| . ) 5 ) | The 5 Vol. 25. No. 35. RIDAY, NOV. 6, 1914. E. H. Swinc, PROPRIETOR. The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montr ot , and The Atwood Bee with A War Map For $1.50 SBI GIOVE LL IC IEW ES OD " THE NYAL STORE " "Tot Contest Commencing November 1st, ending December 23rd A beautiful large doll and a large teddy bear to be given away free to the most popular girl and boy under ten years of age. Every 5c purchase made. at our store during that time, secures one, 1, vote. \ Select your candidate now. E. GC. COGHLIN, Minto Tea is good tea, real money in every package. The Star Grocery Our Grocery Department is well stocked with fresh, clean grocer- ies and canned 'goods of all kinds and at the lowest possible price. Flour and Feed We haye plenty of Five Rose Flour on hand also plenty of Bran, Shorts and Low Grade. best on the market 3 pkg 25c Meats if Inn meats we have Rolled Shoulder, Bs k Bac "FISH: . As Fish ie the' cheapest meat you can buy at present, we expect t | } \ to have a good supply of all kinds, but at present we have-- Finpin Haddie, Ciscoes, Smoked Herring, Salterwater Herring. Highest price paid for Butter and Eggs--Casbh or Trade. | Goods delivered to any part of the Village. Phone an , . } 'ifalse faces and tick tacks. { Ag) ATE i) LS? OTD NEW GOODS FOR. FALL AND WINTER Not withstanding the fact that the great Euro-~ pean war is in progress affecting the market values of the world, we were fortunate in hav-~ ing our Fall orders placed and most of the goods forward before the beginning of the war. New Dress Goods, Flannels, Flannettes, Ladies' and Gents' Underwear Woollen and Flannelette Blankets Cashmere and Woollen Hosiery, etc. Special this week in men's and boys' pants and overalls. WANTED.--400 Bags of Potatoes. We will pay 40c cash or 45c trade for bags of 90 lbs. We will supply the empty bags. As the potato crop is abundant and the demand limited, we would advise those wishing to sell to call early LIVE POULTRY WANTED for which we will pay the highest markct values for Chickens, Ducks and Geese. Deliveries Friday of each week. Fowl, We will supply empty crates. W. R. ERSKINE, Phone 1. Main Street, Atwood CDOS IODA CSP IDI VOOM Phone 2-12 G = J. CBAKER pwrstencat fl ; ATWOOD Wédod and Tile I nrc temaeesreei i dare einiliianer iaeteats ; {job work be promptly paid-as this is ' | this would mean a great convenience Indian summer should be h Have you got your mangolds @ Help your local paper by. er in the news. : * Attend Max Smith sale ot this Friday. - ) We have clubbing rates the city dabies. / November | we Ave 'bad 1 months of year. A late fall is .heing pr ial weather prophets. Fs Mr. Geo. Mills moved in if 1 Longmire's house on Monday. @ | A heavy thunderstorm passga™ 4 this section on Sunday afterf 2 | i 3 Carloads of sugar beets have shipped from this point to B Knox 'church, Moncrieff, $67.20 for the work of the Red. Mrs. A. M. Robinson and little have returned home from Tees Mr. Chas. Parker of Woe epent Sunday with bis fam town. 3 Miss Beatrice Gordon | Hallowe'en party to her fi Saturday evening. Mr. Alex. Russell has pu the store and premises of=, Jackson at Henfryn. ' | 4 ; The new school house at was opened on Monday and i#¢ i the finest in that section. : Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Goglilix daughter, of Millbank, spent Sul with Druggist and Mrs. Coghling Rey. J. E. Millyard, of E has been inyited to su Barber of Listowel Methodi Dr. and Mrs. Kidd and & "The town of Galt has" | contribute $400 per month ho! the the war lasts. Mr. W. H. Gilmer;. of the 12tb con. has purchased Mrs, Piercy"s property in Atwood and will moye to town shortly. Mr. Hugh Richmond, tax collector, is now serying the ratepayers with their tax notices, and gathering in the green backs. Hallowe'en passed off very quietly in the village, only the little folk amused themselves by the use of A spark from the chimney is bla led ¢ for a destructed firein East Ni souri Wednesday, when the obeowt | factory of Connolly Bros. was- com} pletely destroyed. The Leipziger Volszeitung says | Germany can put 9,000,000 men in the field. Well, there is no law td | prevent our cartridge factories -maké |ing 9,006,000 bullets. | i | Mr Ilugh Porter spent the week-| iend at Stratford. He returned home lon Monday bringing with him hi 'little daughter Margaret, who h -| been in the hospital for the past two} | weeks. «a | Rev. Dr. Husser was in London 'last week attending the Provincial Sunday School Conyention and on Sunday preached anniversary -ser-! yices in the Memorial Methodist, church of that city. Mr. Ben Howes who has taken out the local agency for the Simplex Cream Separator Co., placed his first machine last week for W. G. Inglis, 8th con. The capacity of the separ- ator being 900 Ibs. per hour. Last Thursday the local nimrods North Ontario. Following compose the company-- Messrs. John Sanders, Jack Quipp, Jno. Vallance, Samuel Hailes and Wm. Holman. Listowel Hough Cup Team were victorious on Saturday when they defeated Harriston 50. Eric Me- Bain and Cleye Hiles of town were on the line up for Listowel. <They play Berlin on Saturday. ' We would be greatly obliged if all those in arrears for the Bee and all | the time of year when we have large | bills to meet. A prompt respond to Canadian Patriotic Fund as long asT® left for the two wecks' deer hunt in t Roosters For SALE.--A number _|of purebred white leghorn roosters. | + Apply to W. G. Inglis, lot 23, con. 8.|- County Treasurer G. Hamilton is |' in receipt of the Proyincial grants to 79. This money is to be used for sal- aries, certificates, equipment an commodation. | Mr. Clarance Smith of Belleville,| + yisited with his mother, Mrs. W./| = Smith of Listowel on Sunday. Mr.| + -]Smith left on Monday for Kingston} + where he will join the 15th Regi-| ment which will drill at Kingston prior to leaving for the front. Clar ence is well knowa in Atwood having liyed here for some time. The main drain on the Beauchamp "scheme of Grey township: was let to August Gubr, at $17,027. The }| Branch went to Henry Ward at $1, 500. It will be a matter of in- | terest to state that owing to lively competition these contracts are $3,- 700 below 'the estimates of the En- 4 gineer. i The stereopticon entertainment Riven in the Music hall on Wednes- H day evening in aid of the Belgian Re- dtief Fund was well patronized. Rev, Dr. Husser had charge of the larteru and Mr. Harry Ratcliffe read a short Ndescription of each picture as they }were put on the cavvas. The free- H will offering amounted to over $30. Mr, and Mrs. L. Tibbits, of San Jose, California, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Boyd's, Main-st., after man absence of forty-two years. Mrs. Tibbits maiden name was Miss Bing- am, daughter of the late Robt. 7 Bingham who was one of the early pioneers of Elma township, be settled and cleared the farm now owned by Mr. R.8. eens lot 22; con. 7. 'Hall, Monday fairly woll manatee The pré- solos, mixed quartette and readings. The special feature was the numbers rendered by whoreceived many encores. The pro- ceeds amounted to $75 of which $25 will be devoted to the Belgian Relief Fund. an accident on Saturday afternoon that might have resulted more seri- ously. She had just made ready to}: 20 to Milyerton and in decending the | * stair her heel caught or_the second | + step, precipitating. her to*the bottom of the stair. She suffered a number = | Heel Wares ized at the Presbyterian Manse, Lis- | + towel, on Thursday, Oct. 22nd, when | F Miss Vina McDonald became. the|t + A No. 1. 'lof bruises about the face and should- ers, but fortunately no bones were broken. A very pretty wedding was solemn- bride of Mr. J. Wesley Gray of Pal- Mmerston, con of Mr. and Mrs. W. Gray of Listowel. Only the im- mediate relatives of the happy couple | + witnessed the ceremony. The com- pany repaired to the home of the|* 'J. ROGER, for a honeymoon to London, Detroit | ¢ Hand other cities. On their bride where a sumptuous luncheon was served. Mr.and Mrs. Gray left they will take up their "residence in Listowel. awful flirt. He was a native of Spit- zenberg and quite Fameuse as a Wagener. He became quite smitten on Miss Gravenstein, a Wealthy young lady of Baldwin, and his at- tentions made McIntosh: Red with anger and turned Jonathan, still an- other suitor, Greening: with jealousy. Jonathan engaged a Northern Spy, who found out that Ben Davis had stolen some of Grimes Golden from he King. On being exposed Ben had to flee to Roxbury and Jonathan celebrated his Golden Russet wed- ding with Miss Gravenstein in a Nonpareil splendor. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S | CASTORIA CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of a ithe rural' Separate schools of this|: | {eounty for 1914, amounting to $779.- |Z 65, and to the Public schools $9,045.- | + ac- |Z eS ee ees se ee ee ATWOOD "SHOE 'STORE From Factory to Foot---No middle-man's Profits. : Better Goods for Less Money. 2 ; Solve the School Shoe Problem; Good Style, Smaller 3 cost, Better Wear.. Always guaranteed at All rips sewed Free. 'D. WATTERS : Main st. SoBe She o%e Be clhecEealbe Be BeeBeale lhe sBesBe alr ube BecBeclle obo cBecbecke ole eBook, 2. alheclbe ole alle albecle ole se sfeale ole offe sfec% be we ie aie We ai ie ie i Die ae ae Ne i) So aha Boake Boake 3. ee Mie i Mie i Me aie ie ie ae i aie ie ie i ie ie ee) Sweaters for Every body We have reason to be particul- arly proud of thoss we are show- ing for the boys and girls-- serviceable garments moder- ately priced at from $1.00 to $3.00 each. We have about 10 or 12 lad- ies' fall coats left, these are being cleared at reduced prices. Bring us your butter, eggs and dressed poultry st coe amme being made up of choruées, | § We pay cash for peor ¢ 7A" yy W : The Store for allthe People Listowel Gerard Millar, basso, |@ return | + ra we ChE hE EEE hE bE LE bE Ebb beh Pr bbb EEE LEE EEE EEEEPEEES Mrs. Allan Barr of Elma met with | 3 (i ee ate ee Sale of Enomelled We have received a shipment of enamelled goods Call and examine for yourself. See sam- ples in our window. Never had such bargains. Atwood HARDWARE and TINWARE. > PEEP EEE EEE TE EEEEEEE PEE hope Peeeeeeeereeeeeeet APPLE LORE.-- Ben Davis was an EEE EE EEE EEE EEE EE EE EEE EEE EEE EE EEE ELE EEE EE ET EE ESET ank of Hamilton Capital Authorized $5,000,000 Capital, Paid-up, $3,000,000 Surplus . 3,750,000 AN IMPORTANT ALLIANCE When a young man first makes his alliance with a financial institution by opening Savings Account, he should look aheatl to the time when his bank book willgaid bis ad- vancement. A growing bank balance acgure' an employer tat a young man has mastered the principle of e.o imiocal management. Atwood