Atwood Bee, 4 Sep 1914, p. 8

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Can't Lose Hair. ENTER hie Listowel Business Z Twenty Years from Today a Baldheaded 5 Man Will Be an an Unusual Sight. cp deemaile fa MAIL CONTRACT _| Amen of thao prominent druggists of any time and grow with us. merica made a ment afew wee' : _ SEALED TENDERS, addressed to sake hes cae : For particulars, address, Postmaster General," will be dea i page ee ee aes a in Spire Edwin G. Matthews, Principal <e H. B. MORPHY, K.C. ress, He said: "If the new hair grower, Mildredina Hair Remedy, increases it sales as it has during the past year, it wl in the face. sheets, 2,000 pillows, 2,000 shirts 2,-. 8/500 blankets, cheesecloth handker- The war is said to be responsible for face powder going up in price. So that while men have. been hit on their drink, the ladies are given a slap Among the supplies shiek the Red j| Cross will require within the next three weeks, will be 2,500 pairs of Barrister, Notary Public Conveyancer Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton Listowel, Milverton, Atwood 's pleasure orinted notices containing further in- formation as to conditions of pro Contract may be seen and blank forms of pe a may)! from the Postmaster en ext. 3 used by nearly every man, woman and child in America within cight yea "When Mildredina Hair fomedg is used almost eek ern dandruff will disappear and with its dPparture bakd- ness, itching ar chiefs, socks, and knitted caps, Any persons wishing to contribute, could do so through their bransh of the Women's Institute, 'or through the 'Red Cross Society in their nearest CASTORIA The Kind You Have in use for orcr Always Bought, and which has been rno the signature of peepee hair and alt scalp diseases wi low and twenty years from now ' bald head will bea rarity.' Tender may be obtained at the Post Offices of Monkton, Carmunnock, and at the office of the Post Office Inspector at Offices, Listowel and Milyerton Money to Loan. Loudon, There is only one way to cure dang D. A. KIDD. M.D 3. C. A perintentndk oe that is to kill the perms, There i . D. e only one hair preparation that will 'kill ' P.O. Department, wee the germs and that: is Maldredina Hair Main-at;Atwood, Onterio 14th August, 1914 * | Remedy. This unusnal hair restorer with fies. y its record of thousands of cures will grow Physician, Surgeon hair on arly head where there is any life : Accoucheut, Coroner GEORGE BRAY it will cure dandruff, stop falling hair and : . itching of the scalp in three weeks or Executiye Officer of Board of Barrister, Solicitor money bac . It is the 'most pleasant fog tnvigorany Health . | Notrary Public ing tonic, is not sticky. reasy and is Specialties-- 1 Listowel, Ontario used extensively by ladies of refitienait Eyo, Ear, Nose and Throat who desire to have and to keep their hair . 7 | = noft, lustrous and luxuriant. -- Fifty cents Diseases of women and children. Here's hoping that Santa Claus| fer large bottle crcggine every where. Nail orders filled t wasn't over in Germany stocking up| American Propetetaey Co., | when the war broke out. Boston, Mass. The BEE oy aera Ist, 1915, for) town or city. : VOTERS' LIST 1914. MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ELMA, COUNTY OF PERTH. NoTIce is hereby given that I have transmitted or deliyered to the per- sons mentioned in Section 9 of the Ontarion Voters' List Act the copies required by the said section to be so transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said act of all per- sons appearing by the last reyised Assessment Roll of the said munici- pality to be entitled to vote in the 3O ycais, has bo and has been mado under his pcre sonal supervision sinco its infancy. Allow no onc to deccivo you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good "? are but Experiments that trifle with and Siaanaten tho health of Infants and Children--Expcriencc it Experiment, What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Of], Pare« goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. Itis pleasant. I¢ - contains neithcr Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms a puaye Veveichneas. For morc than thirty years it LIS Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Diarrhaa, erate the Food, giving healthy and natural slee ° 25c. Try i t#-CUT THIS OUT~¢a said coupisipallty at elections for GENUINE CAS i OR IA ALWAYS : 1 ae ream yarer FREE to show ae quienes Mildred- ener of the I ebb bb bbb bbb bebe bb bebe ppt ER EEE EEE EEE EEE E EE: ina Hair Remedy re Will send.alfand ab Municipal Kerra and that ® t tf large sample ie c 'by riers mail to any fi the said list was first posted up at my Bears the Signature of + A l WwWooD SHOE S$ il ORE * |fone who sends this Conpon to American as * = Proprietary Co,- Boston, Mags., with office in Atwood on the 21st day of oe 4 |itheir name and address and ten cent: inf} August, 1914, and remains there for oe * | {silver or stamps to pay postage. inspection. - : ei * A - -- And I hereby call upon all voters % + J - 2 o-- -~ | to take immediate proceedings to have @ * % + any errors or beni corrected : Seasonable Goods : eet In Use For Over 30 Y + + Dated at Semeal this 21st day of V Cars * Stock must be reduced this month in order to make room for fall * August, 1914 a dg." Out Il our shoes for men, women, misses and chiidren + synopsis oF Denaiia ror GEO. LOCHHEAD, The Kind You Have Always Bought 3, Roods. uG goes all ours ie) ' aan en 4 west Land Regulations. CLERK OF ELMA. 'THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEWYORK CITY, _ * at away down below the regular prices. oe a RE sole toad of « thully, or any oale + sole head of.a family, . < + e * _ Their's a best time to buy and that time is right now. + ever 18 rece cli, amy Bomuelantte Gains 40 Pounds In 40 Days. + All rips sewed Free. ~ | quarter- -section of available Dominion land | ., , Boentta . sor ba + |in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta, "= Builder Towoline Tablute nM eo oh * | Applicant must appear in person at the Cases of Yuadown Sten ard 4 ont 2 D. WA i L ERS := Mai n st. = | Dominion Lands Age ney or Sub-Age i nen = + |forthe District. Entry, by proxy may be : pe RE RE Ne ET ae ee eT ee + |imade at any Dominion Lands Agency eae Te ait I By te Nove # box of ae = ie he a ie ae ie Ne ae i ae ie ae ie ae Tres Bebe fo obo ohe foofo edo ofe foofoode fo ofeofoofe of Se ae ( but not Sub- Agent ), on cert: nin eon- onotine lablets Now. lc ' - 2 ditions. "By George. I never saw anything like} =¥ f y 4 Datie 6--Six monthe residence upon and the e 'fféc An of that new treatment, Tone. : an 0; aml on at the _ ud in ex "i h of pe ine Tablets, for building up of weight : years. A home ee er oe, ive wit re and lost nerve force, It acted more like Capital Authorized $5,000 000 nine miles of his homestead ona farm offg yiiracle than a me sdicine," said a well- ' @ e e : 80 rtain conditions 4 i Capital, Pald-up, $3,000,600 at least 80 acres, on ce known gentleman yesterday in tpeaking Snrplus 750,000 in in W 1 i 1c habitable house is aes op ad except where | of the revolution that had taken place in residence is performed in the vicinity. his condition. "I began to think that SAVING In certain districts a homestead in good there was nothing on earth that could -- oi . . standing may pre-empt a quarter-section | ake me 'tried totiics, digestives, Saving money does not indicate a mierly or alongside his homestead. Price $3 per acre heavy antine diets, milk, beer and almoat stingy character, but rather ohe with self Duties--Six months residence in eg wi everything else you could think of, but respect and foresight. . . of three years after earning mae steal] without result?' The best way. in to' open 'aBavings Account Haye you tried the GOLD MEDAL BINDING putas also 40 acres extra at roe ation, Any man or woman who is thin ean re here It ia the eafe ony as well as easy and ' -re-emption. patent imay be obtained ae cover normal weight by he et new ai t. The oney is always availab! TWINE. It is the best on the market. The soon as homestead patent, on certain Ceatrient Tanolina Tablet: *4:liave been nvenien ne money i y able ditione i) me e if. Ae een foranemergency tf . ss ° ° ° ° 5 r yeiire' and began to think it was price 18 right and the twine is right. Give ita , A cctler who ae cihagetns home natural for me to be that way. Finally I . . stead right may take "Tread about the remarkable processes trial and be convinced. stead in certain distriets. Price $3.00 | brought about by use of Tonoline Tabs, Agent, Atwood acre. Drities--Must reside six monthe i in so | decided to try myself Well, when I each of three years, cultivate 50 acres and | took at myself in the mirror now. I think erect a house worth $3: 0. Any it is somebody else, I have put on just The area of cultivation is subject to re- forty pounds during the last forty days, duction in case of rough, serubby or | and pe ver felt stronger or more 'nervy' in stony land. Live stock may be substi- my life tnted for cultivation under certain con- Tonoline Tabs are a arful ind one a powerful inducer to d. ROGER, Atwood ditions cM nutrition. increases celi-growth, food, in -- ee : H Ti Deput Pia Mi fe rads + the Tate rior, | creases the number of blood-corpuse les ardware and Tinware eputy of the stinister © and asa necessary result builds up mus- 3,--Unanthorized publication of this 'les, and sglid healthy flest ] nd advertisement will not be paid for.--64388 | OF the awe: eens Bees, 2oG foonde ream h Wal 1 e For women who can never appear sty- HIGHEST ombes WH c WILL BE PAID BY US lish in anything they wear because of eae (6) uence) mies [+5 imma [ames '{e)| >} C IOL HO AOL} | their thinness this remarkable treatment We have over one hundred to sell. 32 to 38 only, reg. price $10 to 15.00. Saturday and Monday Half Price. y ARNS || jmay prove a revelation. It isa beauty ARN¢& } maker as well asa form bnilder and nerve Uf you maak thie i Now Fall Hats and |fistenstiencr, | Tonoline Tabs out 81 fo fo) = we have it in all Caps on sale now. | mailed bay Ameren Propricry Co., colors. | Boston, Mas: | | . , W!/ J. CECIL HAMILTON | I Our Fall Fair, Sept. 5 and 7th. o| . Jarrister, Conveyancer Monday being Fair day this store will be open. Resign Tes nae eee fanada. Money to Loan Special values Saturday and Monday. OfficeMain-st, Listowel, néxt | to Dr. Foster, dentist. O . = Branch office, Main st., Atwood Women Waists, half price, in Special for Saturday and Monday | in same building as the Clerk's , 100 pair men's pants made of nice -3 AN wiait Atw oe white lawn, black luster, cashmere and striped tweed, a regular $2.50 to 3.00 | office. Will yisit Atwood every some silk and net waists included at for $1 75 ' gu : | Thursday afternoon. 1 half price. UI WE KNOW | _ Ta Men's Suits 1 REZISTOL fa) , 7 . Will Help You $5.00 Skirts for $2.00. Our new fall suits are to hand an To Regain Your ptaed and Energy. we ask you to call and see them at |Report of the Hotel Physician in a Lead- Some splendid tweeds in dark and | .$10.00, 12.00, 15.00, made of extra ing New York Hospital on the Cure of ° e . rain Fatigue and Nervous light grey, these skirts are extra values. | fine tweed. "xhaustion. j O | A few yen ano j caging that} 3 = ; . '. cer wot the. ea by 4 bbl 10 per $1.00 House Dresses'for 79¢ | Men's Suits Half-price [Piicx;ctte cs of han Fative tnd a "a * lgince the introduction of Rezistol into our | 25 .00 68 suits made up of good patern | hospital we cure more than 90 per cent of 1.50 * " 1.19 of tweeds and some navy blue worsted aha oe batids new fucgu eine Sa | 2.00 = = 1.59 We bought the lot at a low price, size lenergy, new life, new blood and strength | disease Rezistol i isa powerful tonic nourishing food medicine, composed of valuable tonic stimulants obtained from vegetable Fall dresses, Mantle good new make. in suitings and dress goods. Butter and Eggs Wanted. We pay 25c for Eggs and 25c for Butter. J. M. SCHINBEIN & SON See our 27 inch Corded Velveteen 60c for 38c. Special values in all kinds of Sweater Coats. See our Ladies' and Men's Rain Coats at $5.00 See our Imported heavy Flannelettes Blankets 68x81 at $1.65. s, we are showing the most attractive values in all the Call and see them. Listowel \drove Rezistol contains no narcotics or | other dangerous drugs which merely deaden pain temporarily but give no per- {manent relief or cure the cause of disease | Rezistol isa powerful body builder and lblood -maker; it is the best remedy | known to the medical profession to enrich \ thid, watery blood and supply new rich | bined to the whole body. It will be found a most valuable remedy }in cases of over stimulation in which the j excessive use of liquor causes ression. | duliness of the faculties or intoxication ; it countéracts the depressing effects and restores the system to its normal con- oe ref ite iste we will mail a large va ee Wo tags iu silver or stamys SS ae Be To prove the wonderful merits Boston, Mase. Reietol Chemical Co., | 2) Of it 1OF ie Se ee aha ¢ - Str rae ripe, see i a a li ae ti as ne cb I ct SS ' jto any pert of the body attacked by these | 3 Test every shipment. Puy every two weeks. Cash cheques at par. Let us send you a can. It will cost you nothing to give' us a trial. Call and see us when in town or write us for fuller particulars. REFERENCE, BANK OF HAMILTON. Perth Creamery Co. Listowel, Ont. Aldrich 'Bros. Managers Central Business College STRATFORD, ONT rs ! at Is a school with a for high grade work and for the euccess of its graduates, a schol Pith su perior in: and instructors Ve give individual attention in. Commerc: 'ial 8 ane Jepte. Why attend elsewhere when there is room here? Y oa may enter at any time. Write for our large free catalogue. D. A. McLachlan ' Principal " EEE PEELE EE EE SEPT EEE EE PEE ET tt eerenrereryeTre "The Tailor 5 Maia" i t This is the opportune time to place your order for a strictly tailor-made suit, skirt, dress or coat. + + We are showing hundreds of the latest -weaves + and colorings in the newest fabrics. e have on dis- z play 60 of the most stylish Fall and Winter. fashions + from the plain tailored suit to the most extreme plait- - ed and draped one-piece dress. We can please the most conservative and the most fastidious dresser at a' + price within reach of all. ee ee ee ce ie aie . oe * Remember right herg at your door 'we are operat- ting a ladies tailorin g department. No need of going ; to any other town, oe city to get what you want. Joofoofoofe foofed er Tailored to your individual order 4 ate hack. SP ree es ees FE eee oe ee Sh la clin ale he Bo Bie BacBale Me

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