through their paces as if they were it T Nahadost ~ ek WOMAN' She RIGHT TO HEALTH No Reason Why They Should Suffer From Backaches and Headaches To every woman belongs the right to enjoy a healthy, active, happy life; yet nine out of ten suffer, of- ten in silence, from splitting head- aches, torturing backaches, violent heart palpitation or some 'other of pag many evils that follows anaemia, r bloodlessness. "That j is why one sees so many wo-| men with pale, thin cheeks, dull | eyes and drooping figures--sure signs that th eblood is out of order. All suffering women should win! the right to be well by refreshing their weary bodies with the new, rich blood of health that sega transforms them into healthy, tractive women. There is no ee medicine can supply this new, rich | blood so speedily and so surely as} Dr. Williams' Pink_ Pills for Pale People. Through ~ this medicine thousands of tired, suffering wo- men have found new health-and strength. Mrs, James _ Drost, | Chipman, N.B.; says: "For years [| did not know what it was to be en-| tirely free from headache or back-| ache, My hands were cold and; clammy all the time. It was diffi- | cult for me to get my work done, | and to walk even a short distance | would leave me completely worn! out.. My life was one of constant worry, and I thought I would never be better. I was octoring all the time, but without a bit of "benefit, and finally the doctor stopped giv- ing me medicine, as he said' hé could not help me. Do you.wonder that I was in despair. My mother urged me to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, but I said "'what's the use ; medicine can't help me." How- ever, my husband got six boxes of the pills, and to please him I began to take them. By the time I had finished them I undoubtedly had improved, and there was the signs of returning health in my cheeks and hands. My husband thought the improvement so great that he got another half-dozen boxes, and before these were completed I was enjoying such good health as I had not had in years; in fact, I was a well woman, and have since enjoved the best of health. I sincerely feel that I owe my life to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and shall always recom- mend them to all sick people." You can get these pills at any medicine dealers, or they will be sent by mail, postpaid, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by es The Dr. htop Medicine , Brockyille, ' ieee ete MAKE SOLDE£ERS SLOWLY. Kitchener's New Army Not Likely to Go Before Christmas, That Lord Kitchener believes as well as says it will be a lang war is made evident by the methods he is using in preparing the British re- cruits for service. Persons hope- ful that the end might come this winter' will be interested to know that the first 100,000 of the extra division men will not be fit to take the field until after Christmas, al- though the training centres have been at work with them for weeks. The raw men are being put to make soldiering their work for the rest of their lives, as, indeed, many of them will. What with phy- sical and, squadron drills, musket- rv. night work and marching, each man puts in about seven physically active hours a day. Between times. he hears lectures on a great variety of topics, such as sanitation, the cause of the war and the- German army. He is to know not only how to fight, but why he is fighting and what he is to contend against. Kitchener's war school uses a 26- week course to prepare a man to be "shot over" This causes impa- tience among the patriots and at the same time cures it. But Kitch- ener knows the folly of sending un- trained men into the fi-ld against such a, machine as the Kaiser's. The English clerk, rushing to the colors, is getting at Aldershot a taste of the discipline which made the Sirdar master of Egypt. ------__#¥ WHEN BABY IS ILL. When the baby is ill or out of sorts give him Baby' s Own Tablets. They are the ideal medicine for little ones and never fail to relieve constipation and indigestion; cure ids, allay simple fevers and pro- mote healthful sleep. Crnoorning them Mrs. Ont., says: Own. Tablets for eight years can highly recommend them to all- mothers for bab yhood and child- hood ailments." The tablets are sold by medicine dealers or Lid mail at 25 cents a box from r. ae Medicine Co., 'Brockville, nt. a a Knows When to Quit. "What sort of a speech does he make ¢"" "A lazy worker's speech." "T don't get you.' "He always knows when its quit- ting time." j -| t , 000,000 in New | | { = Tes me re IHS ee om meena PRPS: bo proent SE te "The German Crown Prince. This caricature, by Edward Gilis, a famous Belgian artist, is a won- pHs resemblance of the looting prince--whose animosity to 5 land is the outs tanding trait of a blatant, shallow a conceited character--the cies Prince has set an example of uncivilized war- fare to his misguided soldiery by the plundering of the chateaux of non-combatants.--London Tatler. NOTES OF 'SCIENCE Three. out of every four German nonogenarians are women. Sheepskin is used as a substitute = almost every other kind of lea- er. that works invented An electric machine automatically has been for stuffing sausages. Folded paper drinking cups, bound together like a cheque book, are a novelty for travellers, For cleaning bath tubs there has been invented a flat metal handle to be covered with toweling. A floating buoy made of concrete s used for mooring vessels in the berise of Kingston, Jamaica. Traps have been invented to catch flies at their breeding places before thev become old enough to move away. Railroads i in Southern Russia are preserving their ties "by soaking them in a strong solution of pss sea 'salt. Sound lumber, 25 years old, has been proved by a German govern- dient test to be materially stronger than new Operated by hand, speed being at- tained by gear wheels, a tiny emery aha has been invented for grind- ing off corns. A drinking fountain from which the water bubbles upward whic may be fastened to an ordinary faucet has been patented, 'There are. more than 85,000,000 sheep in Australia and nearly 25,- Zealand, or more than ejghteen for each' resident. A wire lemon-juice extractor has been invented that resembles the familiar glass one with the advan- tage of being unbreakable. The germ theory of the transmis- sion my contagious diseases was en- tertained as far back as 1657, when the plague ravaged Rome. Of English invention is a magni- fying glass that may be attached to a pencil or engraving tool to aid a draftsman or engraver. An artificial butter coming into use. in Eurdpe to replace the cream- ery variety is made of cocoanut oil and hydrogen, blended with milk. A one-piece suit, including coat and trousers, has been invented for men to wear while gunning or in- dulging in other outdoor pastimes. Wireless telegraphy works better on the Pacific than on the Atlantic and experts are trying to find an adequate explanation for the fact. A motor sleigh built for a Rus- sian grand duke has a cigar-shaped y, and is propelled by a suction turbine, operating against the air n front. forts are being made to increase the tobacco industry in Ireland, the soil of which is said té be 'suitable sa! raising almost all varieties of * Without an arched support or centre pier, a single-span concrete bridge 64 feet long, strong enough or the heaviest vehicle traffic, has been built in Linois. For use in French colonial ee where rank vegetation would fou ;| submerged wheels, iehow deol boats have~ been built that are driven by aeroplane motors and propellers. For quick destruction of buildings and for nrnsge: Nvtngpece sag ra- is idly a new tary be one has en invented; handled like dyna- mite, but with greater safety and more effect. "Father, don't men call them- selves bachelors before they get married 1" @8, my bov And what do they call themselves: after, dad?' '"Hush ! Tt isn't fit for little boys to know.' ; dinary | therefore it penetrates quickly much Tortares of Rheumatism Yield to This Remedy) o A Marvel of enietk an Unfalling Cure for Old Chronto Cases. GET A TRIAL 'BOTTLE TO-DAY. With reliable old Nerviline you can rub out the pain of Rheumatism, Scia- tica, Lumbago, or Neuralgia--rub it away so completely that you feel like new all over. It matters not how deeply seated the pain is, how long you have ha ieceabatng with the big of all lini- ments "Nerviline" will cure you. Nerviline is highly oonpentrateds about five times stronger than the or- white ammonia linfment-- sinks in deeply--and gets right at the core of the pain at once--draws out the lameness, takes away the stiffness-- eases the joints that have hurt you so Out comes the pain 'every time you | rub on Nerviline, which contains some of the most valuable pain-subduing remedies known to science. Worth its weight in gold to every family in the land, and sure to cure the emergent and minor {lls of a hundred kinds that constantly arise. Get the large 50c. family sizé bottle; small trial size 25¢.|_ rr Nerviline is sold by every dealer, ev- erywhere A ELECTRICITY IN WARFARE. It Helps to Destroy Lives As Well As To Save Them. Few persons realize to what ex- tent electricity is.used in {ime of war. As a matter of factAit has changed the whole face of war. The most important of its uses is in sending messages. To the naval commander, the news of the move- ments of hostile vessels that come to him by wireless telegraphy may be all-important in raids or sudden attacks. land commander, the ability to communicate either by telegraph or telephone with brother officers, in various parts of the extended lines of modern battles, may enable him to keep whole bodies of men from being annihilated. In speed, cer- tainty, and efficiency, no method of signaling can approach the various electrical machines that are now indispensable parts of every mod- ern military and naval equipment. Moreover, the electric searchlight {s an implement of equal value on Again, electricity performs in naval! vessels almost unnumbered services. It lights the ships, it trains the guns, it con- trols the 'fire and the movement of the ammunition hoists. Further- ey it propels the submarines, and 'explodes most subm subterranean mines. But on the other hand, its uses are not all de- structive, tor it helps to save lives as well as to destroy them. In the properly equipped military hos- pital the surgeons do not, as in the old days, have to probe for bullets or scraps of shell; the X ray reveals them almost instantly. ship and shore. PRESSED HARD Heavy Weight on Old Age. When people realize the injurious effects of tea and coffee and the change in health that Postum can bring, they are usually glad to bend | touct. their testimony for the benefit of others, '""My mother, since her early childhood, was an inveterate coffee drinker, had been troubled with her heart for a number of years and complained of that 'weak all over' feeling and sick stomach." (The effects on the system of tea and coffee drinking are very similar, be- cause they each contain the drug, caffeine.) 'Some time ago I was making a visit to a distant part of the coun- try and took dinner with one of the merchants of the place. I noti a somewhat unusual flavour of the | y, coffee," and asked him concern- ing it. He replied that it was Pos- ey was so pleased with it that, after the meal was over, I bought a package to carry home with me, and had wife prepare some for the next meal. The whole family were so well plesed with it that we dis- pore coffee and used Postum entire "T baa really heen at times very anxious concerning mother's condition, but we notioad that after using Postum for a short time, she felt so much better than she did rior to its use, nosy had little-trou- le with her heart and no sick stomach; that the headaches were not so frequent, and her wa, condition much improved. continued until she was well and earty -"T know Postum myself and the other members of the family, but not in so mark degree as in the case of my mother, Postum comes in two forms: Regular Postum -- must be well boiled. 50c and 25¢ packages. Instant Postum--is a soluble pow- ler. A teaspoonful dissolves quick- ly in a cup o water and, wi réam and & beverage tins: The cost per =~ of both kinds is about thé sam "There's a nT Rick? for Postum. --sold by Grocers. ae sugar, instantly. has benefited | ~ Help You Realize this ambition, when assisted by Cuticura Oint- ment, by keeping your scalp ean 'and free from dandruff, ing and irritation. ¢ Samples Free by Mail Soap and Otntment sold throughout the Mb with 32-p. " hanna *Cuticura,"" Dept. K Boston, U.S.A, | | | Pat Gave Him An Answer. ravelling in Donegal not long a a clergyman engaged a lo- quacious boatman to row him on onp of the lakes and show him the ts. They inspected a ruined castle with the legend of a banshee. The clergyman, thinking he would put a poser to the loquacious Irish- eo who new everything, i uired, "Have you ever seen banshee, Pat?' "Aye, bedad, thet é€, your reverence." "In- deed > sald the clergyman with an incredulous smile. "And pray where. did you see one?' 'Stuffed in'@ museum," replied the unabash- ed Celt without any hesitation. pO enn Too Sudden. Goodfellow was dining with his "best girl, who had just giv- en one of her prettiest nods to a young man who come in a sat at_a table opposite. "That's oking young fellow. Is he & a tend of yours?' 'Yes, indeed; I know him well,' laug hed the maiden. "Shall I ask him to join us?' asked George, anxious to dis- play his goodness of nature. "O George |' said the anh =r ges "this is so sudde "Sudden 1 What do you mean?" he asked in surprise. "'Why--why, that's our young minister."' An Appalling Condition Extractor only, 250., at all dealers. Pat's Decision. **Paf,"? said Sandy, "why is a short man struggling to kiss a tal "woman like an frishman going up Vesuvius " "Faith, and isn't it ause he's trying to get at the mouth of the crater?" replied Pat. jrailway carriage pene a fellow- a "Ma'am, here's a man'at the Invariably results when you uee 4} door with a parcel for you." cheap corn ealve. Be judicious,. use ow - is it, Bridget?' "Putnam's," for fifty years it has cured "It's fob _ma' am, and it's corns and warts that nothing else can ked C. an t Ask for Putnam's Painless Corn mar o . 5 "Then sat the man take it Granulated Eyelids, Eyes inflamed by exp sure to Sun, Dust and Wind a cay No by Marine No a ar Sore: Eyes: tenet ist's sde F per Bottle. Murlae Eye Soni 25c. nt a ge ne Druggists or Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago Man sets up the drinks--then drink upsets the man. Minard's Liniment Cures Carget In Cows. Deaf patrons of a London thea- tre have been provided with head lephones, the sounds being gath- on the stage by megaphone Sanmnitters. "Are you married, my man?" a lady asked a sailor. "Yes, indeed, mum--married and fourteen chil- dren."' "Poor about like this! ever get homesick I'm home, mum.' you "Only when Pat Nanied Then. An Irishman was 'seated in- a passenger who hape to be commercial Beckton ae e ehitig to be friendly, started talking" ro him about Home Rule. THis seem- ed to irritate the gentleman, who, was a Unionist. He turned on Pat rather einagn mad eaid, "Don't talk to me, as I a a commercial traveller." Pat sulla in the cor- ner until they came to a junction, and there they espied a number of lonkeys going by rail. The-travel- ler, wishing to have a joke at Pat's expense, said, "Eh, Pat, what do you call them?' "Bedad, sir," said Pat, "you ought to know them, - they are all commercia! travel- ers."' - ee Brothers in Distress. The wife of the col§nel was making the round of a hospital, and passed at the bedside of a wounded Highlander. The gallant fellow, one of whose legs been recently amputated, was toying with a German. helmet--evi-; dently a trophy of war. "Well," saia the lady, "I suppose you killed your | m "Well, naw," quietly respond- | ed the soldier; "you see it was like this. He lay on the fleld pretty near me with an awfu' bad wound, an' bleedin' away somethin' terrible. 1/| was losin' a lot o' blood too fra' my'| leg, but I manageu to crawl up to him! an' bound him as well as I could, ana he did the same for me, Nawthin', o' coorse, was said between us, I knew, no German an' the {ther man not a! word o' English; so when he'd done,' not seein' hoo else tae thank him, I Sa smiled, an' by way o' token hand- d him my Glengarry, and he smiled tak an' gave me his helmet." ; I re flow a Sick Woman Can Regain Health READ THIS VERY CAREFULLY. "For years I was thin-and delicate. I lost color and was easily tired; a yellow pallor, pimples and blotches on my face were not only mortifying to my feelings, but because I thought my skin would never look nice again I grew despondent. Then my appetite failed. I grew very weak. Various remedies, pills, tonics and tablets I tried without permanent benefit. <A visit to my sister put into my hands a box of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. She placed reliance upon them and now that they have made me a well woman I would not be without them whatever they might cost. I found Dr; Hamil- ton's Pills by their mild yet searching action very suitable to the- delicate character of a woman's nature.' never once griped me, yet they estap- hed he ethane My appetite.grew ood red and pure--heavy rings ander my eyes ppeared ana to-day my skin is as clear an wrinkled "Ga when I was a girl. Dr. Hamilton's Pills did it all." ~ The above straightforward from 4 odd, wifé a known miller in Rogersville, is p sufficient that Dr. Hamilton's" Pills pond a wonderful woman's medicine, Use! no: other pill but Dr. Hamilton's, 25c. per box. All dealers or The Catarrh- ozone Co., Kingston, Ontario, en letter | bc | These June Brides. pr ipa back to the dealer. I order- ed trou Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Crowds in motion on 'prandsnands and similar structures exert a strain equal to about 175.per cent} of their weight. . Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, &c. Very Simple. Interested Party--You say boat cannot upset? ; Inventor--It's impossible. The tanks.are filled with righting fluid. this We believe MINARD'S LINIMENT ia the bi Mathias Foley. Oi] City, Ont. J Snow, Norway, Me. Charles Whooten, Mulgrave, N 8. Rev. R. Armstrong, Mulgrave, N.S. Pierre Landers, senr., Pokemouche, N.B. Thomas Wasson, Sheffield, NB. Snakes' Deadly Toll. In the twenty-five years from 1887 to 1911 the number of human beings killed by snakes in India was 543,- 991, or an average of 21,760 annual- lv, according to official reports, writes James A. Smith, United States Consul General at Calcutta. During the same time snakes caus- ed the death of 187,436 cattle. A Slap at Parting. She (aftef their quarrel) -- Of course you will want the ring back. He--No, you may as well keep it. No other girl of my acquaint- ance could wear it except on her thumb. "You never know what you can do till you try," says a writer, "and then you are generally sorry you found cut?' ED. 4. ISSUE 45--'L4. 'Full flavored and e suis perfectly cooked pen make delicious. Saag 'a sandwiches. picnicker's choice. Everybody's favorite. FARMS FOR SALE. 2 oo Minety Colborne Street Toront F YOU WANT TO BUY WK SELL A Fruit. Stock, Graln or Dai vam write H Lrawptom vr ¥ clbarne Torontos BH W. DAWEON, Colborne St. Toronta POR SALE. Reve ERED HAMP. cee sw a ze winners, es Both sexés. Fisher Bros., Be nmiller. dnt NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. a! opp Ww ene IN LIVE pe rk Co y. Stationery and Book aie n soneeeiion rice only $4,000. Terms "liberal. Wileon Publishing | Com: pany. 73 Weet Adelaide Street, Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. 1 ANCER, UMORS,. LUMPS, ETQO., internal and external, cured with+ out pain' by our home treatment. Write us befcre too Jate, Dr. Bel man Medical Co., Limited. Colt tigwood, On ome COPELAND'S -- CURE FOR CONSUMPTION David Warnock, 202 Withrow Toronto, writes that he owes life the above reme t I am well and strong AMG wit every one could edly saved my te 'to its use. Ete.' A doctor and a specialist Stvensde + David Warnock and gave him hope. That was 'in March 1911. our months aftér », he was a well nm and d gained 66 ibs. If you suffer, or know of one, send us your address, and i bronchitis of over 30 Years' estan « At -_-- Srugsist | or Oren" from . 51,00 per bottle. . | COPELANDR MEDICINE COMPANY, "s 611 PAPE AVE. - Sondre mS > Too Old for Lamb. (sarcastically) -- Waitér, ou may. possibly recollect that I order roast: lamb a long time ago. Diner Waiter--Yes, sir; it will he ready directly. Diner--W ell, kill another at don't want mutton. eae An egotist imagines that the world thinks as much of him as he | thinks of himself. Just A Scratch Bad it needs looking after just the same. ° First aid treatment with CARBOLATED Vaseline' Trademark will help it to heal quickly and prevent infection. pom 4 tnt skin irritations of all such as eczema, poison ivy and barber's itch. Also good for corns. ¢ Sold by drug and department stores everyw , OF sent to you direct + on receipt of price--20c for a full size bottle. Free booklet on request. CHESEBROUGH MF'G Co. (Consolidased) 1880 CHABOT AVE. MONTREAL Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper.