Atwood Bee, 22 Jan 1915, p. 1

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E. H. Swinc, Proprietor. Vol. 25. No. 46. Division Court Cases At Listowel. Subjects in the Methodist Church next Sunday:--Morning, "The Wak- ing Church." Evening, "The Parable of the Lost Piece of Silver." * AucTION SALE.--Of farm stock & mplements. Alex. Morrison, auc- tioneér, has received instructions from Faris Beirnes to sell by public aue- tion on lot 32, con. 6, township-of Grey, on Friday, January 29th, '15, the following :--- 1 mare 7 yrs. old in foal to Percheron horse, 2 Percheron colts rising one year old, 7 Holstein Mrs. Hugh Richmond spent the past week at Fergus. i Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blair of Her- scel, Sask., are visiting relatives in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. D. Horn of Red Deer, Alta., called on friends in town Mrs. Jane Graham of town, who has been confined to her bed with a paralytic stroke is improving. Word has been received of the death in Los Angeles, Cal., on Satur- dey, Jan. 2nd., of Mr. James Pelton, a resident of Listowel many years Tuesday eyening the C. O. F. held their annual At-Home in the way of an oyster supper and dance. By cight o'clock the hall was filled and all en-- joyed a. sumptuous supper after which dancing was indulged in until the wee sma hours. Messrs. Porter, Peebles and Hamilton provided ex- Much interest centered in the cases before Judge Barron in Division court on Wednesday at Listowel, the parish hall being packed to overflow- ing. Among those present were many farmers from Elma township who Agricultural Society Held Annual Meeting. cellent music. At twelye o'clock lunch was served. Switzer of this town. ago and a brother of Mrs. Fred '* THE NYAL STORE "' Jergen's Toilet Soaps This i haps a new line to the people of Atwood fb wad pacts who has used Jergen's Violet Gly- last Thursday. Mrs (Rey.) H. McBain, of Tillson- burg, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. McBain, King-st. Mrs. Allan, of Toledo, Ohio, is yisiting with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Coulter, of Newry. The third Canadian expeditionary force will probably be armed with Lee Enfield instead of Ross rifles. Mr. Jno. Cain of Britton, has pur- chased a Ford touring car from Mr. J. top buggy. cows in«calf, 1 new milch cow, 2 far- row cows, 1 sot light bob sleighs, 1 Terms--All sums of $10 add under, cash; over that amount six months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes, land owners as security, or 34 per cent. off for cash on credit amounts. > Clubbing List For 1915. Family Herald with Bee ........ $1.50 1, The annual meeting of the Elma Agricultural Society was held on Sat- urday, Mr. Young Coulter was ap- ointed chairman. The.minutes of last annual meeting and financial statement wero read aud adopted. The question of holding a spring fair |, was left to the directors. Providing at least 20 entries at $1 each enter for a field crop competition it will be carried out by the society. Oats is selected for the competition. De partmental judges will not be employ- were especially interested in the cases of Ernest Krugel vs. the town- ship of Elma and Messrs. Freman & Graham ys. James Baillie. Krugel entered action to recover $19.08 which he paid under protest mS assessment on a ditch award. Evidence was taken and the case ad- journed for argument and judgement. Barrister G. G. McPherson of Strat- ford, appeared for the plaintiff and H. B. Morphy, K. C., for the town- ship. A . . . ; feekly § d for 1915. The following offi . 1 cerine soap will know the quality of the soaps which A. Webber of Webber's Fcrd Garage, andl Adunceke 2 a 'ete alerts! aa af SEND WOE OLINGER vege 7 aie: and Graham, . x this firm puts out. We have'recently added their Liskows!. padian Farm ...sccssssesssseons 1.75| President--J. 8. Cowan. Cita a 4 full line of toilet soaps which sell at all prices. The The dance held in the Music Hall Daily Free Press............2-00005 3.25] Ist Vice-pres---Wm. Morrison. a silo far the dofondaat, Baillie ae Bs following odours*comprise our shipment Rose, Vio- on Friday evening last was well patro-| , | Star, Toronto........ ...... 2.75| 2nd Vico pres--John Ballantyno. the other hand, entered a counter ng let, Honeysuckle, Sandalwood and Heliotrope. nized and the London Harpers prd-| Nows: MeN KS 275 R a on an te claim for $100 for damages on the 4 vided excellent music. orld, 4g hep eeepeosaces -25| Honnenberg, William Struthers, O. ilo ws roper! . These all sell at 10c cake 3 for 25c. Foun.--In Atwood, a sum offen Mal 7 scene 8.75] W. Harvey, J. W. Dickson, Arthur| Constructed, resulting inthe dosteus "4 ; . . any) -- ' ODO, oa twenereeee ene ' EPSOD, 7. i+ LLOFG, W. A. ISKEOD | tion of a portion of his ensilage. Ask to see their new Baby soap "The Miss Dainty money. Owner can have same by|Phe Sunday World, Toronto ... 2.40|and Ivy D. Smith. The lee x emul ci before selling at 10c cake 3 for 25c. A full line of all soaps kept on hand. Don't forget the Violet Glycerine at the same price. E. G. COCHLIN, Minto Tea can't be beat Call and see our new stock real money in every pkg. of pipes from 5c to $3.00. The Star Grocery i) Our grocery stock is complete and all fresh and clean ion - sae : a ah Ea ee ee ere Bide Meat, Bologna, Cooked Ham, Pork Sausage, Weiners and We baye Saltwater Herring, Freshwater Herring, Salmon Trout, Ficnin Haddie, Cod Fish, Smoked Herring, Oysters, Fresh frozen Herring and Halibut. FLOUR AND FEED We have plenty of Milyerton Flour on band and also Five Rose and Harvest Queen and as Flour is bound to advance in price we We wish our many Customeis and Friends a very Happy and Prosperous New Year. E. T. Greensides & Son Phone 5 ep A In meats we have Rolled Shoulder, Back Bacon; Breakfast Bacon {Mf | | l THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE Clothing New Clothing in Men's, Boys' and Youths' Overcoats all sizes. Men's, Boys' and Youths' Suits. Men's, Boys' and Youths' all wool sweaters. Men's and Boys' Winter Pants. Underwear We bave a complete range of all kinds of Penmans underwear for Ladies' and Gents' Boys' and Girls and Babies. In Dress Goods, Flannels, Flannets, Woollen and Cashmere i t and Woollen Blankets our stock is complete. : apas per : Hosiery, Flannet an -_ P public health. Another daugbter_ of Seyenth iza-- Willia nston, ||] Mast any day now we expect the arrival of New 'DowaTro f" Art Mr. Opensizer is reported none too |of Listowel, Elma & Mornington . Produce and Poultry Highest Market.price paid for Butter and Eggs Cash or Trade. Live Poultry taken any day. We supply crates. _W. R. ERSKINE, Main Street, Atwood "Lochhead and J. H. Ratcliffe. Miss proving property and paying expenses. Apply to the Postmaster, Atwood. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA A tea will be giyen by the Patrio tic League of Elma Centre in the Foresters Hall on Tuesday, Jan. 26th Tea served from 5'to 8 o'clock. Ad- mission 15 cent. A local rink of curlers from town gave the Listowel boys a friendly fame last Wednesday on their own | ice, the result of match went to the a Sons Of Scotland Concert. The annual concert under the aus- pices of the Sons of Scotland will be held in the Music Hall, Atwood, on Friday, January 29th, 1915, beginn- ing at 8 o'clock., an excellent program wili be given by the following re- nouned entertainers, Mrs. Fred Temp- lan, Kincardine, graduate of conser- vatory of music, Toronto; Cameron Geddes, famous Scottish singer and piper; Mitchell Jock Grindley, Gue- Iph's famous Harry Lauder; Miss uella McClennun, Auditors---A. M. Sweeton and An- drew Stevenson. Hon.-Director -- Young Coulter, Thos. Dickson, Alex. Struthers, T. G. Ballantyne, V. Schade and Charles Jallance. Lady Directors-- Mrs. Geo. Loch- head, Mrs. Wm. Morrison, Mrs. A. R. Terry, Miss Ella Hamilton and Miss Edith Hammond. The president was appointed as delegate to the Ontario Association of 'Fairs and Exhibition to be held in Toronto on Feb. 2 and 3rd and that the First Vice-president be appointed alternate delegate in case President be unable to attend. twelve and was continued, with the exception of during the noon hour, until five o'clock when the judge left for Stratford. Many witnesses were called and what the judge, lawyers and others in court don't know about the construction of silos and the pro- per way of filling them, wouldn't be worth mentioning. Baillie had witnesses to prove that the silo was not built plumband that instead of being round in cirenm- ference at the top, the opening was about two feet ten inches longer in diameter one way than the other. There was also a variation on the way up which was explained by the iron i visitors by 2 points. WARNING.---It is said that a .ma= 'lignant form of diptheria is near us. Let all who have any sore throat see to it at once. The local board supplies antitoxin frea,--D. A. Kidd .M. De when Mr. Fred Wurdel, of Mitchell, who is employed with Thompson & | Children Cry | FOR FLETCHER'S | CASTORIA A rink of curlers composed of | Messrs. Wm. Holman, Geo. Ander- | son, Herb. Peebles and Art. Harris drove to Listowel on Tuesday of this | week and played agame with a like l visitors were again victorious by | three points. Holman of the Atwood K a j team played a star game for the visi- tors. G | Shortly "after dinner on Tuesday Youn, Molesworth, 96.98 ; C. J..Don- '| "Aserious accident happened on | the 10th con. ofs Logan this week, Lunch wili served from 11 to 12 p.m. after ich all may enjoy a social dance. be ig mR Perth County Makers Again Score at Western Dairymen's Prize winners on cheese. Sec. 1, Sept. white cheese-- H. E Donnelly, Straffordville, 97.15; J. Cuthbertson, Stratford, 97.07: G. J. | Silver, Mapleton, 96.99. Donnelly, Scotsville, 96.99, won on flavor,; H. Hammond, Moorefield, | 96.99 ; Carter Bros., Stratford, 96 08. Sec. 2, Sept. colored cheese---H. B | Donnelly, Straffordville, 97.57; D. enzies, Listowel. 97.56; H. Youn, See. 1, October white cheese -- J. Brown, Ethel, 98.16, Silver cup; . H. Schnelder, Gadshill, 97.65; eo. Empey, Newry, 97.33; H. | the citizens of Atwood were | urried- nelly, Scotsville, 96.83. ily brought to Main-st. by the ringing 'of the fire bell, and it was discovered | | that a blaze had started in the base- | ---- | ment of R. A. Thompson's residence, caused from a pipe leading from the | furnace. Fortunately Mr. Thompson | discovered it in time and bad it ex- | tinguished before the fire brigade ar- lrived. Had it started during the | bight, no doubt a more serious con- | lagration would have occurred. | Qhildren Cry _FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA We regret to state that Mrs. Lay, daughter of M. Opensizer, who was stricken with a severe attack of diph- theria, died Tuesday morning and was buried that evening. The baby a child of two years of age, was also ill with the sama dread disease, pas- sed away Wednesday evening. The Board of health has quarantined the house and. every precautionary measure is being taken to guard the well.---Brussels Post. Don't miss the Literary meeting Friday evening, Jan. 22nd. Subject of debate, "Resolved that to be a citizen of the United States is pre- ferable to being a citizen of Canada." The affirmative will taken by Messrs. Gowdy and Tatham of Listo- wel, and the negative by Messrs. Geo. Thompson of Listowel, will assist in the musical part of the' programme. Come carly and hear the opening chours. Sec. 2, October colored cheese --D. Menzies, Listowel, 96.99: C. M. Fir- by, St. Thomas, 96.99, tie; Geo. Empey, Newry, 96.91; GC. J. Don-] A. Willoughby, nelly, Scotsville, 96.83; H. E. Don nelly, Straffordville, 96 82. ec. 1, September Stilton cheese, 10 Ibs., H. I. Donnelly, Strafford- yille, 96.98; Jas. MacKenzie, Ver- schoyle, 96.33; H. Youn, Moles- worth, 96.14. 4 Sec 2, September Flat cheese--H. Hammond, Moorefield, 97.83; H. Youn, Molesworth, 97.33; C. J. Donnelly, Scotsyille, 96 99. In the Dairy Competition -- So- cond prize went to J. C. Harkes, of Listowel, Molesworth cheese factory ; 100 acres in the farm, eight Holstein grade cows ; 12 P.B., 6 grade, 59,059 total pounds milk; 7,382 pounds of milk per cow. Sixth prize -- H. W. Duncan, of Silver Corners cheese factory ; 100 acres in farm; 10 grade Holstein cows; 68,095 total pounds milk; 5,809 pounds of milk per cow. cheese factory; 148 acres in farm; 12 Holstein grade cows; 67,235 Ibs. of milk; 5,603 pounds of milk per cow. Jeamenoeenctin Ji iecematingeen tess CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears Le TL eR: _|ed Secretary-treasurer. Wnission 50c. Tickets may be se- Mr. T. G. Ratcliffe was ro-appoint- rings used in doing the cement work, Riving away under pressure. The defendant then contended that due to the faulty construction and the -------= | fact that the ensilage dropped per- . ANNUAL MEETING. pendicular an air space at the.two The dates of the fall fair, Sept. 21 and 22nd. 1860 to TC -- Witnesses for the plaintiff conten- ed that the irregular construction of the silo would not cause the §poiling The annual meeting of the Reform Association of Elma will be held in tho Music Hall, Atwood, on Saturday Spare Ribs. #2 ! e Son, bay pressers, was moving a gas- Sh January 30th, 1915, for tho purpose of the ensilage and the argument faa Daisies , ow. of electing officers and transactin FISH oline engine, it upset falling on Mr. , . ast &/ was advanced that the corn was not Wurdell, paralyzing his body. eye eee Chair taken | jn food condition before it was put in The defendant however, had wit- nesses to swear that it was in first- class condition. --_-- ~ -- : - The evidence was completed and the jadge reserved his decision, which MILK DRAWING. will be given at the adjourned sitting }of the court which is to be beld this A meeting of the shareholders and Wednesday prior to the session of others of the Elma Cheese and Butter | the judgment summons court. Jas. Newbigging, Wm. Donaldson, resident. Secretary. | _ the Signature cf Mfg., Co Ltd., will be held "at the! The cases of Messrs. Jack Knipe, would advise our customers to see that they have plenty'on hand | number of the Listowel Curling Club. Molesworth, 97.23; J. K. Brown,| Factory on Saturday, January 23rd,/ Geo. Hodge and the Bank of Hamil- | After ten ends of strenuous play the | Ethel; 96 99, won on flavor ; Leslie 1915, at two.o'clock p.m. for the pur- | ys. J. N. Bartley and the Monkton pose of letting the milk drawing of | Creamery company as garinshee said company for the year 1915 also} were settled unsatisfactorily to the "Tenders for dividing the whey and plaintiffs who received judgment for skim milk at the Factory during the $236 and allowed an offset of SS5 ensuing season will be received up| Barrister Geo. Bray appeared for the till ten o'clock a.m., on Saturday, plaintiffs and H. B. Morphy, K. C., January 23rd, 1915, by either of un-| for the defendants. dersigned. The lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. siesta Mrs. D. Waters is at Wingham visiting hgr mother who is dangerous- ill Geo. Lochhead, ly ill. Sec.-Treas. President. LDS Se For the Quilting Party Quilt Patches Short ends of Cretonne, Ait Saieens, Chintz, Print, etc., se- cured from the mills and frem manvfacturers, light and dirk patterns. Per pound 15c Silkoline The Ideal material for quilt comforter covers. Light in weight but strong, a large range of pretty patterns. per yard 124c, 15e 18¢, Comforter Baths Weighs 3 pounds, size when opened out 72 Inches by &4 ins. the full size of a comforter, all in one piece. Our prics 90c Wool Baths Not the old fashioned heavy coarse wool but a filling that makes a warm yet very light comforter. Per pound 70c. a Sateens that will sell at about 3(c a yard. Feathers Wanted ! We havo an order for 200 pounds of New Go» e Frathors tole deliyered before Feb. Ist. We will. pay 45: Ib. tride for then, Duck featkers 20c pound, tr d«. . . Gowdy & Co., Limited The Store for all the People Listowel resulted, causing much of the ' 3

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