Atwood Bee, 8 May 1914, p. 1

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eo ATWOOD, ONT. FI AY. MAY. 8, 1914. : EL H. SWING,. PROPRIETOR. ~The Bee to January | ist, 1915 for 60 cents. - BRL VO~BE_S '*THE NYAL STORE" FOR ACHING, SORE AND SWEATING FEET Sometimes the feet ache, perspire anf feel damp 'and uncomfort- able. Cool shoes and thin stockings help some, but not enough. If You Want Real Foot Comfort Use Eas'em Dust a little Eas'em in the shoes, sprinkle some on the stockings. It absorbs moisture and checks perspiration to a large extént. Then the feet are comfortable, do not swell, do not ache. It's fine when breaking in new shoes summer or winter, makes them slip-on easily, overcomes ariction at the pinching places, prevents forma~ tion of corns and blisters.' Sprinkle Top Cannisters 25 cents. Like everything else in the line of Nyal's Family Remedies this Foot Powder is right, highesé quality, liberal quantity, reasonable price. Q. COGHLIN, ey cee ge ee) LOCAE "~~ It is said that every known fruit can be grown in Australia. Mrs. Wm. Lambe spent the week- end in Harristo on. Mr. Bamnual Newsteadt, of t Paliner ston, spent Sunday in town Mr. Gordon McCloy, of Milverton, spent Sunday at Mr. D. Watters. Caldwell's Cream Substitute Calf Meal always om hand at Mitchell's. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Roger spent Sunday with relatives at Motherall. Miss Ella Hamilton of Toronto, i | Visiting at her home on the 6th hee Michael Youhouse, of Pittsburg, }@ year. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Bonnett, of Port Dover, are visiting with 1 cas in town. Mr. Harry Hateliffe arrived edie on Friday evening last from Toronto . { } { j | in it = FO wom i Cake, GE Salada Tea in lead package at 30, 40 and 50 a lb. Just got in a new stock of Pipes. Call and see them. The Star Grocery CUBAN PINEAPPLES Just receiyed a shipment of the finest Brand Cuban Pines and as the prices are quite low.we advise our customers to secure their canning orders early while the quality is at its best. Pines are fully ten days earlier maturing than last year. Extra heavy large size per dozen $2.20 or 20c each. Second size, extra fine, per dozen $1.65 or lic each. Third size, very fine stock, per doz. $1.35 or 2 for dc. For Pure Maple Sugar and Sugar I the McCormick open kettle - brand it is gumanteed. pure and | "we havo it at 35c a quart or $1.30c a gallon and twin blocks, Maple Sugar at 10c each. Flour and: Feed Woe bave a good supply of Flour, Bran, Shorts, Low Grade; Oil Flax Seed Meal, Bibby's Cream Equivalent, Caldwell's Cream substitute for calyes ond Grit and Oyster shell for hens. "I it ' _ We pay the highest market price 'for Butter and Eggs. Goods delivered to any part of the Village. 'E. T. Greensides & Son Phone 5 hospital. | Mrs. D. Watters spent a few days this week visiting her mother in Wingham. Mr: W. W. is visiting atthe home of Mr. ' Wilson, 8th con. Gibson, of Kingston, Wm. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Stewart and son of Guelph, are visiting with Mr. 'and Mrs. Walter Thompson. | Aden of foxes was found near Linyvood by three local men, and six \red fox pups were captured. Out of 16,775 London county coun- !cil employes, 1,813 are ex-soldiers 'and 779 ex-sailors and mariners: | Messrs. Max Morrison and Lorne Vallance spent Sunday at Mitchell \the eke of Mr. and Mrs.G. Porry, as hein 5 "Blentte ve 'ing fifty: three wattle: Batkes and hose. | rn ie Two CY scared the horse 'of Chester Nedy, near Harriston, and | his wife were thrown put and badly \ injured. Seed corn is! arrived, Dent and Flint varieties, best quality, get. your | supply before the shortage comes.-- S: H. Mitchell. fr. and Mrs. H. Thempson, of winghew, motored to, Atwood on | Sunday and spent the day with Mr. | jand Mrs. D. Watters. No more tangoing will be allowed | _ in Ottawa hotels by the | | , ' ( at a Our Specials for this week Ready:made Cfothing. Our new shipment of Clothing for men and boys dias arrived..and we can show you some. of 'the shades and styles of tbe well known C.N.R. Brand at very reasonable prices. Special lines in boys' and men's.odd pants and knickers which are .ex- ceptionally good value. Hats and Caps for Spring. Our lines 'are the _newest and at good rea- sonable prices. Come in-and give us a call and be convinced. REDPATH SUGAR $4.60 per cwt. EGGS 20c a dozen BUTTER 22 and'22c a Ib. W. R. ERSKINE, Phone. 1. Main Street, Atwood 'Deate De Ly WwW. 'Scranton COAL "Phone 2-12 Commissionefs, according to an edict | | which went forth last week. Mr. J. J. Johnson had a cement ' walk put down last week and Mr. R. | Thompson is having one laid this | week by Mr. Frank Freeman. | Mr. R. A. Thompson took in the 'horse show at Toronto last week dnd {also exhibited hig roadster, Cheer Up, | receiving third prize from a class o i fifteen horsés? Oa Monday afternoon a cyclone and destroyed tho farm buildings of | |Mr. Duncan McKay and brought de- |struction to many orchards. An unkuown laborer at Montreal | brushed a spark off bis neck while | working for the Canada Cement Com- loop It fell on dynamite, which ex- 'ploded, blowing the man to pieces. | The executive of the Western Foot- | ball Association met in Stratford on 'Tuesday eysning and arranged the | groups. Intermediate---Group No. 3 |--Listowel,, Monkton, Atwood and | Poole. Samuel Brown was found in a box lear at London. Someone had stalen | his artificial: leg, and he -could not i walk. He had been in the car with- | out anything to eat for four day s but | Was gent to jail for trespass. |. Postmaster Jos. Gibson of Inger- Iso!l,.was in'Monkton and Atwood }' jance addresses on behalf of the Tem- |perance and Moral reform Depart- | ment of the Methodist Church. CASTORIA For Infants and Children | In Use For Over 30 Years _ Always | bears | Signature of | claims to haye gone without sleep for) . License | | passed over the vicinity of Moncrieff | Sunday, where he delivered temper- | *, Vara . Stevens, 'of "Palmerston, is vues 'fat the Parsonage. Twelvo members of the I. O. O. F. of this town were in Listowel on Friday night and assembled with tribesmen in the Oasis of 'the Shiks and Tribesmen cf Sanctorum Kiriu No. 29, Listowel, when twenty-seven candidates received the mysteries of thet Divine Lesson of Humility and Perfection by. the Grand Hyastytee assisted by the Vice Grand Hyasty- teé; the Grand Monitor, the Chief Executioner, the Venerable Friar and other tribesman. After the neophytes were given the Oriental Light a sovial honr was spent in celebrating the Oriental Moon Feast. - --_----_ = ---------- COUNCIL BOARD MET ON SATURDAY. The Municipal 1 Oouisieil of the Town- ship of Elma met in the Agricultural hall, Atwood, on Saturday, May 2nd. -Members present --- Reeve, Wm Scott ; Deputy-reeve, Samuel Smith ; Councillors, Wm. Coates, John IIl- man and Wm. McClory. + Minutes of last meeting were read, approved and signed by the Reeve and Clerk. Shag by McClory--Smith---that y-Law No. 644 of the township of in known as The Hammond drain By-law be provisionally adopted and that the Clerk be instructed to have printed and served on the parties assessed and that the Court of Re- vision be held at the Agricultural hall, Atwood, on Thursday; the 28th day of May, 1914, at ten o'clock a.m. for determining the appeals, if any, to the said court of revision. Moved by McClory--Coates--tbat Wm. Robb be appointed Sanitary Inspector of the township of Elma for the year 1914 at a salary $15.00 2nd 30c for each hour actually en- gaged in performing the necessary duties of sanitary inspector. hoved by Boast Tee that aarti of Elma ae now real a third: time be finally passed. Moved by McClory-- Smith--that the report of. the Engineer on the |Beuuchamp Cresk and Extension * |drains as seryed on the Municipality 'of Elma by the Municipality of Grey be now read. Moved by McClory--Illman--that ithe report of the engineer on the 'Beauchamp Creek and Extension drains in Grey be adopted. Moved by Smith -- IlIlmhn -- that ithe report of John Roger, engineer, jon the proposed repair and improve- ' ment of the Peet drain be now read. Moved by Smith -- I!!man -- that the report of John Roger, engineer, |on the proposed Improvement of the |Peéat drain be laid oyer until the work on the Outlet. to the proposed Peet. Drain Improyement is sufii- | clently prosecuted and that each per- som 'assessed in the Improvement of the Peet drain be notified when said ireport is adopted. | Moved by Iltlman -- Smith ----- that |the Reeve and Clerk issue orders for | the payment of the following t.ccounts Bell. Telephone Co., telephoning, $1.62 ; Atwood Bee, tender for drain re Ellice Maitland Relief drain, 2.50, printing General By-Laws, 42.00, | post cards and printing Hammond ees 1.85, post cards and printing Beauchamp Creek drain, 1.65, post cards and printing Peet drain, 1.55, printing by-law Hammond drain 13.50 ; Geo. Lochhead, express, post- age and stationery till May lst, 1914, 9.41; Jas. McKay, bal. grayel lots 1 and 2, con. 16, 3.50; Sam Ducklow, putting in culvert lot 14. con. 14, 9.90; Nelson Hamilton, rep. culvert lot 16, con, 2, 75c; Robt. Rennick, rep. road lot 17, T. L. B. & L., 11.00 ; Frank Graham, opening snow road, lot 25, con. 6, 6.00 ; County Treasurer bal.due county on good roads, 613.43; David Dewar, gravel dot 11, con. 14, per J. Quipp cont., 4.92 ; Geo. Chap- man, gravelling lot 16, con. 8, 1.00; Samuel Ducklow, rep. road jot 24, con. 14, 1.00; Hy. Ronnenberg, ins- pecting gravyelling lot 6, 7, 8, con. 16, 00; H. A. Ward, tile drain, lot 12, con. 16,200; John Swint, rep. cul- vert s, r. 20 and 21, con. 15, 5.00; Chas. Wynn, rep. culvert con. 12, Gr. road, 1.00 Moved by Goates--McClory--that the Council do now adjourn to meet again at the Agricultural hall, Atwood, on Thursday, May 28th, at ten o'clock for general township business and as a court of revision on the Hammond drain by-law and at two o'clock as a conte of revision on the assessment rol, Gro, LOCHHEAD, CLERK. Hiram Duryea, a New York mil- lionair manufacturer, was shot and killed by his son, Chester. A woman architect in New York has a salary of $10,000 a year. She knows how to draw money as well Oklahoma Gity, Okla:,. May. 5.-- | Five lives were lost and twelve rail- road bridges swept away early this morning, when the «South Canadian Riyer rose to a record height and caused damage of half.a million dol- lars. The floods are still rising. best counsel under the skies. he Perth Gbemery Co. as plans. Local shoe dealers tell us that the newest thing is the kidney heel. If the wearer of the new fangled boots has corns, it may in future be refered to as kidney trouble. Early to bed and early to rise, mind your own business and"tell no lies, don't get drunk and deceive your wives, pay your debts and advertise ; buy from men of enterprise, is .the Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA + "ATWOOD SHOE STORE EVERY STEP A PLEASURE A Cushion Sole Shoe is the shoe for foot comfort. There's no get- ting away from the fact. The secret of this worderful shoe is an allwool felt pad for the foot to rest upon which absorbs all dampness and keeps the foot in perfect condition. No more tired or burning et and a positive cure for bunions or corns. For Mén and Women who have to be on their feet a great deal of the time the Cushion Sole is certainly the best and the Good: Leathers. Good Shoemaking. Good Styles. Ask to see Them. Bring along your BUTTER and EGGS. All rips sewed on shoes bought from me free of charge. D. WATTERS : _Main st. 2 SO i ee eee eee ree PEP PP EE ee ees Cream W: Wanted. HIGHEST PRICES WILL ES WILL BE PAID BY US Test every shipment. Pay every two weeks. Cash cheques at par. Let us send you acan. It will cost you nothing to give us a trial. Cail and see us when in town or write us for fuller particulars. - REFERENCE, BANE OF. HAMILTON. Listowel, Ont ~ Managers aT 4 Central Business College STRATFORD, ONT Become a specialist in Business. It offers more opportunities than any other calling. To reap the full measure of success you must have the best possible training. "This is Ontario's Best Business School. We give in- dividual attention. You may enter our classes at any time. Three depart- = ments--COMMERCIAL, SHORTHAND and TELEGRAPHY. Write at once for our free catalogue. D. A. McLachlan Principal ~ RUGS LINOLEUMS and FURNITURE We have just what you want and the price is right. Give us a call and you will be con- \yvinced what we are telling you is true. J. ROGER, Atwood Hardware and Tinware , , Bank of Hamilton Capital, Paid-up, sy 000 Surplus 80.000 : 5 ACCUMULATING CAPITAL . The lack-of Capital: stands between many a | man and the carrying out ofa good, b business dea. Every young man on sala of accurmulating toa sa ry has the means Weekly additions A. Ml. ROIS prs Atwood Aldrich Bros!

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