Atwood Bee, 17 Apr 1914, p. 7

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iy nantes me - spring ailments in men, women an "gin of native Siberian tribes, REPLENISH YOUR BLOOD IN THE SPRING nervousness, irritability of temper and a disordered stomach often in- etenie your discomfort in the spring. The cause--winter has left its mark on you. These troubles are signs that your blood is poer and watery, that your nerves are ex- hausted, You must renéw and en- rich your blood at once and restore tone to your tired nerves, or there may be a complete breakdown. T most powerful remedy for these d -- o children is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale. People, because these Pills cleanse bad blood and strengthen weak nerves. ; New, rich, red blood--your great- est need in spring--is plentifully created by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and with this new, pure blood in your veins you "quickly regain health and increase your strength Then your skin becomes clear, your eyes bright, your nerves strong, and you feel better, eat better, sleep better, and are able to do your work Begin your spring tonic treat- ment to-day for the blood and nerves with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills--the Pills that strengthen. These pills are sold by most deal- ers, but do not be persuaded to take "something just the same.' If you can't get the genuine Pills from your dealer they will be sent you by mail, post paid, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, aa GIRL HE ADS EXPLORATION. Oxford Graduate Will) Command Expedition Into Siberia. Miss Mary Czaplicka, a Polish girl, and a native of Warsaw, Rus- fia. is about to set out in charge of a scientific expedition to Siberia, Lt.-Col. Arthur F. Bailey, the 4th Hussars, "The Queen's Own,"' is one of 'sev- eral commanders who resigned his post rather than fight against Ul- ster in the present situation. . mmander of To Name His Father. A teacher was'trying to find from a tiny child the name of his father. He seemed quite unable to think of it, 80 to help him she asked, "What i call him fa- was the reply. "Well, what does your mother call him?' The response was eloquent of the man- ners of the neighborhood: "She doesn't cal] him anything--vhe likes im."' ee ee Prize for Cholera Cure. The largest of the standing fe- wards for medical research is the Breant prize of $20,000 offered by the medical section of the French Academy of Sciences for the discov- ery of a means to,cure Asiatic chol- era. The entire sum will be given to the discoverer of a genuine cure, but the interest may be awarded from time to time in smaller prizes for work advancing the scientific knowledge of this disease. * BABY'S OWN TABLETS USED FOR YEARS When a mother uses only one medicine as long as there are little ones in. the home it certainly bears grand testimony to the value of that sent thither by the University of | Oxferd. Her companions are Eng- | 'Tish "IT spent several years in the depths of Russia, where obliged to earn my living Dy gixing Polish lessons in the houses of Pol- ish immigrants during the revolu- tion," the young woman said when asked why she was made chief of the party. "I have always taken a deep interest in anthropology and managed to find out some interest- | ing details about the native Siber- ; ian tribes which I set before the | authorities at Oxford when I was able to go there to studé. "The human anatomy department ef Oxford University was so pleased with my report last year that it offered to send me in charge of an expedition to inquire into the ori- of which very little is known.' Miss Czaplicka was educated in Warsaw and at Somerville College, Oxford. She was the first Polish student to be received at Oxford on the strength of English scholar- chips. -- Fk Policewomen jn Pittsburgh will "receive $75 a month A Sure Favorite --saves the house- wife much _thank- Jess cooking-- Post Toasties The factory cooks them perfectly, toasts them to a delicate, golden-brown, and sends them to your table ready to eat direct from tHe sealed package. - Fresh, serve, and Wonderfully . Appetizing Ask any grocer-- Post Toasties Canadian Postum Cereal pie Ltd. wi crisp, easy to wes caught making love to a girl particular remedy. Thousands of |mothers use nothing else but Baby's Own Tablets. Concerning them Mrs. M. LeBlane, Memramcook West, N.B., writes: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for my little ones for the past ten years and know of nothing to equal them dur- ing teething time or for colic, con- stipation and indigestion. All my neighbors who have used them think as I do."' The Tablets are ! sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr.! Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, nt. a Miss Goodrich--I hear your hus- band is a great lover of the aesthet- | ic. Mrs. Nurich--Oh, yes! He takes! one every time he gets a tooth pull- ed. a Ory Try Murine Eye Remedy If you have Red, Weak, W atery Eyes tr Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart oothes' Eye Pain Druggist Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25¢, 50c Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, ye Books Bada by Mail. An Eye Tonic Geod fer All yen that Need Care Murine Eye Reaieds Co.. Chicage --_------__- NO LOVE MAKING BEFORE 21. Custem Is Enforced In! Italian Village. Curious There is a village in Italy, Alezio, near Belluno, where young men are not allowed to make love before they have served their time in the This custom dates from time immemorial, and it is based on the experjence that young men often forget the girls they promise to marry before they go soldiering. Lovemaking at Alezio is conse- quently only allowed to men over 21, who are expected to enforce the custom and see that the rule is not broken. A young man of 19 who a secluded street of the village was mobbed recently, and as h showed fight, despite the fact that practically all the vill agers turne éut to throw stones at the young couple, he was shot at close range and mortally wounded. Although the crime was committed presence of 300 people not one per- son could be persuaded to give in- formation to the police, co that the man who enforced the village cus- tom will probably go free. fe es ® A clerica] gentleman was walking along the main street of a Scottish town, where he had epce been a minister, and on meeting ene of his old Parishioners paused to spea with her. ow are you, Mrs. Jones?' said he kindly. "Verra weel, sair," replied the woman plaintively '"'And how is your husband ?"' "My man, sir, is in Heaven, sir, this two year.' "Tam very sorry to hear it," responded the clergyman absently, as he pass- ndsor, 0: --- ed on, leaving 'the poor woman dumb with astonishment. AND THEN FOUND A CURE : That's: "Why: Mire: = evefaasolial lop Says Dodd's Kidnéy Pills ate} - over 50,000 population have wood in thelm * She Got So Sho Was ; Almost. Insa § DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. _the Best of all Medicines, -- South-Waterville, York Co.; Ny B., April 6.--(Special).--Mrs. 'Wel- lington Dunlop, an estimable. resi- dent of this place, has given an Kidney Pills to be the best of all dee 8A, n I commenced - taking Dodd's Kidney Pills I was in a terrible condition. I had been sick for over a year and had paid out more than one hundred and thirty dollars for doctors and medicine. I would yet some better and then get just as bad as ever. "The doctor said my trouble came from my stomach. His medicine relieved me for only a few minutes after I had taken it, and I got so that I was nearly insane. "T had not taken Dodd's Kidney Pills two days till I was'some bet- ter. I took twelve-boxes in all, and I can truly say they have done me more good than any medicine I have ever taken Dodd' s Kidney Pills are suffering woman's best friend. If you haven't tried them yourself, ask your neigh- bors. _s WOOD BLOC KS BEST ROAD. Is Used In All English Cities--Also In Europe. It has been stated that creosoted wood blocks would make the ideal pavement if the following --_ could be eliminated: (1) The dency to expand, resulting in bate ing, and sometimes upheaval of the pavement, 'discoloration of curbs, | etc. ; (2) slipperiness ; (3) bleeding of | oil. Of all the wood pavements that I saw in London, Paris, Berlin and other places, none exhibited any of | the foregoing defects with the ex ception of two or three slight bulges noticed in London, yenee an expert in the E ngineering New Creosoted wood is the --_ highly esteemed paving material in the English cities. In ten of the twenty- eight boroughs constituting the city of London, and comprising the most_thickly populated section of e city, the total mileage of -creo- soted wood block in 1912 was 121. Liverpool has about 150,000 square yards ;~. Birken 95, square, 'Infact, all English cities of paved streets, and in most cases these are the principal thorough- fares, There is not much wood-block paving in Berlin, but a condition which seems rather remarkable ex- ists in that on streets paved with asphalt, wood-block paving is used where the grade becomes too steep and the asphalt will prove unduly slippery. Most of the approaches to bridges are paved with creosoted wood-block. This city has probably the finest sheet asphalt paving in the world. The wood paving is rough and comparatively noisy. i Creosoted wood-block paving in Paris is more noticeable for quan- tity than it is for quality. The re- port of the Chief Engineer of Bridges and Streets of Paris, at the London Road Congress, 'stated that the average life of the hardwood paving was six ycars. a "I Hear Now Deafness All Gone" Am Tickled to Death at the Miracle Catarrhozone Performed for Me. At 75 Can Hear Like a Young Child.|_ "After suffering so long from a bad case of catarrhal deafness, it is n wonder that I am tickled to death at the miracle Catarrhozone performed }~- for me, writes T. Y. Weightman, from Bridgetown. "I had arendhe: head-. noises, a continual buzzing in my ears. My trouble was due to catarrh of the head and ears, and it also affected my throat, which was irritable and sore, Catarrhozone seemed to reach to the very bottom of the trouble. It cleared up my throat weakness, rid me of éatarrh and as a result my hearing returned. Now at my age of seventy. eI can hear like a child, and I am thankful to Collins' Drug Store for having recommended Catarrhozone to e." In case of deafness, asihm and bronchial irritation, nothing ean equal omc ragged -- every physician and ruggist says so. cnd we advise our nonin to try this treatment, lar; arge size containing a beautifully polished hard rubber inhaler and sufficient medication for 2 months' use, price $1.00; smaller trial sizes.50c. and 25c. Sold by all druggists and storekeepers or post paid from The Catarrhozone eo Co., Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Can- ada. 'menial Rimini Explained. "However did you hear such area things about Mrs. Hu- ber Fou forget she was once my ™ dearest friend. Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. Mrs. |} ted, itching scalps, andruff and dry, thin d falling hair, and do speedily, agreeably d economically. Soap and Ointment are sold throughout world. A ilberal Pea ae kiet on the care treatm: t neat tres. Address Potter Drug & Chem. Dept. 11K, Boston, U. S. A. Kept Forgetting. "Ah, poor man," said a kind. thankful when the time comes for you to ile'nve this dreadful place?" "No, "IT shan't," retorted the convict sur- ity "What! Don't you want to very be at liberty again?' exclaimed the good dame in surprise. ") re-) |thrned the man. 'Don't eer NO in j | bloomin' liberty ! I'd a bloomin' | | sight rather stop 'ere! " ' said the visitor as she | "IT had no idea the What | she | S) = strange, turned away. prisoners were so contented. was the poor man's offence ?" intinned. "'E were a bit absent- mjned, marm," replied the ward- | with a grin, "Absent-minded,"' ofesint the, lady. claimed thi official: gettin' as 'ow 'e were a married 's got five wives awaitin' .'--English paper. x ____ ff'? is Correct. ' ry I'm sho late,.m' ari when Phe rrived i "Couldn' t 'So the cars were full too, they,"' returned his spouse were as a A) Problem for the Editor #t has been asked whether stepping on: @ man's corns gives provocation for swearing. of, corns tractor. Answer: Keep the toes clear by using Putnam's Corn Ex- It's the best, 25c. at all dealers. a Electricity Used on Milk. On the principle that is better. than cure," the Liverpool Sorpordtion is now sterilizing by electricity the whole of the infants' milk supplied to the public from the various corporation milk depots in that city. All tubercular and ma- nuyial contamination is said to be letely annihilated, and also any danger from zymotic disease in- fection thereby prevented. The tasie and chemistry of the milk, it ig said, remain unaltered by this T of sterilizing. rs. Subbubs (to tramp)--"Out of(work,. are you? Then you're jus in time. I've a cord of wood to be ent up, and I was just going to a, for a man to do it.' Tramp "That so, mum? Where does he live? Fan go and get him." ; 'prevention Out of Work. < A Bite of thisaanda taste of that, all day long, dulls the appetite and weakens the digestion. Restore your stomach to healthy vigor by taking a Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablet after each meal--andcut out the "piecing®. Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablets are the best friends for sufferers from fndigestion and dyspepsia 50c. a Box at your Druggist's. Made, by the National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited. 4 149 NEW ANESTHETIC FOUND. Urethane Said io B Be hens Harmful than Ether. Interesting experiments with a new anesthetic have b and alcohol. It is administered' hy- podermically, and drowsiness soon ecomes a very deep unconscious- ness, and insensibility to pain- is |. complete, There is perfeet security when it is used-in any operation. The advantage claimed for the new anesthetic is that heart-failure ne- ver occurs when it is properly uséd, while a majority-of the deaths from chloroform are due to heart fail- ure. When the breathing stops, as it frequently does, during the ad- ministration of an inhaled anesthe- tic, it can usually be started again by artificial respiration, provided always that the heart is still beat- ing. The 'assurance, therefore. that in cases of an overdose of this anesthetic the breathing would be affected before the heart will be of immense comfort to surgeons and anesthetists. Another advantage is that. the choking sensation experienced with ether and chloreform is not present, Moreover, after urethane there is no sickness, and thus the danger of stitches giving way and ligatures slipping off during retching is avoided. A disadvantage is that experimenters have not yet been able to reduce the period of insen- sibility below six hours. All the operations up to the present have been made on animals. Painful Swellings Reduced Muscular Strains Ended SUCH TROUBLES NOW QUICKLY RUBBED AWAY BY | aii I FUL REMED | If you have any muscles that are} Strained and weak, that are frequent-. ly subject to rheumatic pains; if you ave any painful swellings that refuse | to go away--zet busy with Nerviline. | This is the very a of trouble that) Nerviline is noted for curing quickly. \"I have proved Nerviline simply a won- der ih reducing a hard, painful -swell- ing. It followed an injury I received in my left leg and caused me great pain and discomfort. The muscles, were strained and sore, and no other medy gave the ease and comfort I | got from rubbing on Nerviline. There | is a soothing, pain-relfeving power | about Nerviline that touched the. root | of my trouble. Nerviline reduced the swelling, it destroyed the pain, It! Erbe my limb back to perfect a | dition." The experience of Mr. en, whose home is in Miadlesex. is | not unusual, Thousands are proving; every day that muscular pains of every kind, chronic rheumatism, Jum-}: bago, neuralgia and sciatica will yield to Nerviline when nothing else: can) possibly cure. Nervilive is an old-! time family pain remedy, used nearly. forty years with great success. The: large family size bottle costs 50c., | trial size 2c. at all dealers. a'Loyal Wife. Striker- w hat"s that y' say? Yer stopped takin' in washin'? Wife-- Certainly I 'ave. I struck in sym- pathy with you and yer mates. Minard's Liniment 'Cures Burns, Eta. Her Batting Average. Highest grade beans kept whole and mealy by perfect baking, retaining their full strength, Flavored with delicious sauces. ' They have no equal. ' FARMS FOR Sale Fh : Ht. a, DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Sirest | orente. . i I YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A: Fruit. Stock, Grain, v Dairy Fa wso im in, rampton. or Colborne At.. Toronto. 4 W. DAWSON, Colberns Gt. Torenta WANTED. Amn FOR WEATHER INSUR- nee. low rates, liberal commission, hla ant Canada Weather Insurance Com Toronto. NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. VOD WEEKLY IN LIVE TOWN IN York Co oa Stationery and Boo Business in 34,000. Terms Lt beral. s ing a any, 73 West Adelaide Street Toronto. NURSERY STOCK. Se ane wiccoceh Bon, Groverend, Onta POR SALE. OLSTEIN BULL re REGIS- tered pedigrees, 2 to 8 months old tarlo. Twenty-five to Seventy-five Dollars A Leitch, Southend, Ont @ISCELLANSOUR ' ANCEBR, ORS, LUMPS, ETO. internal" and external, cured with omt pain a our home treatment. Wri ve hefore late. Dr. .~ sy mas Medic | Go., Limited" colineorak SIMIMERs LESTAB'D 1856 Used by success- ful planters for over half a century Ourlargeand beautifully illustrated CATALOGUE FREE j. A. SIM , Limite? MERS, TORONTO, ONT. SEEDS A " § Cote 2. Job. Mrs. Exe--My husband's occup- pation is quite confining. Mrs. Wye--Not so much as my hubsand--he's the jail keeper. To Cure a Co gy - is -- i Take LAXATIVE OMO QUININ Magistrate The evidence shows Tablets. Drugelsts vataee money if it that you threw a kettle at your hus- fails to cu js OROVES sisna- and. . Culprit--It shows more thar that, yer honor; it shows that I hit him! es Cured in 6 polit fog ve Drugeis +g refund PAZO OI {ENT fails to ure "Tichine, Blind, or Protruding First application Piles. gives relief. 600. France Has the Most Dogs. France has more dogs than any other country, its canine popula- tion reaching 3,000.000. Germany has 1,400,000, England 1,130,000, Sweden 513,000, and Ireland 366,- 009. The Paris Journal says: "Per- haps it would be better if we had fewer dogs and more eeearen ; but one cannot have everything. Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. * COURT LIST MADE BY QUEEN, Only Few of Those Presented A ©» Invited to Functions. Presentation at court is, of course, a desirable thing, but the stories printed in the London gOs- #ip papers about the privileges it confers--such as at least one royal invitation in the year for the state ball--do not in fact accompany it. The ordinary presentation § at court has no further results than the appearance of the names of the presented in the following morn- ing's papers. Without having been presented, however, no one can be invited to meet royalty. The names of all presented people are inscrib- ed at the Lord Chamberlain' s office, and from this book the formal list of state invitations are compiled, but the list by no means' includes all whose names are recorded. That for a gtate ball, for instance, is confined fo those connected even remotely with the court. It is of course submitted for royal appro- val, and by the King's wish the Queen now gives the final decision as to the invitations. The list is returned to the Lord Chamberlain's office, and thence in vitations are sent out. ure is on each be 250. The Whiner. To him the world is never fair, longs for wealth, you see; I think that his wishbone is where His backbone ought to be. as cured of Acute Bronchitis by MINAKD'S LINIMENT., y = Pes nds. J. M. AMPBELL, » ured of Facial Saracen by MINARD'S. LINIMENT. Sp einghltt. N.8. WM. DANIEDES. of Chronic Rheumatism I red by MINARD! 8S LINIMENT Albert Co., N.B, GEO. TINGLEY. When a married woman loses her temper her husband is apt to catch it. Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. Lived 40,000 Years Ago. A mammoth which lived 46,000 years ago has been found in Siberia buried in an ice block, and is 60 perfectly preserved that the flesh shows no sign of deterioration, and in one vein were found a few drops gf blood, which had remained liquid throughout the 400 centuries. ISSUE 15--'14

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