Atwood Bee, 29 Jan 1915, p. 8

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A 'Atwood Mieat Market Choice Beef for sale by quarter at 11 cts. Killing done for farmers at reasonable rates Cattle handled on Beefring Bases Highest cash price paid for hides. Terms strictly cash. J. M. Smith, Proprietor Phone 11-2 ENR IC f= : H : ATWOOD BAKE SHOP We have choice Pastry each week A variety of canned goods Chocolates, Candies, Oranges and Nuts. Wedding Cakes a specialty WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE Wm. Lambe, Proprietor. Cream Wanted. HIGHEST PRICES WILL BE PAID BY US Test every shipment. Pay every two weeks. Cash cheques at par. Let us send youacan. It will cost you nothing to give us a trial. Call and see us when in town or write us for fuller particulars. REFERENCE, BANK OF HAMILTON. Perth Creamery Co. Listowel, Ont aa Aldrich Bros. Managers ele Beco cbe $s sbece cle cle ale Sacks obe ole abe ofe ol: bale ie Mie ike ie ihe Me i the aie ie he oie ie it ie ea) ; "ATWOOD "SHOE STORE | We doa Large Business and.are : content with small profits SB. BB Be Behe Be Be BeBe cde Bo cBacke cde > : We take much pleasure in showing goods as we know + a ae D tae aie he ry that both the goods and the prices are right. * All rips sewed free. : D. WATTERS : = Main st. bt. £, 5, 2.5, Se abe abe sbecbealle ole ckeckeole ale Bese ole ube obeal cae et ait ie ae ie Bie) ee BF hh ho che So cke cdoche So cheohe che cba sTocBocde cBocke cle che abe Bochecke ckeckeckooke he Locke che che obecteale abe cbecbe ol sfekest. PE Per reer ers on me pevgerererercretersrerrs.: PEE CEE EEE EEE EE EET ETT? Gifts for All : Our line comprises gifts suitable for father, mother, brother, sister and children. The line we show can always be depended upon not * only for Christmas day, but every other day in the year % Easy Chairs, Couches, Kitchen Cabinets, Extention * tables, Buffets, China Cabinets, Secretaries : Sectional Book Cases, Music Cabinets, Parlor Suits, Rocking Chairs Pictures in Frame. -J. ROGER, Atwood | HARDWARE and TINWARE * FURNITURE and UNDERTAKER sarereereoseenbertoeresenttert PEER EEE EE EEE EET EEE Jock foafefeofe 4 twee it ait Yee Ca a oe '. Ce BR ak an ae we hes i bt eee Ce are feeds eobe se Sh foodecfeesbeobecls feofesbesdeobecbeseodeobecbesbodeebecbedeefeobesbetecteat So he Pa cac¥ooke Pair Wie het ie ie Se Oe ae ane Sie ake ae aie ae ate oe le Oe oe ENTER -R NOW 'JOHN KESSO & SONS at the Are prepared to buy logs and to do ; + custom sawing in Atwood. Logs to 1S owe USINESS be delivered in the G. T. R. yards north of the section house. All cus- COLLEGE tom logs will be cut first. Thorough one taught by Com- tent Teachers. a ener For catia address 4 Edwin G. Matthews, LISTOWEL, ONT. GEORGE. BRAY Barrister, Solicitor Notrary Public Listowel, Ontario D. A. KIDD, M. D. Main-st., Atwood, Ontario, Physician, Surgeon Accoucheur, Coroner Executiye Offer of Board of Health Specialties-- * Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases of women and children. H. B. MORPHY, K.C. Barrister, Notary Public Conveyancer Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton Listowel, Milverton, Atwood Offices, Listowel and Milyerton Money to Loan. Annual Meeting Of The | Royal Scarlet Chapter. | The annual 'seumins of the Roy- Scarlet: Chapter of the dist. of Elma opened in Britton L.O.L. No. 677 on Jan. 14th 1915 with W.C. in C. Com. Jobn Illman in the chair. E. C. in'C. Com. John Alford in the de: puty chair and the other officers in their respective places. Four candidates were exalted to the illustrious Order of the Royal Scarlet after which adjournment was made and the companions proceeded to the home of County Master Com. J. R. Wilson where an excellent oys- ter and fowl supper awaited them which had been prepared by Com. Wilson and his estimable wife and for which great praise is due them for the very excellent manner in which the supper was seryed. Com- panions to the number of about forty eight were present and after all had done ample Justice to the excellent repast they again proceeded to the hall and resumed business when the following officers were elected for the ensuing year. W. ©. in C. Com.,; John Ilman; BE. C. in C. Com., John Alford; Chap: lain Com., Charles Buchanan; Scribe Com., W. A. Moore; Treas. Com, R. J. McKee; H. at A Com., W. Glen; Ist Lect. Com., J. S. Ellacott; 2nd Lect. Com., J. Breen; Ist. Con. Com. Morton Lang; 2nd Con. Com., Har- old Willougby; Inside H. Com., J. McKenzie; Outside 11. Com. J. J. Carson. Short addresses were then given; Nor NARCOTIC, Lege ef Old DSU TELITOR Aperiect Remedy forConstipa Worms, ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. FacSimile $.,alure of ZL. e-Eilhan. Tue Cen TAR COMPAKY. MONTREALANE'W YORIC E <At6 months old: by the officers elect and in which all expressed their pleasure at being pre- sent at one of the best meetings in the history of eeu ana Sons Of Scotland Concert. The annual concert under the aus- pices of the Sons of Scotland will be held in the Music Hall, Atwood, on Friday, January 29th, 1915, beginn- ing at 8 o'clock., an excellent program will be given by the following re- nouned entertainers, Mrs. Fred Temp- lan, Kincardine, graduate of conser: vatory of music, Toronto; Cameron Geddes, famous Scottish singer and piper; Mitchell Jock Grindley, Gue- Iph's famous Harry Lauder; Miss Luella McClennan, fancy dancer, Millbank, and W. H. Young, leader of Pipers band, Kincardine, also se- lections on the viclin. Lunch will be served from 11 to 12 p.m. after which all may etjoy aw soci . Admission 50c. Tickets may be se- cured from any member S.0 § ANNUAL. MEETING. The anoual meeting of the Reform Association of Elma will be held ia the Musie Iall, Atwood, on Saturday January 30th, 1914, for the purpose of electing officers and transacting other general business. at 1.30 o'clock. Jas. Newbigging, Wm. Donaldson, President. Secretary. J. CECIL HAMILTON Barrister, Conveyancer 4 Solicitor for Imperial Bank of > Canada. Money to Loan Office--Main-st , Listowel, next Chair taken}. Exact aioe of Wrapper. vontains aoe red lion. ap pesca 33 DOES JC CASTORIA For Infants and For Infants and Children, | Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Use For (ver Thirty Years -CASTORIA THE GENTAUR COMPANY, Haw Yeux erry, fencouraging to see the Capital, Paid-up, Surplus cees hecause, they neglected to cultivate Every young man should Account Start now. A. M. ROBINSON, Ma to Dr. Foster, dentist. LO] --JieOL || _____--____-1¢ Capital Authorized $5,000 000 BUSINESS TRAINING Many men have fallen short of business suc- as they grew in experience, because personal economies train Hit the mind to use capital wisely in business. i EE ey, _) GEHTRAL Clubbing List For 1915. WOZLZY 26 ( SSR ATTORD. ONT * || Family Herald with Bee ........$1.50 tario's Rest Practical Training Weekly be 1.9 S#hool. We have thorough courses Farmers' Advocate..............066 3.3 ahd experienced instructors in each of Canadian Farm .........seseseeseee 1.75 our three departmente. Daily Free Press sr 3.2 4. Commercial, Shorthand and Star, Toronto nexeseed avewes 3.7 Telegraphy. S Nowa; © seissvessesenes 2.75 Jar gradnates succeed and you should World, © sevessccvccnees 3.2 pee our large, free catalogue. Write " al ee eéineieedetean sits 3.75 or Ht at ance * Giptie, " sseessssvensvas 7 3. A. McLachlan, Principal. The Sundae World, Toronto ... 2.40 ey ; a Le iF " : | Bank of Hamillon $3,000,000 3.750.000 habits of economy 1 keep a Savings Jacl Atwood a eS SS SSS IO] New Prints i _--_£ New Shirtings IO] We have still a nice $5.00 many at half price SS =e $5.00 to $8.00 Waists on sale for,. ........... Lice Waists, Silk Waists all on sale at Ladies and Misses Coats Nchinbein's Store Stands for Good Goods . New Wash Goods New Towelling - ~ New Sheetings New Suitings Now is the time to buy your "goods for Spring Sewing 6 doz. Ladies' White Waists, low and high neck, stale and short sleeves, Regs 2.25, Gin Bile iss ivcce: cvessencse: es ceaaes 79 Ce $ 2.00 2.00 Sh some extra mice cout off Big Doings in Furs Never did we show such values in all kinds of Furs Try this store for Real Bargains J. M. SCHINBEIN & SON Tuistoxw7el, Ontario Many lines reg. $15.00 for 'The debate in the Music Hall last. Friday night pplied by local = Bach Miss Thomson of Listowel. next literary meeting will be ial on Friday evening, Feb. 5th, and will be arranged for by Messrs. R. A. Thompson and A. R. Terry. Bank of Hamilton In Strong Position. This year when Bank Statements are being eagerly watched for as indi- cations of the country's welfare, it is strength shown by our local banking institu- tion--the Bank of Hamilton. Over 8 million dollars of its assets are in the form of cash on hand, bal- ances in banks, etc., and form 23 per cent. of its total obligations to the public. Such a conservatiye policy has had the effect of slightly redu- cing profits, but the wisdom of this action on the part of the Bank of Hamilton must be apparent to de- positors, borrowers and shareholders alike This Bank, while continuing to ex- ercise caution in its lendings, is able to state that its old customers have received the necessary business pur- poses. An interesting note in the report referred to, is the Statement of inde- pendent auditors, which is required by the new Bank Act, and which is operative this year for the first time. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dunn Celebrates Golden Wedding Golden years, born of right living, of thankfulness and patient giving Lead but to happiness:& joy sublime In the beautiful age of life's win- tertime. ---Verna Gates Hosfelt And so it is that one of Rialto's 5| most estimable and lovable couples "beautiful age of More than one has :reached that life's ' wintertime." 5| hundred and fifty friends gathered at the- pretty home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brimmer in Riyerside Avenue last Saturday afternoon to honor Mr. and Mrs. William Dunn, who were passing the fiftieth anniyersary of their wedding day. at bag the rooms aatves especially to the prise decoratiye scheme which had been planned. Great fluf- fy chrysanthemums peeped their yel- low heads through feathery aspara- gus plumoses from the fireplaces, pi- ano, and chandeliers, while large branches of bamboo grass draped with the yellow blooms formed a background forthe honorees and Mr. and Mrs. Porter Brimmer, who assis- ted them in receiving. Mr. and Mrs. Brimmer have been wedded sixty-two years. Mrs. Dunn was handsomely gown- ed in black silk with beautiful lace at the neck, while her life's: partner looked the part of a happy groom of fifty years in an elegant suit of black. Happy felicitations and congratula- tions were heaped upon them by the scores of friends, who then mingled in merry conyersation before -being ushered to the dining room for re- freshments. The dining room table was resplen- dent in its white damask and great centerpiece of yellow blooms from which graceful bows of tulle floated at will. It was here that the Misses Mary and Margaret Dunn of Hunt- ington Park, Edna Mae Winslow, and Pauline and Susan Welborn presided oyer the delectable collation which was seryed buffet style. Each guest was presented a tiny golden ribbon bow as a souvenir of the happy oc- casion. Many beautiful gifts were received being a purse of gold which was most fittingly bestowed upon them in be- half of their many friends by the Rey. G. F. Mathes of the Congrega- tional church. A feature which was greatly appreciated by all present and one which has formed a souvenir of | the delightful anniversary that will become an heirloom in the family | was the writing of each visitor's name in a guest book before his departure. Vit} This will afford Mr. and Mrs. Dunn | the pleasure of living over the happy i eyent many times in future years and i! will be the source of endless enjoy- ment for them. was a purse of gold from friends in the First Presbyterian church of Sau are members. This handsome token ~ of love and regard was bestowed up- on Mr. and Mrs. Dunn by Rev. Alvin Fessenden, who made a splended ad- dress in presenting the gift. Mrs. Brimmer was assisted 'lin caring for the guests by Mrs. Ar- thur Brimmer, Mrs. Geo. Dunn, Mrs, 'Thomas Dunn and Mrs. Gray. ee was indeed Sitine that thia gol- Id celebrated " by Mr. and Mrs. Dunn, among them- Bernardino, of which the honorees » and entertainment i held ed Among the many gifts received -- 4

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