Or, The Hope That Still Lived, CHAPTER nk aaptenineer ia fy i wok @ almost like terror. D cmp ea ety suppose? §=That's ur game ush." The woman in the sable-trim- along. You're a cray 0 a. ween ed, dark cloth had held up her "Wihate er is your Tnieineek to. ig. my bnel- Poser i erga Huey there th ee ee whee T Be Ab yon bake tendo | what I have come to uu _about. I am, or what I do. Ail ane:y or think of here and now ie the answering | World Le not know me sak that name na Who Ot this Brian Hardy ust hav this from wor. won much the loser wher r ve got h Sor y on me. I' eaw Petyonn fi tried to get that done mor "I thought you were a spirit come back than once ie. ookenden eaid, from the d the man said nervo ota holding him with her holding ie to him the two mi able than once?" he repeated quickly. Httle ones, who clun re tightly wee tha P y,.I've had half as their f of the strange lady increaa- on cM hap BE tag Ag ~ irae " 'iow " that," intarropted Sarak Crook: em enden qu the 9 whole nine of them one day, for all ithe wretched _ ot the garzet é "Why do you want him to die?" she per- | 4, er again, not. understanding slated now with a throb of impatience in I was afraid you would jepeak. eo ed Berton tine Go vou stand to aaln | cutee ei rear qm abe oat y his death?" ; < 1|_"Eh?? Hos wae atid unicomprehending: Mo mer '2 I paren to gain? Money! hed kequve timecl etd nly, re cae into the millionaire wo- Vigit hed her = a flash how necessary oe mn o ut 'the an is poor, ie he not?" she I was thinking 2f going to Lord Yox eee "Indeed, only gaining | ford ber] esa im the queer fact that hig bare living trom: hend: to mouth?" ze d eee! @ Ferdy. Pocock Fi 'oor? Yea, of course--poor as a church kn inward chuckle intetrupted his thick, coarse §: ed in it hate a Soe . etary! a pee, are starvin ng, and one and---" » und the | little ones here of them's dying, The famous woman financier nodded. *"T'll gee to.all oo she said, prom ' Sh urse then and, ta vera g ont it, gave the coin rele. Pelaee whose eyes = 4 3 ° & c #¢ "5 al -- a wee = S53 5 an a aA 2 5 R o 4° 5s on™ La at's ge PS Ea a2? oA op er man living, either in England America, who'd have got to the bottom of the trick as I did 'ou, pel . And, pict being the I'm not goin to be cheated out of ro at the last, just for ant Cen Dit of pluck," 1 baffled woman who listened gave - arabs ese of enraged f her white, akene ee hie "aMoul der, "You ma 6 well be made aware that within the "eat half hour 3 you have n | Pro rs ee ur mid telling me incriminate 1 arr child if Ww, gO." ed Pitch a wa L hen abe talked to him, } | bi Pay § 6 cure o ur sort. | ae ae the children began a ravenous example, a man who calls himself a gentleman forged my co t oThe Barl of Yoxford might pay known to the put f e neb tes " did Bi nel ring a any tke than the Mra Crookenden whom he num other morning when I told you 6 ?* 'rs among his friends," she said in very atuons grin overspread the face of | Clear an andid, yet at the same ti the red-haired little man on the couc authoritative tones. 'But he would not guces there was a good deal mo give yo much as I can give you, main- than "that you didn't feu me," he replied, |1¥ for the reason that he hae not the aptly 1 wis something | Money to pixe Considering his position, nhout your 1---- 1 very poo It ia even probable that He stopped. Mn Crookenden walked | he will be 4 bankrupt within six montne the length of the room and back again., ffem now So, you Heo, that even. if 16 She caught him up before he could. re-| ¢2" afford to ou a reaeonable sum iow, he emt not pay you any more later he ds poor--very poor. TI, on the ae any hand, am at the present mo- I told you that my «on are be nine. es ment known to be the richest person in teen years old now. was not right. He og older than oo nd yeare older. 1 am never sure m when I speak of | the wor whs it I have suffered bs she was lenching | The me n who heard, ibe opened his sunk- and. unclenching necd not | &n.eyes to their wides extent, ia apes ot sa further, however. Some day. ee eS than the Gees he asked in- t be the A see him procky ' Home day I shall meet him and know him Richer than the Rot hschilde, : sh and he will know me. But I prefer not { kenden assured him quietly, 'More to talk of him to you. | en eet crowing gong ge | wa nm . * a day a ive--yea, . eh nee mere the fatuous eee ee | every day. In twenty years' ti I shall : a sivenees of Ferdy tminee i be tavic gain as now, ie "aitee he's tue snered a eubject ; oe may gather from this assurance what by me peteon I am, and greatly to be die y He h ds a ck en with detibe ate Insolence ble that you should he in my ri ny = go 10d | perse | bit enief 4cON, rtain eT Now ie us k about your There is ro er sen why and I, who ure | Self, tho ¢ time is going, and I have an only; "tat or purpencs of evil, | a ppnineme 4 fn Lombard Street at a qua sh ould 'anily with our discussion of them! ter past te It ia necesaury, too, that I the few good and holy things whieh re! ----e scout & a doctor here as s90n a8 poe: main to me in my Hfe as it i now " j sible, if this child's life is to he saved. you pleaee," the litthe broker 1 he nodded towards the mattress. . ell epor ded sullen! There's only one thin | me first how you camo down to thia," che that I'm eating: myself out to know and | COmnre sided, studying with some contempt that is yo true name 'ou'Te vt | the ruggedness of the man and the other two children, ar sateaay s§ Peace talked-of man The annoying volunteers in a fight." so very long, harm in recallin ly as we now is, and it has never again w form of warfar on the brink went merrily and pride of U preparing ther zea) for battle a (rookenden. Em ax certaip ot thut aoe uel feak ranted aia thes . - am that I'm ying here now after it. _tlirough dcink, or dishonesty?" ede, Bi made a foo! of myself with port 'tant drink, and it waan ' t dishon- nud « ie mpagne, * "That is a seerer whieh you wilh never} rst. 'ily poor wife died eoon after that be atte to get from me," the Finance | fire, und I suppese worrying and fretting Queen answered him, yet wore coldly, } Pan inc down a vty th hi I 7 ret No one living kuows my true name, ¢ a *¢ hone ee he : ths hile fever. I cert cre man only, and that man will | 8s in hospital for months, while my poor never tell, because he knowe--or soon will, 7 fe's mot: her t00) Seas 1 the children kuow- that to do so would be more than; Then che died, ee se ae hin ite is worth jor hospital, and thorn Was nobody to help Mine. rar ee premently went our of | @e the re the door behind her. 'We needn't waste time going ates; those mutters now. It would be better, to _ -- | they should never be gone into at al, CHAPTER XVI ; ten now to my plans. There is one ihing it 4 i wart you n to do; and that i peak s nine aclock the wWorning: #0) my true name. ot a living soul in the nour eorty enough in, London in the hote world muet learn what ¢hat name isp do autumn, o rather, the b 'ginning of wits) you understand? a id you are the only ter when Mim. Crookenden's vugham | Gne who can bet. it. Understand this bu e her away ffom her new home in ell you are 'a Y ¥ person in the Gr evenor Quare on the important er- whole world who knows' th Mi Crook- purig with which rhe was to open We) onden, the financier, is identical with a » ot eae ad uo hew day which followed ertauin woman of position ne = general. vn the night of hea Nouse-warming part lv eupposed to have met her de: in the : irewards he her « _ went, but it did kre lire that occurred at a me for in- t ea gel he « netead, the thor-) . wittes near Godalming a few yeare ago. ourlp bred roun horses went on towure There fore. if the . truth | cone ernion me eve that a "sn uJ Sil ---- part of muda cince out at} kn who it is that hos Me Apel, re thorough. | tot j probably never bes t the vast att ude Wn ite Midst, und ie va the wealthy und the highly. it wut ya weeor The Money Gueen went a few steps mear- er to bs m "You shal! have from me tifte on. hundred or ww - al iow, and wh: ald pune dingly Whit bred ore '# woul td tint the fis tha 1 tneome of | wo thousand a yeur in Australia, in Syd to bg' and 1 " And tt at Hist im fren: of aeceaing ae you pleage or daplesse e Redes, und on ree wemple ina The firet i by a mo condition is that you breathe no word to! ey Ibucke any living soul of my 't'ue name, or of an of con out previews know'edge of m 'The eee: | own, = pluiniy ond condition is that y Wis to them a won- , y Abs P possibilities of * foriunate wanlen whe pas hl on their Thee The fe you ehat "for a moment, 'put only for' and Re athe = anly a a che « ture . hier y upou thing mite wr box : thuse upu ine ordeal ati 1 huddied to- a her; but the members 1 hey ase urther rudeuc on be 1 _item nea SI ult vo we fouid we ThE?! pyys i of all hort my supporter iu Austral' a, Hoor while appearing 'to be wholly "oe atleo! of me Do you grae " ng, he ser: "Partly," murmured the sine, ur her ly. She cou'd see that mv way reel- | e this ing urder the joint effect of the golden | promise she he'd owt to him and the tbo heavy mead which had follcwed upon dayn.| were arvatiot . ertly de = You will | trick: + tell me aay ching that J don't sea a mt fire } Rive mate Ore nkentios temlled a Mttle ean | ¥ "Ho eome ign | or the fret atuD nail oe 1 thomunded too, haf bee, el rattingg to 4: aM SERRE woe tT te wh & me vent Sop 4 Fing of of Whie aekaeet Re aemnar! Phe Rec st Le z | Hg APTER XVI rat Vou ata y oP eins op " | - * 1 t ie Pasig ek: ERMA ok ONY kes father of} 'V'se brogeht youn moeer to & rae heli Sab the cnrner topreached | a few mering tie Filly the oo Fe all Macready ostentatiously come or what cept that he w trate mil Hitary gover that he had ¢ others a sword n. "Sir Rando ad Iph and my lady are ne her brain reel and her lertig: grow {To be continued.) EROM IRELAND: TO L jeut.-General" 'Macready Proserce Six 'months ago he was the most- infinitely og a siege of Antwerp; conniving at that ter th hana dowed. Hardy and Mere Wier tention: ¢o y Nobbe e¢ in Ulster, in the British army. thing about him and what made him so tremendously un- popular with the was that he refused to- talk This was at the time "King"' Car- son 'was installed in his place at Craigavon:and when cruised off Arran; press at any rate back. 'alais, and a siege of more probable Ulster | ! their tens of thou- sands were drilling, marching and counter- 'marching and "spoiling for This all seems so lon ng, ago, that there is no ng it, more especial- better realize what a hideous, unspeakable thing warfare become certain that} ill anyone dream -of most' criminal e, namely, Civil war. Only a few months ago we seemed: of it. Gun-runni on, and the flower Ister's manhood were aealene with burning In the midst of it very quietly and 'un- imtived in Belfast. | No one knew exactly_why he hadij a position he held ex- as a resident magis- Some said that he was the nor of Belfast; some ome to bring peace, Probably the Gov. it No Seereey About Him. r ear, King brilli ance. Stil was b tenham, aft + Highlanders. Egyptian re broke ont. Hoyal Military College. ame a lieutenant in the Gordon Before he had been | si K.C.B. n, and Iago, Macready, the ac as his wonde la Young Man. orn in May, He erwards going to bels'. lines at Tel-el Licut.-Generat Sir C.-F. N. stan doing. He absolutely refused to be is the most famous actors the Eng- ish stage has ever known and whose representations of Macbeth, King are 'still remembered for their extreme tor, though a man devoted to his family children, diary shows, was a stern discipli- narian, so very likely in his early lchildhood Genéral Macready the seeds of obedience and d pline strongly implanted in him rful had sci- He 1862, so it will be seen that for his present position he is a young man. educated at Marlborough and Chel- was the -In 1881 he a year with the regiment he made | the famous night march across the -Ke- r. After this he did not aguin see service until the South African War He was then early in | the field». being aressnb at the: first | battle of the war, namely, Elands Preckty AOS, LAS, bates proven gt PEROLIN. COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED, ¥8 Adelaide Gtreet West, Terente. ie DISTEMPER 2 remedy. : "A Tad Sake & fer yo Ponltry, nate Uuman Gate i Keep. it. REY Beek CATARRHRL Laagte, where we gained our initial success over the Boers. After this e was shut up with Sir George White at the siege of Ladysmith, and after the relief joined with Sir Redvers Buller's forces and fougns at Laing's Ne Belfast and Ly- ' denberg, well as in many an- other action during this Pe tnage war. He was mentioned i patches both by Sir Gentes: W. hite and Sir Redaars Buller, and for his services he reccived the brevet of lieutenant-colonel, the Queen's me- dal with. six clasps, and the King's medal with two clasps, and after the war his services were retained_on the staff in Sduth Africa. In 1910 he became one of the four directors of personal services under the Adju- tant-General of the Forces, which appointment he held until he went to Belfast. Winston Churchill is a very great admirer o ir Nevil, and this is very odd, as their' characters and temperaments are so.essentially Gif- ferent ; but whether one likes Wins- ton or dislikes him, there is very little doubt but that he has an ex- stimulates. ° Pure sugar is necessary to the health of young or old. Good home- aig candy, stigar on porriiye, fruit o bread--not only pleases bit Buy St. Lawrence Extra Granulated in bags and be sure of the finest h cellent eye for selecting a good man, and it was Mr. <'hurchill, when he was at the Home Office, who first | recognized what an extremely valu- | able man. Macready was and what | Tby E from factory 'to your kitchen. Tags 100 Ibs,, 25 Ths, Cartons § bs., 2ibs. . FULL WEIGHT GUARANTEED. | Ths., 20 Ibs., 2 3 rs , DISTRIBUTORS--ALL WHOLESALE Davaaters durulug her giesttinee: ting 5 tried to draw him,| SPOWN MEDICAL 00. Ghemiste and Basterioiogists, Ceshen, Ind, U.S.A, him but the only information which they | = oe Timo auld a me een ae "ak, | Sot from him was that he idered ee Miss Cheininet eee that bo a -- showing self- restraint. Nevertheless the Ulster- girscion' ad far within her, end. she oe Lg eg red came to the con- "Nobbs, how dare you eay such « thing?| clusion that he not _ on' thei W How dare you even a hint at euch 2 side, but what reason had they for a2 r m ays saying 60, goodness only knows. On one occasion he and two of his staff the Cold = uated Carson. Cc rv ey were duly stopped by gu tect ee mu at the entrance and eventually were ---- orners could forget' it Bat ter the royal pre- /----- "T DECLARE." story's only too true!" sence. What happened at the audi- =F id Mrs. Com- me tho wag in in India! Wie regiment} ence, who 31 aes iby? sai fear sucess for at first time inte ber. tain! fiever told any ybody. Very ') ice "ateret se Talee, mie : :~ | possibly snineuhockay was the maf one : d use "Therie merece oe led lnpatne ~ 'only kind of shooting that was dis- that upstairs room. from India, ot some woman'e beok 'and ot e N hi rai ee nee and now he's somewhere up n_ Lon- ow, this quiet, unostentatious e them--it cer- pag en Mats Nel gh rueue er one wo ve thought tainly was chilly, wouldn't have told you this for the world ould ae hs rag this well-set-u moulin', ba a , é P, and there didn't t at cts {hat you'd) so gon Gay king man, with cl seem to be any wa my lady for a bit Though, if it warn't au rather cold eyes, liked, but it of heating it. Final- for that, my y seems 'appier just | did not, because during the whole ly I got this.P her maid Louise 7 Ou Went away. But! time 'at he was in Ulster no one ace s sha © checked himaclf suddenly, with the} had the slightest idea as to what he' eater ee ay aon on Ag Fated > | was thinking or what he proposed now it is as good as an extra room. With a Per- th toe ioe ine tigate _ ot tine St fection to keep it warm it is perfectly comfortable. man e. In the ance she gee The Perfection can be carried anywhere, where there is need of Hardy oohee , Pe oC id extra heat. In five minutes it will warm any ordinary room. moving or speaking until they came to the ¥ door th . nt, Then com Hardy PE RF TIO § ) a real her r face. He burried to, her r side oe IN ae "What {s the it iF but you, my duing- my me, what 4s KELE HEA tw x Fy den. 0 bold, ao abenlutaty cence <i It is --e soctontings easy to clean and hat Chrietine Dare, mo 0} ae ' tewick, ai rms without smoke or odor. epenklog, by its wonders, agical pae- i t wach alg and furniture stores every- sien, and sweetness, riang! tradema: order that she might eead in his pe | SE Lk Se ee ° on on th Roy an i in eed nour epoken by Made in Canada , or re Ake 7 1 be own im ragination. Had rae she deta Mi YALITE OIL is best for all uses the H e ¢ : wth © cuprree ollie ERIAL OIL CO., Limited remenhering the presence of 'N es | Toronto Halifax _ Montreal v aig ancouver chill, creeping sétapalion, whit! wan ese ot. Solem he = It by bes tacts.he had displayed. during the | PE ns Soha rant : par Tony-pandy and way strike jtroubles, All his life Sir Nevil has | been an extremely keen -- soldier, | has a very strong personality, and | : lis very alert. He speaks with well-|> Great Britain ang pen con- weighed words, and very few of | sume 30,099.000 rab cS : food an } them. --London Tatler. nually. Buy "Empire" Corrugated Iron---It's eae Keep your money in the Empire. Get a vastly better article. Every Canadian worthy of the name wants to help Canada and the Empire ip these wiveons times. One way you farmers can help, and help tremendously, is to buy Canadian and British-made goods. The Metallic Roofing Co., Limited, strongly invites your orders for Corrugated Iron on behalf of their famous "Empire" brand--British-made through and through. Mined, smelted, rolled, gal- vanized and corrugated -withih the Empire and without an equal in the world for rust-resisting _ qualities and durability. We are selling it to-day direct to farmers at the following special cut -prices: ORDER 28 Gauge---$3.60 per 100 square feet 26 Gauge---$3.89 per 100 square feet ow METALLIC ROQFING Co. mited, *, MANUFACTURERS Cor. King and Dufferin Sts., Toronto Freight prepaid_to any Station in Oid Ontario. ORDER NOW Terms cash with order. Wo can also supply Corryzated Ridgo Cap, etc., to fit our sheets. Seme farmers fiiee pom p} aarbed in : foreign- made, In : the old v nion Jack itee Oyr 0 year the poet: that-they canld not tell which goods w Corregated Tron iz concerned, the @ absolutely Tt je 'You'll never Hegre buyin it. ftigh-made goode ang ¢o shou'd you grarantes of aby Uso * rugated astiake st atta Ped atid" a arn. splendid Br: itish. ae Soube ~"Em solute # quare dealin "Empire fron and wliich We gtadty help ycu with economical suggestions tor. any building you are going te pri up. rat uo your apie a --s +e