Atwood Bee, 5 Feb 1915, p. 1

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* ery, 1.6 ry : "witty fertilizer A tte chaiens, 7 foxdn LISTOWEL. Listowel, Jan. 830.--There died in Listowel on Thursday, Jan. 28, Flor ence Fletcher, adopted daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Matthews, in her 15%. year. The funeral will take place Saturday afternoon from the residence of Mr. Matthews for fair- view cemetery. The skating party and band con- cert in the rink, Thursday night for the benefit of the hockey club was a great success. i. Mr.and Mrs. J. M: Schinbein, left Monday on a four months trip to Pasadena and San diego, Cal., they will also visit the Panama Exhibiton before roturning. Leonard tremain, the ten-year-old son of Mrs, Andrew Tremain, broke his lef¢- arm, while~playing*in the basement of the public school during the noon hour. AUCTION SALE. Alex. Morrison, auctioneer, has fe- ceived instructions from Wynne Price to sell by public auction on lot 20, concession 8, Elma, on Tuesday, | . February 16th, at 12. 30 o'clock the}. following : 1. reg.,mare rising 4 yrs. sup:-in foal, 1 mare rising 4 yrs. sup. in foal; 1 horse- 7 yrs, 1 filly rising two, 2 Holstein cows, fresh, 1 Hol- stein heifer in calf, 1 Jeysey cow with calf, 1 Durham cow due Mar. 25, 1 ped. Ayshire cow due Mar. 8, 1 ped. Ayr. bull, I Théro. Durham bull, 8 months old, 5 Ayr. heifers rising 2 in calf, 1 Durham heifer rising 2 in calf, 14 Grade.Durham calves, 1 sow with 10 pigs, 5 young sows in pig, one purebred Tamworth, 1 purebred Tamworth boar, 100 hens, about 200 bushels.oats -and:-Barley, quantity of hay, iii and green féed. Machin- ft, Noxon shibaer, a 5 ft. Ay av-Hatrif bin =; 10 hoe drill, 1 cultivator and seeder, I set harrows 5, 1 Bissell disc, 1 roller, 1 two-furrow plow, 2 Fleury No. 21 plows, Manure spreader, low down, 1 scuffier, 1 Massey- Harris corn cultivator, 1 wagon, bhy rack, 1 sleigh, 1 cutter, lawn mower, 1 buggy, new light wagon, stoneboat, wheel- barrow, 2000 Ib. scale, Sanitary churn, fanning mill, DeLaval separa- tor, 2 sets double heavy harness, milk cans, forks, shovels and num- erous other articles. Furniture -- range coal or wood, cook stove wood, heater wood, bedroom suite, chairs and several pieces of other furniture. Terms--All sums of ten dollars and under, cash; over that amount eight months cpedit will be given on furn- ishing approved joint notes, land owners as security, or six per cent. per annum off for cash on credit amounts --WYNNE PRICE. McPherson-Freeman. The marriuge of Miss Oliye May Freeman, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs. Joseph Freeman of Walk- erton, to Mr. W. G. McPherson, of West Monkton, was solemnized at the bride's home at high noon on Wednesday, Jan. 20, Rev. Thos Wilson officiating. There were no attendants. The bride who taught school for a time in Monkton an later in Wiarton, was the recipient of many useful' presents which in a measure testifies the esteem in-which she is held. The bride who was un- attended wore a gown of charmeuse veiled with ninon with pearl trimm- ings and carried a boquet of bridal roses. The young couple left on the afternoon ©. P. R. train for To- ronto and other points, after which they will take up their abode on the groom's splendid farm at Monkton. Children Cry CASTORIA Children Cry Py: rieteneR oe IA oni dren Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA CASTORIA For Infants and Children in Use For Over 30 Years Al bears Signature of d FOUR ENGINES OFF BETWEEN AT- AGRICULTURAL MEETINGS. Two Agricultural Meetings in con- nection with the campaign for Pa- triotism and Production will be held in Perth County at St. Marys Town ek February 9th, at 3 p.m. and 7.80 p.m. to be addressed by Prof. C. A. Zantz, B.S.A., Experimentalist and Prof. Geo Day of ' Live Stock Agricultural Dept. 0.A.C. Guelph. See = "Farm Crops" and "Live ry Listowel on February 10th, at 3 p.m. and 7.30 p.m. in the Music Hall. Frank Hern, Chief Dairy In- structor of Western Ontario, and Paul E: Angle, B. 8S. A, Agricultural Representative, Norfolk county, will give addresses on 'Farm Crops" an "Live Stock." The above speakers have a proyin-' cial wide reputation as specialists and should be heard by everyone anxious to help the Empire in the present world wide struggle. Everybody welcome. Local speakers in addi- tion to the above will also take part. ' METHODIST CHURCH * The. Quarterly Meeting: will be held Sunday morning at 11 am. when the Lord's Supper will be ad- ministered. All the members are re- quested present. At 7 p.m. the Rev. D. W. Snider, secretary of the Lord's Day Allidnce will preach in the interests of His worth. Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock the Quarterly Board will meet, after which tho Trustee Board of the church will convene to take final ac- tion regarding the new church. Afternoon service on Sunday at Donegal is withdrawn. There will be service at 7 p.m. The partor will conduct the service. x Friday Night of last week was the annual concert given in the Music Hall by the S. O. S. of Atwood. The attendance was Jarge and the pro- gramme given was varied and of high class, each number receiving a hearty applause. Following are the persons who took part. Selection on the Pipes, Mr. Young; Chairman's address; Song, Mrs. Tem- plar; Selection on Violin, Wm. Robb, Jr.; Song, Mr. Geddes Mitch- ell; Dance, Luella McLellan; Ad- dress, John Davidson, Dis. Deputy; Song, Mrs. Templar; Sword dance, Miss Luella McLellan; Song, Cam- eron Geddes; Selection of Violin, Wm. Robb, Jr.; Song, H. Porter; Sai- lors Hornpipe dance, Miss Luella McLellan; Song, Mrs. Templar; Pipes, Mr. Young; Song, Cameron Geddes; Mr. Geo. Lochhead acted as chairman. God Save the King. At the conclusion of the program a lunch was served after which dan- ciog was indulged in until the early morning. Storm Caused Havic With The Railroads. WOOD AND LISTOWEL -- THREE MEN HURT--PASSENGERS IN THE COLD FOR FIVE HOURS. On account of the bad storm on Monday night which put the express trains out of business, caused this week's issue to be late as our aupply of paper had not reached us when the express due here at 8.27 p.m. ran off the track, a mile west of Lis- towel, the three coacbes and two en- pines being completely off the track, also an engine in the yards at Listo- wel was off which blocked the traffic. Fortunately no person was killed al- though one of the engineers had sev- eral ribs broken and the passengers shaken up. Mrs. Alex. Wilson of days this week at Toronto spent the week-end with Mr. and) Mr. Nesbitt Hamilton arin a few Mr. and Mrs. Bride, of Feiduacidenal Mrs. C. Ersman. 1 take pupils in piano. and organ moderate prices. Calgary after spending the past week at his home, 12th con. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bilakie, Glanworth, are yisiting with Mr, ané Mrs. Geo. Hamilton. 'Mr. Hugh Porter had the interior} of bis tailor shop brightened with a hy coat of paint and papered. Miss Mable Raines, of Listowe was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ja Robb, 12th con. over Sunday. Mr. Geo. Anderson is at Harriste this week attending the bonspiel. He is playing with a Listowel rink. Mrs. Crooks of town and Mrs. Tie Hummason of Listowel, are yee E relatives at Fairview and Hi Stringent measures are being ad opted to eradicate smallpox on tis Six Nations Reserve, near Brantfo The Union Church, Grey, will hold their anniversary services of Sunday and Monday, we 28 and March lst. Rey. E. Armstrong of Essex, the adie' pastor wil preach at 10.30 and 7 p.m. A good supper and program will be given, particulars later. One of the neryiest pieces of catth thieving yet heard of was reported & the police at Guelph last week 6 Mr. Robert Holman living on th York road, about: fouf miles from city. When he went to his: the morning he found: that one choicest heifers had been k dressed on the prem ai 9% ng the of al on the be Arrangements have esis © es whereby the ordinary rate. of two cents per ounce applicable: to all let- ters sent from Canada to the United Kingdom, will apply to letters ad- dressed to British. and Canadian troops on the continent. "The rate on ordinary letters from Canada for the continent is five cents for the first ounce, and three cents for each sub- sequent ounce, so that this extension of the two cent an ounco rate to let- ters addressed to our soldiers on thé continent, is a decided reduction in favour of correspondence going to the soldiers. In the informal and fraternal man- ner for which the directors and offi- cials of the Millbank Cheese and But; ter Mfg. Co. Limited, are famed thty presented their late secretary and fél- low director W. M. Young witha fine gcld headed cane suitably: ih- scribed. The recipient of the beau- tiful souyenir expressed his sincere thanks, - 'coupled with the hope that his successor in office, Mr. Grieve would handle a still larger output in 1915 than the unprecend- ented one of $54,572 in 1914. ec d with friends at Donegal. Miss Muriel Roe is prepared tojy eon, af on Saturday, February '6th, Mr. J. D. Love left on Monday fo: f t - A wing has been added to St. offouis Roman Catholic Church at }proving property and paying expenses. The en engaged to teach in Whitefield @ebey recently purchased from Mr. three Wintors ago.-- | Vice-President, "J. O. Hardie; Mr. Thomas B: Tackson of near bia is visiting at the Parsonage, > Diep. --In Elma, on Thursday a 4th, 1915, James Donald, oD, in his 83rd year. Funeral will ye the residence of Jas. Donald- f past two o'cock for 'Elma Pentre Cemetery for interment. Ser- fice at the house at 2 p.m, 'faterloo, costing $30,000, which Poubled the capacity of the church. FouND.--In Atwood, a sum of money. Owner can have same by bpply to the Postmaster, Atwood. Miss Y. Leitch, of Cranbrook, has hdol, Grey, for $625 a year. The beople of Section No. 11 have se- pured a most competent teacher. /Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Peter have noyed from Hamilton and are get- ing settled in their new home which Jas. Donaldson, Sr. Died.-- At London, Ont., Eliza- beth McEwan, beloved wife of Mr. Wm Scott, of Monkton. The funer- took place on Wednesday after- noon to Elma Centre Cemetery. "Milt " Struthers, according to the Hanna Herald, was the star player in a hockey match played there re- pently. No doubt" Milt" pulled off ome of his famous zig-zag rushes twhich delighted the hockey faus of Post, Watrous. Mrs. I. A. Edgar, of Wroxeter, $ ~AtLUT 'held their annual meeting on eves afternoon in the Music Hall, Atwood, when the following of- ficars for the ensuing year were elec- ted President, Hy. Rounenberg; 1st Vice-President, J. B. Shearer; 2nd 8rd Vica-President, Walter Inglis; Secre- tary-Treasurer, John Ballantyne. LISTEN! Evry body get into der evryday clothes and kum oudt do der LITERARY /FRIDAY NIGHT February 5th and listen to der Not Bashtful Blows Kum early and get 10c wort of re- served invitations if you vish do see der whole of der oxcidement. HANS SWACKELHAMMER } MICHAEL MURPHY) Managers. a For February Fair Day Friday, February 5th Factory Cotton 5c Yd. 33 inches wide. No its not as good quality as we have sold for 10c or 12hc, but it is the best 5c factory that we have scen in ten years. Bleached Cotton 7c yd. 86 inches wide, bleached white as snow, would be splend- ed yalue at 10c yd., on 8 Fair Day 7c yard. town was o passenger and was slight- ly injured. Wednesday noon two engines, a snow plow and caboose came to grief just one mile west of where the accident happered on Monday night, one engineer and fire- man was hurt. The hockey team of Atwood played two exhibition gamee last week with Brussels and Monkton, meeting de- feat in both games by a close score, Grocery Bar- gains for Fair Day Beg Horn Salmon every can guarante 10c Canned Peas, Corn 3 for 25c Teal S Y The biggest bargain of them™ all, Black, or Japan Green pound Not more than $1.00 worth to each customer. We bought cotton at the right time! other extraordinary values for you at 8c, 10c, 124c and 1dc, either bleached or grey. Gowdy & Co., Limited The Store forall the People Listowel wich and Howick friends. physician, who is alleged to haye murdered @ woman and buried her remains in the cellar of his house in Tamworth, will be tried before Mr. Justice Sutherland and jury at Nap- anee. 'The date of the trial being set for March 2nd. . | ™_ Mr. McBride is visiting with Ford-|' Jas. Harkness, a well known Wal- lace township farmer, drew from Molesworth Cheese factory in 1914 from 8 cows, Holsteins, $661.52. One cow in June gave no less than 1,900 Ibs. of milk. Mr. Harkness feeds three times a day. At the Dairymen's Association he was awar- ded the silver medal for. the. largest yield for the season. ; SER FD "THE NYAL STORE " Cough Remedies All guaranteed or money refuiided Dr. 0. K. Robinson, the young Syrup of Linseed, Licorice and Chlorodyne Unsurpassed for Cough, Colds, Bronchial Irritation. Price 25c a bottle. Syrup of Cod Liver Oil and Tar This is our special 8 oz. preparation for colds, ent. ghs, etc. We are surprised at the great regults this medicine has obtained, as daily we are asked for this preparation recommended by someone else who has tried it. Try it the next time you want a cough medicine. Regular price 50c, our price 35c. E. G. COCHLIN, ee | =| "| QaaSsaasSsSs Ss Call and see our new stock of pipes from 5c to $3.00. SS SS Minto Tea can't be beat real money in every pkg, | | The Star Grocery i \ ux grocery sos is ssosselete 8 and all fresh and clean }j i i{ In meats we have Rolled Shoulder, Back Bacon, Breakfast Bacon Side Meat, Bologna, Cooked Hain, Pork Sausage, Weiners and Spare Ribs. FISH We baye Saltwator Herring, Freshwater Herring, Salmon Trout, Firnin Haddie, Cod Fish, Smoked Herring, Oysters, Fresh frozen Herring and Halibut. FLOUR AND FEED | 4 We have plenty of Milyerton Flour on hand and also Five Rose and Harvest Queen and as Flour is bound to advance in price we would advise our customers to see that they have plenty on hand We wish our many Customers and Friends a very Happy and Prosperous New Year. E. T. Greensides & Son Phone § Clothing New Clothing in Men's, Boys' and Youths' Overcoats all sizes. Men's, Boys' and Youths' Suits. Men's, Boys' and Youths' all wool sweaters. Men's and Boys' Winter Pants. Underwear We have a complete range of all kinds of Penmans underwear for Ladies' and Gents' Boys' and Girls and Babies. In Dgess Goods, Flannels, Flannets, Woollen and Cashmere Hosiery, Flannet and Woollen Blankets our stock is completo. Produce and Poultry Highest Market price paid for aes } é supply-crates. Cash or Trade Live Poultry taken any day. . W. R. ERSKINE; & one 1. Main eet: Atwood | RIT FF ES CF CFOS I

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