The Darkest Hour Or, The Hope That Still Lived, | tu Ce , emend a large sum of money in buying for hig 'ife first, an Neri: ond . district, Rumble and passionate still the qufering in our gettled life as well A 3 wherein ee, mean or sordid or pain- Jittle dreaming whee it i y owas announcing -- appear. | Earl of Yoxford's gon ent heir, orway wtih a pea Hm and | Which etruck her ae rather brighter t s ae S hor as if he wou! ld hold her back. "Chrie- CHAPTER VI. ) muran, whoever he may be, that wants my ag will find it hard to kili one who tands on e ! } 'CHAPTER V.--(Continuea). mé like thle wWihoui ceune -os OE Sth cauce. But even if it be a0, lm othe! Tt was the mau who broke that throbbing blten minutes, bringing my eart' iw Reger' how ill you look! che cou - aguinet tbe ld ni and suffering! Where | vj); overpnwered he., Lich 60 ¢ eon "today? What were you), 4 H : i p00 g that you could not come here ear- snuen ws ichtie, cilvary aa sooth not » ve a ing a agit chad. - It 'ated 81! be able to think about it '0. 'he i row. " is ae was caused by Christine, Christine, if imdeed ite drunkes father. | mo, tell me now! I caanct ly ei a ife and stabbed nie warn me that I most no "" waie 'until Tew a deep breath, morrow. Tel! me no Ob Bri - what cruelty and misery there are love, why will you not? I never Know 4 this before} of being too ha nen it before--but now ri nS = tI ,am in the midit of it-now that I pls: Wimson had gone ons wen int 5 "to hie She had sunk on to one of the hard.) oie against his as n alarm, trying to rais sunny, rippling hair must make her 1 head and kiss her tear-wet, hid. dcop ven tore heavily toner tine! Cc er Es porealed to worer & and aicknces gat had tried her once to inca my heart? "te 7. 'nef inten ab Taaated egy she came home ex- bres art: 3 as to-ni the thought that I have let!" "gay that our marriage shall be on the t ary. Promise me this, Chr:s- you see sights you shou tino. if indeed you love me.' i and too pppiondap ne 22nd ye Janu poison your whole life. I) ¢hin arms--arma still rounded eon be r > a te her a owe terrible peoroach than any wo banda ag his reck, drew hie. face down © has altered so during olog fow months that it ie hardiy | wi) rr she kissed him e same face am sims which won MY| any more now that I a Te ago, an. noe beauty was Mao clawing when ot Ott ohe asked him in a soft, game 3 and iorued sane with me se my mie waited Ld og ators eave anv Was I who have been the ore. And y r Ups m n cnuse of this chanae! Oh, my darling. my af. n you ever forgive ame? Shall praying inwardly for te guidance in ip ae t'to tell me Ere, in his softly radiant, that the man whom eart concerning me. I told him that he had hiconed with the promise of the rich- might say to me anything that he pleac- | eet gift that a woman can give' i how should he not do eo when he is croet have knelt before me in the f flood 0! n and the man to whom I owe hie passionate devotion od iy ery life, for : od bles now God teach me how to b ected m in and fed and edu.) and pide to make you happy, and how to eaid-- isten, Christine! . love alwaya as you should be loved," --he caid that it nomad $ ohim that Iwas' hoe Any unsteadily i y existe frac that for my Then he loosed his claap | 3 well py for ae, tee her go through the moons ight and across ' ahe » he and preaching. and jheping ce hina hac. He pool may Pe iat sad sald that covered rags. How upright her y . young fig: or me to 6et UP ure was in spi pe of "its fatigue, ' © PEPE gracefully sh> moved! t mere! y of earning a mace livelihood, He eank down o pe to ach up my own personal for-! ang, burying hia head in ine A. time Christine had lifted hes | fF, her e Christine ha ifte ad ene yonder ay st ma a qin to ote og ae wand Re feey answer did you give him?' wad ge " a re hin x answer & fast him, lence of the ten offer," her lover ed *o APTI 'not know then all that Pi ER Ux, eco Tow nothing after ared with wardly, blindly, and desperately to ane the duty which 1 owe to. vou c Christine. | ff in 'the inter'or of the ara oO accept Mr. pole stur-| Singlo glance at her face gece's offer. I am going te, be it for| that something of a very your ake, and for the euke of our love | Must have happencd. Too often during We can help the poor and | the past six months ehe had "a her mo there delice ate face shadowed wi ay f st. Would you like that? Whereas, now----" | "OW nd the sight of it sent through her | j: has almost seem ise you | @nd with anxiety; b o ¢ aw and rest. | fore neon it clouded as it was ' n his words, went back beins the chill of a new vag to where ehe wae gitting and, stooping other!" «he c rie ed ina her again, he drew her tired figure | t*ayed her alarm, "Mother, what is nd held her close against At la moment her eye caught i ri} ure of a man seated at the farther end he ad, the interior o e caravan, moonlight and the snow t outside, more than matched now by tha bales of hich wrapped enchanted palace, ere," she said, foreing ut eal anit could enter, and calamity ts very kind of you to pay ip this Newt now Mrs. Winston an-| Year's Eve visit.' we "You needn't " So © hee come ond is in the cara. |¢ome only to eee you--and . t © eee Christine. She looks | 4ccompany your mother. And now I think alarmingly pale and ill, and her manner } I'll go out and walk up am afraid something | the 6now a bit until you an ve happened. I always have got your business over. the terrible things in life are ai a ge cold outside, elicst to hnppen on a New Year's Eve ul places thece hideous nor are looked in amazement | url of ndon are!~but Winston to Bian. Then gho, thinks she'll get on a -- you sinus he doorway of the tent, | than with me making I had better go alone." whe 6a | ® wont out t clumali, falling a the Brian Ha urdy had rushed to | numerous things t . . choose the day that. 4 man's strides. are ° ehall Lo our wedding dey," he punted. He ™urto h'e going. It was evident that the : yet, and sudden emotion talk she wished to have w had mn ade ea Shan hie weaknecs. "It must ler was of a highly import three weeks' time. Tell me Left alone with i shall be. I have a sudden e pla '2 Ripa ben vim that if I oe not ask you now ndaws on 'one ai never be 'able to ask you again!" ewnat curious sly furnished _ burst into uw storm of eohs Brian Hardy repented ter's whi to tired face hie detaining hand held the equal) y oh and more etoile hag: loved from the open gid face of the delicate, which ehe had been has- ther. whose once charming Photons cad i 1 was very gentle, but at 2lmoet aha from her during the laet ame time firm, witb an iron firmness, few qo aking, Gunny and pae- Motlier, 'somet hing oie Tristine, I have a presenti: pened. , knew it ne e000 his errand of your mother's' face. af father ill? y concern, means gorrow | news senngs o uot know wi | you found } know that the thought | nto my mind, and t | i make me happier, a thou- ' It hee nothin r, ue <€yes, An H ..T wi e , words which will make that for the first timo | in Y her life e it impocsible for any human power to fiinching fear in th us n bi rs rt han at I ¥ yes, :. Uhriatine on say to you concerns yourself, Christine t weet smile peminad tho girl's have arisen whi m con turned it more fully back give up all idea of marrying 1 ht and to hie and ineterd to renew tha , You are not afraid thay Lord Southport which you oe could part us us now?" she eaid 'n_ before, --_ whi rou b -- re nder fine coach, youn acher most unfortunately came e not afraid of that? Why, | toross aoe pat > bese faced asready all the oppoe 'tien Christine loceed her clasp of her peselbly rise up against us, | ther's trenbling figur "4 r t , st you eafe? = that ebadow upon eur =r only i ¥ g ES 2 23 tJ o e ow sf oe A ed | de te rea that danger that? I am think.; There bad beéh a touch ef is the threshold of such joy and | terrible hoar when it marriage with yo will | th than live? on my guard now; h en huw you said to me = ison again, and if he at-/ df lived you.would nev n any other way I shall again?" it is from your Side that the b "No, dear child, I have not forgotten," I am dreading will fall if it ghould| Lady D: ed _ quickly, meant Of couree, I . | what T I meant it keen Heaven thet' it that I have since been trying ge may bby Se your father to regard Brian im and have coms to | man worthy of you. But since then things In the Wake of the War's Cyclone. The picture shows what is left of the once pretty village of Domremy, Department of the Marne, France. ve me." | and iidecenn that <onnd be sure to ioe so-called "National Boies and ithe "rights of American seamen 'to the extent of wishing to see t Dew pha ehaddered at thoughi of the ch a few mo until, at least, that it has een clearly established that the 'Ohristine, only you can save me." The" interfered i by other. Gn the contrary, Pguccngee 8 pro- to Great Bri Bt test to ta spirit of friendship, | and affords no & 5 ® an ppeared fold plainer even than usual. q eless 2 _2e85 : Be is law dnd diplomacy, to women ane mother and "dat 'Christin ne, only you all eave me." 'Wioug Raracter from those cited in the eld a genuine threat of war, ane causus bellus, for the reason at it was then opaety charged that citain a eerecy i in its efforts to de- an 0} peithe shi pping. of the North. is no Buc now existing that eee the a Hees of the Alabama claims ae e dispute that arose out of of the roof did not fall con him. ing per gee of her mother, »jand I am equally certain that Bri- Lor rd Bonthparti How you do? Mrs. | making the interior of the, Winston did not tell mo : {feet sho in its pot to find contraband pee and prevent them reachin no doubt the war fleet has been in- searc | sels suspected of having contraband : aboard, or conditional con- traband intended for the lees Ron er sie it hirestene you even more than | tle place wero unavoidably in. the pon convey ports for disposition, works a very great hardship upon wag weg even 80, I have no doubt that Great Britain is signed to co-operate with AMERICA'S PROTEST TO By Chas. M. Bice, Denver, Colo. an instant, Christine's rege be ~- listog eo oS in el ons re «ped arourd hor, and tho daugh- Perhaps no single incident of the d wis bent ol terest in the two great English-|only a business peeenkans resreandn speaking nations than the protest we y the Uni most in preserving the peace of the | world. That they should forget their friendship and undertake to anitie their business differences by = by too ridiculous for iutele- °"The -- that has elapsed since the treaty of Ghent was signed 100 despatches also indicate that he ~, to do with Ronald? Have . . A the ome _ arousing keen inter- nee Dare. mess an effort to stifle her the is being widely a in the ala" " she anewered ge a. fe lifted hee bk C = vad, meeting of the British Cabinet ms and this morning's papers declare ~ Cabinet near to ---- in To this country asin & certain ovee | class, there is a suspicion that un- Conf might ture heniad a coalition with That these things were not done shows the strength of the bond amo ».| hope that this protest holds a pro- © an rew b mise of war between the two coun- raightening herself to wpris}toees. Tho on Fathers "There i nae quite ® ae ib see trouble, but feats "howler for revenge are generally the last tal enlist when the trouble comes. They glory in trouble and contention, but they want somebody else to make it yaa but the | undying truth is ve this sympathy is rooted in the nic_life of the two great Eng. | They yo of the mole variety of eroes, ever ready to throw bricks Laden concealed om 'eek by the them. America | dence of the new world very conditions that made Eactint a and instinctively she knows that England's downfall would expose [FROM HERR LD mn ; SNEWS BY MAIL ABUT sons BULL AND HIS PEOPLE, Occurrences to the fand- Thal " Ketgns Supreme to the Com- mercial World Thousands of acres of land in! pontiale have been flooded as a re- t of the recent heavy rains. "Gg to the depletion of staff caused by the war, the General Post |Oitices at Rochester and Chatham' are closing earlier now. At Sheffield the sale of intoxicat- ing en is prohibited after 9.30 p-m. on week nights, and 9 p.m. on Sundays in all jicensed premises. The authorities have decided to increase the establishment of the 7th Battalion of the Devon Regi- ment, by the addition of 96 cyclists. The skipper of the Fleetwood trawler Belmont. reports the find- 'ing of arf ivory-mounted set of bag- |Pipes in his trawl when fishing 25 imiles off Barra Head. an arbiter of Europe's destinies, ' Lieut. Louis Van Esten, of the elgian Artillery, who died from wounds at Cambridge Houspital, this entire hemisphere to devastat- Aldershot, was buried with full ing _ from which it might never military honors at Aldershot Mr. T recov Why should the over- sea dees! eracies hate England when every r. Thomas Kidney, a wel. oar Leeds steeplejack, has jusi died a the age of 82. He was the sidest true democracy on the earth finds steeplejack in England and had in England its prototype, its pa- 9 world's record in having felled tron and its strength? And in turn, it may be said with equal truth ae England's strength would not what it is to-day had she not the sympathy and moral support of every true democracy on earth. + the rounding out of ml pes? tury of peace between England the United States finds the fen countries nearer together in politi- cal aspirations and common sympa- thy is a tremendous fact, and por- tends the glory and triumph of both nations. CHAS. M. BICE. +] Daaves, Colo., Dec. 31, 1914. -- A ZOUAVE HERO, He Sacrificed His Life for Beloved Franc 168 chimneys. Mr. F. Sanford Thomas, <eputy coroner for the city of London, has been appointed to command a com- pany in the 7th Battalion of the City of London Regiment, and has been gazetted a captain. Serious damage was caused by fire at the Manor House, Sedgley, Staffs, an ancient a" inet resi- dence. The owner, G. E. Brown, and the servants 'removed the all the valuable furniture to lawn. Mr. George Cronheim, a German merchant and principal of a firm of lace manufacturers at Nottingham, was found dead a week ago at his residence at Nottingham with a bullet wound in his head. A rare and etircing: fneldent of per-|. The Cemetery Committee of the sonal heroism is that recorded !n' Deptford Borough Council have re- a semiofficial er -- out in Parls gommended that a portion of the} onthe 28rd. : "The other day : Belgium, a Ger- man column was edvancing ~ yy a position in the forest of Brie, de- ground on the local cemetery be! reserved for the burial of sailors; and soldiers who were residents of! fended by a detachment of Zouves the borough Our men noticed that before them the. ere is great dissatisfaction: Co Germans forced a Zouave prisoner, among the miners of County Dur- and. at the same time they heard cries riflemen: an OUT ng machine guns posttets ri en art lie German ranks they heard | to them 'shoot comrade "8% per cent. when many -- have enlisted and others are work: : voice of the Zouave prisoner, who ni ing shert time 1 1' ham at the action of the coal own- of 'Stco sae For. an instant OUT erg in : of wing to the large number "of There then flashed out from the local coal miners who have joined meee of the Zouaves a general dis- the colors. there is a scarcity of charge of rifles auu machine guns.) some of the coal mines The fire laid 'ol the ecanliaste of the! Zouaves, and with them fell the heroic soldier whose devotion made it possi- ble for his countrymen to checkmate | the ruse of the enemy. "If the name of the brave man is unknown to th: world, at least his regiment will retain forever the _ membrance of his s acr cy which equal to any of the most famous te stances of personal heroism recorded {n our es neil Woe! Woe! "Growcher is a confirmed pessi- mist, isn't he?' "Yes. Just now ht is woreyirg about hag will bury the last man on ear "Wouldn't you like,"" his mother asked a little boy, "wouldn't you like to give your toy boat to that poor orphan who hasn't any father?' The little boy looked at his toy boat and frowned. "Could we not give him father instead ?" he asked. in the Mendusaine district, and many Belgian refugee colliery workers are being engaged At Southampton Charles Bowden, cartage contractor of Eastleigh, was fined $260 or three months' impris- onment for haying purchased from soldiers a number of army blank- ets, rugs and waterproof shects, the pronerty of the King. The coal, cotton and engineering industries in the Manchester dis- tr that the city council have been asked to pass plans for extension cf over a score of local works to which additions are necessary ow- ing to improved tra Owing to the number of men on war service, the London Fire Bri- ade Committee is experiencing difficulty at the present time in ob- taining recruits for the brigade. It is proposed that 10s. ($2.50) be paid to each member of the _ bri- gade who introduces a suitable re- eruit during the next three months. intestinal worme. D p Actes on glands and hlood Full ri rections avi ach "i, and sold by all drurgete. ° SPOHN MEDICAL CO., Chemists. Cosiien, fad, U.S.A. WORKS "Wormy," that's what's bhe matter of "em. Stomach and bad "6 6you , Near! give. ac follows tions. eatis FOR A NAKIE This is the beautiful new perfume, made ndorsed acd used exclus: vely by é Pauline Donalda, the famous Canadian Prise na. We wan: a suitable name for it, and #0 $400.00 for r the best §0.00 for the best degcription of the perfume 25.00 for: the steond best name 10 'th. ov pr for tho next best drecrip The winner of the opntest will be decided by decieion will be Unal. Should test closes at midnight, Rag Bist, HOW TO Special ¢ Otter :--For one dim "we send one of our 8 Herel eoucaate Bottles of the erfume--r sine icens tho setetcy ia ce Pik ~ Contest ey Pn sinieto we » wee cate m chance t6 win thabig prize RODG ERS, GRAY & STEWART, PERFUMERS 332 BLEURY ST. MONTREAL. wiht $500 1N CASH PRIZES the L pac bes: description, Mon 6 steading advertieius * ENTER :-- To ¢ able every contests 1 a fum Dame' eater. You will be delighted with thr