PRY Cade MRP oy | Seianesdetees aeaeaetitne toes a. THE 'TERRORS: Disappear When the Blood is Made, Rich, Red and Pure The mistaken idea that laxatives or drastic purgatives preeade a thors oud to the cure pre 08 . ar igs : is largely nsi or the pre- valence of avebepata and other stomach. disorders ndigestion calls for more than a makeshift: your stomach needs tone: it can- not absorb nourishment from the food you eat. To give new strength to your etdmach so that it may per- form the work of digestion without pain or distress, you must enri the blood. This is the tonic method for sad feng weak stomac In cases of this kind Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for "Pale People are the}: what this medicine can do: Mrs. I. N. Brown, Dowville, N.B., says: "For three years I was a. sufferer from Chronic" indigestion. --I was cot violently, face would become the Sclog of clay and I would be etely pros- one I was under the care of a doctor, who finally told me the trouble was incurable and that the most Icould hope for was tem- porary relief. " was in thesé straits when a friend advised me: to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I did s0, and used the pills piemualy for two months, when I was again a well woman, and have since had no re- 'turn of the trouble."' boast ey You can get these pills through any dealer in medicine or by ma at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. ----t¥___--. BIRTH OF RED CROSS. A Product of the Geneva Confer- ence and Geneva Convention. The Red Cross, of which we hear much to-day, owes its real origin to the great and terrible campaign of 1859, when.Napoleon made it. his that he would. tree ay "from the Alps to the. Adriatic." the great battle of "Macstiat bard neh left dead and dying on the fields. A Swiss . gentleman, named M. Henri Dunant, made a pilgrimage to that battlefield, and was an in- voluntary eye-witness of the awful carnage of the battle of Solferino, } a battle which lasted some sixteen hours, and left some thirty thous- and dead and wounded. Henri Dunant realized that the medical service of what was probably the greatest army in the world was absolutely inadequate to cope with the casualties, and he was at once compelled to take some action to rectify the matter. The result was that he wrote a small book for private circulation, entitled, "Un Souvenir de Solfer- ino," and this, together with his private appeal, resulted in Napole-| on III. commanding Dunant to his presence, where, wit he great Marshal McMahon, they seriously talked matters over. The "Tleat"' of Corn --the sweet centers of choice Indian corn; cooked, seasoned just right, rolled thin as paper and toasted until they becofne golden brown flakes--crisp and delicious !+ That's why Post Toasties are better than ordinary "corn flakes." Toasties are packed in ~ an inner container 'inside the tight-sealed, familiar, yellow carton--keeps the food fresh and crisp for your appetite-- Superior Corn Flakes --sold by Grocers. Cana lian Postum Cereal Co., Ltd. Windsor, Ont. ude ae OF INDIGESTION :|tame dog at ithe heels of paseo thas begun tto fortify Vien The result of this was "a confer- nee of the large powers, called to- cote by ihe Swiss_Federal Goy- ernment, at which Henri Dunant eseva conference of 1864, result- ed the Geneva conyention, under which all medical supplies and per- sonnel in war time are protected: placed his apenas Out of this|> afhcr: Over Head and Neck. ( Cau gabe rement, Burning an ings uld Not Get Any es ticura Soap and Ointment A British Red Cross Nurse. _The regulation dress of the Bri- tish Red Cross nurse is made 0 dark blue zephy "ig the apron of thick white linen, with a red cross stitch- A white cap and over-sleeves to the elbow and a plain stiff white collar complete the costume. BABY CRIED CONSTANTLY Mrs. Simon Aumont oM nt., says: § baby 5 was ut and cried conciaushly till I began giving gestion, 'ete. Sadicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ee Sad Things. First Working Girl -- "Say, Mame, I heard an awful sad thing this morning." Second Working Girl (wearily)}-- "So did I--the alarm clock."' ----_--__--_--_. A TOTTERING EMPIRE. !Terrible Conditions Which Prevail Throughout Austria. The Vienna correspondent of the London Daily Mail describes the terrible conditions which prevail throughout Austria, and ane par- ticularly in Vienna. He says :-- "Panic rules' to-day in orn The great, unwieldy, bankrupt em- pire, dragged reluctantly like a into a world war, is in a state of desperate muddle and fear. Her armies, halfihearted at the _ first, now openly mutinous, are beaten back at every point, by Russians to 'the no and east, by Serbs and Monitenegrin mountaineers to the south. "The army is beaten as well as discontented! And the Russian avalanche drives on through Gali- cia towards Vienna. And the Serbs, reinforced by Russians sent to them up the Danube, are ready in their turn to iny . The Trentino awaits the Italians, and the pitiful futile bombardment of Belgrade continues. Symbol of Austrian ineffectiveness ! '"'Austria is bankrupt, too, En- cumbered by debts the Government has no credit anywhere. Trade at a standstill. The banks dole out driblets, despite hurried minting and issuing of paper. Hundreds of thousands of business men are ruin- ed by the war they hate. Vienna, whose f problem is always seri- ous, is menaced with famine. There is only rough army bread, and not much of that. Meanwhile, for the misery of the poor and unemployed prices are steadily rising. "Tn. utter fear 'the bi gig Oe city. trenches numbers of unemployed] m4 have beep given work. But not all milita snore both for the Y eas of Euro ¥| Johnson said 'well that no man was ever written down except by him- nation was ever humiliated e by itself. she is to be humiliated will not. bel defeat or any terms posed upon her, but solely her own' action in beginning} the war and waging the war in the way she has waged it. humiliated Germany has been her secret preparations for backing up of Austria's monstrous ." 2| Persecution of Servia, and, worst of all, back out when she grew frightened is Nerviline, and use Nerviling as a gar. ; | ation |! ai moving with almost mathematical regularity. with 32-p. Skin Book. ticura, Dép 5B condition. WOMAN TELLS OF SPIES. Naturalized Belgian Subjects ». ent to Germany to Fight. The Brussels 'correspondent of the London Telegraph publishes an interview with an Englishwoman there who thus tells of the entry of the Germans: "Tam not likely to forget that endless stream through Brussels. For three weeks, it seemed to me, {they never cease the steady march. What a triumph of organiz- It was a perfect machine The men looked well and marched briskly. The horses were splendid animals in perfect The artillery was end- e commissariat must have r an army twice as large. z The .@teen-grey line was endless-- motor cars with officers, motor cars with guns, motor cars with =| kitchens ; motor -cars of every size, me a a fraction 3 late. ren the ee stateliest empire of our ae lunging to shipwreck lke sia storm-caught hulk, ne had ruddérless. ------------ HUMILIATION OF GERMANY. mast, ""No Man Was Ever Written 7 Except By Himself." Thou we anny desire to see} he German y caste over- of every shape, loaded with every | use conceivable form of stores. "Now it was that the spies came into their own. They had lived for | years in Brussels. Very many of were naturalized Belgian sub- orld | jects, but on the outbreak of war Sel sey returned to their country, joined their regiments, and now led I the officers and others to numerous houses and places about which they the very fullest information. Many had the audacity to lead the soldiers to the homes of those who a few weeks earlier had been their very employers, where they helped themselves to the best that the houses contained." A Frightful Fire Causes widespread sorrow--likewise a lively corn causes much pain--the cure is "Putnam's," the old reliable Put- her y's Own Tablets. They worked a marvellous aikage in her | Pean peace and for the sake of the and she became happy, Gained in| tights of the German people, we weight pee all signs of sickness left have no wish to humiate; t|her. The tablets are the very or the German | ix of for little | 8878 fe Ts cn. Boece chek oe oe "s | Pisie sone eure all| ® 'plain Reps Seog deals self. It is even more true that:no What will humiliate Germany im simply aul What has war, her her refusal to allow Austria tol her own actio What could be more humiliating} han her violation of the neutrality| the of unhappy Belgium or her odious appeal to Britain not to run risks for a word like ' 'a scrap of paper' like a treaty? Here, indeed, was humiliation deep and lasting. But deeper. humilia- tion still is to be found in the ames of Louvain, in the ery that. goes up from the women and chil- dren dead in nameless graves, in the agony of blighted lives. ; + at Chest Colds and Hoarsness Quickly ly Rubbed Away | res Over Got a cold? Is your voice caays---ts your chest congested or sore? f so, you are the very person that Nerviline will cure in a jiffy. Nerviline is strong and penetrating. it sinks right into the tissues, takes out. inflammation and soreness, de- stroys colds in a truly wonderful way. Rub Nerviline over the chest--rub on oe of it, and watch that tightness dis- . Nerviline. won't blister, it Se in too fast--doesn't simply stay on the surface like a thick, oily lint- ment would.* If the throat is raspy and sore, rub it well outside with "Nerviline" Gives nig Relief and Cu Night. gle diluted with warm water. Just one or two treatments like this and your voice. and throat will be quickly normal again. Just think of it--for forty years the largest used family. medicine in this country--Nerviline must n ast quickly relieve and cure a hun- dred ills that befall every family. Try it for earache, toothache, - coughs, colds, sore chest, hoarsness and mus- cular pains in every part of the body. e family size = 50c.;. trial size 25c., at all dealers Military Examiner--What must a a? 'neutrality or for} 35 ham's Corn Extractor, that never fails sand always cures, try it, 25. at al) 'dealers. PEE Tecae Veer he Useful aig: aaa a Miss Wyse--And I may really keep this ehcieranh of you, Mr. Simpkins ? 'Sunpkins (flattered) -- Delighted; I'm sure! Miss Wyse (later to her maid) -- 'Marie; take this i tg and p} Whenever the original of it calls, tell him I'm not in. Minard's Ciniment Cures Burns, Eto New Foreman--" What are ye do- in' there, Rafferty ?" Rafferty-- "Tm oilin' the wheelbarrow." New Foreman--"Well, lave it alone. I'll do it meself. "What do you know 'about machinery ? a" "HELP KEEP THE "pot: ABOILING." ig, ; Aboiling" war aid, in postoard form, Eon, buy a postcard for if and friends. THE WAR PUBLISHING COMPANY, eg $t. Catherine St., W., Montreal, Que. ' 'Opportunity really knocks at y a door."' en\ why don't re of ys succeed better?' "The le is that opportunity wants Bo to work.' 3 Liniment ie Sale averywhars. Non-Committal. ' "The teacher had worked that rning explaining the injustices | * one by Nero, and believed he had made an impression on the bo Then he asked questions--"Now, Zor': what do you think of Nero? Do you think he was a good man?"' No one answered. Then the teach- er singled out a bay. "Charlie, what do you think? Do you think he was all right?' "Well," re- turned the boy, after a long wait, 'the never done nuthin' to me.' Queen Elena of Italy is an ideal true wife and mother. Bad Blood is the direct and inevitable result of isregular or constipated bowels and -ups kid and. ski he abi, opening up 2 Dre eine « Indian Root Pills man be to be buried with military honors? Recruit--Dead. ED. 4 ISSUE 44--'l4. - 4 Risky Calling: marines--though the men who form their crews would be the last to admit it. A cruiser may come.dash- ing up at full speed right over the! lace where the under-water boat is lyings and the first intimation the men'in the depths would have ~ of the fact would be the tearing of the plates over their heads as the big the compartments filling with wa- ter as the submarine went to the bottom with:a rush, giving no trace of the disaster but a few bubbles. Then at any moment an explosion ship's keel bit into the steel, and There is always danger in- ey Hil Poe of gas may occur, and the crew be maimed and injured ; or the sul marine may rise below another ship and have her hull crushed' like: an eggshell; while, dive for an attack, she may every ounce of her reserve buoy- ance--as did A7 in Whitsand Bay-- and remain fast at bottom beyond the reach of human aid. A Nova Scotia Case of Interest to All Women Halifax Sends Out a Message of Help to. Many People. Halifax, N.S., Dec. 15.--When inter- Mrs. Haverstock was quite willing to of her pecullarly _ unfortunate e "I was always ' ee de- rasent, felt weak, languid and atterly |= unfit for any work. My stomach was so disordered that I had no appetite. What I did eat disagreed. I suffered greatly from dizziness and sick head; ache and feared a nervous breakdown. Upon a druggist's recommendation I d Dr. Hamilton's Pills. "y telt better at once. Elvery day 1 ent physicians had failed to help me. It is for this reason that I strongly urge sufferers with stomach or diges- one troubles to use' Dr. Hamilton's ig? stomach, improve digestion, strengtn- en the nerves and restore debilitated | systems to health. By cleansing the bringing the system to a high p vigor, they effectually ae aie weariness, depression and disease. Good for young or old, for men, for women, for children. All dealers sell Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. ----Fk¥--___ That Exasperating Child. Child Visitor--Mrs. Jones, please can I go up-stairs in your room and look in your closet? ostess--Why, wele, what. -do you mati in my closet Child Visitor--I au to see . the skeleton pe says you've got there. essrs. Pigeon, , -Plason & Davis, Patent Solicitors, Montreal, report that 117 Canadian patents were issued for the week ending October to Americans, 24 to lans, 10. to residents of foreiien countries and 5 to residents of Great Britain and: colonies Canadians who received: patents, ario, 4 of British Columbia, 3 of Nova Scotia, 2 of Quebec, 2 of Sas- katchewan, and 1 of Manitoba. Locatio' Stated Elsie--Mamma, I don't fee} well. Mother--That's too bad, dear. Where do you feel worst? Elsie--In school, mamma. Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. Strange Growth. "Pa, what' sa feebly ?" "There isn't any such thing, Har- o "Yes, there is. It says in this book that the young man had a feebly growing down on his cheek." \ A Well-known Man. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited Spr St John. Silas--What's your son studying at college?) Hiram--Pharmacy. ee new-fangled' farming, Minard's Liniment Retleves Neuralgia. Willie in Trouble. " Little: Willie had been very naughty--so much so, in fact, that after having reproved him several times his mother was at last-forced to punish him severely. When his father arrived home in the even- ing he at once perceived that Wil- lie' s eyes were suspiciously red. '""What's the matter, sonny?" he cried. "Oh, nothing," responded Willie uneasily. 'Come, don't be viewed at her home at 194 Argyle St., G Dr. Hamilton's Pills strengthen the blood of long-standing impurities, by nt o INFORMATION FO FOR INVENTORS j 6th, 1914, 78 of which were granted) 12 were residents of On-|. your|the he viewed the wae: th| Who was to blame?' WHY WORRY! ~ Choose your variety and ask your grocer for **Clark's", FaRMS FOR SALE. Z. ¥: gil Minoty Colborne Streew F YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A Fruit, Stock, rein oe Dairy Farn. W. Daw mpton or ¥@ Colborne 8t. Toronto BR. W. DAWSON, Colborne St., Toros'o. \ FOR SALE. EGISTERED HAMS SHIny SWINB prize winners. All ages. oth Fisher Bros.. Benmiller, Ont sexes, NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. OOD WEEKLY IN LIVE TOWN unty. Stoney - Besinens in connection. Pric y $4 erms liberal. Wilgon Publishing Com: any, 73 West Adelaide Street, Toron ACENTS WANTED. MINUTE WAR BOO 'ostage twenty-fv é cente. Ni pany Limited. Publishers, Toronto * Sieeee se heeers. gee wo 1a Dr. . Limited. Gallinewasa, ATENTS OF INVENTIONS lade PIGEON, --s & belo gia St. James ontreal for a : Write --BOILERS-- New and Second- ad Ba beating and _ power *Flumes. TAN 3 PAND SMOKE STACKS. - POLSON 'FON, WORKS roRONTO Engineers and Shipbullders. _ A Truly "Dou bling * Canadian the Watch" 7..." 2c. for gid copy. Post 'paid to any address. Agents Wante ed. (MALONE? MOULDING. S hcepemiand CO., MONTRE COPELAND'S -- CURE FOR CONSUMPTION David Warnock, 202 W Toronto, writes that he owes life to the cre romedy: well and* strong row Ave., his f sta t at Fi to-day witneeses to the merit of your medicine. The doc tore gave me only 8 to 10 daye t live. . ... I wish every gns could ow the worth of your medicin especially those aig with . semption as 3 ri undoubt- edly saved my life 'to its use and a specialist attended Four: gy afterwarde, h nd had gained 66 The If ow of one, ai is of over 30 yea * etand- at "ysie drusgist* or 'Airegt from us at $1.00 per bot COPELAND oo coheiets: - air* PAPR AVR. TOBOETOH. Explained It. There had been an explosion in @ powder mill, and the proprietor, who was away on a pleasure trip, hurried home to make 'an investi- gation. "How in the world did it happen 7? he asked the foreman of Well" see, sir,"' replied the foreman, 'it was in this way. Bill went into the mixing-room; 'probably thinking of something else; and struck a mate! in mistake! e was--'"' "Struck a match!' exclaimed the proprie- tor in amazement. "I should have thought that would be the last thing on earth he'd do!" "It was, sir," was the calm rejoinder of the foreman, To believe that a t sible is to: make it so. ask is mer Many a man has taken a find in politics and then put his. foot in it. You wii! find relief in Zam-Buk ! It eases the burning, stinging pain, stops bleeding" and brings "ease. Perseverance, with Zam- frightened, * said the father in coaxing tones, "tell me all about it; I want to know." Willie re-) mained silent for some time, ea he suddenly burst out, "Well, you must know, 'I've had a Cho dering row with your wife.' Buk, means cure. Why not prove this? 42 Druggists cate Stores.-- t | i