~ OVERWORK AND WORRY A Fruitful Source of Broken Down Constitutions 'A - little worry! 'does a great of barn Overwork and worry gives ne jt ' weak back, lack of|.,romenaded interest in: k, indigestion your. wor! and sometimes a complete break- down of we penrous Scan leading "to para nerve tonic Kecause they aie new rich red blood, which feeds the nerves and sicongthons every organ in Under the tonic influence of = Pills nervousness and all the other e of worry tosy overwork quickly dis- appear. y restore stion and enable the body to take full advantage from the food eaten Mrs, J. C..Chapman, anaes Ont., sun down arid my nervous system thatte from overwork and worry. I ie felt tired and ex- _ hausted 'and _-- badly at night. I tried seyeral not find the hoped-for relief. Then I decided: to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I .took them regularly for several months and they restored me to perfect health, fend I. have since been well and strong. I can recommend these Pills tovany af- fitted with nervousness ora broken constitution as I fee] sure they will effect a cure."' j . These Pills are sold by all "medi- cine dealers or will be sent by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 82.50 by writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Re THE COLONEL'S UNDERSTUDY A Sergeant in the French Foreign Legion Had His Innings. The pranks played by a when seized by that 'peculiar hy- steria that the inaction of a mono- tonous routine brings on, range be- tween farce and tragedy, seldom touching either extremity, but be- ing about midway between the two, says Mr. Frederic Martyn in his ac- count of life in the Freneh, Foreign Legion. The author saw five years of active service in this crack corps of the French army. There was a sergeant employed as a clerk in the regimental office at Sidi-bel-Abbes. One day the colo- nel happened to be confined to-his bed, and was visited in his lodgings |- by his geerpceany-cler ky. who had ture. sergeant ered: and he was dices into the dressing room to wait for the -officer to awake. The sight of the colonel's uniform coat gave theSergeant the idea that it would vary the mono- tony if he took a stroll round the town in it. Half an hour afterward a ser- geant of the legion, strolling along the shaded Rue de Mascara, saw in the gloom the five-striped sleeve of the colonel's coat just in front of him, and braced himself up to jus tify his reputation as one of the +martest non-commissioned officers cf the corps. His salute did not appear to please his commanding officer this time, for ve-gal- goned sleeve was raised in an im- perative signal to stop, and an an- gry voice ordered him to return to barracks at -once, and take four days' arrest for slouching about the town in a dirty uniform, and salut- ing his colonel in an unsoldiérlike manner. The poor sergeant dumb. He, one of the Ready-Cooked_ |: --from Your Grocer. Post Foasties come from the ovens to your table in tightly sealed packages -- ready ..to. eat "when opened--with' cream, good milk-ér fruits. Every crisp flake of this attractive food represents the best. part of 'choice white Indian corn-- Perfectly cooked, deli- cately flavoured and toast- ed to an appetizing golden "brown." was struck dandies of Post Toasties are made for your pleasure and nour- ishment. Seld by. Grocers Cansdiayv Postum Cereal Co. Lit Windsor, Ontario. S* deal} tak. Cure Children's Colds By External al Treatment ern words to every officer he met whe was vain of his soldierlike appear- ance, donating unasked favors and bestowing p&ternal beneditions on cuged of "slouching" and weating a dirty uniform! ~ His chin A and as he dejectedly moved off, 'all Mothers Will Find No Nothing 80 Speedily | ; the starch: seemed to have been and Reliable as Old-time "Ner }- io = of him, and he did viline.". - Dat} ue By) It's as to u The "colonel" d and | child's stomach by. intereal = the town for an 'hour, | when ronal treatment will 50. dealing out four days' arrest. and sin as Shag up a cold. : medicines but did | ®#®Y pea Tee a ee AMAZED BY HINDU GENIUS. Achievements of Ramanujan. em genius discovered by the In- dian Government and sent by it to Cambrige University, is now in residence at Trinity College, Cam- bridge. Mr. Hardy, the fellow of Trinity sory who is examining the work that Ramanujan has already done, 8: -- "He received an ordinary Indian school . 'education, was ver connected with the bear ee = Madras, and 'never. passed a: amination of any kind. Uniil | litle more than a@ year ago was clerk in Madras. His matharhati: cal education is rather a mystery: He is not learned in any olbae sub- ect. "He sent me large number of mathematical theorems in which he had proved a great many. very re- markable results. His theorems were all in pure mathematics, par- ticularly in the theory of numbers and the theory of elliptic functions. While =r alt them were quite new, ot had been anticipated y cotter "al whom he had never heard, of whose work he was quite ignorant. "It is wonderful that he discov- ered for himself a great number of things which leading mathemati- cians of the last 100 years, such as Cauchy and Jacobi, ed to the knowledge of schoolmen. He has very little knowledge of modern mathematics. "He is a man of quite extraordi- nary powers, but very imperfect training. If he were sent in for the mathematical Tripos now, he would nd himself ignorant of things with which the ordinary 'under- graduate is quite familiar ; yet he is an infinitely finer mathematician than many men who have become senior wranglers."' . FROM CONSTIPATION Mothers, if your baby suffers from constipation, if his little sto- mach or bowels are out of order, give him Baby's Own Tablets. They | never fail to give relief, and an occasional dose will banish consti- pation and keep the stomach and) -bowels in perfect order. Concern- | ing the tablets, Mrs. J. H. Gagnon, St. Simon, Que., writes: 'I can- not recommend Baby's Own Tab- lets too highly as a cure for consti- pation, as I have found them t very best medicine for this trouble." The tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wik liams' : Medicine Co., Brockville Ont. "TRE SUBTLE ASIATIC. - How the Khoja Managed to Get | Himself Recognized. Some hundreds of years ago there lived in Agshelin, a tittle town in Asia Minor, an imam, or village parson, the Khoja Nasr-ed-Din Ef- endi. Concerning him Mr. H. C. stories in his "The Fringe of the East." One day a came! passed along the street in which the Khoja lived, 'and one of the Khoja's neighbors | who had never seen a camel before lran to ask him what this strange | beast might be. 'Don't you know what that is?' 'said the Khoja, who also had never , seen a camel, but would not betray jhis ignorance. "That ista hare a A great to which, with much condescension, he caused the Khoja to be bidden. Accordingly, on the appointed day, the Khoja repaired to the great , man's house, and found himself in 'the midst'of a fashionable © and richiy clad company, which took no notice of the poor imam in _ his i threadbare black gown. No one! 'greeted him or spoke to him, and | ;eventually he was-shown by a ser- |vant to the lowest seat. ~After a! ler years old."' unobserved, and went into the hall, where some of the mighty ones had: left their outer garments.' Select- ing a magnificent gown richly lined} with fur, he put it on, and returned to the room. 'Nobody recognized this resplendent personage, whose The company rose to salute him, and the host, who had previously ignored-him, approached, bowing, 'honorable { anid' saguired' aitee sa heal The "Kiiojs stroked the Sleeve a his prone 2. ta ent. "Answer; fur!" he sa scallawags of legionaries, and be- having in a way that horrified re- spectable le. . <9 Cambridge Mathematician Tells of Ramanujan, the young mathems=|" SSS WHEN BABY SUFFERS in the world. man once gave a feast;" little: while 'the Khoja slipped away | arrival excited universal attention. |' Nerviline penetrate ,more 4q ver his chest and throat with a hot fi This treatment anne WON'T fail. oa} better im half an hour, 1 have the satisfaction of knowing na Beye warded off perhaps a cold, of 3 As ee or illness that algae have mp. and pains--you simply can't beat it. Try it for earache, toothache, newral- gia, sclatica, lame back, rheumatism, or jumbago. Wherever there si con- gestion, inflammation or pain in joints or muscles, Nerviline will cure mighty quick. The large 60c. family Your boy will be feel-|. and you! § ons: Make a parting and ib gently with Cuticura Ointment. size bottle is so,economical, so use- is also a small 25c. size. Dealers rag where sell Nerviline. ee mm A CLEVER GHOST, THIS 'ONE: ed Up When It Got Cl "Liars cannot be so much more. numerous in, this next world than in this world," remarked Mr. liam Butler Yeats, the poet, in address to the members of the Lone don Spiritualist Alliance the other) night. He was referring to the ari able cases of false in + ven through mediums, all of pa he said, could not be due toa spirits ¢ Mr. Yeats related an amusi ease of an evil spirit mentioned "'Maxyell's Phenomena. sixties @ small statue of the Ma- donna in a French stock broker's house began to move from a bracket |; to a bed and back. Then wespons tcase moved. Ultimately, through a me- dium, a spirit foretold evente which came true, and eventually rev its identity as the founder of the: Christian religion ; The spirit advised the ful, it should be in eyery home. There bs Miserable When Na Naked, But a Ty the |P pntinue-until whole scalp has been me over. The next morning sham- bo. with -Cuticura Soap and - hot ater. ~ Shampoos alone may be sed as often as agreeable, but once twice a month is generally suffi- ent. for this special treatment. q 4 Dept. 15K, Boston, U. 8. A. SOME QUAINT OLW BIRDS. he Largest Ones Are Not the Longest Livers. The question of which birds live the longest has never been settled watisfactorily. But the raven comes ery high in the list, and is said to ach the great age of two hundred Eagles and vultures also enjoy long lives. Indeed, an eagle-owl is known to have lived ninety years in captivity. In this particular the bird began to lay eggs iter fifty years, and during the |last forty years of its life brought up numerous little ones. A hun years is probably a Fconseryative estimate of a parrot's broker to perform acts of cues and advised him about v 15 speculations on the Stock change, always foretelling thie' re For 'years the tnd 'became known because beneficence. He 3 the asked spirit to take charge of his 2 and the spirit complied. The broker became a wealthy man. The history of spiritism, said M | Yeats, was full 'of comple f spirits of the way in whic! were troubled by- the Soubts saat 7 ; the unhappiness of the living. On> | Countess of Sligo dismissed her stable boy becausé; séeing his late master the Earl walking near the house, he told the ghost to go away and haunt a ergs The Coun- tess dismissed the boy for telling the spirit to haunt such an Sale: ment spot, because a g jbo go, wherever it was told. . An old-man in the west of Ire land -told him, said: Mr. Yeats; ghost which-had informed him it was miserable because ~ it stark naked. The ghost s 4 hay the men should give a suit i he spirit's name to a beggar i the streets. The man did so, arg iwhen the ghost again appeared ' | as wearing the selfsame iis 5 ~------_--_4__--_ lw \HANGED BY THE NECK | 'No death is more certain | end that cémes to every offender trek ed by Putnam's Corn Extractor. t comes the corn or warts, root @ branch. Insist on "Putnam's" only, its the best, free from acids and painless. Price 25c., at all dealers. -- ee Easily Gauged. Johnny was sent to the collar! to draw a pitcher of cider. When fh got back the guest commended cs "You must have good judgment to have filled the pitcher so accurately in Beg: dark without _Tunning ov ae ke. that ain't hard, Ky Johnny. "Yer see, when the got up to the first joint of thumb, I stopped."" Som than they can play. BB popDS > i KIDNEY 7 3 century of pie. of 8} ck me musicians put on more airy : Bee, and it is recorded that one of e birds also started nesting af- fer thirty years of captivity. With lordimary luck,""both the crow and the swan may a expect a Other ages reached by Hens, 10 years; phea- gants and partridges, 15 years; larks and nightingales, 18 years; "/pigeons, 20 years; canaries 24 years ; peacocks, 30 years; and her- ons; 60 years. Helpless From Rheumatism Gin Pills Give Prompt Relief By Curing the Kidneys. Mr. Samuel Longmore, of Mo ntreal, says: "Just a word a* praise Soe GIN PL t ago th Neuralgia. 1 resorted to og efi" for one week and became a Ss te fe it r $2.60. al Co. "Bc. x, you write 'National Drig & = of Canada, Limited, Toron sen ieee z= Decision. "Miss Peach is a decided blonde, isn 't she ]" remarked Mr. Dubbe. *""Yes," remarked Miss Crabbe. She decided to become one about a month ago. Minard's Liniment Gumberman's Priend On 'Principle. Stude--Don't you ever sweep un- der the carpet! Janitor--Yessuh ; I always sweeps e| everything under the carpet. Sounds Likely. Teacher--Where is Chili? Bertie (venturing a guess)--I--I --lI think it is in the Arctic circle. YOUR OWN DRUGGIST WILL TELL YOt f just Ere k Of the Eve attra ran Mune eye Remedy Co, Chivago. Took It It Literally. 'Why has your wife decided to give up the European trip she was contemplating?' "She happened to hear somebody gay that travel broadened one.' Messrs: Pigeon, Pigeon & Davis, patent solicitors, Montreal, report that\.137 Canadian patents were issued for the week ending May 19th, 1914,92 of which were granted to- Americans, 24 to Canadians, 15 and 6 to residents of Great Britain and Colonies.. - Some men have an inherent abil- ity for making mistakes. ; ED. 4. Ask for winaré's:kua take no other. "| Habor-sa als ving ~ STEAM-DRIED HAY NOW. Each Year Finds Farmer 'More of a Pre that for five yearé s past he has been obliged constantly to is act new die Caliae and "had it not . ria, the INFORMATION FOR INVENTORS to residents of foreign countries been for these new inventions, many would have been obliged to go out of business. The latest thing steam-cured hay, the farmer independent of fig aa or rainy weather in The Gikta rama ie hanlod ds the 'hay factory, unloaded at one end of "the plant, and 30 saivates " lelee emerges at the other end perfectly cured, ready for the barn or bale press In case of rain a canvas cover insures arrival at the barn without wetting. The farmer has about given up his time-honored trip to the grist-mill, and here comes the hay mill. Frequent showers make grass, but much of this is ruined in the process of sun-drying. The steam ke is independent, of weather, and, moreover, turns out a better product, and can~ work nights. Maud Muller might get a job checking the loads, but there :isn't very much romance about watching the steam gauge and a lot of con- veyor belts. -- Popular Mechanics Magazine. neinarettenng te sctetgaanning A Nova Scotia Case of Interest to All Women Hallfax Sends Out a Message of Help to Many P People. Halifax, N.S., Dec. 15.--When inter- | viewed at her home at 794 Argyle St., Mrs. Haverstock was quite willing to| talk of her pecullarly unfortunate case. "I was always 'blue' and depressed, felt weak, languid and utterly unfit for any work. My stomach was so disordered that I had no appetite. What I did eat disagreed. I suffered greatly from dizziness and sick head ache and feared a nervous breakdown. | Upon my druggist's -- I used Dr. Hamilton's Pil "I felt better at once. "aac day I improved. In six weeks I was a well! which makes}: WHY WORRY ! Choose your variety and Kendalls Spavin Cure The Oid Reliable Norse Kemedy and horsemen ave 5oayed money by usin Kendall's § "4 vin Cure for Spavins, Curb, Ringbone. Bony.Growths and Lameness * y or al everywhere, $1 a. bottle, 6 also ask fora copy of our book reatise on the Horse"--orwriteto es B. J. KENDALL COMPANY Enosburg Falls, Vermont FARMS FOR SALZ. x. = --" eng! Colborne Street, F YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A. Fruit, Stock, Grain oe Dairy Farm, write' H. W. edo mpton, or 90 Colborne St., Toronto. lax. Ww. DAWSON, Colborne St., Toronto. AGENTS WANTED. GENTS! BIG. MONEY- MAKER! < Our dollar book. "Destruction Em press of Ireland.' Best book publish- ed; write at once for Free Outfit. Bes freight pald; credit give " imited, Publishers, Toronto err ns; Nichols L NEWSPAPERS POR SALE. | ($990 3 w fcr IN LIVE TOWN IN unty. § wen i con onl . Wilson Publisn- ., 73 West Adelaide Street, woman, cured completely after differ-, ent physicians had failed to heip me, It is for this reason that I. strongly urge sufferers with stomach or dige® tive troubles to use Dr. Pills. Dr. Hamilton's Pills strengthen the | stomach, improve- digestion, strength- n the nerves and restore aSpilitased 0 i blood. of, long-standing impufities, be bringing the system to a high point of vigor, they effectually chase away | weariness, depression and disease. Good for young or old, for men, for women, for children. All dealers sell; Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mangrake and Butternut. * Easily Explained. Newlywed (disturbed over chases)---You had very" pone before I married vou. Mrs. Newlywed--I had™ to in those days. I never could" get any money out of father. ; : pur- simple Minard's Liniment used by Physicians. A Woman's Way. | Bachelor Caller--My dear fellow, } I thought your wife had® "forgiven you and promined to forget it?' Husband--So che has, my boy. But she didn't promise to let me forget she'd forgiven me. the Yarmouth: _Y.M.C.A. Boys held at Tusket Falls in August, MINARD'S LINIMENT most sun b mmediate | bene or colic ane t ' lief e CES neral Secretary. R4 Sleuthing. ° 4} asked: her -if her husband | smoked, " said the woman with an inquiring mind, "and what do you | think? She said she didn't know !"' | "T don't see what difference it | makes to you.' "Oh, lidon't care. whether - he smokes. I wanted to find out if he kisses-her !'" Keep Minard's Liniment in the house Real Cruelty. A young married woman went home to her mother and sobbingly declared she just couldn' t be happy with her husband again. '*I would- n't have minded it so much, mo- ther," she sobbed, "if Charlie had! answered me back when I scolded | him, but---bu--but he didn't.' Her mother was duly shocked at is. "Merey, my dear child!" she ex- claimed. "He struck you, then?' : "No, worse than that, mother!' 'and the young wife sobbed afresh. "Tell "me at Ouest" indignantly demanded her 'mother. \'He--he jest yawned:"' = t ra | Hilton's u MISCELLANEOUS. ANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC., 1, cured with- Write oO la Bellman Medical Galitnawont, Ont | Co., Limited. ATENTS OF INVENTIONS PIGHON, FIGHON & DAVIS Tle' St. James St., Montreal Write for Information. HOME STUDY Arts Course may de siring hs, rganate mest ud ses QUBEN S UNIVERSITY KINGSTON, ONTARIO 'ARTS . APPLIED SCIENCE EDUCATION includi: MEDICINE ENGINEERING SUMMER SCHOOL JULY and AUGUST 2 G.-Y. CHOWN, Registrar, Kingston, Ont. NEW VOR S LAreey WODEL Porm. Each part is made by Skirt 1G1 Gutario St. Toronte France will build a battleship of 29,500 tons 620 feet iéng. carrying sixteen gus in 'foar revolving tor- rets. * When a man has more money than he knows what to do with other peo- ple want to lend him some of theirs.