Atwood Bee, 28 Aug 1914, p. 8

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GEORGE BRAY Barrister, Solicitor Notrary Public Listowel, Ontario _. ENTER | Listowel Business For particulars, address, Edwin G. Matthews, Principal H. B. MORPHY, K.C. Barrister, Notary Public Conveyancer Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton Listowel, Milverton, Atwood Offices, Listowel and Milyerton Money to Loan. D. A. KIDD, M. D. Main-st., Atwood, Ontario Physician, Surgeon Accoucheur, Coroner Executiye Officer of Board of Health Specialties-- Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases of women and children. TRI iP WEST." IN WEGTERN CANADA "GOING TRIP WEST." "RETURN TRIP EAST." $12.00 0 WINNIPEG $18.00 FROM WINNIPEG GOING DATES " August 1ith--From all paeoen Sharbos and west to Asiida ang prom ail" cad t of rg Baba Matta teen in the Provinces of ae sere o) iience. Spare e, Ont. to all points in sand to certain polste in Seats Sharbot Lake and Renfrew, in the Provinces of points in MManitoba and to ceriain points in Saskat- Aveuet 18th--From all eeatio Bault Ste, Mari chewan Auguet 2iet--From all stations east of Ostase Ly L quskec, to it, OF Writo-- transportation west of Winnipeg, etc., see nearest C.P.R. A. Ag? Fu. PE RERBE EE Ee .R., Terente. tA, G. MURPHY, D.P.A., C. Many Thousand Farm Laborers Wanted | Can't Lose Hair, ty eae Years from T Today a an Will Be an an Unosaal: One of the it America mad He said: 'If the new hair grower be by nearly.every man. woman: child in America within eight years, _ Bibi: Mildredina Hair Re disappear and with its departure bald-| ness, ite {ching scalp, splitting hair and all scalp diseases wi years from now a bald head w rarit y.' There is only one way to cure dandratt, and that is to kill the germs. 'There only one hair preparation that will kill the germs and that is Mildredina Rethedy. This unusual hair restorer 2 its reccrd of thousands of cures will hair on any head where there is any) ite: it will cure dandruff, stop falling hair and itching wad the scalp in. three weeks 0 money It is the most pleneth J egal invigol ing tonic is not sticky, Tant- nd is for & large betel drags everyw ere. Mail orders filled by American Proprietary Co., Boston, | Remarkable aa ; pa Prove It Yourself By By Mildredina Hair Remedy, increases its sales as it has during the past reer it ac ani almost universally, dandruff will ollow and twenty il be a ' SF eatee ¢ yer t aR NS Oho ts 14 : Gains 40 Pounds In 40 Days. Resul is of the New Tissn Builder Tonoline Tablets I Pid ' - Cases of Rundown Men'and Women Tonoline Tablets He he a box of "By notes Ip I pete Shy i anythin; eles ihe they like the line Tablets, oe building im of weight and lost nerve force. =e | t acted | sake hs att heavy eating plots milk, beer and almost everything el ise you could think of, but without result' Any man or women ny is thin can re- cover normal weight by tbe best new treatment Tonoline' Tabhte ; : have bee in for years and began to eatarsl for ine to be that way. the remarkable' aought about by use of Totioline Tabs, so I decided to try myself Well, when I r| look at myself in the Kaka now. I think it is somebody else, I have pnt on just forty pounds daring' the last is rty days, and | never felt stronger or more 'nervy' in Rn otine Tabs are a powerful inducer to nutrition. increases cell-growth, food, in- creases the number of blood-corpuscles a a necessary result builds up mus- jcles, and solid healthy flesh, and rounds out 'the figure. ATWOOD 'SHOE STORE AUGUST SALE Seasonable Goods Stock must be reduced this month in order to make room for fall goods. Out'goes all our shoes for nen, women, misses and children at away down below the regular prices. Their': s a best titne to buy and that tinte is right now. All rips sewed Free. D. WATTERS : Ee eS rss ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee : Main st. So BeBe ole Ba tfhecbecde cock. ee ee ee oe ee ee a BeBe Be cBe Re uBecBeslle BeBe sBo a8. Be BecBeske de B83. 2.8.88. t. 2d 8 eS rss Binding Twine Have you tried the GOLD MEDAL BINDING TWINE. It is the best on the market. _-- price is right and the twine is right. Give it trial and be convinced. J. ROGER, Atwood Hardware and Tinware ta"CUT THIS OUT ~@a FREE to show how quickly ae fina Hair Remedy acts, we will send large sample free by return mail iol any | For women who can never appear sty- lish in anything they wear becanse of their thinness this remarkable treatment may prove a-revelation. Itisa uty maker as well asa form bnilder and nerve one who sends this Coupon to A kab | ln Pp. pr jetar y Co, Boston, Mass their name and address and ten conte' silver or stamps to pay postage. strengthener. Tonoline Tabs cost' $1 for a 50-days' treatment, at druggists, or mailed by eae Proprietary Co., Boston, Ma Sumani' Of Canadian North- west Land Regulations. HE sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter-section of av: ailable Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or, Alberta. Applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-Agene for the District. Entry by proxy may be made at any Sanietnh Lands Agency ( but not Sub- Agent ), on certain con- ditions. Duties--Six months residence upoh and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a furm of at least 80 acres, on certain conditions, A habitable house is required except. where residence is performed in the vicinity. In certain districts a homestead in 'good standing may pre-cmpta quarter-section alongside his homestead, Price $3 per acre "ite ities--Six months residence in eac' f three years. after earning homestead pilbeait also 40 acres extra cultivation. recemption patent may. be obtained as homestead patent, « on certain co) aitio A better who has exhausted his home- stead right may take a purchased home- stead in certain districts. Price $3.00 acre. Duties--Must reside six months in each of three years, coltivatl 50 acres and C erect a house wort The area of cultiv ation is subject to re- duction in case of rough, serubby or stony land. Live stock may - ibsti- tuted for cultivation under certain con- itions W. W. CORY CALG., © hiss pte of the Minister of the Intetor. 3.--Unanthorized publication of te adve rtigement will not be paid for, --6488 We are showing for fall 1914, one of the finest ranges of Ready-to- wear varments for men, ladies, boys and girls. We ask eyery gentleman to call and see our new fall suits and: overcoats. Ladies you do not want to miss our suits and coats. They are beautiful. eal c--a10 LS 1OlL Northway Garmentsfor Ladies. See our Misses coats from $5.00 and upwards. j{c Dress Goods Friday, Saturday and next week we will offer special values in Dress Goods suitable for school dresses. Big values in Remnants. Dress goods from 15ce per yd. and _--~ upwards. \ \ Te, S01 SER pests = Ore of our men's ) mayy blue serges, beautiful made, all wool, $16.00. & M. SCHINBEIN & SON Listowel JS [9 | REET | | | nenarmEMREO el | (| eee | No. 30i---A beautiful coat nisels lined, good: quality of curl cloth. navy, black, brown and fawn and in fancy tweed3 $15.00, f] =| Careaman IOT 101 LOL made of a In fancy buttons, l -jissues of the greatest of Seas --o--I)c be | HORRORS OF WAR. What is the war about? Few know or understand. Our Book. "The Na tion of Europe gives the causes and all wars, magnificently illustrated. Everybody wants to know why industry com- merce, finance, shipping, mailing, and every active industry all over the world has been instantly stopped. Agents send 15 cents, cost of mailing outfit.. Retail $1.50 Big commission. --Home Publishing House, Box 94, St. John, N. B. TRACT SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received at Ottawa until Noon; on Friday, the 25th day of September, 1914, for the convey- ance of Hig uty 'a Mail, ona oF ur yea ae x k over "Monkton Rural Route (Ca A spanned way) from the Postmaster Gane eral"s next. formation as to conditions of proposed Jomtract may be seen and blank forms of Tender inay be obtained at the Post Oftices of Monkton. Carmunnock, and at the office of the Post Office Inspector at Loudon. 4. C, ANDERSON, ad Superintendent. P.O. Department, Ottawa, l4th August, 1914 ' J. CECIL HAMILTON Barrister, Conveyancer Solicitor for Imperial Bank of Canada. Money to Loan . Office--Main-st , .Listowel, next to Dr. Foster, dentist. Branch office, Main st., Atwood in same building as the Clerk's office. Will yisit Atwood every Thursday afternoon. Printed notices containing further in- a CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria For Over Thirty Years STOR THE CENTAUR COMPANY, Naw Von cerry. FocSimie Signature of Cait Lich. Tue Cen Taur CIMPAXY. MONTREALGNEW YORK A 1 At6 months old i 35 Doses --35CENTS | 22 ree ie aca Exact Copy of Wrapper. Bank of Hamilton Capital, Paid-up, $3,000,000 Surplua 3.750.000 ACCUMULATING CAPITAL The lack of Capital, stands betweon-nufiny «: a man and the carrying out of a geud business ery: aes: Every young maz on 'salary has the. }/i//it - mean of scrumnlating 'capital. queekly ad- }f ditions of sinal nts to & Cream Wanted. | HIGHEST PRICES WILL BE PAID BY US Test every shipment. Pay every two weeks. .Let us send you a can. Cash cheques at par. It will cost you nothing to give us a trial, Call and see us when in town or write us for fuller particulars. REFERENCE, BANK OF HAMILTON. Perth Creamery Co. Listowel, Ont ' Aldrich Bros. Managers WE KNOW REZISTOL Will Help You To Regain Your Stréngth and Energy. Report of the Hotel Physician in a Lead- ing New York Hospital on the Cure of Brain F atigue and Nervous xhaustion. "A few years ago we considered that we were doing wel if we cnred 10 per cent of the cases of Lrain Fatigue and Nervous Prostration brought to us, but since the introduction of Rezistol into our hospital we cure more than 9) per cent of all the cases in its various forms brought tous. It builds new tissues gives new to any part of the body attacked by these diseases.' Rezistol is a powerful tonic ponent food medicine, composed of valuable tonic stimulants obtained from vegetable drugs other dangerous drags which merely manent relief or cure the cause of dise: Rezistol isa powerful body builder and blood maker; it is vest remedy known to the medical profession to enrich thid, watery blood and supply new rich blood to the whole body. will be found a most valuable remedy ws wc of over stimulation in which the xcessive use of liquor causes depression dainess of the faculties or intoxication ; restores the system to its nermal con- dition R of Rezistol we will mail a large sample bottle . 25e in silver or stampe'for rostage, zistol C whe mical Co., Boston; Maes. eee If war goes on for any length of time wheat and other grains will surely advance in price, and there will be a danger that two much raw materia! will be sold off many farms. + energy, new life, new blood and strength | 4 Rezistol contains no narcotics or | 3 deaden pain temporarily but give no per- | = it counteracts the depressing effects and | + E--To prove the wonderful merits | ¢ FALL TERM FROM SEPTEMBER FIRST Central Business College STRATFORD, ONT The Lest Commercial School in the province. Onr courses are thorough and practical while our instructors are better than you will find elsewhere. do more for our students than other similar schools do. Our rates are rea- PARAAAP AA? BP sonable. Write for our free catalogue and see what we can do for you. D. A. McLachlan ~- ~ Principal ------- a ------- ee EEE E EEE EE EEE EEE EET EEE EET PEPE EEE FESS ey PEPE EES Weatern Fair LONDON, CANADA Ontario's Popular Exhibition September 11th to 19th, 1914! INCREASED PRIZE LIST + Magnificent Programme of Attractions. Two Speed Events Daily. New Fireworks Every Night. * COME AND SEE Tbe Dominion Experimental Farm Exhibit and The Canadian Royal Dragoons. The Con. T. Kennedy Show# will fill the Midway. Music by the best available Bands. Reduced Railway Rates commpantiiid Sept. Lith Special Excursion Days, Sept. 15th, 16th, 17th. All tickets good till September 21st. All Information from the Secretary. W. Jd. REID, President A. M. HUNT, Secretary 4 + <0. 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