Atwood Bee, 20 Nov 1914, p. 1

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The Vol. 25. No. 37. ATWOOD. ONT. FRIDAY, NOV. 20, 1914. <7, EB. H. Swine, Proprietor. 'THE NYAL STORE" Christmas Suggestions Leather Goods In Ladies' Hand Bags, Suede, bead and leather. Gentleman's and Ladies' Card Cases, Purses, Wallets, Collar and Handker- chief Cases. All prices. A good line to choose from. Musical Instruments This line is Row complete, Mouth organs ranging from 25c to $1. Shaving Supplies Razors, all kinds, Brushes, Glasses and Supplies. We especially wish you to notice this line in choosing a gentleman's gift. OUR VOTING CONTEST Two leaders in girls--Mary Hodge, Margaret Porter. Two leaders in boys--Jack Hamilton, Garnet Husser. Watch for Calendar offer. E. G. COGHLIN, Minto Tea can't be beat i real money in every pkg. | Call and see our new stock of pipes from 5c to $3.00. The Star Grocery . Our Grocery Department is well stocked with fresh, clean grocer- ies and canned goods of all kinds and at the lowest possible price. Flour and Feed We hayo plenty of Milyerton Flour always on hand also Fiye Roses, Harvest Queen, Bran, Shorts, Flax Seed Meal, Oil Cake and Low Grade. Meats bg Rolled.4 E Bacon. fir 'Bide Meat, Bologna, Cooked Ham, Pork Sausage, ¥ Spare Ribs. FISH As Fish is the cheapest meat you can buy at present, we expect to have a good supply of all kinds, but at present we have-- Finnin Haddie, Ciscoes, Smoked Herring, Salterwater Herring. 0 tie a Highest price paid for Butter and Eggs--Cash or Trade. Goods delivered to any part of the Village. E. T. Greensides & Son Phone 5 SSS SS SSS S= SS SS SY FALL AND WINTER .}ed to be present. Mr. David Armstrong spent the week-end with friends in town. Saskatoon, are visiting at Mr. Jobn Fisher's, King st. Born.--In Elma, on Saturday, Nov. 7th, to Mr. and Mfs. Morton Gray, a daughter. The Ladies Aid of the Methodist in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Duncan of the 12th con., moyed into their house on Main street last Friday. Rey. Dr. Husser was at Walkerton on Thursday last as a delegate to the Public Library Convention. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Robinson were at Wingham last week attending the funeral of the formers mother. RoogTEeRs For SALE.--A, number Apply to W. G. Inglis, lot 23; con. 8: Ellen returned on Friday after hav- Pembrooke. The Ladies of St. Alban's Church desire to thank the members of L. No. 630 for their generous do- nation for Red Cross work. The Elma Sunday School Conven- tion willbe held on Wednesday, 'Dec. 2nd, in the Presbyterian Church, There will be an afternoon and even- ing session. Last week the following returned home from the West to spend the winter.--Messrs. Graham Bell, W, Robb, A. Coghlin, Stanley Danbrook 'and Bert Blair. The Hunters returned home on Tuesday after a two weaks' trip to Muskoka. They were successful in piypnabt three pone 80. Brondbent, kus ussel Wilfred Shaver, ie for Mont where they sailed on Saturday for their homes in England. The Rev. Mr. Moorehouse occupied the pulpit in the Methodist Church on Sunday while Dr. Husser toak Mr. Moorehouse's work at Trowbridge 'it being Missionary Sunday The Woman's Patriotic League of Elma Centre will bold a meeting in the Methodist Church on Friday afternoon at 2.30 p.m. All the mem- bers and those interested are request- The building formerly occupied by Mr. Stanley Ford as a grocery store is now being renoyated after being partially destroyed by fire. Mr. Geo. Lochhead is having the work done and has engaged Messrs. Hance & Hammond to complete the same. The Ladies' Aid of the Union Methodist Church will hold a Mystery Not withstanding the fact that the great Euro-~ - pean war is in progress affecting the market values of the world, we were fortunate in hav~ ing our Fall orders placed and most of the goods forward before the beginning of the war. supper and social on Friday night, Nov. 27th. Supper from 6 to 8 pm. Admission, adults 25c, children 15c. A good program will be given of which Miss McNaught, elocutionist, will take part. The dance given by the Volunteers New Dress Goods, Flannels, Flannsttes, Ladies' and Gents' Underwear Woollen and Flannelette Blankets Cashmere and Woollen Hosiery, etc. Special this week in men's and boys' pants and overalls. WANTED.--400 Bags of Potatoes. We will pay 40c cash or 45c trade for bags of 90 Ibs. We will supply the empty bags. As the potato crop is abundant and the demand limited, we would advise those wishing to sell to call early LIVE POULTRY WANTED for which we will pay the highest market values for Chickens, Fowl, Ducks and Geese. We will supply empty crates. Daliverics Friday of each week. W. R. ERSKINE, Main Street, Atwood GZ WUGBAKER piwemcua ft ATWOOD Wood and Tile I Phone 2-12 Draying in Connection. | different points around were present of Atwood on Thursday evening was a great success. Visitors from all the and the Listowel boys were here in numbers. A dainty lunch was seryed at twelve o'clock. The music provid- was the very best which reflects great credit on our home musicians The proceeds will be devoted to the renting of the Music hal! for the Volunteers to practice in during the wioter months. HENFRYN. On Monday, Noy. 16th, the Bishop of Huron, the Rt. Rev. D. Williams, D.D., administered the rite of confir- mation at St. Dayid's Church, when seven persons received the apostolic rite of the laying on of hands. The Bishop delivered a very eloquent address on the Duties of a Christian, pointing out how the Christian must be a valiant obedient soldier of his Master and insisting on the need for |* missionary work. The following were confirmed -- Mr. and Mrs. E. Row- land, Mrs. Brant, Mrs. Arthur Blair, Mr. T. E. Gilks, Mr.-Clifford Row- land, and Miss L.. Charter. a oO hildren Cry FOR FLETCHER'S Mrs. Arthur Harris and son, of Church intend giving a fowl supper] of purebred white wyandotte roosters Mr. William Dewar and daughter ing a pleasant trip to Ottawa and : O.} son of Mrs. R. b getting their number of deer and" Are You Run Down ? Nervous, tired, haye no self con- fidence, afraid' something is go- ing to happen without any rea- son for thinking so; don't sleep nights-- Then Take REZISTOL! It will wake you feel fine immediately '25c, 50c and $1.00 a bottle. > Independent and fearless, it has al- Ways guarded the best interests of Canadian agricultural. Aside from that, its accurate and carefully com- piled market conditions. 'You have Saved me dollars", is the repeated re- commendation of hundreds of its readers. The Sun is on the ground, and it is not influenced by any pack- ing houses or commission merchants. It stands for farmers alone, every day in the year. It is the farmers' friend, you ought to be a reader. Wingham, Nov. 13.--One of Wing- am's most highly esteemed and re- spected pioneers passed away here in her 71st year last evening in the per- {. Robinson, widow of the R. M. Robinson, who pre- deceased her a number of years 'ago. She married 50 years ago Mr. Robin- son jn Paisley, and they moved to Wingham 40 years ago. Mr. Robin- Son bought out the only foundry business in this section at that time from Mr. Chas. Ansley. This was in the days when Wingham was in its infancy, Mrs. Robinson was looked up to by all who knew her as a lady of high Christian principles, and was a faithful member of the Methodist church. She leaves one son, Anson Robinson, manager of the bank in Atwood. DON EGAL. ee i ekes Pilie death of" Mr.' Anderson who after a pati angi iit ness passed away at his home here on Saturday morning, Nov. 7th. Mr. to Elma at an early age and settling on the farm where he resided at -his death. About thirty years ago he married Miss Agnes-"Gray who with at home suryives him. For about twenty-three years he conducted a ® general store at Donegal and built afine business block and kept the post office where he was universally popular owing to sold out to Mr. was a member of the C. O. F.,, 4 church, and father. a STOMACH TROUBLE QUICKLY CURED eople go on suffering from little sto- eunely troubles for years, and imagine they ave a serious disea rey over-eat or over-drink and force on the stomach a lot of extra work, but they never think that the stomach needs extra help to do the extra wor If these 'people would take Tonoline Tablets vequarity they would be a great big help to the stomach in ite strain of oyer-work. No matter what you eat or drink Tonoline tabs sweeten your sour stomach and stops gas belching in five minutes. The heaviuess disappears, and the etomactr is greatly aided in its work of i on. TONOLINE Tablets not only promptly relieves all distress, but if taken yeah will ab- as cure indigestion by building up flabby. overworked walls of the sto- ok and make them strong enough to digest the most hearty meal. $1 for a 50 days' treatment. Mailed by erin Proprietary ti Boston, Mass. GEORGE BRAY -- Barrister, Solicitor Notrary Public CASTORIA "One of the most influencial agri-| + 'cultural papers in the Dominion", is | + the way others refer to the Weokly |= Sun of Toronto. It is a paper which | + appeals to the wide-awake farmers. | + ee ee Oe Be Shee BeckecBecle ve MacBele Becks Meola fe fe ot ee eee a ee ee eres eee ATWOOD SHOE STORE | We do a Large Business and are content with small profits Oe See rey Se ecBaclba cle Bocfeck EN ee S Beslecbe Bacleckeck. Ee eran * We take much pleasure in showing goods as we know that both the goods and the prices are right. All rips sewed free. iD. WATTERS : So oho en alie ahe ce she cle she lle BecBe cB cbs LecBecle che oBocBeclecEs oBoclecke ole ole cBoclle cle clececkecks 2 3.3.0 5 2 2 9 : Main St. : 5, eakenk. ae aie She tae wie 3 Z ee ee Tee Ee enna Se Eee enery! openness og nee eens erg egress oe ery Furs Are Not " Going to be Cheaper " Furs are Cheaper right Now About 15 to 20 per cent. below last year's prices This is the Year Now is the Time Gowdy's is the place to buy your furs PRODUCE WANTED We are bnying poultry according to quality. We aro in a position to pay the highest price for No. 1 stock, dry picked and starved. Anderson was born in the township|]@ Butter 25c. Eggs 32c. Cash if you want it at one cent less. wT « seas a 41 a) J The Store for all the People Listowel of King about sixty years ago coming |™ Suche ale Ba cBecBecks Bo coche she Ze cBececBe Ba chocbec¥e Bocke Beene Bockeckec¥ecBockackeckecleckcledls EEE eee ee ee a family of three sons, William of| + Crystal City, Man., Ernest and Roy |: 'Sole of Enameled his' kindly and|% generous spirit. Some years ago he| F D. F. Hymer. He * members of which order attended in| = *}a body at bis funeral which was held | + on Monday and conducted by Rev.|% . A. Amos, of the Presbyterian | * Atwood, of which deceased | + was a member. Interment took place | } at the Donegal cometery in the pre-|* A No.1. Call and examine for yourself. See sam- sence of a large concourse of old) + ; ° : r friends and acqasintanoed. + ples in our window. Never had such bargains. Mr. Anderson was one of a family | of ten children of whom five survive, | + Mwo sisters, Mrs. Walter Johnston |% and Mrs. John Peebles; three bro- | t thers, Robert and Hugh of Atwood|+ and Jobn of Brantford, who along/ = with his wife and three sons' mourn | * the loss of a devoted borther, husband t ne Sea a Eee nes Teena See" Beek eeeegeegeng peers ray be obeode fe fede poof} Steel Wares received a shipment of enamelled goods o We have J. ROGER, Atwood HARDWARE and TINWARE. ' tbe PEPE EEE EEE EL EEE EEE EEE EE ESE PEPE ped PEE Pee Ee. 4 PEPE EEE EEE DEP PL EE feeb bbb eee beg Listowel, Ontario = Bank of Hamilton Capital Authorized $5,000 000 Capital, Paid-up, $3,000,000 Surplus 3,750,000 AN IMPORTANT ALLIANCE When a young man first makes his alliance with a financial institution by opening a Savings Account, he should look ahead to the time roe his bank book will aid his gd- | vancem } A growing bank balance asures an employer i i that a young man has mastered the opyacHe | of econmiocal maragement. A. M. ROBINSON, Manager; Atwood poe ' ee Be

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