Atwood Bee, 12 Jun 1914, p. 8

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of Sill, Lawn and Saturday 50 Blouses $260, Used BIO? ies slorod at ~ 95c each We have given our customers some rare bargains but never a better one than this, over a dozen of these blouses are of Paelletti silk and worth $4.50 and $5. a COLLARS, BELTS © and SASHES in a _B. grand clean up. . Lines that were 25c, 50c and up to $1.25 Saturday 19¢ : No need to describe them further----COME EARLY Ladies' Neckwear STORE WILL CLOSE AT: ONE O'CLOCK EACH WEDNESAAY DURING JULY AND AUGUST. ~ Bring us your produce~Butter, Eggs--trade .or cash. Butter 18¢. .: Eggs (9c trade, 18¢ cash. Gowdy & Co,, Limited *' The Store for all the People "' Listowel A meeting of the Cheeseboard was held in Listowel on Friday at 2.30 p.m. in the Public Library. Light factories were represented and 62 _ cheese were boarded, the price being 12%. Most of the cheese was sold at this price on the street. The annual election of officer took place with the cfollowing results: President John Brown; Viee President, Hugh Mce- Court ; Sev. Treas., C. V. Blatchford; Directors, Richmond, Biftin, Cooth ; Auditors, Muir, Rothwell. A section in the Highway Travel . Act redds as follows :-- Where a per- 800. trayellin or boing upon, ee highs. ss a yehicle, m another yantele; he shall turn out 'to the right from the centre'of the road, allowing the vehicle to meet one half _of the road. Vehicle includes rigs drawn by horses or other animals, a traction engine or motor vehicle. This is quoted because some farmers are of the opinion that the law in re- gurd to autos did not come within the meaning of the General Act in regard to giving half way on the public high- Way. | New York, May 29.-- Charles Beck- er was sentenced to die in the electric 0 chair at Sing Sing during the week beginning July 6th. Milverton, May 29.--The Liberals of North Perth this afternoon chose Mr. R.S. Robertson, of Stratford, as candidate for the Provincial Legis- lature in the next general election. This year's production of Ford cars will require 1,250,000 tires according to. an estimate made by- officials of the Ford Motor Co. This indicates that the plants will turn out 312,500 machines for ! the current season. ~ Stretford, "May "99. pee, Little of North Mornington, was- this evening selected as organizer for the Perth County Temperance Alliance in the campaign to abolish the bars and shops by the Canada Temperance act. A sub-committce of the Exe- cutive after several days' considsr- ation of the applications, decided fin- ally on Rev. Mr. Little, who will be- gin his new duties almost immediat- ely. He is a former business man of experience. Ywhich was $400,00. | shaking all the farm eggs agaenyshosk te canvas in the township : the collection of funds to Tt is time to put an 6nd to Bhis all! a he farm butter up in two bags and pe ing the same price for all the" and the samé price forall the whether the former be fresh or thalf hatched or whether the butter be produce of skill and cleantlio rancid axle greaso from dirty s aod dirty kitchens.--Farmer's vocate > ae : -- ee Boy Drowned In Morning! , "Milverton, Jone 7 7--A sad fee occurred near here yosterday allot noon when. Jack, the. nine year: Id son of Mr. Jas. Hanna, a promigént farmer of Mornington, was drowned. The boy, in company with his two -brothers and-some other coupanions, went over to Mr. Jos. Taylor's, a neighbor' s place, to an old gravel pit in which was a quantity of for a swim, und the little fellows beyond his depth. The first intima tion recéived by the family was wh the boys met Mr. Robt. Hannay uncle of the deceased, and stated4 "Jackie is diving, but hasn't come'p yet." He made' haste. to the seare, but some time elapsed before the bhy when he > was taken from the water, was beyond resuscitation. ' _--o Death of Edwin n Hanged a Mitchell, Jone. i. 1.--Mitehell has lost another respected resident in the death of Mr. Edwin Hance, who pas- sed to his reward on Friday evening, at the age of 51 years, after a -brief illness. Although the deceased: had been in rather poor health for sont: years, nothing serious was expected! He had been a resident of Mitchel for seventeen years; having moy here from the township of Elm where he had carried on fartning fo} Notice. --~--The mneintbers of i 0. O.F P| pm. on Sunday, June 2st, and will tleave-at 2.30 for Elma Centre ceme- ry where decoration service will be & For the first tine in the history of the Ofange Order in "aa? America a westerner "bas pointed iGrand Master: of tie' ee Jpeyed oa Lioyal Orange Association of British s | America. The new. Grand Master is Dr. D. D. Elis, of Fleming, Sask:, formerly of Stratford. Mr. H. B. Morphy, K.C. M.P., of North Perth, bas been élected Deputy Grand Mas- ter. The next meeting wil be at \d-.| Winnipeg in July 1915. TENDERS 2 OR DRAIN. Sealed tenders, "marked "'Tenders for Drain,"' will be receivéd by the under- signed up till two o'clock p.m., on Satur- day, June 20th, 1914, for the constructior of « drain in the Township of Elm known as "The Hammond Drain." Tes- ders must give the names of two-sureti¢ and be eoepenied with a'marked ch oom for $100 Plans: prediicn and, specifications may be-scen at_my office, Atwood. . For fur- ther information apply to Wm. Scott, Reeve, Monkton, Ont, or the undersigned "The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. é GEO, LOCHHEBAD, 4 Clerk of Elma, EAswood, June Ist, 19H. TIMBER SALE, ENDERS will be received by the under- signed up to cing of the 15th day of July, 19:4, for the right to cut the Red and White Pine timber on berths +, 2anl3,Township of Blyth, in-the Dis- trict of 'Nipissing. 'or inaps and conditions of sale apply tothe undersigned, or the Crown Timber Agent at Sudbury and North ay. W. H. HEARST Minister of Lands, Forests and Mines. Toronto, May 4th, 1914. N- No unauthorized Ca lication of this notice witt-be pai some years previously. Mr. Hane was wasa man of quiet dispositio well liked and a fine neighbor, h deeply loyed his family and home and was respected by all -who knew him 80 that bis sudden dom ne is 7 Trving and one daughter, Ruth, one sister and three brothers. On his home with the family .for years To them the deepest sympathy of the citizens of Mitchell is expressed in) their hour of great sorrow and be- reavement. In religion Mr. Hanee was 2 Methodist and in politics 2 Conservative. The funeral was "held this afternoon from his late residente of them, Mr. Jas. Hance, bas. madof® V South ward, to Woodland cemetery}|. ar will be received by the umler- J to and including the 6th ly. ext Het the right to cut the Red Vhite and Jackpine timber over eight ches in' diameter on the Metagami ndian Reserve, situate on the Metagami ie in the District of Sudbury * For particulars. ve emg condittona, Rte., apply to thenndersiz HE Ginister of Lands, Forests and Mines. De artment of Lands fin a and Mines. oronte, 2nd May No ainothorized " aticatint of this ------=-- 5 So SE notice will be paid for. > So Corsets for 50c. corse's with 4 hose Snap supporters for 50c. SU. ia BEINGSON $1.80 Corsets for 79e. Superba, the latest cut Special at 79c. L4@)1 NEW FANCY COLLADS FOR HOT WEATHER. Wool Wanted We are open to buy all the wool offered, either for cash or trade, and will pay the highest market price from time to time. Gloves and upw. : in All Kinds, long or tent, 25 cents collars Hose white. We want you to sée our ladies' utility silk ankle hose at-25c, black or Men's and Boys' Shirts You can keep cool by getting your self one of our nice soft outing shirts, attached and detached, colors and styles and prices. from 75c and upwards / | t | | all ~ Silks $1.00 per yard. We have just "received a large shipment of new silks in checks, plain, colors, etc., 34-to.36 inches wide at -- See our big range of Men's and Boys' straw hats Overalls and Cottonade Pants. We have made a big purchase.of Men's overalls and cottonade pants. We can give you a $1.00 pair pants for 75c $2.50 pair pants for $1.50 $1.00 pair overalls for 79c $1.25 pair overalls for $1.00 | | © Jd. M. SCHINBEIN & SON ~ Listowel Se i TIMBER SALE. ! UNDE CRS will be received by the under- signed up to noon of the 6th-day of Jaly, 1914 for the right to cnt the Red and Ww hite Pine timber on Berths 1 B, 1 C and 1D, in the Mississaga Forest Re- gerve tribut: ary to the north shore of Lake Huron. each Berth containing an area of 35 square miles, more or less. For maps and conditions of gale-apply to the undersigned or the Crown Timber Agents at Theesalon Sault Ste. Marie, Webbwood and Saibury. W. H. ARST Minister of Lands, Forests and Mines. Toronto, April 18th, 1914 ~- No unauthorized pe of this notice will be pai ~ ' Administrator's Notice To \. Creditors. 'Administrator' - Notice tothe C reditore . Catherince' (iray, late of the Tow ship Elma, in the County of Perth, widow, decease ken is hereby giv en pursuant to The ustee Act and,Amending Acts that all cre nditors and others having aoe against the Estate of Catherine Gra Yeceased who diéd_ on' or 'about the bth: day .of May,. 1914, at the said Township 'of Elma, are required on-of before the 20th day of June, 1914, to deliver to A. J} Gray, of the Townehip of Elma in the 'ounty of Perth, of Atwood P. 0. the Administrator of the- Estate of the said Yecil Hamilion, Barrister, Li " Ontario, ~olicitor, for the said Administrator, a written statement of their names. ad- dresses and occupations, with full parti- culars of their claims and of the securities Aitany) held by them: notice is farther gives sea after the maid 2 th day of June, 1914, the -said Administrator will Le dershg Sie: Estate of the said dereased, pals to the claims of whie oy he may then h notice, and that he will not be liable nh the proceeds of the Estate so distributed toany person of whoee clajin he did not pave notice at the time of such distribu- tior "pated = 2 wee ed, Ontario, this 23rd day of May. Aahbatd James Gray, Administrator ag J. Cecil Harnilton, Solicitor. Theol. All members are requested to} - # 1} be present. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 ycais, has bornco the signature of and has b been mado under his per- rae eepeerlioe = its infancy. ow no onc eceiv: in ° All Counterfcits, Imitations and '* Just- sod ?? Gao bus Experiments that trifle jo with and endanger tho health of Infants. and Expcericnce against Experiment, What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmicss cubstitutc for Castor ou, Pare- goric, Drops and Soothing Syrmps. I is pleasant. It contains ncithcr Opium, Morphino ncr otlrcr Narcotic substance ts age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms nnd allays Fev ibe rata: For more than thirty years it lias been in e for the rcelicf of Constipation Fiatulency, Wind. © 'Colic, all Tecthing Troubles and Diarrhoa nlates the Stom and wels, assimilates tie. Food giving healthy and natural sl The dren's Panacea--The Mother's Friend. Pa GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of @ In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THE CENTAUNM COMPANY, NEW YORK ciry, because it gives a "finish" quite su-" . perior to that of JAP-A-LAC --the Content-Producer INGY, discolored and unsightly floors are not con- ducive to contentment. Why not bring about their semis transformation by means of the JAP-A-LAC "Model Floor" process? is pall consists in applying two coats of JAP- A-LAC ground color, a coat of JAP-A-LAC graining color (which is grained with the JAP-A-LAC graining tool), and then two coats of natural JAP-A-LAC--pro- ducing a bright, hard, durable'finish like polished oak. JAP-A-LAC is madein 21 colors for furniture, ween and floors. Always put up in Green Tins bearing the name "GLIDD Call: TO-DAY at your local hardware store for a JAP-A- oat color card, and a copy of the little book, "A Thousand and One Uses of JAP-A-LAC." In AtTWoon Jap-a-lac is sold by JOHN ROGE P). iF Made by The Glidden Varnieh Co. Limited, Toronto ENTER D. A. KIDD, M. D. Listowel BISinesS Midn-s, Atwood, Ontai COLLEGE Physician, Surgeon any time and grow with us. Avcoucheur, Coroner >. For particulars, address, Executiye Officer of Board of Edwin G. Matthews, Principal Health Specialties -- Eye, Ear, Nose atid Throat Diseases of women and ebildren. GEORGE BRAY Barrister, Solicitor Notrary Public Listowel, Ontario J. CECIL HAMILTON Barrister, Conveyancer Solicitor for -Imperial Bank of Canada. Money to Loan -, Office--Main-st., Listowel, next =to Dr. Foster, dentist. - Branch office, Main st., Atwood in same building as the Clerk's office. Will yisit Atwood'cvery Thursday afternoon. CANADI AN PACI HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS SANTTORA.. ALBERTA' . SASKATCHEWAN Each Tuesday wntil October 27th, inclusive, and Return - $35.00 Wine andRetura- 48.00 kA B. MORPHY, K.C. Barrister, Notary Pubtic Cc nveyancer From. Toronto; and Stations West and Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton from Sintions Baek of Toronto is Listowel, Milverton, Atwood _ Return Limit two months, "* Offces, Listowel and Milyerton RAIL L of OCEAN tic tickets Money to Loan. Particulars regarding R from Canad eae. ky. femen M.G.M "Renew for the Tee.

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