Atwood Bee, 8 May 1914, p. 5

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ig the Preferred _ Stock of MODEL Sir H. Montagu Allan, Mr. Jobn A. Gunn, - .- - of Canada; Director, Ga Rallway. cliic Mr, c. R. pisemer, Presid t Oxilvie re gen 2 Mills, -lL Director: Bank" Montreal; 'Director, Canadian Paoine Railway Mr. Cc. B. Gordon: Pres{dent,. Do- minion Textile Co., Ltd.; * Director, Bank of Montreal. For further INVEST YOUR MONEY DAIRIES, Presiden: - President Merchants Bank cf Camada," Vice-. Directors. 'Mr. H. 8. Holt, ee eap mh wl ene Mr. .W.. M. Mr, R. J. Younge, of R. J. Younge and Compan R. J. YOUNGE AND COMPANY, Montreal, Limit, of Montreal. t. "2 President Gunns' Limited. - Director Molsons'* Assu: Birks Seong Diregion, Sun Life sur- Mr, John: Mo oKergew, Dtrector, Sun Life Assurance Co.' : Hon. Serato or" Dandurand, Director, chet Life Assurance Co.; hha Grand Trunk Pa oe Railw drop a Post Card ae - 179 St. James Street, Canada. , THIS HAS PAID 7% imp ao ata INVESTMENT half yearly since the Sec -uritles of this Corporation wer lace n the market 10 rs ago. Business. established 8 year Favestmtne may, be withdrawn in part or whole ay time after on mortgage. Full par- furnished on request. HATIONAL SECURITIES RIBITES, LIFE PER ANNUM - TORONTO, select from. $100 and upwar 2. fifty year per ceft. interest. Yield. ONTARIO GOVT. ..4.59% OWEN SOUND, ONT. 4.90% TP. BARTCH, ONT. 4.90% BROCKVILLE, ONT. 5.00': HESPELER, ONT. . 5.00% BRANDON, MAN. 6.10% TP. BRUCE, ONT. ..5.12% SYDM Y, WB. . 5.20% BURLISGTON, ONT. 5.20% MILTON, ONT. ..... 5.25% WORTH BAY, ONT..5.25% BLMIEA, ee eee 6.25 GRIMSBY, + +s BF BE% SUDBURY, ONT. -BS8%- ~ investment SAFETY FIRST Is the watchword of the day. Canadian Municipal Debentures properly placeathem, for safety, In the front rank o following constitute an evinetatly attractive group to 1. They can be purchased in amounts of approximately rds. They See at practically all periods from one to 3. They. 3 are offered to yield from 4'2 per cent. to 6% --_--..__ ALBERTA SCHOOL DISTRICTS Write for Pull Particulars. Gladly Sent on Request. A. E. AMES & CO, <<z5°- The unique record of all Investments, The 8T. LAURENT, Q. NELSON, B.C. TP. RICHMOND, B.C. 5.40% MEDIOINE HAT, BUPB. « svincsies 5.38% STREDTSVILED, OMB. 6 wciccsnves 50% DISsT. 'y. VAnNcou- bs MBG. cccccice SUDBUBY (SEP. 'SCHE'LE.), ONT. 5.75% ESTEVAN, SASK. . % WATEOUE, SASK. .. 650% ones wew en wbe edie 6.75% ea Bankers Union Bank Building, Toronto THE RE MARK ABL EC ASE. WORST MOSQUITOES. Excuse for the Prevalence of Them Anywhere. A despatch from Washington says: Members of the House Rivers and Harbors Committee were on Wed- nesday discussing the testimony of Sir William Willcocks,-the English engineer who built the Aesuan Dam on the Nile, in which he told how the problem. of the malarial mosqui- to along the Suez Canal had been solved. He testified before the com- mittee that at Khartoum, where the boats brought down the worst mos- quitoes in the world, "the drainage is so perfect there that now we fine @ man twelve shillings ($3) for every mosquito seen en his place." Sir William contended that there was no excuse for the prevalence of mos- quitoes anywhere. The people along the Suez Canal, he said, wrestled with the malarial mosquito until British enginzers provided modern drainage and disciplined these who tolerated mosquitoes on their prem- Ss. No -- COUNTERFEIT $10 BILLS. Canadian Bank of Commerce Issues Varning to the Public. Countérfeit $10 notes of the Cana- dian Bank of Commerce of the issue at present in use are in circulation in Hamilton' Ont. The counterfeits which have so far been seen are numbered 452,477, in red over black, whereas the genuine notes now issued by the bank are numbered in blue. The colors used are also much deeper in tint than se of the genuine notes, especial- ly the yellow and red om the face. apparently _:made by blota, which appear on 'the word '"'bank" where it occurs at the foot of the note. = ae are poumicemered 5 y O'Reilly. ASIATIC RACES BARRED. Boe th Conse Becomes Effective mn May 31. Scere: B.C., April 29.--Asia- * tics of all races will be barred from interpretation has made the order-in-Council a; <a ble to Chinese, Japanese dus, and will become effective on May 31.. © 2 Man Blind for Two Years Can Now See Distinétly. A despatch from Quebec says: A remarkable case of the sudden re- covery of sight through being struck on the nose by a piece of wood is that of Mr. Henri R. Germain, an employe of the local agency of the Marine and Fisheries Department, who resides at Beauport. Mr. Ger- main has been practically blind for over two years past, following a se- vere attack of inflammatory rheu- matism. He was chopping wood at his home when a piece flew up and struck him on the bridge of the nose. This severed a vein, and as a result Mr. Germain lost much blocd; which was black in color. Immecliately after Mr. Germain dis- covered that he could see distinctly. Strange to say, he felt no pain when struck by the piece of wood % CAUSE OF TYPHOID FEY pte: Ton of Bad Iee Taken From Vessel at Kingston. A despatch from Kingston says: The Medical Officer of Health on Wednesday ordered the steamer Reyport, which was ready to clear up the lakes, to be held until a ton of ice, delivered to it by a local dealer, had been unloaded. The ice was cut in an area of the harbor thet is allowed only for the cutters' own business use for cooling pur- poses and is not allowed to be dis- posed of or taken off his premises. The local Board of Health is of the opinion that much of the --s fever that originated on the vessels is caused by this bad ice and is go- ing to put a stop to its delivery at this port. The Customs officer held up the vesse] as dirceted. a $320,000 FOR ROADS, A System of Roads for the County Oxford, despatch from Woodstock' says: Pe to-day's 5) session of the Oxford County Council an order-in- Counéil was read authorizing an ex- penditure of $320,000 on a system of | 8° county roads for Oxford, with the proviso that only $60,000 shall be epent in one year. of the latter atnount among the var- ities. ious municipal AMERICAN VESSEL FIRED ON New Complication in the fexican Situation Which May Prove to be Serious A despatch from Washington says : Another atektbnialicte at ans, 'have fired M upon an American 'merehantman flying the Cuban and have wounded fier helmsman, A bulletin given out at the Navy Department | said that Admiral Mayo: reported that the Ward liner Antilla, flying the Cuban flag, was stopped by the Constitutiénalists while she 'was passing up the river to the city, and was forced to anchor in - the vicinity of Arbul Grande., "Apparently," says the Navy Department bulletin, 'it was ne- (een to firs a ihe 'boat before as Antilla report her -helmaman quired medical aeei number of rece officers, by* Captain Doughty, of mione, called on the PROS oie of the Constitutionalists for an expla- nation of the incident. The Con- stitutionalist commiander explained that they could not let the boat pro- to. Tampico, as it was m2ces- sary for them to stop all stores from reaching the Federals, and that they would be obliged to st op all merchant vessels in the future.' PRICES GF FARM PRODUCTS GEPORTA «Rom THE LEADING TAADD SENTRES OF 4MERICA Fetces of Cattle, Crain, Cheess ans O1ny €ragice at Homes and Abroa Breadstuffs. Toronto, May 5.--Flour--Ontarlo in' jute, bags, tobas--First patents, : strong 'Abak-. $5.10; . 2-at 94 ic c Ontario w $1 1.02, outside, according to freight, and $1.03 to 40c, Ba rley-----Good malting barley, 56 55, Emon Say to quality. e--No, 2 at 63 to Bic, outside. 2 me al e. Corn--No. 3 T2he, Toronto, Bran--Manitoba bran, $25 to ton, in bags, Toronto fretght. $26 to $25. merican, all rail, $26 a Shorts, Country Produce. dairy, 19 to in- fat separator : amery prints, fresh, : ie storage 1 _-- 23 to 24c solids, storage, 2 a2 Eggs-- motes Cee 16 Te; to 20 per 1aowen) in case wl ge 104 to lle o $3. 25 per ots. Hone ee ance, ns--Hand-picked, $2.15 to $2.20 vee ae primes, $2.1 $2.16. ultry--Fowl, 16 Tb.; Guschene 19 to 20c; 5 ene, 15 to 16c; turkeys, 20 to 23c. otatoes--Delawares are quoted at $ on track, here. Wholesale seed m recleaned seeds to 'the rchants "Aree eng on a 109- lb, basis:-- 9t alfa Sis to $13.50 Provisions. do., No. .Ba --Long clear, ce per Ib., in case. "ots, Hams-- do. 7 to 18¢; rolls, breakfast bacon, 18 to 19c: Lard --Tierces, 123c; 13%c. bucks, 22 to tubs, 13c: palls, Montreal ea] Markets. Montreal, May Se: rei > Barley. 'oon $5.6 0; & $28. Siddlings, ta r ton car lots, atoes, per bag, cer lots, 85 to 95c Winnipeg Grain. 5. --Cash-- Wheat-- No. 2 Rectharn. Winnipeg, May No. 1 Northern, 903%c yr Bc; No. 2 : s64c; N "449e Piax No. $1.22 United States Markets. ah aie is No. 3 Cw. = ue ee Sic Northern, 91§ to 93Bc; No. 2 »! 8 yel- ars--No. white, Flour and bran unchanged. rd, No. 3 2 Northern, 903c; Live Stock Markets. Toronto, May 6.--Cattle--Cholce -- chers', 7.75 to $8. a e008 Hy com: 'and cutters, $8 "ss. '60 to $4; $23c; No uly, 924c $7. $10.25; common, $4.75 to Sheep and lambs-- --Light ewes, $6.50 to $7; Spring lambs, $10; lambs, yearlings, $9: to $9. 7b; AY with bi per head deducted the bu mbs. to $9, _ and tae ec Montreal, May 6.--Chotce, steers at $8.25 to $8.50; good at $7.75 to $8; fair at $6.75 to $7.25. The lower s quality. Year ambs, = to $9. and old sheep at rere? to $7 Calve sold from $3 to $10 e vas . size ina quality. --------- kk Hostilities have ceased in Mexico porting the conferences being held Washington by the gin: Ameri- can envoys. ports--No, 1} C.W., $1,308; | to | nnn -- Comment on Events Canada is Helping. Among the mass of legislation under- taken by the British House ° ommons tis probable that the Piomese Bill will be passed into la $ the support of the gov- ernment, and it is an effort made to save tho: are and exquisite wpedles which are threatened with extinction by the greed of the rd-hunt The United States has al y Set a splendid = ex- ample in this mattér, and Canada has now passed.a ls y which after Jan- uary 1, 1915, it will be illegal to bring to Canada aigrettes, plumes, win ' a It is time the nations took @ hand otecting t wild birds for some of the instances of slaughter are perfectly rrible, T he case of the Island ® great breeding-place of the albatros. By the efforts of one an, assisted by a gang of twenty-two or twenty-three employees, that Island has been turned from ous colony of happy birds tnto rnel-house o bones. It ts computed that something like one-half of the itire c has he ren destroyed, and the hideou rk would assure¢ ve e com w pleted if the United States had not hap- pily wakened just tn time to wh vas going on. he Pluma 3ill of itself il not suffice. Nothin ut an Inter national agreement w feng the egret and the bird of para ise disap- pearing from the world forever, Excursion to the Axotic. There will be none o ing and fishing." Passenger will be allowed one polar bear, one seal, one walrus, two musk ox, one wolf and two 0, ines, spirit minera: ge ft the best brands and qualities. Dr. Captain Bernier could not desire any- pine mc Search for 'Know Industrial slums, huge armaments, extrem of -wealth and poverty seem ay be a Be rather th blessin The seeker after owledge {ts own sake is ij way responsible for the errors of states- m r the lts of mankind. The true disciple of knowledge will ever bear { mi the words of Bacon: "Knowledge is not a co or the curious spirit, nor a terrace for the wandering, tower of state for the proud mind, nor a vant storehouse for of God and the endowment of Those biologists who devoted their energies--and 'oe 80 nd at there is ttle terci- tory left to explore. © on developing. They not stand still. It is the ine of fe ~--excelsior. ¢ Trade of Canada. Offictal trade figures for the months of the fiscal year ending March the Customs De- a grand 112, 662.107, a '; which was up to then. the high water mark, was $1,068,660,225. ny feature of the year recently clos- ed mous increase {n exports Lot Ci , the total being bade 31,589,658, an increase of elghty mil- The {mports on the other hand, which peti to $618,328,874, showed a de ease from the previous year of a iit- exports was trade for the month of h ecline from the previous year the total being $92,887,453 as against $106,148,252. . Germ-Deatroying Device rel science promises water aoa milk without ty phoid germs, Sunlight Ky dh . eal terta, and w ultra-violet rays are oo eohiet. purifying agent. ful success in many clim yy. A closed in rock crystal 8 en . the only so lid which the ultra-violet s, pen trate. Typhoid epidemic France, m2 co, the Mppinesa a Ser i device. The rays may also be tied to purify public bathe: a eee The 'A B ©" mediators asked Ger A despatch from El Pasco says: Immediate preparations for com- bined attacks against Mazatlan, Tampico, and Saltillo is the answer in advance by the Mexican rebels to any invitation that may come to them to cease hostilities against the Huerta Government pending medi- ation of the differences between Huerta and the United States. Carranza and Villa do not recog- nize the armistice as having any connection with the affair between Huerta and the rebels and do not feel called upon to stop pressing their campaign against Huerta while mediaticn is in progress over the Vera Cruz-Tampico affair. Negohiations Not Connected With Their ' With Huerta. NOTIN FAVOR OF ARMISTICE' Affai Villa has announced his intention of pushing his campaign against the Federals regardless of the negotia- tions which are being conducted be- tween the Huerta Government and the -- States through the .' powers, While beth Peron hr and Villa have expressed their approval of the mediation plans, their representatives here say that under no conditions will the Constitutionalist leaders consent to a cessation of hostilities against Huerta at this time, and in proof of this position call attention, to Villa's vigorous military campaign which he has mapped out against Saltilio, San Luis Potosi, and Tam- pico. HAD A GREAT SCHEME. Induced U.S. Officer to Send Squad to Rob Gambling House. A despatch from Vera Cruz says: The first serious case to come be- fore the Provost Marshal, Comman- er , lers, of the Arkansas, indicated the éfficacy of the naval service. A thief was apprehended and lodged in jail within a few hours of the n of his crime of P qutenigges < A man, giving the name of J. R. Mulcahy, who asserted that he was. an American reporter, told the Pro- vost Marshal that he. had informa-} tion of the whereabouts. of quanti- ties of arms and ammunition in the hands of Mexicans. Mulealfy was given a squad of or armed Bn men and instructed to e the a and ammunition. Led "by Mulcahy, the men went to a gambling house, where Mulcahy in Spanish demanded money instead of arms, and represented himself as a second captain of police. The marines, not understandin the transaction, watched Mulcahy compel the cpening of safes, which proved to be empty, the cashier ex- | plaining that the funds had been turned over to his employer, . Pedro Nau. The cashier was thereupon forced to conduct the party to the resi- dence of Nau, from whom money was demanded. Nau handrd over 5,000 pesos, which Muleahy carried to his.hotel and dismissed the mar- ines. On the following day Nau com- plained to the Provost Marshal, af- ter which detectives traced Mul- cahy, who was later arrested and placed in jail. The money was re- covered and.returned to Na Mulcahy was sentenced oe five years' imprisonment, e______. GRAFT SCANDAL IN JAPAN, Admiral Will Be Court-Martialed and Others Impeached. A despatch from Tokio says: The preliminary enquiry into the naval graft scandals revealed that Ad- miral Matsumoto received a $200,- 000 bribe in connection with the cruiser Kongo. This sum was given to him by Mitsuis, the Japanese agent of the Vickers' shipbuilding concern, out of a $575,000 commis- sion, the latter received. It is be- lieved the admiral could not have been bribed without the connivance of his euperiors. The admiral] wil] be eourt-martia --_ -- MODEL DAIRIES, LIMITED. It seldom happens that private investors are given the opportunity of securing stock in such attractive enterprises ag Model Dairies, Limi- ted, aoe, For stages in . this issue. fon i Large all the 7 ci ica are cies pf Nor h Amer: to their atetwldags every se Model Dairies has been or by a number of the Leeasae 2 most successful business men in Canada. The names of these men insure permanence and good man- agement. It pays to follow good leaders. THE NEWS IN A PARAGRAPO (APF UNINGS FROM ALL OVEB THE GLOBE IN 4 NUTSHELL. Canada, the Enipire and the World fo General Before Your Eycs. Mes Canada. Galt Board of Trade in a one-day whirlwind campaign added two bake red fifty names to its m ~ ship roll. Nearly a hundred brides-to-be came to Canada by the Glasgow steamer Saturday, which docked at Montreal on "Wednesday. Captain R. G. Kendall, comman- der of the Canadian Pacific liner Ruthenia, has beent appointed cap- tain of the Empress of Ireland. Judge Charbonneau has reversed the finding of the Montreal Licemos Board, which cut off the licenses of five cabarets, following many pro- tests, on behalf of citizens and churches. on trustees had P peneed $ Univer- si , of \the offer of N Major "Re W. Leonard for a military residence, and ap- pointed a committee to confer with him regarding details The Mayor of Mai sonneuve, Que., will compel the street railway com- pany to give a continuous service and refrain from turning cars into the barn before reaching the end of the route by ordering the arrest of - all car crews who offend. Mrs. Harriet Shunn, of London, Ont., received word through a 'finn of old country lawyers that she is a joint heir to an estate in Ireland A that is valued at $11,009,000. °Mrs. Shunn, who is about fifty years old, with her husband, has been | @ resi- dent of Londen moet of her life. They are in comfortable pe stances. Great Britain. The House of Lords C orate called Lord Murray's deali" Marconi shares "'errors 'of Tedg! ment.' Tho building trade employes of London, Eng., have rejected the terms of settlement offered by the masters by a vote of 23,000 to 2,000, though 20,000 people, mainly non- combatants, have been long on the verge of starvation. Two suffragettes Sisauloed as Sis- ters of Charity rakded the Prince of Wales' rooms at Oxford on Monday, the first day of the new term, but his Royal Highness was not in real: canes, having gone on a cruise on he battleship Collingwood with his brodhes. United States. The Court of Customs Appeals in New York denied the free entry of wood mulp from @annda. General, The fortress of San de Ulua, at Vera Cruz, notorious for centuries as perhapa the foulest son on the American continent, has beeng ordered by Rear-Admiral Fletcher to be compietely vacated immediately.

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