a a cee es aM NR HT Your First "Peep" at The New Cotton Dress Fabrics season have arrived. on our. counters on Your Spring Coat Practically all our selections for the coming They will make their first appearance FRIDAY, MARCH 13th or Suit is here We say." your" because Moderately priced too one of them your the minute you see them. at $9 to $22 - Stout Ladies will be pleased to learn that they can be perfectly fitted with one of our stout models at $19.00 WE BUY PRODUCE--FOR CASH OR TRADE Gowdy & C0, Limited THE STORE FOR ALL THE PEOPLE we know you will make LISTOWEL: CREAM WANTED. We are in the market to buy cream, sweet or sour, the highest market price. We supply two cans to each patron, pay all express charges, pay twice each month, cheques payable at par. ceive cream any day in _Feceived, and send our same. Re- the week, test each can patrons a statement of Write for cans-and give our creamery a TRELEAVEN & RANTON Paim Creamery Palmerston, Ont KinG 'vs. HANNA AND RosE. -- was laid by Geo. McDonald, of Grey township, against W. A. Hanna and Geo. Rose, for the theft of three foxes from a pen on his premises. The case was heard before Jno. Leckie, J. P. some weeks ago, when the accused were 6ommitted for trial. The trial took place Friday, Feb. 27th, before Judge Holt, at Goderich and at the close of the evidence, the accused Hannon was discharged but as against Rose the Judge reserved his decision until the 3lst of March when judge- ment will be given. The case was prosecuted by Chas. Seager, County Crown Attorney and Geo. Bray, Bar- rister of Listowel, acted for the de- fendant. A number of witnesses at- tended the hearing. BANK OF HAMILTON The Small Depositor SMALL depositors in this ---- are given the same courteoustreatment and thorough consideration that are given customers with large accounts. _ The aim of this institution with a _ dollar, - which furnishes ce at the amount of the ee Doo is not as importan the fact thatitisa anor ay Every six months the nighes. cutrent interest will credited to your account. A. M. Robinson . Agent Atwood Branch "Phis waw-a- case--where-information+ CLEARING SALE.--Of farm stock and implements: fas: Jones- ceived instructions from Mr. James Ellacoté-to sell by public auction * fot 13, con. 16, township of Elma, 2 miles north of Monkton, on Tuesday, March 24th, 1914, at one o'slock sharp, the following.--1l heayy mare rising 9 yra. old, 1 mare rising 4 yrs. old got by Prince Merryfield, 1 mare rising 4 yrs. old got by (Netherlca, supposed to be in foal, "these are matched team, 1 chesnut mare rising 5 yrs. old got by Hackney horse, 1 aged mare supposed in foal, 1 colt got by Scots Bogie rising one, 1 light colt rising 2 yrs. old, 1 light colt 1ising 1 year old, 2 fresh milch cows, 1 cow supposed to be in calf, 1 heifer rising 2 yrs. old supposed tobe in oalf, 5 heifers rising 2 years old, 7 steers rising 2 years old, 1 steer rising one year old, 2 heifers rising one year old, 2 veal calves two months old, 6 well bred ewes, 1 brood sow, 6 store pigs, 100 hens, Frost & Wood binder, Frost & Wood:mower, Elmira hay loader, nearly new, Massey Harris side de- 'ivery rake, Deering boise rake, seed drill, two-furrow plow, scuffler, walk ing plow, bay rack, new get dise har- rows, eet iron harrows, waggon, hay fork with rcpes and slings, Set bob- sleighs, cutter, buggy, rubber. tire bug- ey. Brockville make with auto seat, nearly new, fanning mill, set heavy harness, set light harness, about 1 tons timothy hay, zine lined water trough, about 200 three inch tile, a quontity of stove wocd, wheelbarrow, scoop shovel, grain bags, horse blank- ets, forks, hces, shovels, rakes, hay knife, chains, pick, 28 foot ladder, oeckyokes, whiflletrecs, a quantity of potatoes, 2CO bushels seed oats if not previously dispesed of, Daisy churn, crocks, creamery cans.--Terms of sale: All sums of $10 end under, cash ; over that amount 9 months' credit will be given on furnishing ap- proved joint notes, wilh lard owners as security. 4 per cent off for cash on credit amounts. Decision of auction- neer to be final. Positively no reserve as farm is sold.--James Ellacott, Pro- prietor. Geo. Bray Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Listowel, Ontario a. B. Morphy, K.C. Barrister, Notary Public, Convey- ancer. Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton Listowel -- Milverton -- Atwood Offices, Listowel and Milverton Money to Loan. Friday night the Music hall was fairly well filled with spectators for the purpose of seeing the production of a patriotic concert giyen under the auspices ofthe Bowling Club, con- sisting of songs, recitations, violin selections and the Soyereignty of England, Scotland, Ireland, Germany, | United States and Canada. The president of the club, Mr. W. R. Erskine, acted as chairman and} shortly after eight o'clock called the gathering to order and named the first number it being a violin selection by Messrs. Peebles and Porter, followed by a duett given by. Messrs. Robin- son and Cox; Miss Curtis than gave two recitations entitled "At Winni- peg Station" and "Sister Lue" that receiyed much applause; the male quartette consisting of Messrs. Price, Cox, McBain and Robinson, gave a number entitled '"Loye's Old Sweet Song" that was appreciated by the audience. The Sovereignty of the six great countries were than intro- duced and the following responded for thedifferent countries, each dress- ed in costume and giving a short dis- cription for what each country was adapted for, closing with a familiar song of their own land. Mr. T. G. Ratcliffe appeared first, dressed as an English gentleman, and we must say that we never seen him look better, he introduced his sub- ject asto the great leader of all nations, its fame.for ruling the world and its great wealth, the fine climate} that accounted for tho enormous! crops that were+ produced and the broken coast lines that gives it the greatest harbors of the world, the play grounds that accomplished so much in making England what it is today, the vast shipbuilding ports and the universities were spoken of as a great factor, whilesthe population of London, totaled 74 millions of peo- ple alone and the commerce of Eng- land amounts to one-fifth of the whole world. The speaker did not have the time to finish this import- ant subject of which he handled so well. Geo. Cox than sung and Eng- lish song, this was followed by Scot- land, taken by Geo. Lochhead, he appeared in Scottish uniform, and gave a sketch of Scotland with the vim that the speaker is noted for, his remarks mingled. with story were confined to the beatity of the country, the great Clydesdale horses,-the Ary: 'shire cattle and the enorme' of sheep, the immense fields of coal and irom that makes Scotland famous: for manufacturing, the great men of the past that were known to the world were from Scotland, the fine | literature, universities and colleges, shipbuilding and grand regiments formed a great part of this country, The music part was contributed by A. . Porter singing the ""Braes o' Mar" anda "Hundred Pipers.' Ireland appeared on the platform with the Shamrock, the wearing of the green,! and in story told by Andrew Terry, showed how the wit of the Irish peo- ple out-classed all other nations of a . Grand Success. evening. fume on the stage when the singing of "All nations has a flag but the: "and "Maple 'is aa the singing of two Irish solos by Miss E. Hammond brought grounds of applause. The suffragettes 'were upheld by Mr. Frank Terry and in a pithy speech demanded -equal rights to all, The dancing of the Trish jigs were well accomplished by Dan Barton and Wm. Mc- who appeared to be as young aod a supple as a lad of sixteen and the 'musican, though scotch, made a tippical Irishman in an Irish costume in the person of William Robb. Ger- many was probably the hit of the evening, not for giving a description gi the nation they represented, but 'or character, it would be hard to beat. cSeE Messrs R. A. Thompson, Geo. Hamilton and Mrs. Thos>McFarlane' wero the trio and the dancing of the Germany waltz was unique. United States with its stars and striples was well. upheld by Randolph Erskine who gave a lucid description of the Yankee, what the country was adapt- ed for, such as lumber, oysters, pearls, cotton, coal, spruce, summer resorts, minerals, pulpwood and by singing a song "He did'nt ask, He did'nt say, So I don't know" received a hearty applause, this being followed by Messrs. Ralph Love and Geo. Brown taking the _Purt of the Southerner or the "coon." They put on a little fcomediam show that for amateurs did not only do credit to themselves, but received the appreciation of the crowd by a hearty encore, and the singing of a song 'Back in a Minute, So I will have to go Now" was all that could be desired. Canada--the home of the Maple --. was welcomed by bearty respond and Miss Canada holding the Union Jack and protect- ed.by her four soldiers was to the writers mind the trues picture of the A short sketch as to its magnificent scenery, the abundant resources of timber, fisheries, mining and the great wheat lands showed that we were blessed with the great est'garden of the world, the sioging of "O Canada" close. were--Miss Erskine, Messra. A. Cog- hlin, A. Newbigging, L. Vallance and E. G. Coghlin brought this part to a The representatives in this lin. Mrs. J. A.,McBain did the honor as accompa The closing act brought all i in cos- Tur CenTAUR CamPaxy. MONTREALLNEW YORK ------------------ "At6 months old 3.4 35 DosEs --35 CENTS Exact Copy of Wrapper. CASTORIA 'Genuine Castoria Always Bears the» af Sisiatars of In Use For Over Thirty Years THE CENTAUR GOMPANY, MEW Yorn e:ITY. Cream Wanted. Lene eee HIGHEST PRICES: WILL BE PAID BY US Test every shipment. Pay every two weeks. Let us send you a can. Listowel, Ont Cash cheques at par. It will cost you nothing to give us a trial. Call and see us when in town or write us for fuller particulars. REFERENCE, BANK: OF HAMILTON. | Perth Creamery Co. ~---- tuabe Aldrich Bros. gers y 3 to better adventage* by. an Atwood lnudience ; the keon intefest and order given byAhe gathering for three hours sbowed that the entertainers of this neighborhood are held and appraciat- ed by this community to the highest istandard. each one receiyed as théy appeared and the manner in which they took the several parts marked the success to those of professionals. ing of "God Save the King" brought to a close one of the most successful patriotic concerts every. held in At- wood. over $60. The hearty respond that The sing- The proceeds amounted to Mr. Peppler_ of Hanover, . mond last week on to the farm lately pur- chased by him from Mr. L. Heath, 4th con. of Elma and Mr. Heath ! + moved onto the farm that he purchas- if0 ed from Mr. Frank Nichol, 4th con, of Elma. Mr. Geo. Adams, 4th con. E]ma, has leased Mr. Wm. Kendall's farm of 100 acres on the 4th con.! Mr. Jno. Vines, of the 6th con. Elma, has leased Mr. Kendall's 50 acres on the 4th con. Grey himeds Mr. Ken. dall has poor heath. The examination for entrance to High school and junior public school graduation start on June 15-19, ac cording to instructions just issued by the department of education. The junior High school entrance examin- ations start on June 17th, continuing until the 18th, while the graduation examinations continue from the 15th tothe 19th. April 15th is the latest date on which notification can be sent to the public school inspectors directly or through the principal of the school, Mr. Jno. Huston, of Newry, who attended the carnival here on Friday evening was caused some anxiety when about to go home to find his cutter was gone and another was left in its place. The party taking it bay- ing come in a borrowed cutter and | not being familiar with it, hitched up, in a cutter where he bad left his. He, |discovered bis mistake on the' road, home however. On arriving home he discovered through the name on a| grain bag the owner of the cutter and sent him word with the result that the error was satisfactorily rectified. ~Milverton Sun. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Children Ory ,; FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Andrew Gray had his foot badly cut with an axe last week. a Belle Gilmer left this week r Grand Rapids enroute for the ra Carrie Hone, of the Listowel Business College has taken a position in Toronto. enero :Good Butter Record Made by Elma Cow. An official test was conducted at the farm of Mr. Adam C. Park, 4th con. EJma, recently, when his fino cow De Kol of Rosarden No. 11052, sired by Alban Covert Pansy and daughter of Queen Victoria De-Kol 2nd, came through the test with the great record of 24.11 Ibs. of butter for 7 days and 515.0 ibs-of milk, best days milk 76.7 Ibs, a remarkable good record which puts her in a class with the good ones. No doubt she will increase this record considerable in the future as she is a young cow only 5 5 years old. This cow's daughter, Regina De Kol of Rosarden made the excellent record of 22:07 Ibs of butter and 470 Ibs of milk in 7 days as a two-year- old which is certainly a great show- ing. Mr. Park has a small but select herd of Holsteins, fine big cows, wel} 'deyeloped. The young stuff show the \ result of careful breeding and good ' feeding. The grain is all weighed up and a balanced ration is strictly ad- hered to. Mr. Park has 4 or 5 more heifers and cows to test this spring as they freshen and he is confident they will go well over 80 lbs of milk aday on four milkings as they have given 70 lbs a day on two milkings. These creditable showings will put the purebred Holsteins business on a very firm basis in this district and ranks. Mr. Park's herd is entirely in the first class.-- Harold Hammod, Official Tester, O. A. C, J. ROGER, All kinds of farm and garden seeds. The best that money cazi buy. Come and inspect for yourself. Red Clover, Alsike, Alfalfa, Timothy, etc. Hardware and Tinware Atwood Central Business College 'STRATFORD, ONT od aa best practical training Three departments : Commercial Shorthand apd Telegraphy ones are taeyagh and prac- tica a idual instruction is given by astrong experien ff. Our graduates aed Students may enter at any time Get our free sotalogte and toa what we can do for you D. A. McLachlan, Pipl ; | Solicitor for Imperial Bank of Canada a ENTER Listowel BUSINESS COLLEGE , any time and grow with us. For particulars, address, Edwin G. Matthews, Principal D. A. Kidd, M. D. Main Street, Atwood, Ontario. PHYSICIAN SURGEON ACCOUCHEUR CoRONER Specialties, Kye, Ear, Nose, Throat. Diseases of Women and Children. Executive Officer of Board of Health) J. Cecil Hamilton Barrister; Conveyancer Money to Office--Main st., Listowel, Dr. Foster, dentist. Branch office--Main-st., Atwood, in same building as the Clerk of Town- ship of Elma. Will visit Atwood every Thursday afternoon. next to HOMESEEKER® EXCURSIONS MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKA KATCHEWAN p Each Tuesday March 3 to October 27. inclusive. Winnipeg and Return Edmonton and Return - ters and f. Set should use & trains Toronto to Winnipeg and war, COLonet tor CARS ON ALL Particulars from rom Canadian Pacific Agents or wete M.G. Murphy, D.P.A., Toronto. Mr. David Hall has sold bis. farm, lot 4, con. 6, Elma, to Mr. Jno. Vine, of the samé concession.