Atwood Bee, 17 Jul 1914, p. 1

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The At Vol. 25. No. 19. Y 17,1914; B. H. Swine, Proprietor. 1915 for 40 cents. 'THE NYAL STORE * = TALCUMS VIOLET MAYFLOWER ROSE NYLOTIS LILY OF VALLEY EGYPTIAN LOTUS PAMELA EUTHYMOL All Talcums are not alike. Try some of our new lines. They are daintly perfumed. Price 25c a can. E. GC. COCHLIN; with friends at Brussel. 'Miss Mina Morrison, is visiting relatiyes in town. Stratford Old Boys' Reunion, Aug. 1-8. Mrs. town. ' summer. ental roof. Mr. Eid. Fisher, of Toronto, is re- newing old acquaintances in ei and vicinity. There is: no fake about the bar- Listowel. Bruce Hubbs, Co., Mr. Pure Maple Syrup 35e a quart. The Star Grocery EMruit and Cigars. - berries and Black Currants. Flour and Feed grade the Jewel and the Five Jewel. Meats Breakfast Bacon, Back Bacon, Rolled Shoulder, Bologna, Weiners and Side Meat. Highest price paid for Butter and Eggs---Cash or Trade. Goods delivered to any part of the Village. Phone 5 Choice Tobaccoes |. The cherry crop is about over so this week and next we will have a good supply of Red and Black rasp- | berries, Thimble berries, Huckle berries, Goose Cooked Ham, . T: Greensides & Son | l Ly : ac 'sy whe : te always on hated plenty of Milverton Flour 1 in two } i i Holman on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Greensides. Fisher, of visited Miss Vera Rutherford of the 16th cof. last week. Miss Hazel McLachlan, of Lis- spending two week's with her friend, Miss Aubrey Fisher, of the 12th con. i cessful barn raising on Tuesday and on Saturday Messrs. Jas. and Harry Danbrook had-a straw shed erected. We would 'rather - take less thy cost for the goods hax noe trouk nd expe of: "ship more grain in eae granary and 1 | money i in the pocket. Childrens 25 and 35¢ hats clearhag jat 10c closing rate.--R. Stirrett & Co;, | Listowel. | Mra. Edward Wilson and Miss Lil- jlian Wilson, of Brantford, are visit- jing with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Little 'and other relatiyes in this vicinity. | * Mr. and Mrs. Carl Canwright and Mrs. Shera left on Tuesday for Moore- field enroute for their home in Bat- i tle Creek, Mich. A good chance to buy good clothes | cheap before the closing of the R. 10 --- We are in the market for wool in any quantity, washed or unwashed, for which we will pay the highest market price, cash or trade. Since the re- moval of the American tariff the prices of wool are considerably ad- vanced. Get our quotations before selling. W. R. ERSKINE, ~ Main Street, Atwood Dealer In D. L. W. Stranton Coal . Wood and Tile Diaying in Connection. "J. 6, BAKER _ fi | arwoop Phone 2-12 | li ; other things. | The fireworks | Stirrett Co., Listowel. Note to campers-- Don't forget 'to take a corkscrew. It might come in andy for digging fish worms, and at Stratford Old | Boys' Reunion will be worth foing | miles to see. Try and be there. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Major and ichildren, and Mrs. Watch, of Detroit | jare visitisg with Mr. and Mrs. W.!| 'Thompson this week. | Closing the business July 25th. m" Pe: | goods reduced until then. -- The | Stirrett Co., Listowel. | Mr. Wm. Donaldson, W. M. of | Listowel Lodge A. F. . M., is at | Niagara Falls this week attending Grand Lodge of the Masonic Order. | Write Secretary A. W. Deacon for | official programme of Old Boys' Re- junion, Aug, 18, if you have not re- ! ceiyed one. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Wilson, of | F | Brantford, who has-been visiting at |Mr. Robt. Leslie's and other relitives left on Tuesday for their home. Geo. Goulding, world's champion 1 to 3 mile walker, will compete with five others at rae Old Boys' Reunion, Aug. Three rinks of Atwood bowlers, :|composed of Messrs. Lochhead, Por- ter, 'Blackwell, R. Thompson, W Thompson, H. Ratcliffe, T. Ratcliffe, | L. Vallance. Wm. Robb, Jno. = Boar, rt Pelton, A. Terry. CASTORIA For Infants and Children | In Use For Over 30 Years : Miss Nellie Vipond spent last week 1 Co of Toronto, . : ari 'Miss Margaret Sproule, of Britton, is visiting with Miss Blanch Petrie. Reduced fares on all railroads to Fred Idyle, of Clarksburg, spent the week end with friends in Hoeing, Haying and Harvesting-- the three H's for the farmer in the Mr. Wm. Leslie, of Palmerston, is. 4ispending a few days under the par- | gains, being offered by the R. Stirrett of Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Willisa Mrs. F. McNeil and two children |! of Michigan, spent the week-end with Miss H. McLachlan and the Misses "Maitland Grove Farm" towel, returned home Saturday after Mr. Emerson Vipond had a suc-}" of other parishes an denominations. suryi Col. Edelstein was Incumbent of St. Al- Alwoys heess ban's{Church, Atwood, aid will be Sleuaters of y LEAF remem by the older folk of town at d yicinily. 1 So the crowd to the R, Stirrett secure your share of the x before closing, July 25th. 1 games in the Western Ont- Uieeball League will be played Mord during Old Boys' week, gulations under the Dairy Act will come into force on Sep iMeber Ist next. They are design- to préwent the false marking and sale of. bulj and cheese. Ferari Greater Exposition Old Boys' Reunion, Strat- #2.-1 8 are the finest and most 'geen in Ontario. Sho ford, varie 3 ewest fad in Paris is dancing pS, instead of music. That Rechool days' favorite about by stood on the burning deck" furnish the staging of a hot imes Hammond of Atwood b hip celebrated his 88th me on Monday. Mr. Hammond 4 Baer health and is able to Bry day. ,000 is being spent in spec- at the streets of Strat- is Old Boys' Reunion, Aug. E Sisas display. od Mrs. Wm. Holman re- home from Woodstock on evening after attending the d funeral of the latter's ts.. Morrison Wilson, who be> General hospital of that rd Old Sened Reunion, Aug. hises to be a week of the 6 kind of amusement. There "Ap uneventful minute. buses-in Stratford will begin 's60n to take the place of system that never ma- pents tay the sassy n0 Nico fore the Pos master gener: al that postage on newspapers mailed from f office of publication will be i charged atthe rate of one cent per [i to maty publishers as one copy. /[f this order is enforced it will méan half of the local papers would have publication or raise the price scription at least 50 per cent. toe of st whicl)}a@ great many of subscribers would) no doubt, refuse to pay. | Joseph Langford, son of the \Langford, formerly of the 16th iba, i8 at present spending a or two in this neighborhood iends. Mr. Langford: left here ently in 1871 and his last ign locality was 31 years ago Sees great changes. Ho visited 1 homestead now occupied by with f perma visit and h the o Meets Saturday. The Municipal Council. of Elma will meet at the usual place ou Sat- urday, July 18th. Haying. The farmeis in this section are now busy with the hay. Only an avorage crop will be taken off. Died. At Monkton on Thursday, July oy 1914, John Sanders, aged 82 yea The funeral took place on Saturday, to Elma Centre Cemetery. Two Silos Completed. Mr. James Lever, of Wingham, | has just finished two concrete silos | for W. G. Inglis of the 8th con. this! a Mr. Toglis a set of the finest | farth buiJdings in the niin Statistics. Clerk Lochhead reports that there were 16 births, 4 marriages and 11 deaths registered under the Vital Statistics Act for the Township of Elma for the three months ending, June 30th, 1914. Moved To The Farm: On Monday Mr. Fred Brown movy- ed his household effects to the farm. which he recently purchased from! H. Foreman on the 8th con. and Mr. Foreman moved into town the same ay. yarden Party. Under the auspices of the Y.P.S.C. E. of the Presbyterian Church, At- | ig will be held on the lawn of, Friday evening, July 17th. A musi- cal and literary programme is being prepared. Listowel Band will fur- nish music. Supper served from 6.30 to ces Halresbments zeill whitest Mr. Robt. Richmond in renewing his subscription to the Bee this week. Writes the following paragraph. the Atwood people in Saskatoon held | an Atwood picnic the other day and: had a very pleasant time together. | We intend to make it an annual! affair. There were present--Mr. and! Mrs. R. M. Ballantyne, Mrs. Forrest ' and family, Mr. and Mrs. A. Harris, |. Mr. and Mrs. Richmond, Mrs. A.!~ Dickson, Mrs. Gloves and Son, Mrs. Piercy and Mr, Stephen Hoar. Auction Sale of lot 5 con. 5, Elma! Township, 100 acres will be held | July 22nd, 1914. For further par-/ ticulars apply to J. Cecil Hamilton, Barrister, Listowel. Mr, / was I whic leayi enga mini Mus the ] by t nd . Coxon and he says that there pt a solitary landmark left by he would know the place. Since where Mr, Langford has been pd mostly in lumbering and R spending most of his time in bka, Michigan, Montana and on Mcific slope. Ho is a millwright and construction work in| 6 being quiet he took adv aes) 3 h@ opportunity to visit friends in the est. @hildrén Cry" FOR FLETCHER'S Cc AS T L°) 2RIA Rev. S. E. G. Edelstein Died At Glanworth. | Twenty-five years of ministry in 2s *e "3 fi, Scuet hd ee Cheese Shipped. The Elma Cheese & Butter Mfg. Co. Ltd.,; shipped their make of cheese for the last half of June to the Im- perial Cheese Co:, Woodstock, on Saturday morning Jast. Number cheese 363. Amount realized $3655.52. The company make of cnnes for June this year exceeds their make of cheese for June of last year by 5397 pounds. Board Of Health. The Board of Health for the town- bes of Elma met in tho Clerk's flice, Atwood, on Monday, July 6th, ors at two o "clock p.m. Members | prasent---Chairman, 8. 8. Rothwell, 'M. O. H. Dr. Kidd, M.D., and Reoye ; Wm. Scott together with Geo. Loch- head as secretary. Minutes of last meeting were read, approved and signed by the chairman and secretary: | Dr. Kidd reported that he did not | know of a case of infectious or con- tageous disease within the munici- pality at the present time. Moved by Dr. Kidd, seconded by Mr. Scott, that the resolution of the Board of Health, passed on the 28th day of April, 1914, relating to pupils being absent from school for three days were required to produce a certificate from a medical doctor of being free from any infectious or contagious sense be rescinded and that the Medical Officer of Health notify the | teacher or secretary of each school isection of the township of Elma of ithe same. Accounts were ordered | tobe paid as follows :--Atwood Bee, | printing forms, circulars and post | cards, $16.00 ; Wm. Robb, salary and 'work as sanitary inspector, $105.35 ; | Dr. Kidd, 3 meetings, formaldibyde, disinfecting, placarding, investigating Mr. R.A. Thompson, Main Street, on | a8 Medical Officer of Health, $385.00. Meeting then adjourned. SaaS NEW TELEPHONE es 2 ; Western Ontario - | Parties wlio contemplate hevorniog That | Subscribers or those who wish chan- ges in their present éntry should 'placestheir orders with the Local | Manager at once to insure insertion in this issue. Connecting Companies Should also report additions and changes in their list of subscribers, either to the Local Manager. or direct to the Special Agent's Department, Montreal. The Bell Telephone Company of Canada. t + tala EEEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE PEE EEE EEE EE EEE EEL EE EE EEEE ATWOOD SHOE STORE July * goods. Out goss all our shoes for All rips sewed Free. Pbpb peepee t Socket. * rr Seasonable Goods ¢ Stock must be reduced this month in order to make room for fall at away down below the regular prices. Their's a best time to buy and that time is right now. D. WATTERS : Salie men, women, misses and children : Main st. PPEEEE ETT ? Se ak he Se ea ee en a as ; + t r f i - one parish. was brought to a clora on July 2nd in the death of Rey. 8S. Edelstein, who since 1889: had | | tector of Christ Anglican Church rorth. Mr. Edelstein was ordain- 1877 by Bishop Hellmuth and had @harge of seyeral parishes in the Dioel se of Huron before his appoint- | iy: to Chist Church in 1889. He as @ professor of Hebrew at Huron College for several years. Mr Edelstein was widely known througout this vicinity and highly ra, spected, not only by the members of his own parish but by a great many been Glan ed in Besides his wife, Mr. Edelstein is ed by two sons and two daugh- ers, categ of Regina; Maurice, of Wine worth ; Mrs. W. Shore, of Glan- and Miss Edith, of Denver, Pripr to going to Glanworth, Mr. TWINE. © It is the best ~ trial and be convinced. J. ROGER, Hardware an Binding Twine Have you tried the GOLD MEDAL BINDING price is right and the twine is right. Give it a- s The on the market. Atwood d Tinware

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