be "$.S. No.7; > d all over Hee ale broad Dominion the a hie. on school are closed for To the days of wae and raisoue of z -- : Is the Time For the vaitie Fel- the Rigscace i re : soicwing is ~~ reas - lows To Show Up. - ee, Bey Peis ' par goa wk oo = [ f ts 4 o. 7 for the month of M Mushroom time is at hand again ; ' 10 PLACE MONUMENT. 1 Spt te bacenl ea Aiea spread: - Men' s. Wear Housefurnishing or Groceries Kitchen 88, El Hurst 86, Sracee---thia Morchella Esculenta-- : . "You can BUY IT BETTER Jf | siete See Best S Bele eeiterent smbulator may exter||. ELA TP | WALL PAPER Miller 64. W. R. Erskine, Teac , 'i the big, tasty mess come from the : ; . ene city water-side dumps, even, and they out-of-date stock, but the most up-to-date Patterns and Bring your produce here. We are paying 24c say that an enthusiast has named a Colorings of 1913 and 1914 stock. UNREGISTERED UP TO $1. | near morel a--haunter of the earth for Butter. Eggs 20c trade, 19c cash. backing to the sea-wall--after a one- 35 and 40c Varnished Tile at ide 10 and lle for.. 6c "The recent repitetion Ramee time controller. Nothing will bring 80c for 18 and 0Sfor..... be Gil not ine moreia like the vyarm, Gamo tt econ ceresersteesseesecereceeess 156 = Y and O86 for... ..........:..004 meerthe morels like the warm, Gam8 11: 956 for veel4te = 7 and O6¢ for........... ceeeseeee 4c at Gowdys " Gowdy & Co., Limited Fred Thompson, Woodford near Owen Sound, died s1ddenly as the result of a chill, postmaster at pas eenenrerneemncorseinceemmnnioneset CANADIAN... PACIFIC: HOMESEEKER;' EXCURSIONS sday du travelling with live stock and] MAN ITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEW Each Tussday March 3 to October 27, inclusive. Winnipeg and Return Tue: ting MARCH and APRIL a arrival Fes former ton a p.m, train from AN - $35 00 AND APRIL. Settlers Re = without live stock 5.5. No.5, Elma. - Fobowing is the report of S. S. No.| the department, however, that itis a| gins of woods. 5, Elma, for the month of March. hardship to compel the resignation of You do not need to take my word Sr. IV. total 620 -- Marion Robb| trifling amounts, as the hazard\of| for i. "Wherever," says an author- EVERY STEP A. PLEASURE ity, "an agaric on a long stalk, en- 538, Frank Curtis 528, Bertha Leslie 474, Pearl Struthers 440. Jn IV. total 590 -- Roy Anderson '| signed to remove the temptation f No. of scholars enrolled 33. Average attendance 27. A percentage of the marks f are given below. : Sr. IV. William Willough Arthur Love 73, Mildred 5 Lily Hall 71, Elgin ae Ths Holman: "65, Lorne La seapii Sr. TT -- Walter Bole 80, Ada Kitchen 66, David Dewar 6 rai Jr. IH. race Dewar aA. Gray - son Richmond 80, Edith Lucas 15, Freeman Kitchen 74, Nina Mo- Cutcheon 67. Sr. {I:---George Richmond 62, Lie zie Shiell 81, Se ag Richmond 7%, Thos. Hurst 6 i Jr. If. -- Thos. Shiell 90, Aly Harry Boyd 77, Laura Dewar 48, Sr. L-- George Greig 88, Dou Greig 80, Edwin Holman 80, A puty Postmaster General. postel employes to steal from mails, several cases of this kind ing been detected in various ci At present, letters violating. the rule are being sent to the dead letter office. It has been pointed ouf to sending them unregistered docs 'ob justify the extra expense. : 450, Nellie Vipdnd 400, Willie Gray 375, Arthur Peebles 360. Sr. III. total 550 -- Chas. Curtis 15 SreIIl. total 450--Clarence Smith 300, Edythe Holmes 275. Second class, 110--Agnes Inglis 95, Mary Curtis excellent, Willig Smith see S Prize winners: in epettia ge: 1. Frank Curtis ; Jr. IV. Nellie Vipond Willie Gray; Sr. III. Gladys Hol- mes; Jr. III. Clarence Smith; Se- cond, Agnes Inglis, Audrey Ducklow ; First, Eveline Holmes. Special prizes -- Marion Robb, Roy [States ooltknn hy PUBLIC NOTICE. Notice is hereby given thatj no water from ice cut from any | Ee as agree: varlaee Oo: before the 15th day of May, ; liately west of Main street, Atwh must be cleared of all unsani inatter and kept in a proper sani co.dition. _tritious dainty of the fields. ase & and th Wnh-up are keeping an eye in likely pi places for the succu- 'Tent cainty. 'Berhaps the best known of all the } ved. the spawn from hich the ordinary commercial article grown e partial to: pasture elds, particularly where sheep run, gills turn a brown, later a black, be- fore decay. How could anybody rmistake this second variety? The morel is pal buff in color, it is deeply honeycomb- ed and pitted, and its stem is partly hollow. In Queen's Park or Trinity College Grounds, in High Park, To- onto, or down at the Riverdale, even in Clarence Square, itis indigenous to a great many of our city breathing is crop, any time from the sea- son's opening till late on in Novem- ber. Hunt for morels wherever you see a patch of filled land. Many is nights to be looked for during Sep- tember. Pronounced by epicures the choic- _} est of all mushrooms, the third of our local grass-fleshes, is termed by the learned, the Agaricus Procerus. Any- stahdable how an amateur, the veriert tyro, can mistake this variety for any detested toadstool ever trod under foot. Like the last, it is a buff color, but spotted with dar«x shaggy patches, and to secure the parasol musbroomr frequent any place where cattle pas- ture or horses graze, or seek the mar- larged at the base, presents a- dry cuticle, more or less scaly, a darker 'colored umbonated top, a moveable ring on the stalk, and white gills, it must be the agaricus procerus, and it may be gathered and eaten without ear." A pocketful, or a peck, you will like the tender succulence of the shaggy- maned variety--Coprinus comatus-- common all over, and a delicious, nu- Yet once ves into an inky sub- "bu bare stalk iemindtil ait "swell" dinner, thot 2 name--he's the fairy-ring mush- m; and may be owing in the coming fortnight right outside your window, unbeknown, unless you ac- quaint yourself with the buff-colored, leathery-looking fungus, growing in ur growths can be mistaken for it. The|- iig pests will be back again soon, Goderich, April 3 3.--On &iction of Councillor Frank Elliott the.Council decided to start a petition for circula- tion among' the captains of the lakes for - Sgptpegy to the fund sup: plied t by st Soreness for» the The' aio vedii denis chas sent the town $250 for this' purpose, 4nd it is proposed to get four times the am ount in order to. 'make the remem- brance sufficiently 'imposing. : TILE -- A quantity Teac Fisher 44 2 are several places néarrthe city to-thé men Jr. ul -- Eskett Shiell 60, where its white cap ani pink gills} wh " and 1 Boyd 2 Mitac the gatherers, None of the bed Nobbabae ; thei Tives in the gale of last 5 inch tile on hand at Henfryn Brick & Tile Yard. Prices right. COLE & DOUGHERTY Proprietors. A CUT IN SALE IN For_the next 10-days we are on Wallpaper that will surprise you. A few odds and ends and room lots at such bargains that it will pay you to lay in a stock for future use. going to offer you Bargains Nof remnant nor ; F The regulation against se oné will enjoy swallowing a tooth- ae 98 e money in unregistered letters w gome dish of these, rather than the S FORD ss ATWOOD The Store for all the People Listowel y gistered lette Gute aczin it ia nob wader a ae EEEE EEE EEE E EEE EE EEE EE EEE EES PEEPEEEEL FEE 44444444 ATWOOD SHOE STORE ting away from the fact. A Cushion Sole Shoe is the shoe for foot comfoit. The secret of this worderful shoe is an allwoo) felt pad for the foot to rest upon which absorbs all dampness and keeps the foot in perfect condition. feet and a Positive cure for bunions or corns. For Men and Women who have to _be on their feet-a great deal of the time the Cushion Sole is certainly the best and the Good Leathers. Good Shoemaking...Good Styles. Ask to see Them, There's no get- No more tired or burning i i i i i ie ee i ee i i SASS rss Sree Edmonton and Return - 43.00} /| Audrey Ducklow 95, Kenneth Bar . . . ing nice: : that all back yards"f0d | more, fo poisonous kind looks like it . From poisonous ° oct of Tor Toronto. J roper tien ae te ton 9 ma water closets in the said Mun ici --in shape of a closed umbrella, of a - ; rom t of Toronto irst Class -- Eveline Holmes} pality must be thoroughly ¢ downy. whiteness, beautifully spotted D WATTERS NM ee ee ee Sere 75, Eric Ducklow 35. te sna put in wan iinte Seip vrown. . Beneath it is & Gaticatt : ain St. ' ou 3 be b t i t : PCED > Ss = ARES Primer -- Lloyd Barton excellent, | or before the first day a Are aa young, but speedily Urns | pppep ppd htt HEPES EEEEEERE EE EEE bob ete pe ep TUESD CH : Be Bere Be Ba clhecBealeoBucBacBecBe fe cSecBecfecfecBecleche BesfecBesedhecBecBecleshesBecEecke 7 Bank of Hamilton | crescent-shaped patches, Through trains Toronto to Winni ay . Wert, COLONIST CARS ON ce NERA IN Anderson. By order of Board of Health, times forming irregular rings. The Capital, Peid- up, om 4 ee hi Bg Agents or No. enrolled 24. Guo. LOCHHEAD, Secrofary.| full, soft masses may be picked and Surplus 0.100 strung, it is said, and retain their piquant flavor for years, Slow and sure now, gleaner of the wood-lots! The false fairy ring <lf- fers from the true in the gills and In the lines under the cap--where they are crowded close together, an not wide apart as in the true food. The false kind bas a depressed cap, the true has it always mounded. Also, if it's taste is acrid and not sweet and agreeable, reject it--C.M.C., in To-. ronto Star Weekly. write M. G. Murphy, D.P.A., Toronto. Dated at me ie ae llth da} April, A.D, THE MEN sean Average attendance 20. Ada B. MeMane, Teacher. A Banking institution get® strength as much from the men who direct its affairs as from the actual capital invested. Money deposited in the Bank of Hamilton is guarded by men well known for business integrity, and acumen -- men who value se- curity more than high profits To this polisy is due'a Surplus which is one quarter larger than its Capital--the result of over 40 years conservative managemen A. M. ROBINSON, Ic SUHINBEIN & SON Our Northway Suits and Coats for Ladies are going like hot cakes. styles every day, beautiful suits from $13.00 and upwards. Coats $8.00 and upwards. Ladies' Silk Coats from $10.00 and upwards. 10} Seeing is believing wonderful offerings IOL Atwood A Delver fn Figures. Agent, A book has- just 'been printed at - Lindsay, prepared by the town audi- tor, H. J. Lytle, that represents many months, or even years, of tedious, ex- acting labor. The copy ¢ontained over two hundred thousand calculations, only one-half, however, being used in the published work. It is somewhat dificult for one not versed in muni- cipal lore to understand the magni- tude of the work, but an idea can be formed from the fact that any rates levied by a council which can be ex- pressed by one or any possible com- binations of two. or three figures, on Amounts from $100, increasing Dy sums of $100 until $9,900 is reached, are to be found on its pages, or, in other words, every rate from one mill nine and ninety-nine-hundredtb mills is furnished. In order to mak? the work as nearly perfect as possible after reading the proofs with the copy, Mr. Lytie again proved the cal- culations mentally without the copy. He disclaims any credit for ability in his work, further than a little stick- to-it-iveness. Mr. Lytle's book wiil never figure among the best sellers, nor will -he coin money with it. Only one copy will probably be sold in any munici- pality and possibly. not that many ip vnere' (| SEEDS ! Ladies' Misses Men's and Boys. in Ladies' House r Creare 1 Wanted. HIGHEST PRICES WILL B WILL BE PAID BY us Ww oat Dresses e are adding new 7" at $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 _ our Ladies and Men's Rain Coats at $5.00, $7.00 and $10.00 aworld | t= (ca or----Jiic Test evéry shipment. ; Pay every two wecks. Cash cheques at par. | Let us send youacan. It will cost you nothing to give us a trial. Call and see us when in town or write us for fuller particulars. REFERS@CE, BANK OF HAMILTON. Perth Creamery Co. Listowel,-Ont --_--" | TOWELS ° Huckel 0| Bock large 1OL j | | | | COR SETS Aldrich Bros. | Managers See our snaps. Corset, 4 hose supports at 50¢. Bias Corsets from 85c to $6.00 See our Elastic Corset, no steels to break . size. Embroidery -- ends at 25c. some of the smaller communities beater. Nuns' Sacrifice. Three nuns have just left Montreal to gpend the remainder cf their lives in the leper colony at Sheeklung Is- land, near Canton. All three are only a little more than twenty years of age. For a time, at all events, they will be the only nuns to care and tend for four hundred Chinese women suffer- ing from the awful disease of lep- rosy, and a separate hospital has been erected for them by Father Conrardy 'and bis few assistants. i King's Beer as a Prize. Mr. Tom Wright, the heaviest in- habitant of Derby, ran a 50 yards' | ONE MILLION DOZEN EGGS WANTED and will pay the highest price, tc- a day we are paying 21c, subject to higher or lower prices. All kinds of farm and garden seeds. 5 The best that money can buy. ; Come and inspect for yourself. , Red Clover, Alsike, Alfalfa, Timothy, etc. BUTTER---We wont all the butter we can get and will pay the highest price in trade for one pound prints. J. M. SCHINBEIN & SON Listowel © <2 a race at Burton-on-Trent with George Fairburn, an elderly Burton man, the prize being a bottle of the famous ale brewed by King Edward | Mr. Wright fell, his opponent win- ning easily: ss ed J. ROGER, Atwood Hardware and Tinware 10. (0 ok ic