The Darkest Hour Or, The Hope That Still Lived,- CHAPTER XViII.--(Continued). @erstand wines mist under "No a8 bad news from | stand why! car x a . poor man, low-bern, home," she ained in a low, ay fever- | and ill-bred. 4 have a ban upon me; I ishly' anxious voice. "It ja terrible news ve been in prison; th' a dis lk --worse even n th ec- | Whose brand not even yenra after yeas tor'a murder, which came to ua on that] of honor and saintiness an cotes Can awful night Big h ov from the brow or the soul of my other the on out | the man upon wihocn it has been inflicted. with his regiment to India last year a.| Once a a always a felon, in the wonld's deserter, and ha im: Engla eycs. 1 ow! on. {faltering e to d and is now por London destitute and friend- Ices. 0) ia agony of eacnnies nee in a ¥ an ecd moment of emotion siieg T ae that you t! I can't "be- eve it. wii ear sah Laketd éuffering, I let my bold secret ¢s- hat pret ae have pau re the truth of me--that secret witch I whould have thie riumor, aid it was only bitte en : my tongue ont rather than reveal a rumor, ci 'yon not ves, mi rewumed its' guised ney Saran, he t affaire ig Lre miesed "him, When he had actually gone she walk ed shyness in Nmpieoerco Dart half aid ae face had cr iim idity y, whi a a trained ae: And Brian aie took up ae thread of i's passion yEate speech once mo r thing to be con- eidered--the bittercst of all. Because you f the f join me in ay u ' ant a8 it w my | 62 come and 'al you- Sesein' * our but with eyes those selfish, cal meroenary pees whose minds ree ae on euch advantages--' mly, nevertheless, "Wha es 1 matter what sedate eny her in the matter of the cake | eo me ae FI and mine know the truth other dainties. abou ti you "The truth? "He had ca: en un the word with a gasp. She --oe him "The travh hat unmistakable intent, Little wreaighy ire Brian Hardy with a reee og be meadie. mani eel : pman who stood before her a2 wonderful nba light had = and o & new and etrange one | was pers h ut onee delighted- and = affrighted ant that end to co wie ~d Tyr. te A almost eet in was the mer 1 Who firet broke the hi ak 'agitatic Why do yor care, 0 m ped clear from 1 ne 6. "Christine!" the staire that ate x pce | He had spoken only her. name: that wag The sweet-faced, clear-eye irl answer- aél.. And yet his tone had in it at once} od him softiy and frankly then, without a heaven of trembling dolig und anf hesitation or disguise. agony of pain amd eelf-reproach, and wild, Because I love you even as you love me. bitter regret. ~The girl who nae this |} I shall love you to the end of my .life. nasne which he had spoken turned as ji nt a comunind which she cou ud not dis- CH APTE R ~-- Until now youn are everything tn the world to me," he resumed after ao ome, | men out tryi Z & votes. | Is or f wh os to iy ork woth ue with Mrs. Wineton i me that | wot aid manage s ymehow tind eirengih ne tu le vou ges that you were dear toon i wny other way mn is ym ride ri helper You nu un- The Uplands, M onday "Morning. aun you sore ak have j "Ohristine, id] is have been bold ase ad idienlous, an egrad- to vou one Yeoatd --_ ne rane round d chy egg ' oing good mfont you. have come to a tte a a Md ohne a fost oat thriv e be tter on a vebiraril I : eaigt --_ on ey ant one CLUES oe / te you then thw You know you mu j ou to enter the irom some words | a 40 fs s | in So far a : Pd aye Sees tong + ¢ re concerned, you are wfore that thrice ' ou may as wed me from the i: once for all, and began when I fire expense of writ- 1 your mother in ; figure 28 m igh with = the "and polished grace wUrgjages and --- of hora : as the Rew nut time. ou were once "and of our eae You chos e stra Fe i ! | | fact. pul His hed x er the country "that 1} ' | no Jor ger recognize hay By auy way Un | anine "Ry the way » been punished | through ny children one mi vink i the biggest sinner unhung. Anyhow 1 hope the years to come will repay you sw "that she ws trembling; tré mibling Og und Ronald--I clench m t even a much that ehe moved a backw: write his dastard:y name---for the dis rropingly and unstesdly t reach. ie honor and shame which you have both nearest chair, and eink down upon it: He brought against me. x a began to Pen sey to and fro. "Once for all, I refuse to see you, Yo ee, > 94 Caer 7 oO. 4 i a her. ce cat Shieh aidove for { to. eee your mother: yo weve day that I Tired. an Mice eset a ignature. When Bir Ran: tH now--until n dolph Wis in a fury he knew how '@ hand gripped 1 the corner of the bare} prutal. deat table. She eww that the fingers | Ag ast, stricke: =5 3 KR: was her qui wi! bi ; wae not my sin. It a only @ mist a . . - "Most would say ae there > 4.mnuch ence bs etween the two? Socks cece Rt man' xeioinets far away a6 poes --a is only on this condition that P 6 ¥ be intensified rether than broken by; 3 gently falling on the ériep laure The listtning girl could stand qu by no long) rer, "Mother!" she called out, forg caution » the awell of her desp ment, indignation, and anxiety. g LOUSAN: unde? i She had reached her mother's €' Te, } ad thrown her arms about her. lub socal mother freed ender hold with: siremeth 'which Christine would not thought it porsi may perhaps 'he'p me in this time ote trial, but no man or woman can do CHAPTER. XIX. "You' Hig! got a precious to come f ndon chop ankiing f erth tl you haven't ha ny ence * the country. This won't do, girl; its all very well to be bold think. HY _ , yourself, but you're a bit . bi So ea = man who waé.en ng 4 sistants ran Oxford Street drapery 6 wettiohment when aggie Madtland ~ ertered hie presence ter saart waiting for 2 whole day in @ drizzling 1 h bh for vacant be he ou'l) have to get a proper blacks Y before any 'be oly ge you, should easy it was checky on your part to offer *youraele and | ask for a pluc me Would this te the verdict on where? Maggie aueked herself tits tion with a sore heart and a cold fegr:. her ge ae "They don't want me, mother," the appointed little Maggie said ev eet oO) rare Z laugh at me for asking for a place." Old he Maitland went to the little' nner Tanee Wine ayer ae "Tm so: we laeeic,"" "7, mether, ro u've got be brave. y Rig? of things 'chad aren't*a must want to happen. 18 of work done here--euch a ter You must be 'brave 'and patient ia 4 A some work. I'l] have the hand- of all to-morrow.' th at toanerrow she locked ¥ ind thin and haggard ag ne waudetad ibout from shor »p quest af the beh which she had fount pe difficult ly women with h fi ; experience at thi and with figures like tel vow a and gentle | fps ee might drag their fa-hionable ckints : "mat anne: und jad desert t the thic carpeted sale-roams of ed from he Ammy he beckoning of | i ose PaCS saere to feminine extra- me sachesing wom an a one % ae hie yagar i to bear Nard to a she had been to an agent, and had her thaws cad tite- ehan bie ae lh owe itd at uve ! books. This had the laying ou Winston, who was g eu Wing utilizing 'ewery moment oo erking for those utd so bravely seraved tha last | handing | res "Te is bre ming my he art hriat fine Better Light and fy >)": ess behind the : he f Mm '4 from one tol HM Dares some ore of It herwiee 2 { ¢ sid gently ray the came. Whit E R Os E NE are you folug to do at vul sceing sour mo- rere ; H "T shall try i . aH the < . light 1S best for Chirise ine ot the ere d dguieity, 'yo t a ith ape Mistakhable resol at in her eweer voice. | young eyes and old eyes alike. The Rayo lamp gives you er without «a word = of vo ow that ehe has so mnel to besu ou how wilt you do it, te 6 somchow," t. Th kerosene light atits kn ie c e ' ome how he added lost below her bre best a steady, a" f "peaking on at "© h erne reat rian Hardy, w become the au génerous glow that the' world. whove rigitt ta protect "her wa that of father and her t } reaches every cor- Strong'y. desired to accompany het. cially when he heard that she fner of the room. The RAYO does not smoke or smell. It is made of solid brass, nickel-plated. It is easy to light, easy to clean, easy to rewick, At en som along those miles of it would be better for o go sini: and he had yielded to Wish, "IT could not bear anything to happen to you," he said to her at -yeomngel of r starting. "Remember "that rou life, and that if anything there would nev tiore be ane but darkness for me a ait the wo 3 ¥ The way was tong and the anxiety dealers everywhere. which 'gnawed at her heart seemed to ane hee month oe ag was tired . out when at ieng ehe en wa in Made in Canada ride gate of The Uplands and hur: ried as quickly ay her strength would ad- nit t it portion of the yro ounce upon which the outer door of the, three con- servator] gave access, ' At the end of few moments her s' steps denly arrested by a voice which as ciosé to her as her Ww, 1 thad ARR di iftie arty in getting it; in face, Pe I ae nearly betrayed myself to get jt. he id ) ich. Bat fin oa euc 'aa you wow ca r . ut ave ROYALITE OM bs best for all uses not the = hute odntrol my oney, : -- P who have never been davis! = ; crates ra eavy THE IMPERIAL GIL CO., Limited A ag een d nly or Bag) ogy Heer Bobiax Maatreal _ n their sycs an tn ba eoraet Beate I ir Winton Vv am ruining myself e a there Ty be end ine hin ¥ only a dead woman pa ey memory you will insult. whee | ' down bes de 'hee, watch } read it if you may not urge t j'en her aw long ti me to make up her mind to spend it on a mere chifhe She not afford now to spend a singte penny whose ependin¢ was not absolut neces | sary. Then commenced another wi round of calls, At several ho dismissed her without an jnteee aa ing ehe v 0° ------s entu- | ally ehe we a trial in 5 . dirty, it lit establishme a yn "the subu The lary which she had pounds ye us certainly not, large; \eowas, indeed, nm large as the a sate ady resolved to aes nie. brave. lly. Hardship would net mes the little sister rom falling oe the | ae his rps in the future a day {tant Church ; and although the Eng- 1Pope was sovereign 4 tinued fo the strong anti-Catholic sentiment i itleded to brook the storm of disap- ; proval such a move would cause. : is announced as is being only aiid tha 'mocked and jeered at} | Be eat ar einen, eee m afe ma; t A Alice here only a "haniee: 5 nine years ob aie eee Se Men Oo Seem ope cayenne AIN'S ENVOY TO ROME. ; Howard Representative "at the Vatican. The new Pope, Benedict XV., ¢ no fermal announcement of V. would return to the peice eas and aspirations of Rampol ~The "appointment of Sir Henry ag as envoy from Great Bri- } Pope. To bring about the estab- |- Dificent of direct diplomatic rela- jons between England and the for unceasingly fro ay he entered office ane he left it, when the late Pope, elected and took Cardinal Merry 1 Val to be his -Secretary of te. England has been the great foe doc- 'tablishment of the English Protes- lish Sovereign maintained a repre- sentative in Rome as long as the 'Was unti broken. o' San of the nations of Europe 'which were Catholic--as Austria, ance, Portugal, and Spain--con- or the time being an Am- bassador- atthe Vatican, while send: 'ing igs one to the Quirinal. /Germ. eing Protestant an Catholic, "was finally induced by the to maintain also the two But England Government, knowing out. in the country, could not be per- ir Henry Howard's appointment ; Sir Henry Howard. y, to ommacilais the new Pope | ih is accession, and then to re- main in Rome during the progress ofthe war, But it seems to be gen- erally accepted as an opening wedge for the appointment of a per- manent Ambassador from Great Britain to the Vatican. It is said that the' a alarmed at the prospect of Prince Yon Buelow's preporiderance of wer at the court, of the King of "| Fealy as Ambassador from the Ger- man Emperor, me suddenly alive to the possi- ility of the Pope playing an impor- nt role in the settlement of peace. n this event the allies would have la weak representation in compari- n to their enemies. would com | when ghe would curse her unknown true 1 ps huving brought her into: a and pain, and there aban- his er to his overworked wife hat's coming here paninies of somebody, and couldss whom. But know an portraits of that fool --Sir Randolph somebody's daugh- | | ter, wasn't ft her home an o round tih g the poor, or preaching to them, or poche, Pr of that sort." (To be continued.) * Not Fearing a Rival. Mistreas (to servant) -- Bridget, you remember the policeman who sat in the kitchen with you so late last night without a light? Bridget--Yes, ma'am. Mistress--Well. I met him this af- the opportunity to speak to him, Bridget--Sure, ma'am, ye need not think that'll make me jealous. Poetry is the pastry of literature; prose the corn bread and bacon. Jackson and Johnson are not now on speaking terms. [t all arose as the result of an argument which re- quired some mental calculation. "TI tell you," said Jackson, "that you are altogether wrong in ue ie clusions."' - "Pardon me, not," replied Johnson. Dian! t ra go to School, stupid ?" simoek roam ed his opponent. 'Yes, the | calm reply, "and you Nias stupid." shop. ternoon, and I took advantage of. The Sole Representative. Y He starts Crown Brand Corn Syrup Makes Delicious Candy => Caramels, Fudge, Butter Scotch--ever so many kinds. One small tin makes heaps of taffy, and anyone who has ever tried it knows that taffy-making is heaps of fun! An excellent table syrup too! Sd 2, 5, 10 and 20-Ib. tins MADE IN CANADA Sold by All Grocers > Send for the Edwardsburg Free Recipe Book a THE oo STARCH sala -- ¢ 4 4 Cardinal Fort William Montreal Brantford FAKERS IN THE WAR ZONE. ing to America to try to build new omes and send for families left half-starving in their wrecked na- tive land, but that they are without ~ ------ e $30 of cash sary--to permit them to be admitted to the new country. They usually get about five times $30 from the wealthy passengers. Playing the Pari of W _-- Sol- diers on Steamers. 'A brand new kind of pan-handler| n has been developed by the Euro- ; He sails the ocean blue. bandages on his head and on his He shambles] influx of crooks from the Old World to the New because of the war. With practically all Europe a roar- ing camp of war, it has been de- clared, criminals have deserted the Continent like rats and have come in droves to American ports. age of the big liners going to Amer- And on the way over. he tells pitiable stories of the frightful suf- en the war | brought upon him. Hoe is Pech the a Belgian, for "Unknown Graves. he telling of | - n the steerage and} "J,cee that a good many German fale idem: incest ibe dary are ett he Ton ross steerage stewards, then to the ears} "vin are are a good many more who aren't poi getting a wooden S. class steward, and penenely cross, poor affluent passengers of the deck know the stories. And these affluent passengers, coming them-} Many a girl who thinks she has a selves from the scenes of devasta-' swanlike neck makes a goose of her- ig their whole trip for days hav- | self "Bald heads remind me of kind words." ""Why so?' "They can never dye, you know."' useless or First Financier--They 'tell Higliflie?'s wrecking of that bank was grand larceny. Second Finan- cier--Grand? Ah ,it was magni- ficent ! TEADY POSITION good Rey, aspect vag eee to high gees" are fal eg. show "wounds." With 'rich levueks and an incentive they. will gash their heads, faces and bodies, and then are prépared to stand up for an unwrapping of their bandages. Some, however, have been detected introdwoe an ruc that nedat ae the < t of liv- with surface scratches hugely wad- ha sige oven this Neen: ded with steady, persistent kere ages. | Only e qeaeacd of their story that an always calls out the biggest flow of _ is when they say they are com- The Profitable Link The Simpicx Co., Owen Sound, Ont. and ussia has no formal Ambassa- lor to the Pope. France has bro- Fos off her former diplomatic rela. | pions. Sir enry oward is, the sole representative hf the three countries. Germany has during recent years increased her solicitude for the Pope's friendship, which was offi- gially sealed by Bismarck granting ¢ertain privileges in the Reichstag to the -- ic rty in Berlin when the the first German Additional car- c : to time, so that the German Em- pire has at Lge a strohg corps testantism, and the relationship be- and the Emperor oO is very. intimate. The Duke of Norfolk in England, the premier duke of the realm, is a eed and Luxemburg. ashington, and marri hac Miss . Riggs, the daugh- Between Colthood Selling Time Fi Sage DISTEMPER COMPOUND, It carrice A bchns ~~ yea re or danger from Distemper in its various forma, acta a sUre preventive, 'no me har nw "exposed. nN few "7 "small doses prevent the disease in caso of im np ALL DRUCCISTS. SPOHN CD. MEDICAL. ¢ Chemists and Bacteriologists, Cashon, fi, U.S.A. ' Extra Granulated Sugar is put up at the Refinery in 10 Pound, _ When you buy Heloaihe 20 Pound, Extra Grdnulated Sugar in any 50 Pound of these original packages you _and are sure of getting the genuine 100 Pound , Canada's finest Cloth Bags, | susar, pure and clean as when and in it left the Refinery. C4. It's worth while to insist on the Original Packages. Sealed Cartons ee i W. Rigss, of Washington. She died in CANADA SUGAR REFINING CO, LIMITED, _- - MONTRFAL