 83.60: choice bulls, $6.75 to on track. here: No, 2 quoted at 813 to | 87; good, $5.80 to $6.50: m $4.15 t 60, and mixed at $12 to ge $5.40. Stockers feed Ste choice, aled a to $2.75, oD | 87 to 87.75; good, $5.43 to 86.35; ght, $3.50 . to 85 epeineere, to $882 ilkers, to 897. oie S140 to $8 beep ant nubs: Light ones to 85, eop a am t ewes. nnipeg March i---Cs er --Wheat--No. a ag pi Pye = tg. S30" sprig . > le to $9.60. = at {.Northern, 90 1-2c: No, 2 Watece a8 7-80; to $5. 35; f.o.b., to $9. is; off pAmagtng $9.60. i reel post during the] No, 3 Postoffice Department also elimi-| No. nates the additional fee of five cents | 3*% 81.35 3-4; No 2 'Ow, $1.17 3-4. "Montreal, March me 2 yellow, ue 2 Po Tc. Oats, Can merely be ee ES OF FARM PRODUCTS 8 one. Tua LEADING TR. SENTRES OF AMERICA, ss tario wheat--No. Socording to at xe a oats, 37 to ay tah 40c, on track, oe S--No. 2 Ontario and at 39 Boe Weatern o 2. malting bari 56 to 58c, accordin wd to quali we 8 iNew No, 5, American, 690, all rail, Wo. 2 at 62 to 630, ou: taide. arley, Man. feed, 4 to 500; ™. Manitoba bran $k a a ree n bage, freight. Shorts, $25. +e B to 66c. Bue' nde, $5.10; 5 able to do me much good. Country Produce. ter oatente. ¢ 85 to $5.25; etraight | "T had rheumatism and neural-|_ ice dairy, 2 %0 280; inferior, | #225. "Rolled Gate, barrens, Ste te pase, gia, and my joints were stiff; my {1 to 18: farmers' separator prints 22 to | do., bags, 90 Ibs., $2 to . Bran, $23. muscles cramped, and I was alwadel bog Be, erie prints, & 30 to 3 jg Orlide, 2 Bhorte, aa iddlings, $28. Mouilite,, $28 * ; . ' . bs r us, ; tired and nervous. I perspired free |B2 to 260.) A | $1550 fo $15, Cheewe, neat. wenterne, 14 14 ly with the a prge exertion. I domea storage, eclects, 3%, and' starage, | ter, chotceat creamery ST La to the. Eee, | was depressed and low spirited, my|* to So per 'otatoes, per bag, fresh, 34 to 360. ew, 18 to 15 4c for large, and | lots, 8 to S60. a, . nited States Markets. 'Nine boxes of Dodd's. Kidney » in tine ft 40 odtreeate too, March, 10.--Wheat--May, Pills made a new woman of me." |B. fer No. 1; eee tee ae ed: Md, 98 bdo: No 1 Northern, Are not Mrs. Dickinson's. symp- Bing "Fowl, 13 to 180 per Ib.; chick- sia te ot Ho; No. 2 gar cena: toms those of any run-down, worn-/$™j,J7 fo isc: ducks, 15 to 170; » "|--No. 3 yellow, 57 to 58. Oats--No. 3 gat Pee sg They. ate also the} "'Botatoes Onearin' to5 Sie Per bag, on a gy enon ye mmearne track, and Delawares at 90 950, on .65, in wood; first clears, $3. jute; of ney disease. bask, cat lots, seoond clears, $2.60, in jute; shipments, Dodd's 6 oXidney pills give new life} ©* : SS Ithe Maco pieced $1.56 3.8: May; to run-down > women by curing < Provisions. Sie oa july; 01.89 14. Lig rr i con--L a . : o. orthern °o their aiding, Lote Rosh hae ons Bets tb i" 12 Northern, 90.14 to 90 $40; Mon No. x me $24.50. ;famsMedinm, 18 to is {-292-42 hard, 90 '4c; May, 92 1-40; July, 7. $8 1-80. to 180; rolls, 15 to 15 1-21 90; backs, 22 to Live Stock Markets. Northern, 87 1-4c: No. 4, 83 1-40; No. Tie; No. 6, 72 1-20; xe a, ¢é0; No. Lt Montreal, Marc -h 10.--Prime beeves, Be to OFFICER COMMITS SUICIDE. 13 Capt. Playfair Plunged a Bayonet Into His Breast. A despatch from London sayst Captain Norman Ernest Playfair, 92 3-80 aak-~Who served with distinction in sev- eral British military campaigns, committed hari kari on Wednesday. orf He was talking with his wife in the drawing-room of his residence when he exclaimed, "I will put an end to the whole thing." He snatched up a bayonet and plunged it in his breast and died almost instantly. ee ee 'GEN. SIR J. WOLFE MURRAY. Appointed Commander of Forces in South Africa. A despatch from London says: |General Sir James Wolfe Murray, descendant of the Colonel Murray :/in whose arms General Wolfe ex- pired, has been appointed com- .|mander of the Imperial forces im South Africa. - eb 7% INVE STMENT 43 1-40; tatouet. Sax eo t Pf W.c,, $1.30 34; No, 3°C.W" INVESTMENT may be withdr days' votice. gee lished 23 years. Send f NATIONAL SECURITIES CONFEDERATION "LIFE BUIL meatcael Markee. 0. -- Corn, American High Class Profit-Shering Sonds. oe, ener Series--Si00"S500, SI000 awn any time after one .year of those Bonds estab- cl folder and full particulare. ORPORATION, LIMITED, © DING TORONTO, CANADA 0. 3, 43 to 43 1-26; extra No. 1 feed, 43 1-2. ee ae ASSURANCE ()p ws CANADA Assurance Companies. . The Company's Growth, LEADING FEATURES OF THE DIRECTORS' REPORT FOR 1913. The SUN LIFE OF CANADA holds the premier position among Canadian Life aie os as at --_ December, 1913 .........--0e0ee veeerees $99,726,347.32 Increase over 1912 ......... cece eect eens a ceeeeeee 6,120,780.88 CASH INCOME from -- Interest, Rents, etc., in 1913 ere 996,401.64 Increase over 1912 ..... 5.Eaiew. WED wie Sete Pore WON © BE er 1,663,320.04 PROFITS DISTRIBUTED to policyholders during 1913 ...... 706,424.19 ADDED TO SURPLUS during 1§3 ..........cceeeeeeees cee 421,904.26 --" SURPLUS 31st December, 1913, over all liabilities and Pital Leelee cee cece cee ee ee eee eees ecw ecevele we. 5,752,986.08 -- CLAIMS, Matured Endowments, Profits, etc., during - v a BLS cice5 Sewisiaee ole vias #9 wae we a Ai SreUnCaratere Matte .. ~ 4,982,553.25 PAYMENTS to policyholders since organization ............++ 39,385,287.91 saan RECEIVED since organization .......-...0. - 94,012,632.86 PAYMENTS to policyholders since organization Se assets now held for their benefit ................ eevee weeeeee 95,111,635.23 j NEW BUSINESS ' for in -- duriny LOIS ic sss ware © oko "4,290,916.79 - Increase over 1912 .... icc ccc ec cee cence eeeereusecs . 3,476,507.15 ASSURANCES IN FORCE 81st December, 1913 ............. 202,363,996.00 Increase over 1912 ...........00 eee ie hee ise 'ite . 19,681,576.00 g Income. | Assets. | cre Assurances | n Foree sel $ 49,210.93 ls 96,461.95 is 064,350.00 : 274,065:50 735,340.19 ba 565.00 ss 1.240,408.12 4,09°,776.90 27 78k bea sess] 3,986,139 -50 15,505,776.48 75,681,189. -| 13,095,401-64 55,726,347.32 | 202,8 $3,996 96.00 air u ROBERTSON MACAULAY, Head Office: T. B. MACAULAY, President. MONTREAL. Managing Director and Secretary, z -- b \ -- eo, he. hs os eae x tee

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