War time brings the de- mand for cheaper prices, .:: so am doing all possible to meet the situation ) - ze : h My goods are as high-class and the variety as extensive as in previous years. I will be pleased to have you call, as the only way to appre- ciate these goods the J. J. Johnson is to call and see m. JEWELER and Optician. Cream _ Wi: Wanted. HIGHEST PRICES WILL ES WILL BE PAID BY US Test every shipment. Pay every two weeks. Let us send yo:.2-ean, Cash cheques at par. It will cost you nothing to give us a trial. Call and see us when in town or write us for fuller particulars. REFERENCE, BANK OF HAMILTON. Perth Creamery Co. Listowel, Ont % Aldrich Bros. .Managers For SALE.--A fow fancy cutters for sale at alow price. Please call and see them. ----- Alex. Morrison, At- wood : Twenty-Third Psalm, Revised The---------is my auto, I shall not want (another), Ié maketh me lie down beneath it ; it soureth my 80 soul, It leadeth me in the paths of ridicule, for its namesake, Yea, though I ride through the yalleys, am towed. up the hills, And I fear much evil, thy rods and thy engine discomfort me. I annoi radi tor runneth oyer, I prepare for blow- sone in the pre- sencé of my enem Surely, 'if this seine follows me all days y life, I valle in "ene Bug House --Shakespoke. Sunday, 'School Convention A Successful One. The Elma Township Sunday School Association held its annual conven- tion inthe Presbyterian church last Wednesday afternoon on evening wad well attended. . Thomas Hammond, the ident' presided. Re¥. John Pettit gave a paper on "The Teacher's Call, Qualifications and Training," Mr. E. W. Vipond, spoke on the "Teacher's Habits and Attitude 'toward his Scholars," Dr. Husser spoke on the "Teacher's Aim when jbefore his Class," and the Rev. Aquilla Lucas, of London, spoke on the Sunday School in its general work.' Mr. Adolph, séoretary of the work.) Mrs. Husser gave a solo that was-mhuch- appreciated. _ In"the evening the Rev. W. A. Amos, B.A., spoke on "The Sunday School and the Missionary Problem" Rey. Mr. Gischler, of Milverton, gave a report of the Provincial convention recogtly held in London and Rev. A. Lucas gave an earnest address to the Sunday School workers. The President, Mr. Thos. Ham- mond and the secretary-treasurer, Mr. Luke-Lucas, were re-elected for another year, as also were nearly all the dld officers. It was decided to hold, the"hext annual conyention in the Methodist chi church, Atw Atw Elected, Offic Offices / And Spent A Pleasant Time. The mémbers of the Gravel Road Corn Syndicate held their annual mesting on Friday evening, Dec. 4th, at the home of Mr. John Coghlin. After the'business for the year which was found yery shtisfactory com- pleted, tlie officers for the comirg year were elected as follows ; President-- Wm. Simpson. Vice-President--Geo. Porter. Secretary--Adam Willoughby. Treastrer--Alex. Thompson. The businéss being completed the gathering were invited to the dining room and sat down toa well Iaiden| table of delicacies including fowl and oysters, after all had did ample justice the remain er of the evening was spent in social chat, games, music and dancing. Before the company left for their pomtes a yote of thanks was tendered to the host and hostess | for | their kind hospitality, Abe tire with patches, my!" The Bee ¥ \-waead lst, 1916, for ONE DOL Every woman shows bravery when she has & mouse in a trap. Self-pity is a deadly poison for most people, and should never be taken in jarge doses by anyone. Twenty-five women, clad in old skirts and armed with hammers and saws, are working daily on a large tabernacle being erected in Water- town, N. Y. A drummer tells of seeing a sign in a railway car out west which read: "Do not put your feet on the cush- ons." To which a sarcastic wag had added in pencil : 'or you will dirty your boots." The Trostee Board of the Methodist church has decided to erect a new church the coming season. -- Messrs. A. Robb, 8. Love and W. Hance were appointed a committee to interview contractors. One contractor has al- ready. handed in his figures. The congregation will shortly be canvassed on its behalf. A young lady explained to a printer ia a npigbboring town the difference in printing and publishing, and in conclusion, said: "Now you may print a kiss on my cheek but you mouet not publishit."" With that he locked the fair form in his arms and went to préss The Methodist Sunday School will hold their, annual Christmas enter- tainment in the Church, Tuesday evening, Dec. 22nd. The program will consist of choruses and recita- tions .by the school, and a set of stereapticon views by the pastor on The Holy "Land and the early life and Passion History of Christ. About 100 slides 'in all will be used. In addition thére will be four sets used to illystraté some of our most famous music. Ddn't miss this treat. When eyening falls you like to gather round the table and read, the whole family does. The weekly Sun of Toronto 'has departments of in- terest to everyone, from the markets and editorials for father down to a for the boys*and a bright thoughtful home page for mother and the girls. It is all interesting, and every issue is well worth while. How would it be for a Christmas gift, it would certainly be a profitable one, and help you make the farm pay. Dance Called Off When Rowdies Struck Monkton. Mitchell, Dec. 4.-- The Police Court was a very busy place on Thureday last, when about seventeen young Logan and Monkton men were charged with being drunk and disor- derly at Monkton on Friday evening last, when a dance was going on in Erskine's Hall. These young men had not been invited, and .it was barged invaded the hall and broke up the dance, 4s well as some of the furniture. For the offence a number were fined quite heavily. County Constable Hiller, of Monkton, laid the information. A large number from Monkton and Logan' crowded the court room while the case was on. Police Magistrate W. R Davis pre- sided and meted out stiff fines with costs. Of the fines collected $70 goes into the town treasury. 15 more days till Christmas. is Do your Christmas shopping early. ac Jack Pelton left on isn Mrs. Fred. Anguish spent Satutday at Guelph. Buy made- in Canad: goods and help Reward the full dinner pail. fering from blood poisoning in his and. Miss Teresa Crooks of Clinton, is visiting with ber cousin, Mrs. E Swing. Mr. Lorne McMane has returned home after spending the summer in the West. * Mrs. Peachey' s store is under' quarantine owing to measles being in e family. The sale of cattle on Friday _after-- the ayerage price netted around $60, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Greensides of}. Rosser, Man., arrived in Atwood last] Friday and will speod the winter ere. The Rev. W. A. Amos of Atwood, Moncrieff Presbyterian church last Sunday. Mrs. (Rev.) J. M. Shaw has just received the sid news of the sudden |. death of her mother in the old |. country. % The Elma Conti will nial in the Agricultural Hall this Saturday and next Tuesday to wind up this years' business. Owing to the advanced price. of our, our local baker found it neces- sary-to raise the price of bread from 5 to 6 cents a loaf. Miss Julia Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. Jack Riepart is at present suf-|> noon was fairly well attended and] preached anniversary services at} ' ENTER Now se towel Business COLLEGE Thorough Courses _-- by Com- te _ petent Teachers. For particulars address Edwin G. Matthews, LISTOWEL, ONT. J. CECIL HAMILTON Barrister, Conveyancer 'Solicitor for Imperial Bank of Canada. Money to Loan Office--Main-st , Listowel, next to Dr. Foster, dentist. - D. A. KIDD, M. D. Main-st., Atwood, Ontario Physician, Surgeon Accoucheur, Coroner Executiye Officer of Board of Health' ~ Specialties-- Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases of women and children. H. B. MORPHY, K.C. Barrister, Notary Public | Conveyancer _ Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton ) Listowel, Milverton, Atwood 'Offices, Listowel and Milyerton Money to Loan. GEORGE BRAY 'Batrister, Solicitor cadet Public Listowel, Ontario Mr. and Mrs. F. Seelhoff, of Milver: ton, was matried to Mr. Howard Mes Mane of Elma, on Wednesday: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wilson, Sr., have moyed to the village and are now settled in their new home which Ly wae ROVATFORD, ONT. Isa school with a continental reputa- tion for high grade work and for the fuccess of its graduates, a school with they recently purchased from Miss Angus The Rey. Dr. Husser-is in London London Conference of which he is a member. today (Thursday) attending a meeting sd here ? of the Programme Committee of the time, Write for our large free catalog. supetior conracs and instructors. We pive individual attention in Commer- os Forand Sud Selagraphy Depts. Why atte sewhere when there is a may enter at any - D, A. McLachlan Good +> We Are Introducing _ American Silk Re American mayen ge for fii abe superiority of material a workmanship. Absolutely stale -less. Will wear 6 monthe without holes, or new ones free OUR SPECIAL OFFER to oer a sending us $1.00 in ee i note, cover advertising hind ebippin 5 chares, we wd send post- written vere ee, bac! by : a i million Har Son Day: either. : 3 Pairs of our 75c value \ American Silk Hosiery a or Pe Pairs of our 50c value j merican Cashmere Jasper or ks Pairs of our value 5 American Cotton-Lisle hay Piso m or 6 Pairs of Childrens Hosiery % Give the color. size, and whether H Ladies' or Gent's hosiery is tdesired 4 DON'T DELAY -- Offer expires Mm when a dealer in your locality 4 lected. THE aes ia HOSIERY P.O Box 244 DAYTON, OHIO, U. 8. A. Synopsis Of Canadian North- west Land Regulations. aoe sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter-section of available Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency, or Sub-Agency for the bry hig Sates y proxy may be made at any Dominion Lands Agency | Cont me Sub-Agent ), on certain con- ditions, Duties--Six months 1g mapee upon and , cultivation of the in each of three years. A hom watoaslot may live within _nine miles of 'his homestead on a furm of at least 80 acres, on certain conditions. A habitable house is wired except where residence is performed in the vicinity. | _ In certain districts a homestead in good | ati standing may pre-empt a quarter-section alongside his homestead. P ce $3 per acre | Duties--Six. months residence in each of three years after earning homest tent ; also, 50 acres extra cultivatioa. seta sao patent may be obtained tis Mr. Wm. Danbrook who has been seriously ill for some weeks went to Guelph last week for treatment: It is to be hoped this umay be-of great benefit to him. lot 21, con. 3, Elma, to Mr, Thomas Barton, 10th con:, Elma. The: eee paid was $7,800. parlor talking nonsense to his best}: girl--that's capital. But when he are married--that"s labor. The Methodist Sunday School at Donegal will hold their Christmas entertainment, Wednesday evening, Dec. 23rd. The program will con- sist of Christmas Cantata. A Christmas entertainment will be held in the School house of No.7, Elma, on Friday evening, Dec. 18th: An excellent programme is being pre- pared. Admission 15 and 10ce. Big Goose to be given away on| Christmas eve at the Star Grocery. A ticket will be given for every 50c. worth of candies, nuté, oranges, ban- unas or grapes purchased at this store. The Rev. Dr. Barber, of Listowel, will deliver his lecture on 'Our eg- cape from Germany" in the Methed- ist Church, Atwood, on Monday - ing, Dee. 14th, at 8 o'clock. mission 25c. Let all Canadians, men and women, young and old, show their patriotism and make Canada strong and pros peroua by buying made-in-Canada goods, thus providing work for Can- ada's sons and daughters. At a meeting of the Trustee Board of the Methodist Church Monday night, Messrs. Luke Lucas, Samuel Love, J. W. Boyd and Thos. Jobn- ston were appointed a Committee to canvas on behalf of the new church. The literary programme given un- der the auspices of the W.C. T. U. on Friday evening was varied and' enjoyed by those present. The fea- tures of the evening was the debate, " Resolyed that the Allies would be justified in using like reprisals with the exception of mutilation upon the Germans as Germany used upon the Belgians." The affirmative side was taken by Messrs. H. Ratcliffe and Albert Hammond while the negative was upheld by Revs. W. A. Amos and J. M. Shaw made the debate very interesting. Rev. Dr. Husser and Messrs. David Hodge, W. R. Erskine acted as judges and gave their de- cision in favor of the affirmative. Mr. 'A. R. Terry very efliciently acted as chairman. The executors of the V William Brot estate haye sold the 100. acre farm, |x When a young man sits in the}! }Rezistol Chemical Co., has to stay in of evenings after pa - patent, on certain coh- A rettler who has exhausted his hpuie- aned Principal : \Gitions. REZISTOL ine temedy aw ill 'Cases : on ; also indicated in cases of Brain Fatigue, Nervous! d xbatstion caused by overwork or tnalputrition, unequalled for nausea of ov - }or.geueral depression. » -A general tonic and body builder. Mail orders filled by Boston, Mass. Price $3. ties--Must reside ix m staan of three Fearn, eoltivate 50 screg ---- scrub ney land. ne ma y be eu ot for cultivation porta certain. con- tions W. W. CORY. CM Be sat; Randle ab Minister of the Teieri rior. nauthorized abe ey of this 10c et ats the Beé to Dec. 31st, 14. a TD ea a ae SSS SSS AD Ladies Coots on Sale A) These coats are what we have left out of $2000 worth. They are Northway's make, very new-- est styles and cloths. $ 8.00 Coats on gale......... .cccecescceseeees $ 5.00 10 00 Coats on sale ~ Read the ads. 12.00 Coats on sale 14.00 Coats on sale .............. 15.00 Coats on sale Cushion Tops 25c * Patriotic colors. Just in a fine range of ladies collars and cuffs 25c to $1.75 PRODUCE PRICES Butter 25c Eggs 40c Men's Bath Robes and J.ounge coats Men's Neckwear 25c to $1.25 Every tie boxed. Note thereductions _ ff $16.00 Coats on sale $ 12.75 The Rush is on, only 19 Stopping Days till Christmas Ladies' Hand Bags 75c to $3.00 Renal 8 Pyjam as $5.00 to $10.00 We are giving from 10 to 50 per cent. off all our furs. It will you to see them. Have you tried our special priced Coffee at 20c ath. J. M. SCHINBEIN & SON _ Listowel bk faghe f eg ccas eet to re-| of ca' su duction in case Bice ot | Am advertisement will not be paid for. -- pares Ladies' Party Boxes * $2.50 to $5.00 $1.50 to $2.00. Men' Scarfs and Hosiery | | Gains 40 Pounds In 40 Days. Remarkable Reenlts of the New Tissue Builder Tonoline Tablets a Many Case of Rundown Menand Woineh Prove It akourelt By Bas Diets Nowe a box of ea i Swope 5 I rapid Loar! fhe bee | like line Tablets, for buildin up of ht lost nerve force. sehal of wel wn lerday in tpeaki of the t is Slade in his condition. "E began to think that wi ing on- earth t coul make me fat I t tonics, heavy eating diets, m Te Semon everything cg you could think a "bat ie without resu Any man = woman who is thin can rd cover 'normal weight b me best = treatment Tonoline Tablets. '1 have thin for Pose and began to think it ass or me to be that = Finally I about the remarkable at on just forty pounds during the last forty days, and ny felt stronger or more 'nervy' in fe 'onoline Tabe are a powerful inducer to nutrition. increases cell-growth, food, in- the number of lood-corpuscles and as a necessary result builds up mus- cles, and solid baalthy flesh, and rounds women who can never appear sty- lish A say ttog they wear because of their thinness this remarkable treatment may prove a revelation. It isa beauty maker as well asa form bnilder and nerve Tonoline Tabs cost $1 for Can't Lose Hair. Twenty Yeare from Ti Today a ee Man Will Be an Unusual Sight. One of the most prominent druggists of America oe 2 zi statement e few weeks ago which has t deal of dis- cussion among erento in 'the medical Tess. He. said: "If the new hair grower, Mildredina Hair Remedy, increases its sales as it has cone the past year, it wili be used by nearly every man. woman and child i in America within eight years. "When Mildredina Hair med used almost universally, dandruff will pon a and with ite departure bald- nes, itching scalp, eplitting hair and al! scalp diseases will follow and twenty years from now a bald head will bes rarity." -There is only one way to cure ys rea afid that is to kill the germs. There only one hair preparation that will kill the germs and that is Mildredina Hair| | medy. This unusual hair restorer with ith record of thousands of cures will grow hair on any head where there is any life : it will cure dandruff, <4 ---- hair _ sarees 28 the ecalp in three wee tis the most pleasant and sesngoeent- ing ole, is not sticky. or greasy and is jpapeeaivaly by tealigs of re peaent re to havea eep air trou and seth ant: cents ra ere lies by Proprietary Co., ikon Mass. te-CuT THIS OUT-@a FREE to show how quickly Mildred-) "| ina Hair anny, acts, we will wenda large sample free by return mail to any lone who sends this Coupon to American {Proprietary Co., ton, Mass., with their name and address and ny cents in isitver or etampe to pay posta Ladies' 2S Parasols 75c to $5.50 Men's House Slippers 40c to $1.75 and Gloves at all prices. -B-.